Economy Business Banks №4(25)





Marina M. Butakova

PhD (economics), Professor of the Department of entrepreneurship economy and marketing, Altai State University, Barnaul. E-mail:

Olga N. Sokolova

PhD (economics), Professor, Head of the Department of Management, business organization and innovations, Altai State University Barnaul. E-mail:

Innovative entrepreneurship in the context of economic interaction of competitive regions


Subject / Topic  The subject of the study is innovative entrepreneurship in the regions of the Siberian Federal district (SFD) of the Russian Federation.

Goals / Objectives The purpose of the study is the development of theoretical approaches to determination of the effect of innovative entrepreneurship on the processes of economic interaction of the regions. The objectives of the study are: the  analysis of the level of development of innovative entrepreneurship in the regions of the Siberian Federal district of the Russian Federation in 2015-2016, ranking of regions of Siberian Federal district on key indicators of development of innovative entrepreneurship, the definition of the role of state support of innovative entrepreneurship in the improvement of the regions’ competitiveness.

Methodology The methodological basis of the research were the works in the field of regional economy, innovative entrepreneurship, government regulation of the economy. For the analysis of the development of innovative entrepreneurship in the SFD, the authors have used the methods of economic and statistical analysis, based on the official statistical data (Goskomstat, 2015 – 2017).

Conclusion and Relevance After consideration of theoretical approaches to the determination of the effect of innovative entrepreneurship on the processes of economic interaction between the regions, the authors have come to the conclusion about the expediency and the necessity of intensification of the sphere of small innovative entrepreneurship, and the use of diverse forms and instruments of state support. Analysis of the level of development of innovative entrepreneurship in the regions of the Siberian Federal district of the Russian Federation in 2015-2016, ranking of regions of Siberian Federal district on key indicators of development of innovative entrepreneurship have led to the conclusion about a significant differentiation of regions’ level of competitiveness, which may hinder the participation of certain regions in the effective economic cooperation within the Siberian Federal district and Russia as a whole.

Keywords: innovative entrepreneurship, small innovative enterprises, state support, competitiveness, economic interaction of the regions.



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Evgenia L. Moreva

PhD (econ), Associate Professor of the Department of Corporate Finance and Corporate Management, Finance University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow E-mail:

Intellectual resources and problems of their development under the economic policy


Subject / Topic The subject of the study is the elaboration of the economic policy with respect to the complex of economic intangibles actively used in the modern economy to enable the competitiveness, growth and development of  firms and organizations.

Goals / Objectives The aim of the study is the determination of the current state of economic policy towards the intellectual resources and the basic reasons for its weakness, despite the importance of development of such a resources for the modern economy

Methodology The methodological basis of the research includes the implementation of general scientific methods of research, including the system and logical methods, as well as particular scientific methods such as economic content analysis, economic comparativeness, etc.

Conclusion and Relevance As a result of the research the conclusion was made about the weakness and fragmentariness of the policies realized towards the intellectual resources, the most significant reason of which is the characteristic features of the intellectual resources as an object of management.  These features have the intangible character and heterogeneity which complicate the perspective of forming а harmonious system of such recourses and identifying its basis, the impact over which would move the whole system.

Key words: intellectual resources, innovation policy, industrial policy, intellectual resources development policy, knowledge management, Individual Performance Management, business – model


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Alexandr A. Gershanok

Candidate of economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Management, FSEI HE «Perm state national research University», Perm. E-mail:

Alexandr M. Elokhov

Candidate of economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Management, FSEI HE «Perm state national research University», Perm. E-mail:

On the external evaluation of target programs


Subject/Topic In the article the analysis of the current situation and the main methodological approaches to the assessment of the implementation of target programs as instruments for introduction and financing of the strategies for socio-economic development was performed. The necessity of assessing the effect of implementation of target programs as the basis of analysis of the effectiveness of relevant decisions and their impact on the dynamics of development of territorial-industrial systems was proved.

Goals/Objectives Improvement of the methods for assessing the effectiveness of target programs and their impact on the socio-economic situation in the city and the region.

