The Modern Lawyer №1(26)
Artem G. Karapetyanthe Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education «Moscow State Law University named after O.E. Kutafin (MSLU)», postgraduate of the Department of Administrative Lawand Process, Moscow, Russia. Е-mail: |
A sign of public danger of administrative offences in the sphere of action of the budget legislationAbstract Subject/theme. Identification of a sign of public danger of violations of the budget legislation for which administrative responsibility is established. Goals / objectives. Tojustify the presence of a sign of public danger of acts that cause or create a threat of harm to public relations in the public sector, protected by administrative legislation. Methodology. Such research methods of comparative legal as analysis, synthesis, specification, formal-logical and other methods of scientific researchhave been employed within the study conducted. Conclusion.The comparative legal analysis and comparison of the norms of administrative legislation providing for liability for offenses in the budget sphere with the norms of criminal legislation, led to the conclusion that there is a sign of public danger in violations of budget legislation, for which administrative responsibility is provided, but it is less in comparison with criminal offenses. Key words: administrative offense, signs of administrative offense, public danger, administrative responsibility for violation of budget legislation.
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Vladimir O. KhromovThe Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education «Moscow State Law University named after O.E. Kutafin (MSAL)», Moscow, Russia. Е-mail: |
«Who is John Galt ?»Abstract Subject / Topic Disclosure (Aspects) of the formation of the public service system using the ideas of «Meritocracy» in administrative law (var. 1). The use of the ideas of «Meritocracy» in the formation of the public service system (var. 2). Goals / objectives Definition of the concept of «Meritocracy» in the public service system and identification the main features of the formation of this system. Methodology The research used methods of analysis, synthesis, specification, legal modeling, extrapolation, formal-logical and other methods of scientific research. Conclusion and Relevance The public service system, based on the ideas of Meritocracy, will improve the efficiency of the state apparatus and create a favorable opinion about public servants in the society. Key words: current problems, meritocracy, public service, state apparatus, moderate egoism, bureaucracy. References:
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Alla P. AdamenkoAssociate Professor, Civil law Department of the Russian State University of justice, Candidate of legal sciences, Moscow. E-mail: |
Implementation of the principles of civil law in corporate relationsAbstract Subject/Topic. Corporate legal relations should be developed in compliance with the principles of guaranteed exercise of corporate rights and performance of duties, equality of all participants in corporate legal relations and inadmissibility of abuse of corporate rights. Goals/Objectives. In the article the problem of contradictory definition of corporate law and corporate relations is noted, the principles of corporate legal relations are considered and significant, according to the author, various doctrinal points of view, their concretization and implementation in the civil legislation are allocated. Methodology. The methodological basis of the study consists of universal methods of knowledge; general scientific research methods, including the system and logic method, as well as analysis, synthesis and analogy, etc. Conclusion and Relevance. Although the principles of corporate relations are not directly enshrined in the legislation of the Russian Federation, they can also be implemented in the interpretation of certain rules of law, as well as in judicial practice. Keywords: corporate law, corporate relations, principles of corporate relations, implementation of the principles of corporate relations.
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Arina D. Vnutskikhрostgraduate student of the Samara National Research University, Samara. Samara National Research University, Samara, st. Moskovskoye shosse, 34, 443086, Samara. E-mail: |
Juridical persons of public lawAbstract Subject / Topic The article deals with the legal persons of public law as an independent category. Goals / Objectives In the article, the author of the study examines the categories discussed by modern science, legal entities of private and public law, and raises the problem of the need to separate legal persons of public law as an independent category. Methodology The author analyzes the modern scientists who are discussing in this field, and deduces his own conclusion, which gives an answer to the question put forward. The author also highlights the problem of dividing legal entities into legal entities of public and private law. The author studies legal persons of public law on the example of the legislation of France, Germany, Georgia, Russia. In the course of the research, the author proposes to identify the essential criteria of the dualism put forward. In the process of research, special attention is paid to the analysis of the evolutionary development of domestic legislation. For this purpose, the methods of dividing legal entities used in Russian legislation are considered. Also, the paper studies the peculiarities of legal regulation of legal entities of public law in the Russian legislation. Conclusion and Relevance The article examines and suggests new characteristics that characterize legal entities of public law and examines them on the example of a new legal form of a legal entity – a public – law company. Keywords: legal persons of public law, legal entities of private law, public-law company, state corporation, legal entity, civil code, private law, public law, civil law, administrative law.
