Economy Business Banks №1(26)





Alexey M. Tsikin

PhD in Chemistry, Senior researcher, LLC “NIIgazeconomika”, doctoral student, Department of Economic Theory, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation Moscow. E-mail:

Paradigm of national competitiveness models formation


Subject/Topic The work is devoted to the analysis of the basic models of national competitiveness, the estimation of possibility of their use for the development of the Russian economy and working out of the conceptual bases of’ the perspective model of the Russian competitiveness.

Goals/Objectives The aim of the work was to develop a theoretical basis of the perspective model of the Russian economy’s competitiveness. To achieve this goal, the analysis of the main models of national economies’ competitiveness at various stages of development was carried out, relevant factors for increasing competitiveness and indicators of the countries’ development level were considered.

Methodology During the research were applied such methods as systemic and genetic (retrospective) analysis, methods for analyzing hierarchies, score-index and expert estimates.

Conclusions and Relevance As a result of the research, the determinants and indicators of competitiveness in the main models were identified. The basics for the formation of the perspective model of the Russian economy’s competitiveness were proposed. An appropriate system of indicators and their specific weights for the quantitative assessment of competitiveness at the present stage was developed. The results of the work can be used in the development of competitiveness management programs at the federal and regional levels.

Keywords: models of competitiveness, national economy, economic growth, digital economy



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Nadezhda P. Kozlova

Ph.D. (econ.), Associate Professor, Department of Management, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow (E-mail:

Elizaveta V. Ustinova

Bachelor of the Faculty of Financial Markets, Master of the Faculty of Management, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow (E-mail:

Digitalization of the banking sector: trends and cases of development of the Russian market


Subject / Topic Digital technologies and digital economy are growing rapidly in the modern world. Digitalization affects all spheres, including banking. The article deals with the current trends in the banking sector in the digital economy.

Goals / Objectives To analyze changes in the banking sector in the digital economy, to identify and consider the main digital technologies used by the Russian commercial banks and to assess the impact of digitalization on this sector  as a whole.

Methodology During the research were applied the methods of theoretical analysis, empirical research, synthesis and generalization.

Conclusions and Relevance The evolution of information technologies in the modern world has given a push to the creation of digital economy, which has a significant impact on the banking business and transforms the usual tools of management of banking products and services.

Keywords: digital economy, banking sector, remote identification, big data, digital channel, bank marketing, mobile banking, online banking.



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Irina S. Litvinova

Senior lecturer of the Department of Economics at the Orsk humanitarian-technological Institute (branch), Orenburg state University, Orsk, Russia. E-mail:

Comprehensive assessment of the effectiveness of Internet technologies costs in the enterprise


Subject / Topic The subject of the study is the process of assessment of  the effectiveness of Internet technologies costs in the enterprise.

Goals / Objectives The aim of the study is to develop a comprehensive assessment of the effectiveness of Internet technologies costs in the enterprise.

Methodology As the methodological basis of the research were used systematic approach, methods of logical generalization and grouping of information.

Conclusions and Relevance Taking as a basis the methodology of Sheremet A. D. and Bakanov M. I., was developed the comprehensive assessment of the effectiveness of Internet technologies costs, which includes two blocks: the costs of Internet technologies; the indicators of the effectiveness of Internet technologies costs. The most important component of integrated assessment is the aggregate indicator of the enterprise’s Internet activities. This indicator is determined by the point method. It allows  to qualitatively determine the level of the effectiveness of Internet technologies costs. Thus, the comprehensive assessment of Internet technologies costs is based on the calculation of generally accepted and developed by the author indicators. This assessment will allow to increase the level of objectivity of the results of Internet activities.

Keywords: Internet technologies costs; comprehensive assessment of the effectiveness of Internet technologies costs; indicators of the effectiveness of  Internet technologies costs


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Maksim A. Yurevich

junior researcher at Macroeconomics research center, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow

Alexey Y. Oborsky

Candidate of science (Philosophical), Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, History and Philosophy, Vice-rector for strategic development and practice-oriented education, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow

Dimension of scientific organization’s image in the net


Subject / Тopic The subject of the research is a set of indicators that measure the popularity and relevance of research and development results in the Internet.

The article uses the results of the author’s research carried out on the state assignment of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation in 2018 at the expense of budgetary funds.

Goals / Objectives The purpose of the study is to consider the possibility of measuring the image of scientific organization with the help of the so – called “altmetrics”, as well as to analyze the practice of their application in Russia and abroad.

Methodology The methodology of the study is based on a comparative approach, which has allowed to identify the advantages and disadvantages of altmetrics compared to traditional S&T indicators.

Conclusions  and Relevance As the results of the study were detected different types of indicators, evaluating the image of scientific organizations in the interactive space; defined the risks of almerics implementation in the research evaluation system; analyzed the most known webometric rankings of research institutions.

Keywords: altmetrics, image of research organization, scientometrics, research activities, indicators of publication activity.



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Nataliya A. Kovaleva

Ph.D. (econ.), Associate Professor, Department of Financial markets and banks, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, E-mail:

Commercial banks in the Chinese securities market


Subject / Topic This article is devoted to the legal and economic aspects of organization of commercial banks’ activities in the securities market of China, and their participation in securities circulation mechanisms.

Goals / Objectives On the basis of banking legislation, legislation on the securities market, to investigate the place, role and importance of commercial banks in the mechanisms of functioning of the securities market in China, to assess the strengths and weaknesses of current model.

Methodology The practical nature of the study and the set tasks implied the use of such research methods as terminological, comparative analysis, systematic approach, graphical and statistical analysis.

