The Modern Lawyer №3(24)
Yuri V. StepanenkoThe Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education «Moscow State Law University named after O.E. Kutafin», Doctor of Law, Professor of the Department of Administrative Law and Process, Kutafin University (MSLU); Professor of the Department of Legal Regulation of Economic Activities at the |
Revisiting the “Topical Issues of Administrative Law and Procedures” study moduleAbstract Subject / Topic Methodological and theoretical aspects of the structure and content of the Actual problems of administrative law and process academic discipline Goals / objectives Creation of conditions for the formation of a unified theoretical approach to understanding of the structure and content of the Actual problems of administrative law and process module, studied within the Master’s Degree program in Legal Studies. Methodology The research methods of analysis, synthesis, specification, legal modeling, extrapolation, formal-logical and other have been employed within the conducted study. Conclusion and Relevance Unification of approaches to the structure and content of the Actual problems of administrative law and process module will greatly contribute to the achievement of its goals and learning problems solution. Key words: current problems, administrative law and process, administrative procedural law, administrative legislation, administrative procedural legislation.
References: Actual problems of administrative law and process: a textbook (2015) / M.V. Kostennikov, A.V. Kurakin, A.M. Kononov, P.I. Kononov, A.I. Stakhov, N.D. Eriashvili. – 2 nd ed., Pererab. and additional. – M .: UNITY-DANA, [Aktualnyie problemyi administrativnogo prava i protsessa: uchebnik (2015) / M.V. Kostennikov, A.V. Kurakin, A.M. Kononov, P.I. Kononov, A.I. Stahov, N.D. Eriashvili. – 2-e izd., pererab. i dop. – M.: YuNITI-DANA], 2015. Volkov (2017) – Volkov A.M. Actual problems of administrative law: a textbook. – Moscow: Prospekt [Aktualnyie problemyi administrativnogo prava: uchebnoe posobie. – M.: Prospekt], 2017. Actual problems of administrative law and process: an international journal. Ch. editor of the Joint Editorial Board Eriashvili [Aktualnyie problemyi administrativnogo prava i protsessa: mezhdunarodnyiy zhurnal. Gl. redaktor Ob’edinennoy redaktsii N.D. Eriashvili]. Tikhomirov (2008) – Tikhomirov Yu.A. Administrative Law and Process: Full Course. – Moscow: publishing house Tikhomirov M.Yu. [Administrativnoe pravo i protsess: Polnyiy kurs. – M.: izd-vo Tihomirov M.Yu.], 2008. – 652 p. Volkov (2016) – Volkov A.M. Problematic issues of administrative law and process // Administrative and municipal law [Problemnyie voprosyi administrativnogo prava i protsessa // Administrativnoe i munitsipalnoe pravo], 2016, No. 11. P. 927-933. Starostin (2017) – Starostin S.A. Administrative process as a branch of public law // Administrative law and process [Administrativnyiy protsess kak otrasl publichnogo prava // Administrativnoe pravo i protsess] 2017. № 4. P. 13-21. Administrative law: a textbook (2015) / ed. L.L. Popova, M.S. Studenikina. 2nd ed., Pererab. – M: Norma: INFRA-M [Administrativnoe pravo: uchebnik (2015) / pod red. L.L. Popova, M.S. Studenikinoy. 2- e izd., pererab. – M: Norma: INFRA-M], 2015. – 704 p. Leschina, Magdenko (2015) – Leschina E.L., Magdenko A.D. Administrative Procedural Law: a course of lectures. Moscow: Russian State University of Justice [Administrativno-protsessualnoe pravo: kurs lektsiy. M.: Rossiyskiy gosudarstvennyiy universitet pravosudiya], 2015. – 310 p. Maslennikov (2012) – Maslennikov M.Ya. Administrative Procedural Law – The Real Legal Sector // Administrative Law and Process [Administrativno-protsessualnoe pravo – realnaya pravovaya otrasl // Administrativnoe pravo i protsess], 2012, No. 3. P. 25-33. Alekseev (1981) – Alekseev S.S. General theory of law. M. [Obschaya teoriya prava. M.: Yurid. lit.], 1981. T. 1. P. 249 – 250.
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Denis A. Chepurnyhacting deputy commander of the 10th battalion of the 1st regiment of Traffic Police of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the Moscow region. Postgraduate student of the Department of legal regulation of economic activity at the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow. E-mail: |
Public control over road traffic safetyAbstract Subject / topic Particular aspects of the state traffic police activities in terms of implementation of public control by the civil society institutions. Goals / objectives Stufy of problems and improvement of legal mechanisms of law enforcement activities of the state traffic police in the field of public control over road safety. Methodology Such research methods as analysis, synthesis, modeling, comparison, abstraction, problem statement, hypothesis construction, specification and monitoring have been employed within the study conducted. Conclusion The integrated approach to the study of problems in the area of public control will improve the level of road safety and preventive measures taken, simplify the procedure of administrative offenses proceedings conduction and lead to the development of administrative and legal relations in the area studied. As a result, procedural and law enforcement activities in the field of road safety will be systemized. Key words: traffic police, traffic police of the Ministry of internal Affairs of Russia, law enforcement, public control, promotion of road safety.
References: Smolyakov (2014) – Smolyakov A.I. Administrative and legal enforcement and promotion of the system of state-legal methods of road safety : dis. … kand. the faculty of law. sciences’.[Administrativno-pravovoe prinuzhdenie i pooschrenie v sisteme gosudarstvenno-pravovyih metodov obespecheniya bezopasnosti dorozhnogo dvizheniya : dis. … kand. yurid. nauk]. Eagle, 2014. Zuev (2004) – Zuev B.R. Initiation of proceedings on administrative offense: dis. … kand. the faculty of law. sciences’.[Vozbuzhdenie dela ob administrativnom pravonarushenii : dis. … kand. yurid. nauk]. M., 2004. Dugenets (2018) – Dugenets A.S. Administrative and legal regulation of the involvement of citizens and public organizations in the protection of public order // Actual problems of administrative and administrative procedure law : Collection of articles on the materials of the annual all-Russian scientific and practical conference (Sorokin readings), March 23, 2018. [Administrativno-pravovoe regulirovanie privlecheniya grazhdan i obschestvennyih organizatsiy k ohrane obschestvennogo poryadka // Aktualnyie problemyi administrativnogo i administrativno-protsessualnogo prava : Sbornik statey po materialam ezhegodnoy vserossiyskoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii (Sorokinskie chteniya), 23 marta 2018 goda]. SPb. : St. Petersburg University of the Ministry of internal Affairs of Russia, 2018. Koshelkin (2008) – Koshelkin S.Yu. Proceedings on administrative offenses in the field of traffic : dis. … kand. the faculty of law. sciences’. [Proizvodstvo po delam ob administrativnyih pravonarusheniyah v oblasti dorozhnogo dvizheniya : dis. … kand. yurid. nauk]. M., 2008. Molchanov (2008) – Molchanov P.V. Initiation of proceedings on administrative offense in the field of traffic : dis. … kand. the faculty of law. sciences’. [Vozbuzhdenie dela ob administrativnom pravonarushenii v oblasti dorozhnogo dvizheniya : dis. … kand. yurid. nauk]. M., 2008. Tishenko, Samoschenko (1977) – Tishenko V.V. Problems of improvement of the Soviet legislation. Under the ed. I. S. Samoshchenko. M.: Legal literature [Problemyi sovershenstvovaniya sovetskogo zakonodatelstva. Pod red. I.S. Samoschenko. M. : Yuridicheskaya literatura], 1977. Antonov, Gorbunov, Molchanov, Timofeev (2011) – Antonov S.N., Gorbunov D.V., Molchanov P.V., Timofeev S.A. About some questions of influence of the legislation on administrative responsibility on accident rate and delicacy in the field of traffic // Road safety : Collection of scientific works. M. : SIC BJJ Ministry of internal Affairs of Russia [O nekotoryih voprosah vliyaniya zakonodatelstva ob administrativnoy otvetstvennosti na avariynost i deliktnost v oblasti dorozhnogo dvizheniya // Bezopasnost dorozhnogo dvizheniya : Sbornik nauchnyih trudov. M. : NITs BDD MVD Rossii], 2011. P. 129-139. Denisov (1981) – Denisov R.I. Administrative supervision in the field of traffic. [Administrativnyiy nadzor v sfere dorozhnogo dvizheniya]. M., 1981.