JEL classification: K10
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Olga V. KostinaAssociate Professor, Civil law Department of the Russian state University of justice, Candidate of legal sciences, Moscow. E-mail: Vladislav E. LyubanovStudent Russian State University of Justice, Moscow. |
Realization of the principle of integrity in cases on the failure (bankruptcy) of the hereditary massAbstract Subject/theme The subject of the study is the social relations arising in connection with the implementation of the principle of good faith in insolvency (bankruptcy) of the hereditary mass. Goals/objectives The aim of the study is the analysis of the provisions of articles 1, 10, 1175 of the Civil code of the Russian Federation, article 223.1 of section 4 of Chapter X of the Federal law «On insolvency (bankruptcy)» and the possibility of the implementation of the principle of good faith in insolvency (bankruptcy) of the hereditary mass. Methodology The methodological basis of research are: universal methods of knowledge; scientific methods, including systematic and logical method and also the analysis, synthesis and analogy; methods such as the method of comparative law and formal legal method. Conclusion The study allows us to conclude that the provisions reflected in articles 1, 10, 1175 of the civil code and article 223.1 of the Federal law «on insolvency (bankruptcy)» are applied taking into account the principle of good faith as subjects of hereditary relations, and participants in insolvency (bankruptcy) of the estate. It should be recognized that the lack of consolidation at the legislative level of the requirement of good behavior of participants in the studied legal relations generates ambiguity in the decisions of various courts. Key words: the principle of good faith, the bankruptcy (insolvency), mass of the succession, the heir, the debt, the lender References:
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Elena S. PozhidaevaS., leading consultant, Judicial Board on economic disputes Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, the Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education «Russian state University of justice», department of Civil law, Moscow, Russia. Е-mail: |
The nature of administrative transactionsAbstract Subject/topic. The subject of the research is the expediency of introducing the principle of abstraction of administrative transaction into the Russian civil law. Goals/objectives. Research the concept of abstractness of the administrative transaction and based on foreign experience, to identify the advantages and disadvantages of this principle. Methodology. In the preparation of the article General theoretical and special methods of scientific knowledge were used: analysis and synthesis, formal legal and comparative legal methods. The author studied and analyzed the current legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as foreign legislation governing the assignment of the right of claim. Conclusion. The adoption of the Russian law of the concept of abstract administrative transactions will largely be deprived of the value of the existing Institute of bona fide purchaser of property from unauthorized the transferor with all its «checks and balances». The attempts of some modern Russian scientists to «embed» the principle of abstraction into the existing legal system will lead to destabilization of the already not uniform judicial practice. Thus, there are all the prerequisites to enable the courts and the Russian judicial practice to gradually and independently develop the legal qualification of actions for the performance of a contractual obligation and to develop ways to solve the legal problems arising in this area. Keywords: concession of the right of the requirement, obligatory transaction, administrative transaction, principle of abstraction, principle of causality, institute of conscientious acquisition of rights.