Conclusion and Relevance On the basis of the conducted analysis of the functioning mechanisms of China’s securities market, the model of organization of banks’ activities on the securities market, a conclusion was made about their special function in the accounting for property rights to securities and making cash settlements on transactions in the Chinese stock market, and their primary role in the segment of government and corporate bonds.

Keywords: commercial banks, securities, bonds, Chinese securities market, securities market regulation, infrastructure institutions, qualified investors, self-regulatory organizations.


  1. Securities Law of the People’s Republic of China. [2018] URL –, China Securities Regulatory Commission
  2. About PBC. [2018] URL –, People’s Bank of China
  3. Law of the People’s Republic of China on Commercial Banks  [2016] URL –, China Central Depository & Clearing Co., Ltd.
  4. QFII Investment Quota to be Increased by 50 Billion U.S.Dollars [2018] URL-, China Securities Regulatory Commission
  5. Securities Investment Funds Statistics. PBOC, Аnnual report, 2017. [2018] URL-, People’s Bank of China
  6. Market structure. [2018] URL –, China Central Depository & Clearing Co., Ltd.
  7. China’s green bond market. Annual review, 2016. [2017] URL –, China Central Depository & Clearing Co., Ltd.
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Rita Y. Stytsiuk

Doctor of Economics, Professor, Professor of Management Department, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, 125167 Moscow, Leningradski Street, 49

Innovative features of aviation marketing


Subject/Topic Modern aviation companies in their activities use social media, innovative advertising methods and loyalty programs, contact clients in social networks, informing them about company news, promotions and bonuses. Digital marketing goes first plan. In this regard, of interest is the study of digital methods and tools of promotion in aviation.

Goals/objectives Based on systematization of the theory and analysis of existing approaches to the promotion of aviation companies, to determine unique features of airline services (flight services); to substantiate innovative features of aviation marketing using a digital environment.

Methodology In the process of research were applied such methods as: analysis and synthesis, generalization, statistical method, and others.

Conclusion and Relevance It is concluded that airline digital marketing is a powerful tool for attracting customers: mobile solutions are used for personalization of communications; marketers create mobile communities that allow airlines to meet customer needs in any place and at any time; special offers are sent to customers (based on their preferences and travel history) through Viber, Telegram, WhatsApp, iMessage, BiР, WеСhаt or SMS; updating content on social networks and on the company’s website increases brand awareness.

Keywords: marketing, aviation, innovations, trends, aviation services, social networks, mobile applications, online videos, travel, loyalty, artificial intelligence.


  1. Stytsyuk, Artemyeva, Rozhkov 2014 – Stytsyuk R.Y., Artemyeva OA, Rozhkov I.V. The role of innovation in improvement of the competitiveness of modern organizations [Rol innovatsionnoy deyatelnosti v povyishenii konkurentosposobnosti sovremennyih organizatsiy Ekonomika i upravlenie v mashinostroenii. 2014] // Economics and Management in mechanical engineering. 2014. No. 5. P. 33-35.
  2. Stytsyuk, Artemyeva 2013 – Stytsyuk R.Y., Artemyeva O.A. Modern view on the new form of consumer behavior – trans-consumerism [Sovremennyj vzglyad na novuyu formu pokupatel’skogo povedeniya – trans’yumerizm] // Scientific works of the Free Economic Society of Russia. 2013. V. 179. p. 112-117.
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  12. Three hundred words about marketing [ Trista slov o marketinge]: Official website [Electronic resource] – URL: https://www.mёmо Federal Agency for Air Transport[Federal’noe agentstvo vozdushnogo transporta]: Official website [Electronic resource] – URL: http: //www.fа
  13. «Expert» Russian business magazine  [«Ekspert» rossijskij delovoj zhurnal]: Official site [Electronic resource] – URL:
  14. Rozanova, Stytsiuk, Artemyeva, Motagali 2018 – Rozanova T.P., Stytsiuk R.Y., Artemyeva O.A., Motagali Y.B. Assessment of the tourism potential of the Russian Federation// In the collection: Financial and Economic Tools Used in the World Hospitality Industry, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Management and Technology in Knowledge, Service, Tourism and Hospitality. 2018. p. 183-188.



Olga А. Artemyeva

PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Management, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Russian Federation, Moscow

The role of sports events in the development of tourist destinations


Subject/Topic At present, one of the main trends in tourism is its increasing reorientation towards meeting the diverse needs of the tourist, which causes the emergence of new tourist services as a part of event tourism, a type of tourism whose main purpose is taking part in different events. In this regard, it is of interest to study the role of sporting events in the development of tourist destinations.

Goals/Objectives The purpose of the study is to identify the essence of sports and event tourism, the role of sports events in the development of tourist destinations, substantiate the economic and social impact of sports and event tourism on the host region based on the systematization of the theory and analysis of the experience of filling and directional flows in the event.

Methodology In the process of writing the article, the author used various research methods, both special and general, in particular: the generalization method, synthesis, analysis, statistical method and others.

Conclusion and Relevance The hypothesis is confirmed about the possibility of direct and indirect socio-economic impact of sports and event tourism on the territory of the host region. At the same time, both economic and social effects of a sporting event are closely related to each other and are formed due to the synergistic effects on each other.

Keywords: sports and event tourism, tourist, region, unique event, sporting events, synergistic impact, effect, socio-economic impact.