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Artem G. KarapetyanFederal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education «Moscow State Law University named after O.E. Kutafin (MSLU)», lecturer at the Department of Administrative Law and Process, Moscow, Russia. Е-mail: |
Administrative responsibility for offenses in the budgetary sphere: analysis of foreign experienceAbstract Subject / theme Use of foreign experience of legal regulation of administrative responsibility for violation of the budget legislation of the Russian Federation. Goals / objectives The study was aimed to consider possible ways to improve the national legislation imposing administrative responsibility for offenses in the area of budget legislation, to identify contradictions in law enforcement practices and to formulate proposals to improve legislation in this area. Methodology Such research methods as comparative legal analysis, synthesis, specification, formal-logical and other methods of scientific research have been employed within the study conducted. Conclusion Comparative legal analysis and comparison of the current Russian legislation with the experience of legislative regulation of administrative responsibility for violations of budget legislation in the CIS countries allowed to identify the advantages of foreign experience and to offer to add a number of missing compounds that have been tested in the CIS countries to the Russian legislation. Key words: administrative responsibility, violation of the norms of budget legislation, misuse of budget funds, inefficient use of budget funds, administrative fine, exemption from administrative responsibility. References: Gracheva (2014) – Gracheva E.Yu., Problems of legal regulation of state financial control: Dis. … Doc. the faculty of law. sciences’. M. [Problemyi pravovogo regulirovaniya gosudarstvennogo finansovogo kontrolya: Dis. …dokt. yurid. nauk. M.], 2000. P. 5-6. Avanesov (1992) – Avanesov O.G. Reform of the criminal law of France (problems of the General part): Dis. … kand. the faculty of law. sciences’. M., [Reforma ugolovnogo prava Frantsii (problemyi obschey chasti): Dis. … kand. yurid. nauk. M.], 1992. P. 129. Rojas, Luis Emilio: Grundprobleme der Haushaltsuntreu. Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, Baden-Baden. 2011. P. 132. Polyakova (2015) – Polyakova S.A. Financial and legal responsibility for violation of the budget legislation of the Russian Federation: Dis. … kand. the faculty of law. sciences’. M. [Finansovo-pravovaya otvetstvennost za narushenie byudzhetnogo zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii: Dis. …kand. yurid. nauk]. M: 2015. P. 66. Dymchenko (1983) – Dymchenko V.I. Administrative responsibility of organizations: autoref. dis. … kand. the faculty of law. sciences’. Sverdlovsk [Administrativnaya otvetstvennost organizatsiy: Avtoref. dis. … kand. yurid. nauk. Sverdlovsk], 1983. P. 10. |
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Anna V. KorepinaPhD (Candidate of Legal Sciences), Head of Administrative and Financial law Department at North-Western Institute of Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL), Vologda. Email: |
Moral limitations in administrative lawAbstract Subject/Topic. The subject of the scientific article is the moral limitations fixed by administrative legal norms in the field of public administration. The social role of such limitations is undeniable. They have a special place in the system of legal regulation. The specificity of the legal nature of moral limitations determines the interest to this problem as viewed from the positions of legal science. Goals/Objectives. The goal of the scientific article is to substantiate the problem of determining the criteria of moral behavior of subjects of administrative law and the need for a special professional approach to their assessment in theory and practice. The objectives of the study are as follows: 1) to show the place and role of moral limitations in ensuring the rule of law in the field of public administration; 2) to give the concept of moral limitations in administrative law; 3) to identify the main groups of moral administrative legal limitations. Methodology. The research is based on the use of general scientific (analysis, synthesis, system-structural, formal-logical and other methods), special scientific (logical-legal, legal hermeneutics (interpretation)) and descriptive methods of cognition. Conclusions and Relevance. The number of moral limitations in administrative law is increasing recently. Their practical implementation requires the special professional approach to the evaluation of the category of «morality» in terms of internal moral perception of the law enforcement officer as well as an understanding of the existing social standards of morality. Keywords: administrative and legal limitations, morality, administrative and legal status of subjects, public administration.
JEL classification: K23 References: Tregubova (2010) – Tregubova E. V. Administrative limitations and administrative restrictions: the ratio of concepts // Administrative and municipal law, 2010, No. 11. P. 75 – 81. Slepchenko (2002) – Slepchenko Y. N. Bans in administrative law: autoref. …dis. kand. law of sciences // Voronezh, 2002. P. 10. Krivonosov (2009) – Krivonosov, D. A. Administrative limitations in the system of state service of the Russian Federation: autoref. …dis. kand. lawyer sciences // Moscow, 2009. P. 8. Tregubova (2010) – Tregubova E. V. Administrative legal limitations: definition, purpose, characteristics of the mechanism of counteraction of corruption // Administrative and municipal law, 2010, No. 6. P. 84 – 86. Slepchenko (2002) – Slepchenko Y. N. limitations in administrative law. autoref. …dis. candidate of legal sciences // Voronezh, 2002. P. 4. Sultanov (1996) – Sultanov M. M. limitations as a method of legal regulation: autoref. …dis. kand. lawyer of sciences // St. Petersburg, 1996. P. 8. Boyko (2010) – Boyko A. I. Moral and religious foundations of criminal law: monograph. 2nd ed. // M.: Yurlitinform, 2010. P. 113. Malinovsky (2007) – Malinovsky A. A. Morality in civil law // Notary, 2007, № 5. P. 24 – 28. Petin (2009) – Petin A. I. Morality and justice criminal law // Russian investigator, 2009, No. 14. P. 15 – 18. Sazonnikova (2016) – Sazonnikova E. V. On the topic of morality in constitutional law // Constitutional and municipal law, 2016, No. 3. P. 55 – 59. Egorova, Bespalov (2016) – Moral principles of Russian justice. The proceedings of the VII Interregional scientific and practical conference. Ed. edited by O. A. Egorova, Y. F. Bespalov // Moscow, Prospekt, 2016. P. 144. Artemov (2017) – Moral dimension and human potential of law: collection of scientific works. Ed. edited by V. M. Artemov // Moscow: Prospect, 2017. P. 368. Artemov (2018) – Artemov V. M. Morality and law: textbook //Moscow: Prospect, 2018. P. 208. Reshetov (2015) – Reshetov Y. S. Legal regulation and implementation of law // Bulletin of Perm University. Legal science, 2015, No. 3. P. 24 – 29. |
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Galina N. ChernichkinaPhD (Candidate of Law), Associate Professor, professor of the civil law department of Russian State University of Justice, Moscow (E-mail: |
Revisiting the liability measures for violation of the author's right to remunerationAbstract Subject/theme. The subject of the research is the public relations associated with the payment of remuneration to the author and the measures of responsibility that are to be applied to the offender for the violation of the author’s right to remuneration, as well as the determination of the legal nature of the author’s right to remuneration Goals/objectives. The main goal of study is a comprehensive analysis of the provisions of part 4 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, regulating the right of author’s to remuneration, as well as analysis of the practice of their application by the courts. Methodology. The methodological basis of research is formed by the universal methods of knowledge; scientific methods, including systematic and logical method, analysis, synthesis and analogy; formal legal method. Conclusion. The author’s right to remuneration is aimed at ensuring the author’s property interest in the result created. However, the author’s right to remuneration is not defined in the law as an independent right specified only for the authors of particular ntellectual deliverables e.g. performed within the official duties. This leads to a violation of the author’s property rights when the result is used free of charge for public needs. A person who uses this result is not specified in the law as an obligated person to the author. Therefore, the author can not impose any type of liability on this person. It is proposed to legally reflect the author’s right to remuneration as a type of other intellectual rights, which is an obligatory right and arises from the contract or the law. In case of violation of his right to remuneration, the author can file a suit against the person using the result seeking for the personal remedies. Key words: the author’s right to remuneration; agreement on remuneration to the author; other intellectual rights; responsibility for violation of the right; result of intellectual activity; service result of intellectual activity; legal measures of liability