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Ilya S. IksanovCandidate of law, associate Professor, Department of legal regulation of economic activity, Moscow, Russia. Email: |
Constitutional-legal aspects of European citizenshipAnnotation Given the specificity of the functioning of the supranational structures of the European Union, as well as the distribution of powers between the European Union and the member countries, it can be said that the European Union is a confederation with federation elements. Such a legal structure determines the peculiarities of the regulatory framework of the competence of the European Union and the provision of sovereign power of the participating countries. All citizens of the European Union are citizens of a common European state, while at the same time retaining their national citizenship. It is important that supranational European citizenship is not a substitute for national citizenship, but its complement. This suggests that a member state of the European Union, according to its own laws, defines the rights and obligations of citizens. The European Union provides citizens with additional rights: the right to free movement within the European Union, the right to reside, receive education, and create a family in the European Region. In addition, the European Union allows all citizens of member countries to elect and be elected in local (municipal) and European (in the European Parliament) elections, regardless of their country of origin. In this article, the formation of supranational citizenship in the European Union from 1957 to 1992 was considered. Despite the fact that the citizenship of that period is different from what we see today, it can be argued that it was at that time that the most important steps were taken to establish the modern supranational citizenship of the European Union. Keywords: citizenship; citizen; European Union; reunification of Germany; supranational citizenship; politics.
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Petr I. Chuvakhinlecturer of the Department of legal regulation of economic activity Department at «Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation», Moscow, senior Lecturer at the Department of Civil Law Disciplines of the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow. |
Dispute resolution issues in the field of international taxation by individual justice authoritiesAbstract Subject/topic The subject of the study are disputes in the field of international taxation. Goals/objectives The purpose of the study is to analyze international legal mechanisms for the resolution of disputes in the field of international taxation. Methodology Применялись методы экспертных оценок, обобщающих показателей, метод системного анализа. Conclusion Based on the considered features, an international tax dispute is a disagreement that arises on the basis of specific legal facts between a tax agent (taxpayer) of one state and an authorized state entity (body) in terms of considering the legality and validity of omission, action, decision or non-standard legal act, the tax authority of another state. There is an extensive system of dispute resolution mechanisms arising from international treaties. This system has its own specifics. In addition to the considered features, the specificity of this system is expressed in a relatively separate implementation of regional dispute resolution rules and in the presence of special regulations on the protection of individual rights. Key words: tax disputes, judicial practice, judicial authorities, taxpayer, sanctions, arbitration court of appeal JEL classification: K33
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Svetlana S. Gorokhovacandidate of legal Sciences, associate Professor, associate Professor of the Department of legal regulation of economic activity Department at «Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation», Moscow. E-mail:
About some tasks of the state policy of the Russian Federation in the sphere of increase of efficiency of foreign economic cooperationAnnotation.
Subject / topic. The subject of the study is the social relations affected in the process of state strategic economic security in Russia, in particular, in the field of improving the efficiency of foreign economic cooperation. Goals / objectives. The aim of the study is a comprehensive analysis of a number of provisions of the Strategy of economic security of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2030, concerning the definition of the tasks of the state policy in the sphere of increase of efficiency of foreign economic cooperation and the realization of competitive advantages for export-oriented sectors of the economy, as well as monitoring the intermediate results of the practical implementation of these provisions to life. Methodology. The methodological basis of the research is: General methods of cognition; General scientific methods of research, including the system and logical method, as well as analysis, synthesis, analogy, formal legal, statistical method, and others. Conclusion. The studied problems look quite reasonable and logical, although not free from some, difficult to perceive from the point of view of theory and practice of the provisions. In terms of expanding partnership cooperation within the framework of international cooperation, in our opinion, unjustifiably reduces the list of priority contractors of the state. The task of establishing regional and TRANS-regional integration associations in compliance with the national interests of the Russian Federation is not sufficiently concrete. According to the results of monitoring in the field of legal advice to support the legitimate interests of Russian exporters abroad, it can be concluded that a systematic and serious work in this direction. Key words: security, economic security, foreign economic cooperation, export, TRANS-regional integration associations.