  1. Artemieva O.A. Factors and prerequisites for the development of the health tourism market [Factory i predposylki stanovleniya rynka ozdorovitelnogo turizm/Ekonomika i predprinimatelstvo]// Economy and Entrepreneurship. 2017. No. 5-2 (82). Pp. 562-565.
  2. Artemieva O.A. Features of development and promotion of sports business services [Osobennosti-razvitiya-i-prodvizheniya-uslug-sportivno-ozdorovitelnogo-biznesa /Ekonomika i predprinimatelstvo] // Economy and Entrepreneurship. 2017. No: 5-1 (82) p. 436-441
  3. Stytsyuk R.Y., Skulsky V.G. Foreign experience in formation of the loyalty of consumers of financial services [Zarubezhnyj opyt formirovaniya loyalnosti potrebitelej finansovyh uslug/Nauchnye trudy volnogo ehkonomicheskogo obshchestva Rossii 2013]// Scientific works of the Free Economic Society of Russia. 2013. V. 179. S. 331-336
  4. Stytsyuk, Artemyeva, Motagali 2014 – Stytsyuk R.Y., Artemyeva OA, Motagali Y.B. Application of marketing potential in order to increase the tourist appeal of destinations [Primenenie potenciala marketinga v celyah povysheniya turistskoj prityagatelnosti destinacij //Nauchnye trudy volnogo ehkonomicheskogo obshchestva Rossii 2013] // Scientific works of the Free Economic Society of Russia. 2013. V. 174. S. 364-369.
  5. Stytsyuk, Artemieva 2013 – Stytsyuk R.Y., Artemyeva O.A. Modern view on the new form of consumer behavior – trans-consumerism [Sovremennyj vzglyad na novuyu formu pokupatelskogo povedeniya transyumerizm //Nauchnye trudy volnogo ehkonomicheskogo obshchestva Rossii 2013] // Scientific works of the Free Economic Society of Russia. 2013. V. 179. S. 112-117.
  6. Stytsyuk, Artemyeva, Motagali 2012 – Stytsyuk R.Y., Artemyeva OA, Motagali Y.B. Methodical approaches to assessing the quality of educational program of the university [Metodicheskie podhody k ocenke kachestva obrazovatelnoj programmy vuza//Nauchnye trudy volnogo ehkonomicheskogo obshchestva Rossii 2012]   // Scientific works of the Free Economic Society of Russia. 2012. T. 166. p. 592-598.
  7. Stytsyuk 2014 – Stytsyuk R.Y. Methodical approaches to increasing the level of competitiveness of Russian organizations in the national and global markets [Metodicheskie podhody k povysheniyu urovnya konkurentosposobnosti rossijskih organizacij na nacionalnom I globalnom rynkah] // Russian entrepreneurship [Rossiyskoe predprinimatelstvo] 2014 № 22 (268) p. 183-191
  8. Stytsyuk, Artemyeva, Rozhkov 2014 – Stytsyuk R.Y., Artemyeva OA, Rozhkov I.V. The role of innovation in improving the competitiveness of modern organizations [Rol innovacionnoj deyatelnosti v povyshenii konkurentosposobnosti sovremennyh organizacij// Ehkonomika I upravlenie v mashinostroenii 2014] // Economics and Management in mechanical engineering. 2014. No. 5. P. 33-35.
  9. Official Report of the Premier League from the company PWC [Electronic resource].[Oficialnyj otchet RFPL ot kompanii PWC [ehlektronnyj resurs]] – URL:
  10. The official report of UEFA [Electronic resource]. [Oficialnyj otchet UEFA [ehlektronnyj resurs]] – URL:
  11. Karpova S. V. (2013) – Marketing: theory and practice: Textbook. allowance for bachelors [Marketing: teoriya i praktika: ucheb. posobie dlya bakalavrov]/ under total. Ed. S. V. Karpova [pod obsch. red. S. V. Karpovoy]. – M.: Publishing House Yurayt [Izdatelstvo Yurayt], 2013. – 408 p. – Series: Bachelor. Basic course [Seriya: Bakalavr. Bazovyiy kurs]. [in Russian]
  12. Stytsiuk, Artemeva, Rozhkov 2014 – Stytsiuk R.Y., Artemeva OA, Rozhkov I.V. Methodological aspects of the resource support of tourism development in the regions [monograph] [Metodologicheskie aspektyi resursnogo obespecheniya razvitiya turizma v regionah] / – Arkhangelsk: Arkhangelsk Open Education Institute] [Arhangelsk: Arhangelskiy institut otkryitogo obrazovaniya] 2014. C. 230. [in Russian]
  13. Rozhkov I.V. (2013) – Modern directions of application of information technologies in marketing [Sovremennye napravleniya primeneniya informacionnyh tekhnologij v marketinge] / ETAP: economic theory, analysis, practice [ETAP: ehkonomicheskaya teoriya, analiz, praktika]. 2013. № 1. p. 113-122. [in Russian]
  14. Stytsiuk, Artemeva, Rozhkov 2014 – Stytsiuk R.Y., Artemeva OA, Rozhkov I.V. Marketing value of symbolic communication in postmodern society [Marketingovaya cennost’ simvolicheskogo soobshcheniya v obshchestve postmoderna] // Economics and management in mechanical engineering [Ekonomika i upravlenie v mashinostroenii] 2014 # 5. p.33-35 [in Russian]
  15. Popova 2006 – Popova R.Y. Basics of Entrepreneurship [Osnovi predprinimatelstva]- Cheboksary: VS Publishing House Shipilevsky, 2006, p. 205 [in Russian]
  16. Rozanova, Stytsiuk, Artemyeva, Motagali 2018 – Rozanova T.P., Stytsiuk R.Y., Artemyeva O.A., Motagali Y.B. Assessment of the tourism potential of the Russian Federation// In collection: Financial and Economic Tools Used in the World Hospitality Industry Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Management and Technology in Knowledge, Service, Tourism and Hospitality. 2018. p. 183-188.