References: Gavrilov (2011) – Gavrilov E.P. About service inventions [O sluzhebnyih izobreteniyah] // Patents and licenses [Patentyi i litsenzii]. 2011. N 9. С. 2 – 14; N 10. p. 3 – 10. (In Russ.) Ivanov (2017) – Ivanov N.V. The right to remuneration for service work and performance [Pravo na voznagrazhdenie za sluzhebnoe proizvedenie i sluzhebnoe ispolnenie] // Law [Zakon]. 2017. N 1. p. 147 – 155. (In Russ.) Ioffe (1975) – Ioffe O.S. Law of obligations [Obyazatelstvennoe pravo], – M.: Legal literature [M.: Yurid. lit.]. 1975, 880 p. (In Russ.) Dozortsev (1994) – Dozortsev V.A. Exclusive rights and their development: Introductory article [ Isklyuchitelnyie prava i ih razvitie: Vstupitelnaya statya] // Rights to the results of intellectual activity. Copyright. Patent right. Other exclusive rights. [ Prava na rezultatyi intellektualnoy deyatelnosti. Avtorskoe pravo. Patentnoe pravo. Drugie isklyuchitelnyie prava.]. Collection of normative acts / Research center of private law; comp. VA Patrols. – M.: De Jure, [Sbornik normativnyih aktov / Issledovatelskiy tsentr chastnogo prava; sost. V.A. Dozortsev. – M.: De-Yure], 1994. 480 с. (In Russ.). Maltsev (2014) – Maltsev N.M. Development of views on the nature of the author’s right to remuneration [Razvitie vzglyadov na prirodu prava avtora na voznagrazhdenie ]. In the collection: Theoretical and practical aspects of the development of legal science [V sbornike: Teoreticheskie i prakticheskie aspektyi razvitiya yuridicheskoy nauki ]. – Rostov-on-don [Rostov-na-Donu], 2014. p. 21-23. (In Russ.) Maltsev (2017) – Maltsev N.M. Rights of authors of works of science, literature and art to remuneration [Prava avtorov proizvedeniy nauki, literaturyi i iskusstva na voznagrazhdenie]: autoref. Dis. … kand. the faculty of law. sciences’ [Avtoref. Dis. … kand. yurid. nauk]. – M., 2017. 28p. (In Russ.) Sergeev, Tereschenko (2014) – Sergeev A.P., Tereschenko T.A. The right of the author of intellectual property reward: the story of the wrong choice [Pravo avtorov sluzhebnyih ob’ektov intellektualnoy sobstvennosti na voznagrazhdenie: istoriya nepravilnogo vyibora] // Law [Zakon]. 2014. N 5. p.46-50. (In Russ.) Chernichkina (2017) – Chernichkina G.N. About balance of public interest and interests of individuals (legal entity and the author) concerning official result of the intellectual activity created under the state contract [O balanse publichnogo interesa i interesov chastnyih lits (yuridicheskogo litsa i avtora) v otnoshenii sluzhebnogo rezultata intellektualnoy deyatelnosti, sozdannogo po gosudarstvennomu kontraktu] Corporate legal relationship in terms of convergence of private and public law: [Korporativnoe pravootnoshenie v usloviyah konvergentsii chastnogo i publichnogo prava:] Collection of articles VII Annual international scientific and practical conference “Korshunov readings” (Moscow, June 23, 2017) / ed. Yu. S. Kharitonova-M: publishing House ” Moscow Academy of Economics and law” [Sbornik statey VII Ezhegodnoy mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskaya konferentsii ” Korshunovskie chteniya”(Moskva, 23 iyunya 2017 g.) / pod red. Yu.S. Haritonovoy – M: Izdatelstvo “Moskovskaya akademiya ekonomiki i prava”], 2017. 288 p. (In Russ.).
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Natalia I. Piskunovalecturer at the Civil law Department of Russian State University of Justice, Moscow (E-mail: Irina Y.TselovalnikovaPhD, Associate Professor at the Civil law Department of Russian State University of Justice, Moscow (E-mail: |
General provisions on civil liabilityAbstract Subject/theme. The article deals with general provisions on civil liability as a form of legal responsibility, types of civil liability and contains the case study of certain norms of civil law. Goals/objectives. The main goal of the research was to identify features, grounds and types of civil liability. Methodology. There is no unity in the description of civil liability in the scientific literature. Various definitions of civil liability are proposed taking into account the peculiarities of this legal institution. As a rule, the analysis of the characteristics of civil liability is carried out through the prism of the peculiarities of legal responsibility. Conclusion Legal responsibility entails the onset of certain negative consequences for the offender. These consequences are legally established. Thus, the main significance of legal responsibility is to ensure rights protection and to legitimate interests of the participants of legal relations as well as to encourage them to comply with the current legislation and to properly discharge the rights granted and the duties assigned to them. Key words: civil liability, types of civil liability.
References: Civil law: the Textbook [Grazhdanskoe pravo]: in 3 volumes Volume 1: the 6th ed., Rev. and DOP. / under the editorship of A. P. Sergeyev, Y. K. Tolstoy, M. : TK velbi, Publishing house Prospect, 2005. Civil law [Grazhdanskoe pravo]: the Textbook: In 3 t. / Under the editorship of A. P. Sergeeva. M., 2008.Vol.1. Luboshits, Mordovtsev, Timoshenko (2002) – Luboshits V. I., Mordovtsev A. Y., Timoshenko I. V. Theory of state and law [Teoriya gosudarstva i prava]: Textbook. benefit. Rostov n/ A: March, 2002. Alekseev (1964) – Alekseev S. S. General theory of socialist law [Obshchaya teoriya socialisticheskogo prava]. Sverdlovsk, 1964.Issue. 2.
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Olga V. KostinaPhD (Candidate of Legal Sciences), Associate Professor, Civil law Department of the Russian State University of justice, Candidate of legal sciences, Moscow. E-mail: Anastasya S. KurchinaPhD (Candidate of Legal Sciences), private notary, Belgorod. E-mail: |
Topical issues of legal construction of Article 1174 of the civil code of the russian federationAbstract Subject/theme The public relations on the reimbursement of expenses caused by the death of the testator and costs of the inheritance and management are the subject of the study. Goals/objectivesThe main research goal is to analyze the legal construction of the provisions of Article 1174 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, as well as other normative legal acts related to reimbursement of expenses for hereditary succession. Methodology: Universal research methods, scientific methods, including systematic and logical method as well as the analysis, synthesis and analogy; methods such as the method of comparative law and formal legal method have become the methodological basis of research. Conclusion The provisions of Article 1174 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation is an independent remedy, which should be distinguished from the legal responsibility. At the same time it should be noticed that the right to reimbursement of expenses provided for by this legal clause can be protected by various legal means. Turning to the term of “expenses”, the legislator thereby focuses exclusively on property losses (cash costs). It is necessary to recognize the necessity to divide legally the expenses stated in Article 1174 of the Civil Code from the property, which will constitute the assets and liabilities of inheritance, passing in the order of succession. That is, it is necessary to analyze the emergence, development and termination of special, exclusively monetary obligations between private parties connected by the hereditary succession only. Key words: reimbursement of expenses, hereditary succession, hereditary property, debt, civil liability. References: Kostina, Kostin (2017) – Kostina O. V., Kostin A. A. Development of the Notariat in the Eurasian economic Union: problems and prospects [Razvitie notariata v Evrazijskom ehkonomicheskom soyuze: problemy i perspektivy ] // Тhe Notary [Notarius]. 