JEL Classification: K30
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Evgeniya P. SimaevaAssociate Professor, Department of Legal Regulation of Economic Activity, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia. E-mail: Igor G. TyutyunnikResearch Fellow, Institute for Industrial Policy and Institutional Development of the Corporate Finance and Corporate Management Department, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia. E-mail: |
Financial and legal support for effectiveness of state regulation of industrial developmentAbstract Subject / Topic The article examines the problems of legal support for the effectiveness of state regulation of industrial development. Goal/ Objectives. A legal analysis of a number of regulatory legal acts aimed at state regulation of industrial development has been carried out. The main objectives of the study include identifying gaps in legislative regulation and the formulation of proposals for improving the effective application of state regulation of industrial development. Methodology The system research method is used by legal analysis of the effectiveness of state regulation of industrial development. At the same time, the elements of state regulation of industrial development are considered from the standpoint of legal support. Results Given specific proposals for improving the legal framework for the effectiveness of state regulation of industrial development. Conclusion and Relevance A system for improving the legal framework for state regulation of industrial development is proposed. Keywords: state regulation, industrial development, financing of industrial development, normative legal acts, industrial policy, perfection of industrial legislation, unsanctioned.
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Larisa M. Zeynalovacandidate of historical Sciences, head of the Department of civil law and procedure, «Moscow Orthodox Institute of St. John theologian «associate Professor of the Department of state and international law Non-governmental Autonomous non-profit organization of higher education «Institute of world civilizations», associate Professor of the «Department of transport business Management and intelligent systems» Institute of management and information technology, Russian University of transport (MIIT), Moscow. E-mail: |
Historical - legal analysis of anti-corruption activities according to the russian legislationAnnotation Subject/topic Corruption. Historical and legal aspect of corruption formation as a phenomenon Goals/objectives Show the historical trends of corruption in Russia. To analyze the reasons for the «sustainability» of such a phenomenon as corruption in Russia, despite the constant struggle against it with the help of laws. Methodology The methodological basis of the research is a set of scientific methods of cognition. The dialectical method allowed to study the processes of corruption formation. Specifically, the historical method was used to identify the causes of corruption. The comparative legal method allowed to compare the stages of historical development and the causes of corruption in them. The formal-legal method was used in the analysis of legislative material. Conclusion Unproductive explanation of the causes of corruption in the Soviet legal consciousness created fertile ground for their increase. Figuratively speaking, corruption was «inherited» by the current apparatus of public administration, and the transition to market relations gave a new impetus to corruption in the system of state and municipal service Keywords: corruption, Russian legislation, government resolutions, historical and legal analysis, anti-corruption expertise
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Sergey A.Goncharovgraduate student, Law Institute of RUDN University Moscow, Russia. E-mail:
The US experience in the sphere of countering industrial espionageAnnotation Goals / Objective Identify and disclose the characteristics of countering industrial espionage in the United States. Methodology The methodological basis of the study consists of universal methods of cognition, general scientific research methods, including system and logical methods, as well as analysis, synthesis, and particular scientific methods. Conclusion. Analyzing the US criminal legislation in the sphere of responsibility for economic espionage, it should be noted the repressive nature of the American criminal legislation in the area under study. Keywords: USA, industrial espionage, criminal law, state industrial espionage.
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Sayana.V. Semenovacourt secretary of the Ekhirit-Bulagatsky District Court of the Irkutsk Region Ust-Ordynsky, Ekhirit-Bulagatsky District, Irkutsk Region. Russia. E-mail: |
Criticity to crime as a criminal legal instituteAbstract Subject / theme The subject is the study of the nature and types of attachment to a crime, the historical aspect of the criminal law institution «attachment to a crime», actual problems of qualifying the crimes of this criminal law institution, issues of improving the legislation on criminal liability for harboring crimes. Goals / Objectives The article analyzes the historical aspects of the institution of the imposition of a crime, gives a general criminal law description of the crime provided for in Article 316 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, distinguishes in advance not promised concealment of crimes from other crimes with similar characteristics, provides suggestions for improving criminal legislation in the framework of article 316 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation . Methodology In this work, we used both general methods of cognition and general scientific methods of cognition, in particular, analysis, synthesis, analogy, logical and systemic methods, general scientific methods: comparative legal and formal legal. Conclusion The main determining and criminalizing element in art. 316 of the Criminal Code, providing for criminal liability, has become a category of crime. In the notes to this article there is a lack of legislative technology, which is expressed in the absence of a definition of a close relative in the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. The misunderstanding of the objective and subjective signs of the concealment of crimes gave rise to a number of problems in properly qualifying in advance the promised secrecy of crimes. Key words: attachment to a crime, concealment of crimes, non-information, failure to report a crime, complicity in a crime, acquiescence, criminal liability.