Yanina B. Motagali

Senior Lecturer, Department of Economics and Management, Autonomous non-profit organization of higher education “Institute of Continuing Education”, Moscow

Creating positive experience of emotional interaction of the company’s personnel with a consumer of tourist services


Subject/Topic In an age when customers have an access to vast amounts of data about tourism company and its competitors, customer experience is the only sustainable source of competitive advantage.

Goals/Objectives The purpose of the study is to identify problems in the area of customer focus, based on systematization of the theory and analysis of the experience of marketing activities of modern tourist companies, to identify possible ways to solve them by revealing a new imperative: creating and nurturing a system of interdependent, self-reinforcing practices that align employees of tourism company, partners, processes, policies, and technology around customers.

Methodology When writing the article, special and general research methods were used, such as: statistical method, generalization method, analysis and synthesis, etc.

Conclusion and Relevance It is concluded that relations with consumers of travel services in the modern conditions of development of the tourism industry market are a fundamentally new object of management, affecting the formation of competitive advantages of the company.

Keywords: customer-oriented marketing, travel agency, consumer experience of travel services, loyalty, customer era, tourism, emotional interaction, ecosystem.



  1. Harley Manning, Kerry Bodine, Outside In: The Power of Putting Customers at the Center of Your Business, Forrester Research // Amazon Publishing, 2012, 272 С.
  2. Rozanova, Stytsiuk, Artemyeva, Motagali (2018) – Rozanova T.P., Stytsiuk R.Y., Artemyeva O.A., Motagali Y.B. Assessment of the tourism potential of the Russian Federation // In edited volume: Financial and Economic Tools Used in the World Hospitality Industry Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Management and Technology in Knowledge, Service, Tourism and Hospitality. 2018. С. 183-188.
  3. Marketing for master students, textbook [Marketing dlya magistrov, uchebnoye posobie] Higher Education Textbook [Vuzovsky uchebnik] 2016. p. 362 [in Russian]
  4. Methodological and practical aspects of marketing management of the promotion of resort areas of the Russian Federation [Metodologicheskie i prakticheskie aspektyi marketingovogo upravleniya prodvizheniem kurortnyih territoriy RF (monografiya)], Arkhangelsk Institute of Open Education [Arhangelskiy institut otkryitogo obrazovaniya] 2017. p. 181 [in Russian]
  5. Stytsiuk (2014) – Stytsiuk R.Y. Methodological approaches to increasing the level of competitiveness of Russian organizations in the national and global markets [Metodicheskie podhodyi k povyisheniyu urovnya konkurentosposobnosti rossiyskih organizatsiy na natsionalnom I globalnom ryinkah], Journal of Russian Entrepreneurship [Rossiyskoe predprinimatelstvo] 2014. # 22 (268). p. 183-191[in Russian]
  6. Stytsiuk, Artemyeva, Rozhkov (2014) – Stytsiuk R.Y., Artemyeva O.A., Rozhkov I.V. The role of innovation activity in increasing competitiveness of modern organisations [Rol innovatsionnoi deyatelnosti v povyshenii konkurentosposobnosti sovremennyh organizatsiy],  Economics and management in mechanical engineering [Ekonomika i upravlenie v mashinostroenii] 2014 # 5. p.33-35 [in Russian]
  7. Stytsiuk, Artemyeva (2013) – Stytsiuk R.Y., Artemyeva O.A. Modern outlook on the new form of customers’ behavior – transumerism [Sovremennyi vzglyad na novuu formu pokupaterlskogo povedenia – transumerism], Scientific works of the Free Economic Society of Russia [Nauchnyie trudyi Volnogo ekonomicheskogo obschestva Rossii] 2013 # 179, p. 112-117 [in Russian]
  8. Stytsiuk, Geraschenko (2013) – Stytsiuk R.Y., Geraschenko I.V. Pre-requisites for the development of the client-oriented HR-marketing [Predposylki razvitiya klientoorientirovannogo HR-marketinga], Scientific works of the Free Economic Society of Russia [Nauchnyie trudyi Volnogo ekonomicheskogo obschestva Rossii] 2013 # 179, p. 216-221 [in Russian]
  9. Stytsiuk, Artemyeva, Rozhkov (2012) – Stytsiuk R.Y., Artemyeva O.A., Rozhkov I.V. Specifics of forming territorial system of resources management of tourism sphere in the region [Osobennosti formirovania territorialnoy sistemy resursnogo obespechenia sfery turizma v regione], in edited volume: Zpravy vedecke ideje – 2012 Materialy VIII mezinarodni vedecko-prakticka Konference. 2012. p. 62-69. [in Russian]
  10. The phenomenon of market economy: vectors and features of evolution: theoretical and empirical research of communication problems (collective monograph) [Fenomen rynochnogo hozyaistva: teoreticheskie i empericheskie issledovania problem kommunikatsii (kollectivnaya monografiya)] 2018. p. 527 [in London: LSP] [in Russian]
  11. Rozhkov I.V. (2013) – Modern directions of application of information technologies in marketing [Sovremennye napravleniya primeneniya informacionnyh tekhnologij v marketinge] / ETAP: economic theory, analysis, practice [ETAP: ehkonomicheskaya teoriya, analiz, praktika]. 2013. № 1. p. 113-122. [in Russian]
  12. Romanenkova O.N. (2014) – Marketing research. Theory and practice: a textbook for bachelors [Marketingovye issledovaniya. Teoriya i praktika : uchebnik dlya bakalavrov] / under the ed. O. N. Romanenkova [pod obshch. red. O. N. Romanenkovoj] – M.: Publishing House Yurayt [Izdatelstvo Yurayt], 2014. – 315 p. [in Russian]
  13. Karpova S.V. (2016) – Innovative marketing: a textbook for undergraduate and graduate programs [Innovatsionnyiy marketing: uchebnik dlya bakalavriata i magistraturyi] / S.V. Karpova [and others]; Ed. S.V. Karpova [S.V. Karpova [i dr.]; pod red. S.V. Karpovoy]. – M.: Publishing House Yurayt [Izdatelstvo Yurayt], 2016. – 457 p.  25-30 [in Russian].
  14. Karpova S.V. (2013) – Marketing: theory and practice: Textbook. allowance for bachelors [Marketing: teoriya i praktika : ucheb. posobie dlya bakalavrov]/ under total. Ed. S. V. Karpova[pod obsch. red. S. V. Karpovoy]. – M.: Publishing House Yurayt [Izdatelstvo Yurayt], 2013. – 408 p. – Series: Bachelor. Basic course [Seriya : Bakalavr. Bazovyiy kurs]. [in Russian]
  15. Zhiltsova O.N. (2014) – Marketing communications: textbook and practical work for applied bachelor’s degree [Marketingovyie kommunikatsii: uchebnik i praktikum dlya prikladnogo bakalavriata]/ S. Azarova [and others]; under the Ed. O. N. Zhiltsova [S.P. Azarova [i dr.]; pod obsch. red. O. N. Zhiltsovoy]. – M.: Publishing House Yurayt [Izdatelstvo Yurayt], 2014. – 456 p. [in Russian]
  16. Stytsiuk, Artemeva, Rozhkov 2014 – Stytsiuk R.Y., Artemeva OA, Rozhkov I.V. Marketing value of symbolic communication in postmodern society [Marketingovaya cennost’ simvolicheskogo soobshcheniya v obshchestve postmoderna] // Economics and management in mechanical engineering [Ekonomika i upravlenie v mashinostroenii] 2014 # 5. p.33-35 [in Russian]
  17. Popova 2006 – Popova R.Y. Basics of Entrepreneurship [Osnovi predprinimatelstva]- Cheboksary: VS Publishing House Shipilevsky, 2006, p. 205 [in Russian]
  18. Rozanova, Stytsiuk, Artemyeva, Motagali 2018 – Rozanova T.P., Stytsiuk R.Y., Artemyeva O.A., Motagali Y.B. Assessment of the tourism potential of the Russian Federation// В сборнике: Financial and Economic Tools Used in the World Hospitality Industry Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Management and Technology in Knowledge, Service, Tourism and Hospitality. 2018. С. 183-188.