2017. №. 1. P. 40-43. Pokrovsky (2001)- Pokrovsky I. A. The Main problems of civil law [Osnovnye problemy grazhdanskogo prava]. M., 2001.353 p. Serebrovsky (1970) – Serebrovsky V. I. inheritance law [Nasledstvennoe pravo ] // Civil law [Grazhdanskoe pravo]. T. II. M.: Yurid. lit., 1970. Grishaev (2009) – Grishaev S. P. Comment to the law on inheritance [Kommentarij k zakonodatel’stvu o nasledovanii] // ATP ConsultantPlus [Konsul’tantPlyus]. 2009. Begichev (2010) – BegichevA.V. liability of heirs for the obligations of the deceased owner of the enterprise [Otvetstvennost’ naslednikov po obyazatel’stvam umershego sobstvennika predpriyatiya] // Inheritance law [Nasledstvennoe pravo]. 2010. №. 3. C. 4-8. The foundations of inheritance law of Russia, Germany, France [Osnovy nasledstvennogo prava Rossii, Germanii, Francii ] / YbGongalo, K. A. Mikhalev, E. Y. Petrov, and others; under the General editorship of E. Yu. Petrov. M.: Statute, 2015. 271 p. Permyakov (2016) – PermyakovA.V. on liability for the debts of the testator [Ob otvetstvennosti po dolgam nasledodatelya] // Notary [Notarius]. 2016. № 5. P. 31-34. Dzhikaeva, Pliev (2016) – Dzhikaeva F. Z., Pliev N. R. The problem of civil liability of heirs on the debts of the testator in legal science [Problema grazhdansko-pravovoj otvetstvennosti naslednikov po dolgam nasledodatelya v yuridicheskoj nauke ] // Baltic humanitarian journal [Baltijskij gumanitarnyj zhurnal]. 2016. Vol.5. № 1 (14). Ryazantsev (1981) – Ryazantsev V. A. the liability of the heirs for the debts of the testator [Otvetstvennost’ naslednikov po dolgam nasledodatelya] // Socialist legality [Socialisticheskaya zakonnost’]. 1981. № 3. Windshade (1875) – Windshade B. on obligations under Roman law / ed. A. B. Dumashevsky.SPb.: Type. A. Tomashevskogo, 1875. 593 p. Lunts (2004) – Lunts L. A. Money and monetary obligations. Legal research [Den’gi i denezhnye obyazatel’stva. YUridicheskoe issledovanie] // Money and monetary obligations in civil law [Den’gi i denezhnye obyazatel’stva v grazhdanskom prave]. 2nd ed., ISPR. M.: Statut, 2004. Savatier (1972) – Savatier R. Theory of obligations.Legal and economic essay [Teoriya obyazatel’stv. YUridicheskij i ehkonomicheskij ocherk] / Per. R. O. Khalfina. Moscow: Progress, 1972. 440 p. Kodama (1948) – Kodama E., General theory of obligations [Godehmeh E. Obshchaya teoriya obyazatel’stv]/ I. B. Novitsky. M.: Yurizdat, 1948. 511 p. Kostina, Kurchina (2013) – Kostina O. V., Kurchina A. S. Essential features of the Institute of the will [Sushchestvennye osobennosti instituta zaveshchaniya] // New legal thought [Novaya pravovaya mysl’]. 2013. № 1. P. 70-75. 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Yuliya. A. KuznetsovaPhD (Candidate of Legal Sciences), senior lecturer, Civil law Department of the Russian State University of Justice, Moscow (e-mail: К |
Features of terms about quality in relation to other conditions of civil contractAbstract Subject / topic The subject of the study is public relations arising in connection with civil law assurance of goods, works and services quality. Goals/objectives. The aim of the study is a comprehensive analysis of both the particular provisions of civil contracts on the quality and the features of legal means system to ensure the quality of goods, works and services. Methodology The methodological basis of the study are: general methods of cognition; general scientific methods, including the system and logical method, as well as analysis, synthesis and analogy; private scientific methods, such as the method of comparative law and formal legal method. Conclusion The condition on quality is closely interrelated with other terms of the contract and does not serve as the only criterion of the creditor satisfaction on the contract execution. Satisfaction of the creditor is achieved not only when the goods are transferred without defects, but also in compliance with all other terms of the contract related to both the goods (for example, packaging, completeness, assortment) and the actions of the debtor (compliance with the term or place of transfer of goods). Accordingly, in a broad sense, it can be stated that quality is directly related to all these conditions. However, in the sense laid down in the law, these will be only the conditions that determine the object of the obligation arising from the conclusion of the relevant contract. Keywords: quality, quality condition, quality of goods (works, services), safety of goods (works, services), number, assortment, information, contract, obligation References: Smetannikov (2011) – Smetannikov, A.E. the Legal concept of improving the quality of domestic industrial goods [Pravovayakontseptsiyapovyisheniyakachestvaotechestvennyihpromyishlennyihtovarov]/ A.E. Smetannikov. – Moscow: Infotropic Media, 2011.[in Russian]. Ilyushina(2009) – Ilyushina M.N. The concept, features and place of business contracts in the system of civil contracts[Ponyatie, priznakii mesto predprinimatelskihdogovorov v sistemegrazhdansko-pravovyihdogovorov] // Laws of Russia: experience, analysis, practice. [ZakonyiRossii: opyit, analiz, praktika]2009. No. 1.[in Russian]. Ilyushina (2007) – Ilyushina, M.N. Commercial transactions in the Russian legislation: questions of history [Kommercheskiesdelki v rossiyskomprave: voprosyiistorii]// History of state and law. [istoriyagosudarstvaiprava]2007. No. 4.[in Russian]. Kulakov (2010) – Kulakov V.V. Theoretical and practical aspects of the definition of “subject of the contract” [Teoreticheskieiprakticheskieaspektyiopredeleniyaponyatiya «predmetdogovora»]// Russian justice. [rossiyskoepravosudie]2010. No. 2.[in Russian]. Hegel (1929) – Hegel G. W. Writings.[sochineniya]Vol.1. M.-L., 1929. [in Russian]. Krasavchikov (1977) – Krasavchikov O.A. Functions of the economic legislation and the category “product quality management”.[Funktsiihozyaystvennogozakonodatelstvaikategoriya «upravleniekachestvomproduktsii»] // Civil law, efficiency and quality: Sat. science. [Grazhdanskoepravo, effektivnost i kachestvo]:Tr. Sverdlovsk, 1977.[in Russian]. Belykh, (1994) – Belykh V. S. Civil and legal quality assurance of products, works and services: [Grazhdansko-pravovoeobespecheniekachestvaproduktsii, rabotiuslug]Diss…. Doc. the faculty of law. Sciences: 12.00.03 / Belykh Vladimir Sergeevich. – Ekaterinburg, 1994. [in Russian]. |
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Alla P. AdamenkoPhD (Candidate of Legal Sciences), Associate Professor, Civil law Department of the Russian State University of Justice, Candidate of legal sciences, Moscow E-mail: |
Responsibility of guaranteeing supplier for failure of performance under the contract of energy supplyAbstract Subject/theme. The civil liability under the power supply contract is considered taking into account the guaranteeing supplier as the new subject of legal relations. The responsibility of the power supply organization for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations under the power supply contract is investigated. Goals/objectives. Our task is to identify and disclose the problems of application and occurrence of civil liability of energy supply organizations, in particular guaranteeing suppliers, under the power supply contract as well as to propose ways to solve them. Methodology. The main provisions of the legislation in the are of energy supply, the decisions of Plenums of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation are analyzed, examples from judicial practice are given. Conclusion. Taking into account the new subject structure of legal relations under the energy supply contract, the guaranteeing suppliers shoulde be responsible for non-fulfillment of obligations, improper quality of energy and/or illegal interruptions in the supply of electricity regardless of culpability. Key words: civil liability, energy supply contract, failure to fulfill obligations, guaranteeing supplier, energy supply organization.