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Alexander V. Sukhanovcandidate of Law Sciences, associate professor, associate professor «Criminal disciplines» of faculty «Law, social technologies and psychology», Shakhty, Russia. E-mail:
Indentifikation of the identity of suspects of persons by the method of the description of signs of appearance of the personAnnotation Importance. Formation of a subjective portrait of the identity of the suspected person, on the basis of perception by the eyewitness of the main signs of appearance of the person. Objective. To define an operation algorithm of the expert performing work on drawing up subjective malt liquor of the suspected person taking into account the theory of identification of persons on external signs. To mark out features of the methodological approach applied in criminalistics by drawing up subjective portraits. Methods. Hermeneutics, comparative, analytical comparison. Conclusion and Relevance. In article it is noted that the great practical value by drawing up a subjective portrait has the identity of the eyewitness and a condition of its contact with the criminal. Obtaining the maximum information from the eyewitness for the purpose of drawing up the most reliable portrait depends on tactics of work with it. Perception and storing of an image of the criminal are undoubtedly influenced by his identity. Than more deviations of proportions and dimensional characteristics of elements of the person from an average, subjects the person is better remembered. Not always the expert manages to obtain in full verbal information on features of the criminal. For this situation formation of an image of the criminal at the expert is necessary for the differentiated definition of the identity of the suspected person. Expert assessment of all information obtained in the course of the poll, allow to make the most reliable portrait on which in the subsequent identification of the suspect will be carried out. Keywords: identification, portrait, forensic expert, appearance, criminalistics account, eyewitness, card file, bright lines.
Sergey I. GirkoFederal Penitentiary Service of Russia Research Institute, chief research fellow, Doctor of Law, professor. E-mail: |
The shadow economy in Russia:relevant today, remember 2000 yearsAbstract Subject / topic.The shadow economy of Russia: relevant today, remember the 2000s. Goals / objectives Analysis of problematic issues related to the early 2000s, when many previously hidden from society topics were covered in the literature, determined the theoretical approaches to them. One of these theoretical and practical problems is the «shadow economy». The author’s approaches to its content and the basic concepts characterizing the phenomenon of «shadow economy» at the turn of the century are revealed. Methodology Analysis, synthesis, comparison, abstraction, problem statement, hypothesis construction, specification, monitoring. Conclusion and Relevance The «shadow economy», as in the early 2000’s, when in Russia came the changing socio-economic relations, formation-were new forms of management, involving the development of the various spheres of economic crime continues to remain one of the most relevant phenomena, entailing the withdrawal from the economic turnover of significant financial resources, the composition of the-MATIC framework of organized forms of the General and economic crime, corruption in Russia. Keywords: «Shadow crime», illegal production of goods and services, concealment of income, turnover of unaccounted cash, legalization of «dirty money», corruption and abuse of official position, signs and spheres of «shadow economy». References: Drapkin, Zlochenko (2000) – Drapkin L.Y., Zlochenko Y.M. Shadow economy [Tenevaja prestupnost] // Organized crime and corruption. [Organizovannaja prestupnost i korrupcija]. 2000. [In Russian]. Mukhin (2003) – Mukhin A.A. Russian organised crime and power.[Rossijskaja organisovannaja prestupnost i vlast].History of relationships.[Istorija vsaimootnoshenij].2003.[In Russian]. P.6. Nafiev, Khamidullina (2003) – Nafiev S. H., Khamidullina G. R. Economic crimes.[Economicheskaja prestupnost]. 2003. [In Russian].P. 143; Romanenko (2001) – Romanenko M. B. Criminalization of social relations in capital-sirvydas Russia [Kriminalizacija socialnih otnoshenij v kapitaliziruushejsja Rossii] // Regularities of crime, the control strategy and the law [Zakonomernostiprestupnosti, strategijaborbi I zakon]. 