Lyubava V. Yatskiv

3 rd year student of the Faculty of International economic relations, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation Moscow, Russia. E-mail:

The role of internal audit in the era of innovations and digitalization of economy


Everyone knows that innovations are the most important factor in the economic progress, which benefits consumers, businesses and the economy as a whole. Innovations can lead to the higher productivity, which means that the same costs generate more output, and hence the economy is growing.

Keywords: internal audit, digitalization, innovation, cybersecurity, Internet of things, technological audit, compliance, risk assessment, model risk, software, information technology, auditors, financial technology.


  1. Top Priorities for Internal Audit in Financial Services Organizations // Protivity, 2017. URL:
  2. The website of the North American Institute of internal auditors. URL:
  3. The website of the Institute of chartered accountants of England and Wales. URL:
  4. The website of the International standards of information security management ISO 27000. URL:
  5. The Website Of Rosfinmonitoring. URL:


Nikolay A. Bilev

Graduate Student of the Department of Mathematical Methods in Economics, Faculty of Economics, Lomonosov Moscow State University

Application of estimated utility model in algorithmic stock market trading


Nowadays modern technologies allow us to build automated stock market trading algorithms. Individual investors as well as large investment funds use this approach for capital management. Such algorithms execute an enormous amount of trades many of which are not profitable. The present study provides a method of filtration for the potentially inefficient trades based on the estimated utility model. The paper compares historical data testing results of trading strategy with filtration and without it. According to these tests the developed method of trades filtration allows to increase most of the main strategy quality metrics.

Keywords: estimated utility model, stock market trading, algorithmic trading, time series, investment, capital management


  1. Michael J. Mcgowan. The Rise of Computerized High Frequency Trading: Use and Controversy. Duke Law & Technology Review, 2010; 19
  2. Frank R. H. Microeconomics and behavior. Choice under uncertainty,
  3. INFRA-M, 2000:176
  4. Lukas Mnekhoff. The use of technical analysis by fund managers: International evidence. Journal of Banking and Finance, 2010;34:2573–2586
  5. Steven B. Achelis. Technical Analysis from A to Z: Covers Every Trading Tool…from the Absolute Breadth Index to the Zig Zag. McGraw-Hill Companies, 2000
  6. Bulkowski, Thomas N. Encyclopedia of Chart Patterns. John Wiley and Sons, New York, NY, 2000
  7. Gordon T Long. Cross Market Fractal Analysis Strategy. Economic and Technical Analysis for the Active Trader. 2011


Alexander S. Kartsev

Student of the Financial markets faculty, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow. E-mail:

Features of credit bureau activities in Russia and abroad


Subject/Topic The article provides a comparative analysis of domestic and foreign experience in the functioning of the Credit Bureaus institute. The main foreign systems’ mechanisms of collection and storage of information for credit histories were considered. Moreover, the conclusions were drawn regarding foreign experience applicability in Russian practice. In addition, the main problems in the activities of the Russian CB were identified and the ways to solve them were outlined.