JEL classification: K15
References: Estocina, Khokhlova (2017) – Estocina E. A., Khokhlova E. Y. Civil liabilityunder the contract of energysupply [Grazhdansko-pravovaya otvetstvennost’ po dogovoru ehnergosnabzheniya] // Postulate [Postulat]. 2017. №. 7. Gerasimov, Kharitonov (2016) – Gerasimov A. V., Kharitonov I. K. Legalstatus of guaranteeingsupplier in the contract of energysupply: challenges and prospects [Pravovoe polozhenie garantiruyushchego postavshchika v dogovore ehnergosnabzheniya: problemy i perspektivy]// Society and law [Obshchestvo i pravo]. 2016. №. 3. Tyutyunnikova (2013) – Tyutyunnikova D. V. Responsibility of the parties for improperperformance of the terms of the energysupplycontract [Otvetstvennost’ storon za nenadlezhashchee ispolnenie uslovij dogovora ehnergosnabzheniya] // VestnikTvgu. Series «Right» [Vestnik TvGU. Seriya «Pravo»]. 2013. Issue 34. Gromova, Panfilov (2011) – Gromova T. N., Panfilov M. Features of the conclusion of the contract of power supply and the responsibility of the partiesunder the contract of power supply [Osobennosti zaklyucheniya dogovora ehnergosnabzheniya i otvetstvennost’ storon po dogovoru ehnergosnabzheniya ] // Studium [Studium]. 2011. №. 1. Kuznetsova (2015)- Kuznetsova O. A. The Wine of the power supplyingorganization at an illegal break in power supply [Vina ehnergosnabzhayushchej organizacii pri nepravomernom pereryve v podache ehnergii ] // Vestnik of the Perm University. Legalscience [Vestnik Permskogo universiteta. YUridicheskie nauki]. 2015. №. 2 // ATP Consultant/ Tabunschikov, Esaulenko (2018) – Tabunschikov T., Esaulenko N. S. Responsibility of the partiesunder the power supplycontract: article (electronicresource) [Otvetstvennost’ storon po dogovoru ehnergosnabzheniya: stat’ya (ehlektronnyj resurs):]: Svirkov (2013) – Svirkov S. A., Problems of civil liabilityunder the contract of energysupply [Problemy grazhdansko-pravovoj otvetstvennosti po dogovoru ehnergosnabzheniya] // Tsivilist [Civilist]. 2013. №. 1 / / ATP Consultant. Svirkov (2018)- Svirkov, S. A. Main problems of civil lawregulation of the circulation of energy [Osnovnye problemy grazhdansko-pravovogo regulirovaniya oborota ehnergii]: Monograph // ATP ConsultantPlus. Kuznetsova (2015)- Kuznetsova O. A. Improper break in the flow of energy: concept and types [Nepravomernyj pereryv v podache ehnergii: ponyatie i vidy ]// The Russian legalmagazine [Rossijskij yuridicheskij zhurnal]. 2015. №. 5. //ATP ConsultantPlus |
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Eugenia V. GotsSenior lecturer of the Department of Transport Law, Russian University of Transport (MUT), Moscow, Russia. E-mail: |
Revisiting the question of the mechanism of civil legal protection of the rights of participants of the contract system in the sphere of procurement of goods, works, services for provisioning governmental and municipal needsAbstract Subject/theme. Author analyzes the features of the protection of the rights of participants of the contract system in accordance with civil legislation as well as Federal Law № 44-FZ of April 5, 2013 «On the contract system in the procurement of goods, works, services for provisioning governmental and municipal needs». Goals/objectives. The purpose of the research is to study the structure of the mechanism of civil-law protection of the rights of participants in the procurement of goods, works, services for provisioning governmental and municipal needs. Methodology. The methodological basis of the research is general scientific (dialectical, description, comparison, analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, analogy, generalization) and private scientific (comparative legal, formal-legal, document analysis) methods of cognition. Conclusion. Firstly the mechanism of civil-law protection of the rights of participants in the procurement of goods, works, services for provisioning governmental and municipal needs consists in regulating the ways to protect participants in contractual relationships; secondly, in the emergence of contractual relations, with subjective rights and obligations as its content; thirdly, in implementation of the right to defense by contractual legal entities, that is, the actual use of the right to protection through jurisdictional or non-judicial procedures; fourthly, it is reflected in the stage of law enforcement, the main purpose of which is the development of an enforceable act that ensures the emergence, modification or termination of a contractual relationship; fifthly, in the real (legal and actual) restoration of violated subjective rights. Key words: contract system; contractual relations; participants in contractual relations; mechanism of civil protection.
JEL Classification: К 15 References: Ozhegov (2012) – Ozhegov S.I. Dictionary of the Russian language [Tolkovyj slovar’ russkogo yazyka ] / С.И. Ozhegov; Ed. L.I. Skvortsova. – St. Petersburg: Leningrad Publishing House, 2012. – P. 533. A large academic dictionary of the Russian language [Bol’shoj akademicheskij slovar’ russkogo yazyka]. T. 10. – Moscow-St. Petersburg: «Science», 2008. – p. 141; Great Dictionary of the Russian language [Bol’shoj tolkovyj slovar’ russkogo yazyka] / Ch. Ed. S.A. Kuznetsov. – St. Petersburg: «Norint», 2008. – P. 539. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language [Tolkovyj slovar’ russkogo yazyka]. Volume II. Ed. D.N. Ushakov. – M .: Open Company «Publishing house Astrel», Open Company «Publishing house AST», 2000. – With. 203-204. Philosophical dictionary [Filosofskij slovar’]/ ed. I.T. Frolov. M., 1981. S. 424; Sadovsky V.N. Foundations of the general theory of systems. Logical and methodological analysis [Osnovaniya obshchej teorii sistem. Logiko-metodologicheskij analiz]. M., 1974. S. 83; Blauberg I.V., Yudin E.G. Formation and essence of the system approach [Stanovlenie i sushchnost’ sistemnogo podhoda]. – M., 1973. – P. 184-185. Shagieva (2014) – Shagieva R.V. Norms of procedural law: theory and practice of their implementation [Normy processual’nogo prava: teoriya i praktika ih realizacii]: monograph. – Moscow: Norma: INFRA-M, 2014. – P. 8. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language [Tolkovyj slovar’ russkogo yazyka]. Volume IV. Edited by D.N. Ushakov. – M .: OOO «Ihdatelstvo Astrel», OOO «Publishing House AST», 2000. – P. 465; Great Dictionary of the Russian language [Bol’shoj tolkovyj slovar’ russkogo yazyka ] / Ch. Ed. S.A. Kuznetsov. – St. Petersburg: «Norint», 2008. – P. 1256. Andreev (2010) – Andreev Y.N. Mechanism of civil protection [Mekhanizm grazhdansko-pravovoj zashchity]. – Moscow: Norma: Infra-M, 2010. – P. 278. Actual problems of civil law: a textbook [Aktual’nye problemy grazhdanskogo prava ] / collective of authors; Ed. R.W. Shagieva. – Moscow: JUSTICE, 2019. – P. 123. Alekseev (2008) – Alekseev S.S. General theory of law ] Obshchaya teoriya prava]: a textbook. – M., 2008. – P. 267. Theory of State and Law [Teoriya gosudarstva i prava ]/ Ed. S.S. Alekseeva. – M .: Jurid. lit., 1985. – P. 305. Theory of State and Law [Teoriya gosudarstva i prava]: a course of lectures / Ed. N.I. Matusow and A.V. Malko. – Moscow: The Case, 2011. – P. 627. Isakov (1980) – Isakov V.B. Actual composition in the mechanism of legal regulation [Fakticheskij sostav v mekhanizme pravovogo regulirovaniya]. – Saratov: The Sarat Publishing House. University, 1980. – P. 14. Shundikov (2001) – Shundikov K.V. The mechanism of legal regulation: a textbook [Mekhanizm pravovogo regulirovaniya: uchebnoe posobie ] / Ed. A.V. Malko. – Saratov: SGAP, 2001. – P. 56. Shabalin (1969) – Shabalin V.A. System analysis of the mechanism of legal regulation [Sistemnyj analiz mekhanizma pravovogo regulirovaniya ] // Soviet state and law [Sovetskoe gosudarstvo i pravo]. 1969. № 10. – P. 124-125. Radko, Lazarev, Morozova (2014) – Radko T.N., Lazarev V.V., Morozova L.A. Theory of State and Law [Teoriya gosudarstva i prava]: A Textbook. – Moscow: Prospekt [Prospekt], 2014. – P. 320. Brusko (2005) – Brusko B.S. The category of protection in the Russian competition law [Kategoriya zashchity v rossijskom konkursnom prave]. – Moscow: Volters Kluver [Volters Kluver], 2005. – P. 60. Vavilin (2016) – Vavilin E.V. Realization and protection of civil rights [Osushchestvlenie i zashchita grazhdanskih prav].- Moscow: Statute [Statut], 2016. – P. 58. Shmeleva (2018) – Shmeleva M.V. Teoretiko-methodological bases of the state (municipal) purchases [Teoretiko-metodologicheskie osnovy gosudarstvennyh (municipal’nyh) zakupok]: the monography. – Moscow: Yurlitinform [YUrlitinform], 2018. – P. 35. |
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Svetlana S. GorokhovaPhD (Candidate of Legal Sciences), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of legal regulation of economic activities Department at Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow. E-mail: |