2001 [In Russian]. P. 52-53. Babaev, Kruter (2000) – Babaev M. M., Kruter M. S. Modern criminological situation in Russia and problems of its study and evaluation [Sovremennajakriminologicheskajasituacija v Rossii I problem ejeizuchenija I ocenki] // Criminal law [Ugolovnoje pravo]. 2000, № 2. P. 12. Babaev (2001) – Babaev M.M.Fighting crime as an international problem [ Borba s prestupnostju kak meshdunarodnaja problema]/ / Crime and society: [Prestupnost I obshestvo] Sat. scientific. labours’. VNII MVD RF. 2001.[In Russian] P. 19. Luneev (2001) – Luneev V.V.Economic fraud in Russia [Ekonomicheskojemoshennichestvo v Rossii]// Economics and crime [konomika I prestupnost]: Materials of the round table. Nizhny Novgorod [in Russian]. 13-14 March 2001, P. 16 et al. Lopashenko (2000) – Lopashenko N.A.Economic crime: concepts, danger, some control problems and ways of their solving [Ekonomicheskaj aprestupnost: ponjatija, socialnaja opasnost, nekotorie problem borbi I puti ih reshenija// Organized crime and corruption [Organizovannaja prestupnost I korrupcija]. 2000 [In Russian]. Makarov, Feinberg (2017) – Makarov O., Feinberg A. Russia entered the top five countries with the largest shadow economy [Rossija voshla v top pjati stran s krupneishei tenevoj economikoi]. Economy, 30 July, 17.28.Https:// Burov (2017) – Burov V. Y. About the new magazine «Shadow economy» [O novomshurnale «Tenevajaeconomika»]. № 1, 2017. Argumentsandfacts. № 17, аpril 2001. |
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Svetlava N. LosevaPKU research Institute of the Federal penitentiary service of Russia, senior researcher of the Department for the study of domestic and foreign experience, history of MIS, comparative analysispenal law PKU research Institute of the Federal penitentiary service of Russia. Moscow, Russia. E-mail: Еlena А. DrozdovaPKU research Institute of the Federal penitentiary service of Russia, senior researcher of the Department of study of domestic and foreign experience, the history of the IPU, comparative analysispenitentiary legislation of the Federal penitentiary Institute, associate Professor of criminal law, criminal procedure and criminalistics of the Russian University of transport (MIIT), candidate of legal Sciences, Moscow, Russia. E-mail: |
Some problems of forming of positive image of the penal systemAnnotation
Subject / topic Problematic issues related to the formation of a positive image of the penal system of the Russian Federation through the media are considered. Goals / objectives Analysis of the image in the means of telecommunication networks and development of recommendations for its improvement, as well as the formation of a positive image of employees of the penitentiary systemof the Russian Federation. Methodology In the preparation of the article used private-scientific and special methods of scientific knowledge: content analysis, legal, system, analysis of normative legal acts, etc. Conclusion In General, analyzing the current state of formation of the status (image) of employees and the penitentiary system, it should be noted that the implementation of the proposed recommendations will contribute to the formation of a positive image of employees of institutions and bodies of the penitentiary system of the Russian Federation in the minds of the population. Key words: criminal-Executive systemof the Russian Federation, mass media, image
References: Starikov (2018) – StarikovN. Hate. Chronicles of Russophobia.[Nenavist’. Hronikirusofobii]. SPb .: Peter, 2018. 322 p.[in Russian]. Naumkin (2007) – Naumkin Y.V. Tasks and possibilities of information and propaganda support of the activities of internal affairs bodies, the experience of using modern technologies in this work // Law enforcement agencies and society in Russia: problems of interaction in the past and present: Collection of materials of the interregional scientific-practical conference [Cit. po: Vlasov I.B. Zadachi i vozmozhnosti informacionno-propagandistskogo obespecheniya deyatel’nosti organov vnutrennih del, opyt primeneniya v ehtoj rabote sovremennyh tekhnologij // Organyvnutrennih del i obshchestvo v Rossii: problem vzaimodejstviya v proshlom i nastoyashchem: Sbornik materialov mezhregional’noj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii] (Ryazan, May 15 2007)[(g. Ryazan’, 15 maya 2007 g.)] / Ed. IN AND. Chernyshova, N.M. Demko, I.V. Hamidova. – Ryazan: Ryazan branch of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia,[Ryazan’: Ryazanskij filial MosU MVD Rossii], 2008. P. 4-5. Khamidova (2008) – Khamidova I.V. Conflict situations in media and ATS relations, their causes and consequences // Law enforcement agencies and society in Russia: problems of interaction in the past and present: Collection of materials of the regional inter-departmental round table [Konfliktnyesituacii v otnosheniyah SMI i OVD, ihprichiny i posledstviya // Organyvnutrennih del i obshchestvo v Rossii: problem vzaimodejstviya v proshlom i nastoyashchem: Sbornik materialov regional’nogo mezhvedomstvennogo kruglogo stola](Ryazan, May 21, 2008) [(g. Ryazan’, 21 maya 2008 g.)]