Methodology The sphere of corporate governance was the primary basis and introduced the methodology of evaluation in the sphere of state and local self-government. The essential provisions of the methodology for assessing the impact of target programs are: a clear understanding of the origin of the effect of target programs, improving the quality of life rather than standard of living, and the collection and analysis of data to calculate the effect of target programs on the basis of integrated system of statistical indicators. Surveys are used as a tool for data collection and analysis, aimed at calculating the utility corresponding to a specific social effect. Based on the evaluation of the effectiveness it’s possible to define and apply in practice specific indicators of the performance of the program.

Conclusions and Relevance In Russian practice, target programs are evaluated taking into account the degree of achievement of their goals, the development of planned funding, the impact of changes on performance indicators. Despite the information content, these types of assessments are internal and do not reflect the impact of programs on the socio-economic development of the city, region and country. Therefore, the “internal” analysis of target programs requires that they should be supplemented by “external” evaluation methods.

Keywords: target program, assessment and monitoring of implementation of the program, types and indicators of assessment of the programs, techniques of external assessment.



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Taliya K. Usmanova

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor of the Department of Management, Institute of economic forecasting of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Chief researcher. Е-mail: 

Pavel V. Trifonov

Ph.D. Associate Professor, Management Department, Finance University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow. Е-mail:

Trends and prospects of development of tourism


Subject/Topic In the conditions of integration of economies into the global economy, the development of tourism acquires special qualitative and quantitative characteristics. The sphere of tourism all around the world has a tendency to growth, a positive dynamics of tourist services development is observed. Tourism meets the interests of national welfare and well-being. In the world practice there are forming different models of tourist clusters. The development of tourism in the world has a specific character, as the tourism is a significant indicator of economic development. The Russian Federation has a considerable potential for the development of tourism. However, not all opportunities of tourism industry development are used in the Russian Federation.

Goals/Objectives The purpose of the article is a qualitative and quantitative rationale for the tourism development in the Russian Federation, as well as identification of prospects of development of tourism in the world and justification of opportunities and tendency of growth of the tourism industry in the framework of changing dynamics of the tourist services.

Hypothesis Tourism industry in the Russian Federation has a high potential for the development and elaboration of new directions of development of business in modern conditions.

Methodology The methodology of the study is based on the methods of dialectical research, economic analysis, forecasting, situational and systemic analysis, expert assessments and analysis of empirical data.

Conclusion and Relevance The work reveals possible prospects of tourism development in the conditions of its weak development in some regions of the country. Tourist community provides business development (B2b), contributes to the solvation of the range of important social and economic problems in the sphere of employment, economic growth, development and improvement of the quality of life of society and cultural development, increasing social responsibility of business. Effective management of the tourism development projects will allow to increase economic growth and welfare of the country’s regions. Russia has a huge reserve and opportunities for the tourism development in the regions. However, though there is a considerable potential for tourism development, not all opportunities for the development of tourism industry are used in the Russian Federation.

Keywords: tourism industry, business development, innovation, new tourist services, planning, forecasting



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Natalia E. Sokolinskaya

Candidate of economic Sciences, Professor, Department of Financial markets and banks, Finance University under the government of the Russian Federation, Moscow. E-mail:

What has shown the analysis of banks’ capital according to IFRS

Subject/Topic In the article the capital indicators of 10 large Russian banks based on the reporting prepared according to IFRS requirements are analyzed

Goals/ Objectives To reveal the main differences of the reporting on capital made according to the requirements of IFRS and RAS, to define key merits and demerits, on the basis of the performed analysis to formulate a circle of unresolved problems and to find the ways of their overcoming.

Methodology The research is made on a basis of the analysis of financial statements of the large Russian banks registered in the National register of financial statements, base of  Integrated reports in the Central Bank of the Russian Federation registered on the website of the International Basel committee on the integrated reporting, on materials of  Skopus  database system.