Revisiting particular aspects of strategic planning in the Russian FederationAbstract Subject / theme. The subject of the research is social relations affected in the process of legal regulation of state strategic planning in Russia, as well as some aspects of the implementation of the provisions of the Federal law “On strategic planning in the Russian Federation”. Goals/objectives. The aim of the study is a comprehensive analysis of legal approaches to the procedure of strategic planning at the state level, as well as monitoring the results of the practical implementation of the legislation on strategic planning in the Russian Federation. Methodology. The methodological basis of the study are general methods of cognition; general scientific methods of research, including the system and logical method, as well as analysis, synthesis and analogy; private scientific methods, such as formal legal, statistical method etc.. Conclusion. The Federal law «On strategic planning in the Russian Federation», adopted by the State Duma of the Russian Federation in 2014, has certain legal shortcomings, in particular, its name does not fully correspond to the subject of legal regulation, there are some internal conflicts and discrepancies with other relevant legislative acts. In addition to this the implementation of this law does not fully comply with the terms established by this act, therefore, some of the most important acts of strategic planning, for example, the strategy of spatial development of the Russian Federation, are still not adopted. Key words: strategic planning, strategy, register of strategic planning acts, state policy, monitoring, implementation of strategic planning acts. References: Gorokhova (2016) – Gorokhova S. S. Historical and legal prerequisites for the emergence and development of Russian federalism [Istoriko-pravovye predposylki vozniknoveniya i razvitiya rossijskogo federalizma] // Fundamental and applied research of the cooperative sector of the economy [Fundamental’nye i prikladnye issledovaniya kooperativnogo sektora ehkonomiki]. 2010. No. 6. P. 69-74. [in Russian] Gaganov (2016) – Gasanov A. A. does Russia Have strategic planning?[ Est’ li v Rossii strategicheskoe planirovanie?] // [in Russian] Klimenko, Korolev, Dvinsky, Rychkova, Slastikhina (2016) -Strategic planning in the Russian Federation: the state of methodological support. Analytical report (on the results of monitoring the implementation of the Federal law of June 28, 2014 № 172-FZ “On strategic planning in the Russian Federation”) [Strategicheskoe planirovanie v Rossijskoj Federacii: sostoyanie metodicheskogo obespecheniya. Analiticheskij doklad (po rezul’tatam monitoringa realizacii Federal’nogo zakona ot 28 iyunya 2014 g. № 172-FZ «O strategicheskom planirovanii v Rossijskoj Federacii»)] [Text] : Preprint WP8/2016/02 / A. V. Klimenko, V. A. Korolev, D. Yu., Dvinskikh N. A. Rychkova, I. Y. Slastikhina ; NAT. research. University “Higher school of Economics”. – M. : Publishing House. house of Higher school of Economics, 2016. – (WP8 series “State and municipal administration”). [Nac. issled. un-t «Vysshaya shkola ehkonomiki». – M. : Izd. dom Vysshej shkoly ehkonomiki, 2016. – (Seriya WP8 «Gosudarstvennoe i municipal’noe upravlenie»)] P. 48 [in Russian] |
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Tatiana B. GvozdevaPhD (Candidate in Historical Sciences), Associate professor, Department of Foreign Literature, Maxim Gorky Institute of Literature and Creative Writing, Moscow. E-mail: |
Women in sports in Ancient GreeceAbstract Subject/theme. Greek athletics has always been the prerogative of men. Women did not even have the opportunity to attend the Olympic Games for a long time. Their participation in sports activities was very limited. However, in particular periods the situation of women in public life was changing so their rights to engage in athletics. Goals/objectives. The main goal is to identify the main stages in the development of women’s right to participate in the sports games of Greece, both as spectators and as direct participants. Methodology The right of women to practice sports for a long time was limited and mainly consisted of rituals, as in Hereah or Brauronia in the archaic and classical periods of Ancient Greek history. Only unmarried girls could participate in sports, while married women focused all their attention on the home and family. The exception was Spartans, who not only had the right, but also had to engage in sports and military athletics. The first cases of women’s participation in the Olympic Games occurred at the turn of the classical and Hellenistic periods, but this was just the “distant” particaption, as the owner of the chariot and horses. This practice continued in the era of Hellenism, when representatives of the Royal dynasties and the highest aristocracy were able to get a victory on the hippodromes of Olympia, Delphi, Athens for several times. Conclusion. In the era of Hellenism, women were able to act as patrons of athletes and sports festivals or as participants in equestrian competitions. Despite some interesting examples, there was almost no real participation of women in the sports life of Greece (i.e. examples of participation in competitions of athletics, weightlifting and martial arts). Key words: Olympic games, rase chariots, Kallipatera, Kiniska, Gereia, Panachenaia. JEL classification: K10 References: Гвоздева (2012) – Gvozdeva T.B. Sports terminology in Greek drama (horse agon) [Sportivnaya terminologiya v grecheskoj dramaturgii (konnyj agon)] // Terms, concepts, categories in literary texts and documents [Terminy, ponyatiya, kategorii v literaturnyh tekstah i dokumentah]. M., 2012. S. 47-64. Гвоздева (2013) – Gvozdeva T.B. The Olympic games of antiquity (from myth to history) [Olimpijskie igry antichnosti (ot mifa k istorii)]. М., 2013. Crowther (2007) – Crowther N.B. Sport in Ancient Times. Lnd., 2007. Dillon (1997) – Dillon M. Pilgrims and Pilgrimage in Ancient Greece, London. 1997. Dillon (2000) – Dillon M. Did Parthenoi attend the Olympic Games? Girls and women competing, spectating, and carrying out cult roles at Greek religious festivals // Hermes. 128. 2000. P. 457–480. Dillon (2002) – Dillon M. Girls and woman in classicak Greek religion. Lnd., 2002. Drees (1968) – Drees L. Olympia: Gods, Artists, and Athletes. Trans. G. Onn. New York: Praeger, 1968. Ferrari (2002) – Ferrari G. Figures of Speech, Men and Maidens in Ancient Greece. Chicago, 2002. Golden (1998) – Golden M. Greek Sport and Social Status. Cambridge, 1998. Harris (1967) – Harris H.A. Greek Athletes and Athletics. Bloomington, 1967. Kaibel (1958) – Kaibel G. Comicorum Graecorum Fragmenta I. 2nd ed. Berlin, 1958. Kyle (2014) – Kyle D.G. Sport and Spectacle in the Ancient World. Lnd., 2014. Mantas (1995) – Mantas K. Women and Athletics in the Roman East // Nikephoros. 8. 1995. P. 125–144. Miller (2004) – Miller S.G. Ancient Greek Athletics. New Haven, London, 2004. Pomeroy (2002) – Pomeroy S. Spartan Women. Oxford, 2002. Scanlon (1988) – Scanlon T.F. Virgineum Gymnasium: Spartan Females and Early Greek Athletics. In: The Archaeology of the Olympics, ed. Wendy J . Raschke, 185-216. Madison, Wis., 1988. Scanlon (1999) – Scanlon T.F. Women, Bull Sports, Cults and Initiation in Minoan Crete // Nikephoros. 12. 1999. P. 33–70. Scanlon (2002) – Scanlon T.F. Eros and Greek Athletics. Oxford, 2002. Young (2004) – Young D.C. A Brief History of the Olympic Games. Lnd., 2004.
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Natalia F. PopovaDoctor of Sciences (Law), Professor of the Department of legal regulation of economic activities of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow E-mail: |
Features of the financial sector of the economyAbstract Subject/theme. The main subject of this article is the public relations in the financial sector of the economy. Goals/Оbjectives The main goal of the study is the analysis of the theory and the legal regulation of the subject matter, formulation of the objectives and tasks of the state in the financial sector of the economy. Methodology Within the conducted study general and private methods of cognition of phenomena and processes have been employed. The author have applied such research methods as formal logic, comparative law and others. Conclusion. The state uses finance to manage the economic industries. Finance system includes public (municipal) finances and private (corporate) finance. The components of the financial system are closely linked. Important role in financial management is owned by legal regulation, implementation the authority on accumulation, distribution and use of funds of the state as well as the control of compliance by the public and municipal authorities. In order to generate the financial resources the public authorities enter various types of legal relations: taxation; collection of obligatory payments of non-tax nature (compulsory insurance contributions, monetary penalties, etc.); the voluntary involvement of funds (public loans, lending, insurance); issue banknotes etc. The result was the disclosure of the features of the legal regulation of the constituent elements of the financial system and interactions between them. So, the corporate finances interact with public finances during tax and insurance payments in state budgets and extra-budgetary funds and obtaining budget loans for the implementation of their budgets activity. There are also interrelations within the corporate finance system in the process of payment of fines and other sanctions, making share contributions, investments, participation in distribution of profits and dividends receiving. State and municipal finances also communicate with corporate finance and extra-budgetary funds on different levels and types of budgets of the budgetary system e.g. during the transfer of funds from the budget to extrabudgetary funds to certain targeted expenditures or during the usage of extrabudgetary funds for the purchase of government securities. There is a link between the budgets of the public and local authorities with the finances of budgetary institutions, because their funds are formed primarily from the state budget system. Key words: Public finance, corporate finance, the State, municipalities, budgetary system of the RF, interaction, legal regulation.