/ Ed. IN AND. Chernyshova, N.M. Demko, I.V. Hamidova. – Ryazan: Ryazan branch of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, [Ryazan’: Ryazanskij filial MosU MVD Rossii] 2009. P. 4. Vasiliev (2002) – Vasiliev V.L. Legal psychology. [Yuridicheskaya psihologiya]. SPb.: Peter, 2002. 291p.[in Russian]. Mikhailov (2000) – Mikhailov A.G. The interaction of law enforcement bodies with the media: [Vzaimodejstvie organov vnutrennih del so sredstvami massovoj informacii]:Textbook. M .: Oblizdat, 2000. 40p.[in Russian]. Lobzhanidze (2009) Lobzhanidze G. I. Manipulation as a means of psychological influence: [Manipulyaciya kak sredstvo psihologicheskogo vozdejstviya]:A study guide. – Omsk: Omsk Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, [Omsk: Omskayaakademiya MVD Rossii], 2009. 29p.[inRussian]. |
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Liana R. BarashyanPhD in Law, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of «Commercial and financial law», Institute of the Service Sector and Entrepreneurship (branch) of DGTU in Shakhty, Rostov Region, Russia. Shakhty. E-mail: |
Forms and types of responsibility for violations of tax legislation under russian legislationAbstract
Importance. The subject of this article is the tax system of the Russian Federation. The corresponding sphere of legal regulation of a new type has been developing in Russia for almost 25 years, but recently the problems of the effectiveness of tax liability have been given increasing attention. Objective. The main objective is to consider the characteristics of the content and forms of tax legal relations, the structure of the tax offense. Methods. The methodological basis of the study consists, above all, of the dialectical materialist, system-structural, comparative legal, comparative historical, sociological. Conclusion and Relevance. The legal nature of the tax relationship has a complex structure, including the international legal aspect, manifested in the problem of avoiding double taxation, the constitutional basis, the administrative legal and financial legal elements, the procedural and informational component. The constitutional basis of the tax relationship sets the limits of tax liability, the balance of positive and negative responsibility, the basis for establishing mutual responsibility of all participants in tax relations. Administrative beginnings of tax relations are manifested in the authoritative nature of the relations on the establishment, introduction, collection of taxes and fees, as well as the conduct of tax control. The constitutional principle of separation of powers predetermines the administrative and judicial procedure for appealing against acts of tax authorities, actions, inactions of their officials. The Institute of Responsibility of Tax Agents allows to shed light on the legal nature of relations arising between the taxpayer and the state when calculating, retaining and transferring tax amounts by tax agents. Keywords: law, finance, state, responsibility, forms, types, norms, code. References:
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Tshibola Aimée Murphie LubeshiPhD student at the Financial University under the Government of Russian Federation, Department of Legal Regulation of Economic Activities. E-mail: |