Goals/Objectives Provision of comparative analysis of the activities of Credit Bureaus in Russia and abroad and determination of the current level of development of domestic Credit Bureaus.

Methodology In this paper, through the use of historical, comparative and statistical analysis, were identified the features and development trends of the institute of CB in Russia and abroad.

Conclusions and Relevance Despite the fact that the institute of the Credit History Bureau in Russia is young in comparison with other countries, the positive experience of foreign countries was successfully implemented in the Russian Federation. But it did not help to avoid the problems in the institute’s activity due to the constantly changing socio-economic situation in the country, which indicates the need for rapid intervention by the governing bodies.

Keywords: credit bureaus, credit histories, banking system, regulation, credit risks, bad debt, credit health



  1. Afanasyeva, Chasovskikh, Runova 2017 – Afanasyeva O.N., Chasovskikh P.M., Runova E.G. Modern credit infrastructure and its features: monograph // RUSINS. 2017. 170 p.
  2. Ezroh, Karanova 2016 – Ezroh Y. S., Karanova S.O. Development of the domestic institute of credit bureau in the grain of foreign experience // Finance analytics: problems and solutions. 2016. № 6. Pp. 2-15.
  3. A record number of Russians turned out to be in slavery // URL: (Date accessed: 10.16.2018)
  4. Data on the volume of loans, deposits and other funds placed by organizations, individuals and credit organizations // URL: 4-3-1_14.htm & pid = pdko_sub & sid = dopk (Date accessed: 10.16.2018)
  5. Information for visitors about the credit bureaus entered in the state register of credit bureaus // URL: (Date accessed: 10.16.2018)
  6. Research: the debt burden on the Russians reached a minimum over three years // URL: (Date accessed: 10.16.2018)
  7. Crediting in Russia – overdue debts, debts // URL: Crediting_in_Russia_ (overdue_ debt ,_ arrears) (Date accessed: 10.16.2018)
  8. The credit health of Russians has improved for the first time in the last four quarters // URL: (Date accessed: 10.16.2018)
  9. Review of changes to the Federal Law dated December 30, 2004 No. 218-ФЗ “On Credit Histories” // URL: 4294967295 & cacheid = 89137BF48095C1CF5F29E1475758634E & mode = chgreview & req = doc & rnd = 82D70913309EE4F1C35B031FA04B2867 # 01332096122994656 (Date  accessed 16.10.2018);
  10. The real incomes of the population of the Russian Federation in August declined in annual terms for the first time in a year // URL: (Date accessed: 10.16.2018)
  11. Federal law of December 30, 2004 N 218-ФЗ “On credit histories” (with amendments and additions) // URL: (Date accessed: 10.16.2018)
  12. The Central Bank: the share of overdue loans of individuals decreased from the beginning of 2018 to 6.7% from 6.9% // URL: (Date accessed: 16.10.2018)
  13. Aleksandrova 2017 – Aleksandrova L. Novelties in the development of Bureau of credit histories. [Novacii v razvitii byuro kreditnyh istorij] – // //Economy. Business. Banks. [Ekonomika. Biznes. Banki] 2017. #S7, p.83-91.
  14. Aleksandrova 2016 – Aleksandrova L. Credit bureau: Russia and foreign experience. [Byuro kreditnyh istorij: Rossiya i zarubezhnyj opyt] – //Economy. Business. Banks. [Ekonomika. Biznes. Banki] 2016. #S6, p.10-18.



Ekaterina A. Kolganova

Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation Department of Financial Markets and Banks, Moscow E-mail:

Stress testing of the investment portfolios of non-state pension funds: imperfections of methodology


Subject/ Topic This article provides the results of the economic research on the peculiarities of stress testing methodology of СBR, implemented since 01.02.2018, concerning the portfolio of securities of non-state pension funds and the possibilities of its practical use in the context of risk-based approach to the investment management of non-state pension funds.

Goals/Objectives The main objective of the study is the determination of the stress testing methodology readjustment. Additional objectives of this study are: 1. Thorough investigation of the model. 2. Its shortcoming identification. 3. Practical proposals of the stress testing configuration improvement.

Methodology The study was conducted using the statistical analysis tools and “Monte-Carlo” numerical algorithm. The model analysis was carried out using real data of Moscow Exchange.

Conclusions and Relevance The main conclusion of the study is that the configuration of proposed stress testing methodology contains significant drawbacks that should be removed. The article provides several possible proposals for stress testing methodology improving. These recommendations will help to improve the flexibility of the model and the accuracy of calculations.

Keywords: non-state pension fund, stress test, CBR, investment, asset management market, pension savings, pension reserves.