JEL Classification: K 23
References: Rajzberg, Lozovskij, Starodubceva – 2011. Rajzberg B.A., Lozovskij L.SH., Starodubceva E.B. Modern dictionary of economics [Sovremennyj ehkonomicheskij slovar]. -6 Ed., revised. and extras. – М.: infra-m [6-e izd., pererab. i dop. – M.: INFRA-M]. – 2011.-Р. 352. Mel’nikova – 2016. Mel’nikova T.V. Function of deposits in estate business partnerships or societies [Funkciya vkladov v imushchestvo hozyajstvennyh tovarishchestv ili obshchestv] // Legal world [Yuridicheskij mir]. -2016. – N. 9. – P.-27-29. Maksimova – 2017. Maksimova N.V. Unitary enterprises controls on Russian administrative law [Organy upravleniya unitarnymi predpriyatiyami po rossijskomu administrativnomu zakonodatel’stvu] // Lawyer [YUrist]. -2017. N. 5. – P. 40-46. Kleandrov – 2015. Kleandrov M.I. On the necessity of gaining legal status of entrepreneur/strangers [O neobxodimosti obreteniya nezaregistrirovanny`m predprinimatelem legal`nogo statusa] / Business law [Predprinimatel`skoe pravo]. – 2015. – N. 3. -P. 3-13. Strigunova – 2015. Strigunova D.P. On the legal status of an individual entrepreneur [O pravovom statuse individual`nogo predprinimatelya] // Lawyer [Yurist]. – 2015. – N 9. – P. 22 – 27. Trofimova – 2018. Trofimova E.V. State registration of physical persons as individual entrepreneurs: an empty formality or a pressing need? [Gosudarstvennaya registraciya fizicheskix licz v kachestve individual`ny`x predprinimatelej: pustaya formal`nost` ili nasushhnaya neobxodimost`?] Business law. Application of law and Business // [Predprinimatel`skoe pravo. Prilozhenie «Pravo i Biznes»]. – 2018. – N 1. – P. 7 – 11. Ly`senko – 2017. Ly`senko E.D. Topical issues of legal regulation of self-employment [Aktual`ny`e problemy` pravovogo regulirovaniya samozanyatosti] // Public-legal studies: electron. log. [Publichno-pravovy`e issledovaniya: e`lektron. Zhurn]. – 2017. – N 2. – P. 1 – 11. |
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Ainur G. DemievaPhD (Candidate of Legal Sciences), Associate Professor of the Department of civil law at Kazan Federal University, 420008, Kremlin st, 18, Kazan, Republic of Tatarstan, Russian Federation. E-mail: |
Revisiting particular methodological problems of civil-law disciplines teaching in higher educationAbstract Subject/theme. The article is devoted to the analysis of methods of civil-law disciplines training in higher education. The author of the article draws attention to the low level of training of high school graduates, whose theoretical knowledge and practical skills obtained in the process of training do not correspond to the market needs of employers. Modern methods of teaching represent a standard procedure and students do not acquire professional knowledge in research and cognition of civil law disciplines. Goals/objectives The author has concentrated his attention on the existing methods of civil-law disciplines teaching in higher education. In the course of studying this problem, a need for improving the training methods has been identified. Methodology The study was based on an analysis of existing teaching methods. Conclusion It is concluded that there is the validity of the modernization of the national methods of teaching. The author suggests using new teaching methods that are successfully applied in foreign law schools. The author substantiates the necessity of using the Socrates method and the IRAC method. Each of these methods creates its values and is aimed at achieving specific goals in studying process. Key words: schooling method, Socrates, IRAC, methodology
References: Norman (2011) – Norman A. The Socratic Method as an approach to Learning and Its Benefits [Metod Sokrata ego izuchenie i preimushestva / Universitet Karnegi Melona], Carnegie Mellon University [Universitet Karnegi Melona] 2011. p. 3-45 [in USA] Baitin (2001) – Baitin M.I. The essence of law [Sushchnost’ prava], Modern normative legal understanding on the verge of two centuries [Sovremennoe normativnoe pravoponimanie na grani dvukh vekov], Saratov State Academy of Law [Saratovskaya gosudarstvennaya akademiya prava] 2001. 416 p. [in Russian] Bondarenko (2006) – Bondarenko N.L. Methods of teaching subjects of the civil law cycle in the training of highly qualified specialists [Metodika prepodavaniia distsiplin grazhdansko-pravovogo tsikla pri podgotovke spetsialistov vysshei kvalifikatsii], International scientific and practical conference “Training of highly qualified scientific personnel for the purpose of ensuring innovative development of the economy” [Mezhdunarodnaia nauchno-prakticheskaia konferentsiia «Podgotovka nauchnykh kadrov vysshei kvalifikatsii s tsel’iu obespecheniia innovatsionnogo razvitiia ekonomiki»], Conference materials [Materialy konferencii] 2006. p. 146 [in Russian] Gutnikov (2006) – Gutnikov A.B. On the concept of interactive methods of conducting classes. Using interactive methods in teaching legal disciplines [O poniatii interaktivnykh metodov provedeniia zaniatii. Ispol’zovanie interaktivnykh metodov v prepodavanii iuridicheskikh distsiplin], Digest of articles and teaching materials [Sbornik statei i metodicheskih materialov] 2006. p.44 [in Russian] Dobrokhotova (2007) – Dobrokhotova E.N. Practical training of lawyers in Russia: the history of formation and development prospects (on the example of a legal clinic in St. Petersburg State University) [Prakticheskoe obuchenie iuristov v rossii: istoriia stanovleniia i perspektivy razvitiia (na primere iuridicheskoi kliniki v SPbGU)], St. Petersburg [Sankt Peterburg] 2007. 27 p [in Russian] Kazachkova, Klyukovskaya (2013) – Kazachkova Z.M, Klyukovskaya I.N Legal Education in the US: Improving the Model [Iuridicheskoe obrazovanie v SShA: sovershenstvovanie modeli], Lex russica [Leks Russia] 2013 # 7. p.774-780 [in Russian] Narutto (2013) – Narutto S.V. Educational technologies in the legal clinic [Obrazovatel’nye tekhnologii v iuridicheskoi klinike], Actual problems of the Russian law [Aktual’nye problemy rossiiskogo prava] 2013 # 7. p. 907-916 [in Russian] Sinyukov., Sinyukova (2009) – Sinyukov V.N., Sinyukova Т.V. Conceptual bases of the development of university and applied legal education in Russia [Kontseptual’nye osnovy razvitiia universitetskogo i prikladnogo iuridicheskogo obrazovaniia v Rossii], Technology law [Iuridicheskaia tekhnika] 2009 # 3. p.292-308 [in Russian] Smirnov (2007) – Smirnov M.A. Development of professional self-awareness of future lawyers in conditions of using interactive teaching methods [Razvitie professional’nogo samosoznaniia budushchikh iuristov v usloviiakh ispol’zovaniia interaktivnykh metodov obucheniia], Kazan [Kazan’] 2007. 24 p. [in Russian] Tseeva (2007) – Tseeva S.K. Formation of civil culture of future lawyers in the process of professional training [Formirovanie grazhdanskoi kul’tury budushchikh iuristov v protsesse professional’noi podgotovki], Maikop [Maikop] 2007. 24 p. [in Russian] Chkhutiashvili (2010) – Chkhutiashvili N.V. New labor market requirements for young lawyers [Novye trebovaniia rynka truda k molodym iuristam], Legal education and science [Iuridicheskoe obrazovanie i nauka] 2010 # 4. p. 11-15 [in Russian] Methods of teaching [Metody obucheniia], Encyclopaedia Wikipedia [Entsiklopediia Vikipediia] % 83% D1% 87% D0% B5% D0% BD% D0% B8% D1% 8F Method of Socrates [Metod Sokrata], Encyclopedia Wikipedia [Entsiklopediia Vikipediia] % 80% D0% B0% D1% 82% D0% B0 The IRAC method [Metod IRAC], Encyclopedia Wikipedia [Entsiklopediia Vikipediia] Official West Law website [Ofitsial’nyi sait West Law] Official Contract Express site [Ofitsial’nyi sait Contract Express]