Conclusion and Relevance 1. For the considered period among the analyzed ten large credit institutions of the Russian banking system in 7 banks or in 70% of the considered credit institutions the increase in capital according to the reporting under IFRS is observed and all of them meet capital adequacy ratios according to the International requirements of Basel-3, except three – VTB Bank of Moscow, Gazprombank, Rosselkhozbank. The reason for the reduction of capital in cases of VTB and Gazprombank was the factor of currency revaluation, and Rosselkhozbank has an unprofitable activity. 2. However, at the same time the negative tendency of lag of growth of the capital from growth of the total loan portfolio is revealed. This is a bad tendency in connection with the expected increase in the extent of risks connected with introduction of the IFRS No. 9.3 from 01.01.2019. Almost in a half of the analyzed banks the decrease of profit can be observed: BMB bank, Alphabank, Bank FK Opening, Unicreditbank, that can result later in the insufficiency of the size of fixed capital of the bank 4. Data under IFRS and under RAS differ as a result of different approaches to accounting. IFRS implies more strict approach. It makes necessary further convergence of the reporting under IFRS and RAS and introduction of obligatory analysis of the capital of commercial banks according to the reporting under IFRS.

Keywords: reporting under IFRS, reporting under RAS, capital of  the bank, indicator  dinamics, analysis, profit of the bank, capital increase.



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Vladislava M. Poletaeva

PhD in Economics, Senior lecturer at Financial markets chair, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow E-mail:

The task of optimal conditions of bank-and-government partnership in credit-and-investment sphere agreeing


Subject/Topic Dealing with certain problems of Russian economy development, decline of various external factors (including economic and geopolitical) impact and securing its sustainable growth and development among others requires significant increase in economic subjects’ credit-and-investment activity. The author considers programs of bank-and-governmental partnership as the advanced alternative to banking crediting, which is not developing in Russia for several reasons.

Goals/Objectives The goal of the article is to make description of the task of corporate loans, issuing within bank-and-governmental partnership conditions setting, which should be optimal from the standpoint of stable positive dynamics of borrower’s profitability and its further development ensuring.

Methodology Task assignment is based on economic-and-mathematic modelling, particularly on single-criterion optimization.

Conclusion and Relevance The task determined by the author allows to define the volume of funds, that bank and government could invest in company, taking into account the number of limitations (including established by decisions of the authorized management bodies of the bank or state development institution, as well as companies’ requirement in funds borrowing, the Bank of Russia required ratios etc).


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Svetlana N. Grishkina

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor of the Department of Accounting, Analysis and Audit, Finance University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow. E-mail:

Vera P. Sidneva

PhD in Economic Sciences, Associate professor, Professor of the Department of Accounting, Analysis and Audit, Finance University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow. E-mail:

Accounting for financial instruments according to Russian and international standards


Subject/Topic The article presents the author’s position regarding the essence of calculation of indicators of financial assets and financial liabilities in the companies’ reporting under IFRS and RAS. One of the most problematic issues is the procedure for determining their value, due to the specific of the research object and the complex nature of financial instruments. The relevance of the study is based on a discussion of many aspects associated with the valuation of financial instruments. The subject is theoretical, methodical and practical problems of formation and disclosure of information on financial instruments in the reporting of the companies.

Goals/Objectives The goal is to explore new approaches to the formation and disclosure of information on financial instruments in accordance with IFRS and the rationale for the provisions on the use of the requirements of international standards for the development of the national federal accounting standard “Financial Instruments”. This goal can be achieved by solving the following tasks: to justify the role of convergence of national accounting rules with the requirements of International Financial Reporting Standards; to identify common differences in the requirements of IFRS and RAS in the reflection of financial assets and financial liabilities, to analyze the development directions of IFRS in terms of accounting for financial instruments; to justify the appropriateness of domestic companies’ use of IFRS rules for accounting of financial instruments.

Methodology The theoretical basis of the study is the work of domestic and foreign scientists on the analyzed problem, as well as international regulatory legal acts that regulate the accounting for financial instruments. The methodological basis is a set of general scientific methods of scientific knowledge: observation, comparison, description, analysis and synthesis. Conclusions and Relevance Differences of reporting purposes in the systems of Russian and international standards lead to different reflection of financial assets (IFRS) and financial investments (RAS) in the reporting. The national accounting system has insufficient methodological development of the directions associated with the assessment of financial assets and liabilities. When developing the Draft Federal Standard of Accounting “Financial Instruments” it is important to use the practice of IFRS applying, taking into account the peculiarities of the Russian economy, and apply it  to improve the quality of accounting information. The formulated proposals can be used in the development and improvement of the federal accounting standard.