  1. The instruction of CBR “On the changes to the instruction of CBR “On the non-state pension funds risk management requirements” from 06.12.2017 N 4636 [Ukazanie Banka Rossii ot 06.12.2017 g. N4636-U «O vnesenii izmeneniy v Ukazanie Banka Rossii ot 4 iyulya 2016 goda N 4060-U «O trebovaniyah k organizatsii sistemyi upravleniya riskami negosudarstvennogo pensionnogo fonda»];
  2. Аrtamonov M.S., Kulikova E.I. “The features of Non-State Pension Funds risk-management approach application”. KONTENTUS. – 2016. – №5 (46). – p. 173-180. [Аrtamonov M.S., Kulikova E.I. Osobennosti primeneniya risk-orientirovannogo podkhoda v upravlenii aktivami fondov // KONTENTUS. – 2016. – №5 (46). – s. 173-180];
  3. Kolganova Ekaterina. Diploma thesis “Management of the Securities Portfolio of Non-State Pension Funds”, p. 40 – 58 [Kolganova E.A. Upravlenie portfelem negosudarstvennyih pensionnyih fondov: vyipusknaya kvalifikatsionnaya rabota: 38.03.01. – Moskva, 2018 g., s. 40 – 58];
  4. Novikov A.V. The improvement of tools of assessment and increase in efficiency of investment activities of the non-state pension funds: … thesis: 08.00.10. – Krasnodar, 2016. – P. 10.; [Novikov А.V. Sovershenstvovanie instrumentariya otsenki i povysheniya ehffektivnosti investitsionnoj deyatel’nosti negosudarstvennykh pensionnykh fondov: dis. … kand. ehkon. nauk: 08.00.10. – Krasnodar, 2016. – S. 10];
  5. Novikov A.V. Theoretical approaches to the understanding of essence of the non-state pension funds//ECONOMY AND BUSINESS. – 2016. – No. 3-1 (68-1). – Page 167-171. [Novikov А.V. Teoreticheskie podkhody k ponimaniyu sushhnosti negosudarstvennykh pensionnykh fondov // EKONOMIKА I PREDPRINIMАTEL’STVO. – 2016. – №3-1 (68-1). – S. 167-171];
  6. Yuryeva I.А., Masyuk N.N.  Risk management system of the non-state pension funds// Azimuth of scientific research: economy and management – 2016. – №4 (17). – p. 408-411. [Yur’eva I.А., Masyuk N.N. Sistema upravleniya riskami negosudarstvennykh pensionnykh fondov // Аzimut nauchnykh issledovanij: ehkonomika i upravlenie. – 2016. – №4 (17). – S. 408-411].



Eleonora S. Rusilo

Student of the Financial markets faculty, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation Moscow, E-mail:

Features of bank consumers identification procedure in Russia and abroad


Subject/Topic The article provides a comparative analysis of the main mechanisms used to identify consumers of banking services in Russia and abroad. In addition, issues related to the concept of identification and its role in the security of the banking system were highlighted. Conclusions are made regarding the availability of financial services in terms of applying a risk-based approach.

Goals/Objectives Comparative analysis of the identification mechanisms of bank customers used in Russia and abroad, as well as the determination of the prospects for the development of domestic practice.

Methodology In this article were identified the features of functioning and prospects for the development of the practice of identifying banking services users in Russia and abroad, using historical, analytical and comparative methods of cognition.

Conclusions and Relevance The analysis shows that many countries are switching from mandatory personal presence and the presentation of original documents as a method of identifying bank customers to the remote identification, including using information provided by the third parties.

Keywords: Customer identification, customer verification, banks, risk-based approach, CLP/FT, FATF.



  1. Gelb A. Balancing Financial Integrity with Financial Inclusion: The Risk-Based Approach to «Know Your Customer» // CGD Policy Paper. 2016. Pp. 1–24.
  2. Collins D., Morduch J., Rutherford S. Portfolios of the Poor. // Princeton: Princeton University Press. 2016. 20 P.
  3. Dostov V.L., Kozyreva A.D., Shust P.M. New concepts in the implementation of identification procedures // Science. 2017. Pp. 16-21
  4. Documents to support your identity: adult passport applications (2017) // URL: (Date accessed: 30.10.2018);
  5. Additional special regulatory reliefs to banks in areas severely affected by tropical depression «Yolanda» (2013) // URL: (Date accessed: 30.10.2018);
  6. Amended Identity Verification Code of Practice 2013 // URL: (Date accessed: 30.10.2018);
  7. Commentary on the Agreement on the Swiss banks’ code of conduct with regard to the exercise of due diligence (CDB 16) (2016) // URL:–5360-bro_kommentar_vsb_2016-en.pdf. (Date accessed: 30.10.2018);
  8. Policy Advisories on the FTR Act (2007) // URL: (Date accessed: 30.10.2018);
  9. Provision of the Bank of Russia of October 15, 2015 No. 499-P “On the identification by credit organizations of customers, customer representatives, beneficiaries and beneficial owners in order to counteract the legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime and the financing of terrorism” // URL: (Date accessed: 30/10/2018);
  10. The FATF Recommendations // URL: (Date accessed: 30.10.2018);
  11. FATF Guidance on Anti-Money Laundering and countering the financing of terrorism Measures and Financial Inclusion (2013) // URL: (Date accessed: 30.10.2018);
  12. FATF Guidance. Anti-Money Laundering and countering the financing of terrorism Measures and Financial Inclusion (2017) // FATF. URL: http:// (Date accessed: 30.10.2018);
  13. Presidential Decree of December 31, 2015 No. 683 “On the National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation” URL: (Date accessed: 30.10.2018);
  14. FATF clarifies risk-based approach: case-by-case, not wholesale de-risking // URL: http://www.fatf-gafi. org / documents / news / rba-and-de-risking.html (Date accessed: 30.10.2018);
  15. Federal Law “On Counteracting the Legalization (Laundering) of the Proceeds Received by the Crime and the Financing of Terrorism” dated 07.08.2001 No. 115-FZ (last revised) // URL: http: // (Date accessed: 30.10.2018).



Yulia S. Chestnykh

Student, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia. E-mail:

Young people’s social attitudes towards Internet entrepreneurship


Subject/Topic The active development of information and communication technologies has led to the emergence of new forms of economic activity, one of which is entrepreneurship on the Internet.

Goals/Objectives The purpose of the research is the study of the young people`s social attitudes towards the entrepreneurship on the Internet.