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Arkadi. S. Nekozjudge of the Cheremkhovo city court of the Irkutsk region, external PhD student of the Russian State University of Justice, Cheremkhovo, Irkutsk region, Russia. E-mail: |
Accompliceship institute as the basis for the analysis of encouraging to commit crimesAbstract Subject / theme. The study is dedicated to the the nature and signs of complicity in general and incitement to crime commitment in particular. The reserach proves that incitement also has features of accessoryity (since it requires the fact of a direct crime committed by the perpetrator), and the features of the theory of self-responsibility (since it does not imply strict dependence in the qualification and assignment of punishment to the instigator on evaluating the performer’s performance). Goals / objectives. The author analyzes the main scientifics views on complicity recognizing the independent nature of the basis of responsibility and the eclectic one. In this case, each approach has several variations in the literature, differing in the solution of certain particular problems of complicity. Methodology. The methodological basis of the study include universal methods of cognition; general scientific methods, including the system and logical method, as well as analysis, synthesis and analogy; private-scientific methods: comparative legal and formal-legal etc. Conclusion. Based on the analysis of doctrinal sources, legislation and case law a conclusion about the dual, eclectic nature of the normative design of complicity is drawn; the ensuing rules for the qualification of complicity in crime and the delimitation of complicity from preparation to crime are proved. Key words: instigator, accessory participation, independent responsibility of accomplices, the basis of responsibility of accomplices, preparation for crime. References: Burchak (1974) – Burchak F.G. The doctrine of complicity in Soviet criminal law Uchenie o souchastii po sovetskomu ugolovnomu pravu / otv. Ed .: Lanovenko IP – Kiev: Science. Dumka [Nauk. dumka,], 1969. – P. 72 – 79; Telnov P.F. Responsibility for complicity in a crime. – M .: Jurid. lit. 1974. – P. 8 – 22. Kovalev (1960) – Kovale M.I. Participation in a crime [Souchastie v prestuplenii]. In 2 hours Part 1. The concept of complicity [Ponyatie souchastiya]. – Sverdlovsk: BI, 1960. – P. 101. Naumov (2007) – Naumov A.V. Russian criminal law [Rossijskoe ugolovnoe pravo]. Lecture course. In 3 vol. T.1. A common part. – 4 th ed., Pererab. and additional. – Moscow: Volters Kluver, 2007. – P. 466. Pudovochkin (2010) – Pudovochkin Y.E. The doctrine of crime [Uchenie o prestuplenii]. – 2 nd ed., Corrected. and additional. – Moscow: Yurlitinform, 2010. – P. 224. Pushkin (1995) – Pushkin A.V. Incitement to commit a crime: author’s abstract [Podstrekatel’stvo k soversheniyu prestupleniya]. dis. … cand. jurid. sciences. – M., 1995. – P. 19. Sharapov (2016) – Sharapov R.D. Complicity in crime: law, theory, practice [Souchastie v prestuplenii: zakon, teoriya, praktika] // LexRussica. – 2016. – No. 10. – P. 105 – 115. Heifetz (1914) – Kheifets I.Y. Incitement to crime. Study. With the pref. S.V. Poznysheva [Podstrekatel’stvo k prestupleniyu. Issledovanie]. – Moscow: Izd. jurid. book. mag. “Jurisprudence” I.K. Golubeva, 1914. – pp. 9 – 10. Malakhov (1960) – Malakhov I.P. Participation in military crimes in the light of the general doctrine of complicity in Soviet criminal law [Souchastie v voinskih prestupleniyah v svete obshchego ucheniya o souchastii po sovetskomu ugolovnomu pravu]: the author’s abstract. dis. … cand. jurid. sciences. – M., 1960. – P. 14. Guzun (1975) – Guzun V.U. Forms of complicity in crime [Formy souchastiya v prestuplenii]: the author’s abstract. dis. … cand. jurid. sciences. – M., 1975. – P. 10. Review of the judicial practice of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation for the IV quarter of 2013 [Obzor sudebnoj praktiki Verhovnogo Suda RF za IV kvartal 2013 g. ] (Resolution of the Presidium of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation No. 235-P13) // BVS RF. – 2014. – No. 9. Mirzoyan (2012) – Mirzoyan V.G. Incitement to commit a crime in Russian and foreign criminal law [Podstrekatel’stvo k soversheniyu prestupleniya v rossijskom i zarubezhnom ugolovnom prave]: the author’s abstract. dis. … cand. jurid. sciences. – Krasnodar, 2012. – P. 17. Set of crimes: problems of theory and practice qualifications [Sovokupnost’ prestuplenij: problemy teorii i praktiki kvalifikacii ] / Ed. Yu.E. Pudovochkina. – |
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Alexander O. DarkinSupreme Court of the Russian Federation, 15 Povarskaya str., Moscow, 121260, Russia. |
Evidence in the personal-bankruptcy case and their discovery orderAbstract Subject / topic Author studies the problems of the evidence discovery in the personal-bankruptcy case and their submission to the court. Goals / objectives Investigation of evidence necessary for the consideration and examination of the case on the merits of the recognition of the citizen bankrupt as well as the order of presentation of the necessary evidence by the parties during the bankruptcy case. Methodology Analysis, synthesis, comparison, abstraction, problem statement, hypothesis construction, specification have been employed durimg the study conducted. Conclusion and Relevance For the purpose of consideration and examination of the civil case on the personal-bankruptcy case by the arbitration court, the necessary evidence is provided by the persons concerned, on the basis of which the arbitration court finds the application for bankruptcy of a citizen proven. In the process of submitting and requesting evidence problems arise both for the debtor and creditors as well as the authorized bodies. Accordingly, the court must take into account many factors in the process of personal-bankruptcy proceedings of an individual. It is proposed to the legislator to provide a list of special types of evidence on the basis of which the court may recognize the personal-bankruptcy application proven. Key words: arbitration court, bankruptcy, evidence, debtor, financial manager, witness, application for bankruptcy, property, bankruptcy procedure. References: Arbitration procedural code of the Russian Federation of 24.07.2002 N 95-FZ (ed. of 28.12.2017); /// LRS Consultant Plus Federal law of 26.10.2002 “On insolvency (bankruptcy)” from 26.10.2002 N 127-FZ (as amended on 01.07.2018). /// LRS Consultant Plus Federal law of 15.11.1997 N 143-FZ “on acts of civil status” (as amended. and DOP., entry. in force with 01.01.2018). /// LRS Consultant Plus The law of the Russian Federation N 1032-1 from 19.04.1991 “On employment of population in the Russian Federation” (edition of 03.07.2018). /// LRS Consultant Plus Order of FNS of Russia of 17.11.2010 N MMV-7-3/611@ “about the statement of the form of data on the income of physical persons And recommendations on its filling, the format of data on the income of physical persons in electronic form, reference books” / / Bulletin of state registration of 2010 /// LRS Consultant Plus Order of the Ministry of economic development of the Russian Federation of 05.08.2015 N 530 “on approval of the forms of documents submitted by a citizen when applying to the court to declare him bankrupt” (Registered in the Ministry of justice of Russia 26.08.2015 N 38699). /// LRS Consultant Plus Sholokhov (2016) – Sholokhova E.V. Insolvency (bankruptcy) of a citizen as a legal instrument for ensuring financial stability in the Russian Federation. [Nesostoyatel’nost’ (bankrotstvo) grazhdanina kak pravovoj instrument obespecheniya finansovoj stabil’nosti v Rossijskoj Federacii]. International scientific journal “The modern lawyer”. 2016. No 3 (16). Pp. 27-37. |
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