Keywords: accounting, financial reporting, financial instruments, financial investments, IFRS, fair value.



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Yury V. Mokrezov

Candidate of economic Sciences, Senior lecturer, the Department of administrative-legal disciplines, Vologda Institute of Law and Economics of the Federal penal service of Russia, Vologda. E-mail:

Yury M. Avdeev

Candidate of agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor, the Department of urban cadastre and geodesy, Vologda State University, Vologda. E-mail:

Environmental innovation as a core element of sustainable development


In order to solve the problem of negative impact on the environment, it is necessary to have a system and methods for managing environmental processes integrated with production greening.

Subject / Topic Environmental innovation as a core element of sustainable development.

Goals/Objectives The aim is to analyze the situation with the introduction of environmental innovations in product quality management.

Tasks The problems of introduction of ecological innovations in economy of the country are considered; priorities of transition to ecological innovations are formulated; the assessment of quality management taking into account the international standards is given; conclusions are formulated.

Conclusion and Relevance Analysis of the current state of the industry indicates that there is a negative correlation between the number of regulations and the tendency to innovation. Regulatory and legal norms most often create  a barrier to the introduction of ECO-innovation by entrepreneurs. ECO-innovation as the main element in the policy of sustainable development is targeted at preserving and strengthening environmental and ecological systems of the planet in order to achieve other goals, such as preserving biodiversity, improving the quality of life, etc.

Keywords: ECO-innovations, ecological technologies, ecological efficiency, ecological design, innovations, engineering business, sustainable development



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Olga B. Digilina

Doctor of Economics, Prof. of Political Economics Department RUDN University, Moscow, 117198, Miklukho-Maklaya str.6 (E-mail:

Irina B. Teslenko

Doctor of Economics, Prof., Chairman of Business Information Science and Economics Department, Vladimir State University. Vladimir, 600000, Gorkogo st. 87, Vladimir (E-mail:

Igor I. Savelev

Candidate of Economics, Asociate professor, Chair of Public Law Disciplines of the Vladimir Institute of Law of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia. Vladimir, 600007, Griboedova st. 4 (E-mail:

Innovations crowdfunding: peculiarities, problems and development prospects


Subject/Topic The problem, described in the article, is of current importance, because new information technologies are being developed in the Russian Federation and in the world. These technologies do not only change the life of people, but allow construction of new instruments of innovations financing at early stages of their development.

Goals /Objectives The purpose of this article is to describe peculiarities, problems and development prospects of crowdfunding, which allows attraction of small amounts of financing from population into funding of innovations. Objectives of the research include analysis of Russian and foreign practice of crowdfunding implementation, influence of this instrument on behavior of investors, description of problems, related to popularization of crowdfunding and its influence on innovative activity. Sources for the analysis were strategic normative documentation, including usage of “Consultant” database and official web pages of subjects of digital economy and opinions of experts.

Conclusion and Relevance The research has shown that, despite of advantages of crowdfunding, which allows accumulating financing from population and converting it into investments, it may cause negative influence on the development institutions, lowering the efficiency of information exchange.

Keywords: crowdsourcing, crowdfunding, innovations, digital platforms



Bashirov E. R. Crowdfunding as an effective way to Finance projects[Kraudfanding kak ehffektivnyj sposob finansirovaniya proektov]. Economics [Ehkonomicheskienauki]. No. 48-1, 29.06.2016. [Electronic resource.] – Mode of access:

Russian investments in crowdfunding projects in 2016 increased by 70% [Vlozheniya rossiyan v kraudfandingovye proekty v 2016 godu vyrosli na 70%.]. [Electronic resource.] – Access mode:

Humenny D. Crowdsourcing and crowdfunding: the secrets of success [Kraudsorsing i kraudfanding: sekrety uspekha]. [Electronic resource.] – Mode of access:

Source of financing. Crowdfunding [Istochniki finansirovaniya. Kraudfanding]. [Electronic resource.] – Mode of access:

How FundYourselfNow will change the crowdfunding industry [Kak FundYourselfNow izmenit industriyu kraudfandinga]. [Electronic resource.] – Mode of access:

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The first examples of crowdsourcing [Pervye primery kraudsorsinga]. [Electronic resource.] – Mode of access:

Does crowdfunding help to develop and implement technological innovations [Pomogaet li kraudfanding razrabotke i vnedreniyu tekhnologicheskih innovacij]. [Electronic resource.] – Mode of access:

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Top100 Crowdfunding and Crowdinvesting platforms of the world [Top100 Kraudfandingovyh i Kraudinvestingovyh platform mira]. [Electronic resource.] – Mode of access:

Massolution’s Crowdfunding Industry Report: in 2015, the volume of the Crowdfunding market will reach $34.4 billion [Massolution’s Crowdfunding Industry Report: v 2015 godu ob”em Kraudfandingovogo rynka dostignet $34,4 milliarda]. [Electronic resource.] – Mode of access: crowdfunding_industry_report_v_2015_godu_obem_kraudfandingovogo_rynka_dostignet



Nadezhda V. Rebrikova

Ph.D, Associate professor of Management Department, Finance University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow. E-mail:

Olga A. Shalnova

Ph.D, Associate professor of Service chair, Department of Marketing, Advertising and Service Management, Institute of Industry Management, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Moscow. E-mail:

Mobile application as an effective tool of interaction with customer


Subject/Topic The article is based on the results of desk and field studies, analytical material on the main aspects of using Internet marketing tools to interact with customers. The relevance of the research topic is explained by the fact that modern client is a fanatical devotee of electronic technologies who does not tolerate inconveniences, expects simplicity and high speed of service – oriented towards a personalized approach. With the growth of information technology  the company has to search for the new effective tools of interaction with customers. In this regard, the most effective way to be closer, or so to say, “always at hand” can become such Internet marketing technology as a mobile application.

Goals/Objectives To study and substantiate the features of using Internet marketing tool as the main element of communication channel with the target audience. Tasks: analysis of the mobile application market in Russia and abroad; identification of key market players; study of the basic purposes and directions of use of mobile applications; identification of the benefits of mobile applications based on a comparative analysis; development of recommendations on the use of mobile application as a communication channel with the target audience.

Methodology The methodological basis of the study was the work of domestic and foreign researchers in the field of applying and development of mobile applications for the promotion of companies and interaction with consumers. The use of general scientific methods has made it possible to identify the main trends of the market, characterize the market players and highlight the main advantages of using mobile applications as a communication channel.

Conclusion and Relevance In the course of the study it became possible to confirm the hypothesis: currently the mobile application is more effective Internet marketing tool of interaction with the target audience than the Internet site. From the received results of the study it is possible to conclude, that the use of mobile applications for attraction and keeping clients grows due to the growth of sales of smart phones and tablets. It should also be noted that the mobile application is much safer than site and has a familiar interface for consumers.

Based on the results of the study, some practical recommendations on the use of mobile applications for interaction with customers were formulated.

Keywords: Internet marketing, company website, mobile application, market players, the benefits of mobile applications, reasons for using mobile application


JEL classification: М30, М31



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Alexsey A. Chesnokov

Magister, Russian School of Management, Moscow. E-mail:\

Modern aspects of marketing management


Subject / Topic Management of the marketing activities of the company, ways to improve its effectiveness, choice of the marketing strategy for development.

The relevance and practical importance of studying the problem of marketing management in the activities of an enterprise are determined by the increased complexity of entrepreneurial activity in modern markets.

Goals/Objectives The goal is to substantiate the relevance and role of marketing management in the activities of enterprises in the modern market.

Methodology Analysis of differences in new approaches in marketing activities and innovations. Innovative marketing as a modern strategy of using significant ideas and technical innovations for optimization of production process. Possible ways of modeling innovative approaches to the concept of the product, new methods of doing business; ways to expand the marketing environment through the search for new markets.

Conclusion and Relevance Integration of direct marketing opportunities with other marketing tools will increase the efficiency of enterprise by transferring to a new quality level of relationships with customers, improving the quality of the company’s marketing offer, strengthening customer loyalty to the brand and creating enabling environment for sales.