Methodology The analysis was based on a quantitative research method – electronic survey (questioning). The data have allowed to describe social attitudes of students towards the Internet entrepreneurship and to justify the methodological basics of studying the social attitudes of young people towards e-entrepreneurship. Based on the results of the sociological study, students` inclusion in the virtual space was described. In the analysis such methods as document analysis, one-dimensional distribution, simple and aggregated indices, statistics  were applied. The obtained results have allowed to substantiate the relevance of a deep study of social practices and the Internet threats that arise in the process of implementing entrepreneurial intentions.

Conclusions and Relevance The conclusions were made about the subject and content of social attitudes of Moscow students towards Internet entrepreneurship. In further studying of the issue the author recommends to draw the attention to the whole range of factors influencing the level of social attitudes of young people towards Internet entrepreneurship. In particular, the legal mechanisms of protection and supporting of the young entrepreneurs on the Internet should be analyzed.

Keywords: Internet-entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship on the Internet, social attitudes, the youth.



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Sergey A. Barykin

postgraduate, Economiuc faculty, Moscow state university, Moscow. E-mail:

Lu Yiru

postgraduate, Economic faculty, Moscow state university, Moscow.

Preconditions of the global development of the Fintech market within the framework of the concept of technological patterns of economy by K. Peres


Subject/Topic In this article, the authors attempt to interpret Fintech market development trends within the framework of the concept of technological patterns of economy by K. Perez in the period 2009-2018.

Goals/Objectives This article aims to explain the reasons for the dramatic change in the direction of the spread of financial innovations from derivative financial instruments to FinTech products and technologies in the global economy in the post-crisis period. To achieve this goal, the internal principals of economic development, which form its cyclical nature and affect the development of financial innovations were analyzed.

Methodology The work uses the methodology of K. Perez based on the identification of the types of financial innovations depending on their impact on the real economy.

Conclusions and Relevance The dramatic development of the FinTech market can be explained by the fundamental principals of the world economy development in the framework of the concept of technical and economic paradigm. On the assumption that there are internal laws governing the development of the world economy, the development of financial innovations goes through various cycles. Thus, the current cycle of technical and economic paradigm can be defined as a stage of maturity, and the period of development of the global financial system as a phase of synergy. Financial innovations of a new wave can compete with traditional financial institutions.

Keywords: fintech, financial innovations, financial instruments, technological revolutions, development waves


  1. Avdokushin (2013) – Avdokushin, E.F. International finanсional relations (fundamentals of financomics) [Mezhdunarodnyye finansovyye otnosheniya (osnovy finansomiki)] Moscow: Dashkov and company [Dashkov i ko] 2013. 132 p. [In Russian]
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  6. Ruchkina (2017) – Ruchkina G.F. Banking: the transition to a new model of implementation, or Fintech as a new reality [Bankovskaya deyatel’nost’: perekhod na novuyu model’ osushchestvleniya, ili «Fintekh» kak novaya real’nost’], Banking law [Bankovskoye pravo] 2017 #4, pp. 55-62 [In Russian]
  7. Semyonova I. Y. (2010) – Semyonova I. Y. Securitization and financial crisis: sources and problems of influence [Sek’yuritizatsiya i finansovyy krizis: istoki i problemy vliyaniya] International Economics [Mezhdunarodnaya ekonomika], 2010#8, pp. 57-61 [In Russian]
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Mikhail Y. Grushin

Applicant, Management Department, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, President of ANO “Stolny Grad”, Moscow, Russia. E-mail:

Models of strategic event management: interaction between business, government and society


Subject/Topic The study of the interaction of participants in the national event tourism market is of undoubted interest in the context of increasing share of event activities in the tourism sector of the Russian Federation.

Goals/Objectives This article shows the theoretical and methodological results of the study of three practical managerial models of the actions of the event organizer, depending on the chosen objectives and the preparation strategy: business model, social and synergistic model. The role and place of the event organizers in the interaction with the state, business and non-profit organizations are shown.

Methodology In the process of writing the article were used various research methods, both special and general, in particular: the generalization method, synthesis, analysis, statistical method and others.

Conclusions and Relevance In this study, firstly, the classification parameters of strategic event management models are proposed, including by such criteria as: content, organization system, decision making approaches, principles of participation; secondly, the conclusion was made about the existence of theoretical patterns characteristic of any managerial model of event background; thirdly, the actions of the organization’s management in each of the three management models (business, synergistic and social) are shown.

Keywords: event tourism, event tourism market, interaction in event projects, event management, event marketing, planning strategy, trends in event tourism



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Alexander A. Beskov

PhD student of Management Department, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow. E-mail:

Specialisation in tourism niches as a marketing approach to attract foreign tourists


Subject/Topic The current economic environment determines the relevance of studying new and unconventional marketing approaches in the tourism sphere. It becomes obvious that mass tourism products cannot satisfy all the social, spiritual and intellectual requests of tourists.

Goals/Objectives  The purpose of the article is to use empirical data to posit niche specialization as one of the marketing approaches to attract foreign tourists in the current volatile (and somewhat negative) economic and mass media coverage situation both in Russia and overseas. The author hypothesizes that offering niche tourism products helps startups hope for relatively lower completion and higher profit margin. The article presents one of the algorithms for a tourism startup to make decisions to tap niches, as well as pros and cons of such an approach.

Methodology While writing the article, general and special research methods were used, in particular, analysis, synthesis, generalization, and others.

Conclusions and Relevance It is concluded that the marketing approach of specializing in offering niche tourism products to attract international tourists by travel startups frequently does not require significant investments for starting the business. This approach also brings more chances for success and fewer risks.

Keywords: competition, reliability, loyalty, tourism startup, niche, satisfaction, tourism startup, trust.



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