Digital technologies in the taxation of real estate: legal aspectsAbstract The article discusses the possibilities of digital technology and innovation in the work of the tax service, especially the taxation of real estate. Subject of research – digital technologies in taxation. To solve the theme, the following tasks were solved: modern innovative and technical means were considered, legislative initiatives and changes in the work of the fiscal services were highlighted. Modern means of digital and information technologies create the potential for updating the work of fiscal services, introducing innovations in real estate accounting of inventory and statistical organizations. Legislative initiatives and changes in the legal framework for calculating property taxes lead to changes in the activities of all tax services and institutions. Work and reporting with electronic documents is governed by both international and state laws. Since 2017, there have been changes in the calculation of taxes on real estate, which have changed both the size of the tax amount in different regions of the Russian Federation and introduced a special method of recording and recording real estate objects. To date, identified categories of fixation of real estate and forms of its accounting. Digital technologies allow the use of space aerial surveys, modeling and statistical accounting of real estate objects. Keywords: taxation, real estate, digital technologies, legislative acts, innovations, statistical accounting, electronic records management, fiscal service, electronic reporting, information structure.
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Anna A.Kulikovaсandidate of Law Sciences, associate professor, associate professor «Labor law and right of social security», Shakhty, Russia. E-mail: |
The digital rights in the russian legal system: concept, typesAbstract
Importance This article is devoted to a subject of the digital rights of persons as new legal phenomenon. An object of research drew up the modern Russian legislation, the international statements, scientific articles. Objective A research objective is studying of issues of formation and development of the digital right as stage of development of the Russian legal system in the conditions of the active growth of the public relations realized by means of information and communication technologies including with use of the Internet. Research problems are definition of a concept and types of the digital rights in a modern legal system depending on the sphere of the public relations. Methods When carrying out a research methods of the analysis, synthesis, deduction, a research of documents were applied. Conclusions and Relevance Following the results of the conducted research the concept «information rights» – the rights of persons for access, use, creation and the publication of digital works, images, the software, access and use of computers and other electronic devices and also the information and communication networks, in particular, to the Internet providing observance of the rights and freedoms of the person, protection against illegal infringement of property, honor, advantage, business reputation, intellectual property and other property and personal non-property benefits protected by the law is developed. The author developed classification of information rights, need of reforming of the Russian legislation is proved. It is suggested about development of the new industry of the right – the digital right. Keywords: digital right; copyright; criminal law; education; property rights; personal non-property rights; crime; digital information
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Yuri V. StepanenkoThe Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education «Moscow State Law University named after O.E. Kutafin (MSWU)», Doctor of Law, Professor of the Department of Administrative Law and Process, University of O.E. Kutafina (MSWU); Professor of the Department of Legal Regulation of Economic Activitiesat the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation; Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Moscow. Е-mail:;
Review of the dissertation D.A. Trofimova«Legal and organizational basesthe activities of the organs of internal affairs by transport by environmental provision on the objects of railwayon the objects of railway transport»Abstract
The article describes the results of the dissertation research conducted by Dmitry AlexandrovichTrofimov, devoted to the legal and organizational basis of the activities of the internal affairs agencies in the field of law enforcement at railway transport facilities. The relevance of the research topic is confirmed, the scientific novelty, validity and reliability of the statements, conclusions, suggestions and recommendations made by the applicant are shown. Attention is drawn to the individual shortcomings and controversial points of scientific research that could lead to further scientific discussion. The final assessment of the results of the dissertation research is given. Keywords: police, transport police, railway transport, law and order.
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