Key words: marketing management, direct marketing, internal marketing environment, management methodology, commercial activity, competitiveness, marketing, planning, competitive advantage



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Tikhon S. Kremlev

3rd year post-graduate student of the Department of Economics and management of investments and real estate, Irkutsk Baikal state University, Irkutsk. E-mail:

The methods of structural examination of investment projects


Subject/Topic The subject of the article is the method of business plan selection and ensuring its value and objectives in the descriptive part. Examination of investment projects in the format of business plan is a form of decision-making about the structure created within the enterprise. But due to the diversity of the structures of the business plan writing methods, this analysis is complicated by additional processing of the descriptive part of the project. Instead of studying all software products and methods of business plan writing, the expert can use the short simple method.

Goals/Objectives The purpose of this article is to create a simple method of business plan content preprocessing, which will help in the examination of value content of the project.

Methodology For the purpose of creation of simple method of working with  business plan application, the author has analyzed several methods of business plan writing, pointed out their main provisions and explained the variety of existing methodologies. To simplify the work with the article, there were given definitions of basic terms.

Conclusions and Relevance The article presents the structure of the final conclusion about the business plan after the first expert processing, applying the  proposed methodology. The variety of techniques was explained by a variety of understanding of the hierarchy of values in the business processes of organizations-authors of business plan writing techniques.

Key words: project and process approaches, investment project, stakeholders, business plan, methodic of business plan selection, concept of social responsibility, the UNIDO methodology, the KPMG  methodology, the Ernst&Young methodology


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Alexandra O. Kolokolova

graduate student, Department of World Economics, Faculty of Economics, Moscow State University, expert in analytical support, JSC “Russian Export Center”, Moscow. E-mail:

LNG exports: new opportunities and perspectives


Subject/Topic Foreign economic activity of the Russian gas industry, perspectives of LNG export, new opportunities and trends.

Goals/Objectives The aim of the study is to provide scientific and theoretical basis for the strategic guidelines for the effective development of the Russian natural gas exports in the context of globalization. To achieve this goal, the following tasks were set and solved: the state and prospects of the development of the world energy balance were analyzed; the main trends in the development of global markets of natural and liquefied gas were disclosed; the analysis of conformity of modern condition of export of the Russian natural gas to prospects of development of the world energy market was performed.

Methodology In the present study the system analysis was used to identify current trends in the development of world natural gas markets based on the statistical processing (comparison) methods. Graphical methods were actively used both for analysis purposes and as an illustrative material.

Conclusions and Relevance Global energy markets are currently undergoing a number of significant changes. Global population growth and industrialization in developing countries have contributed to a steady increase in demand for natural gas. Today, resource developers are striving to make full use of the expanding gas market, extracting shale gas reserves, using fracturing technology, as well as actively promoting to the market technologies that allow to deliver natural gas to those potential consumers to whom the supply of natural gas through pipelines is impossible. One of these technologies is the production of liquefied natural gas (LNG). This determines the need to analyze the prospects for the development of global LNG exports, taking into account the dynamics of demand for such energy resources and the dynamics of LNG supply in the global natural gas market. Recent market developments point to a fundamental shift in the role of LNG in the global energy landscape. The share of LNG as a means of natural gas transportation may increase dramatically in the foreseeable future, but there are also significant uncertainties. At the moment LNG world supplies continue to grow and saturate the world market of energy resources. However, the main question that analysts are asking is whether the proposed number of LNG will be in demand in the context of short-term demand for such an energy resource, and whether the global LNG industry will survive in principle.

Keywords: export, liquefied natural gas, LNG, perspective directions, world market of energy resources, world market of natural gas, dynamics of demand, prospective consumers, dynamics of supply, new technologies


Tsvigun, Ershova 2016 – Tsvigun I.V., Ershova E.V. The world market of liquefied natural gas: tcurrent situation and development trends [Mirovoy ryinok szhizhennogo prirodnogo gaza: sovremennaya kon’yunktura i tendentsii razvitiya], Izvestiya of the Baikal State University [Izvestiya Baykalskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta]. 2016 # 6. p. 868-881.

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