The Modern Lawyer №4(25)
Yuri V. StepanenkoDoctor of Law, Professor of the Department of Administrative Law and Process, University of O.E. Kutafina (MSAL); Professor of the Department of Legal Regulation of Economic Activities, Finance University under the Government of the Russian Federation; Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Moscow Е-mail:; |
Administrative legal barriers in the implementation of the National Technology InitiativeAbstract Subject / Topic Terminological problem: clarifying the meaning and content of the concept of “administrative barriers” in the context of implementation of the measures of the National Technology Initiative. Goals / Objectives Creation of the scientifically based platform for the formation of unified theoretical approach to understanding of the essence and content of the term “administrative barriers”. Methodology In the study were used the methods of analysis, synthesis, specification, legal modeling, extrapolation, formal-logical and other methods of scientific research. Conclusion and Relevance Unification of approaches to understanding of the essence and content of the concept of “administrative barriers” will greatly contribute to the harmonization of administrative, legal and other norms aimed at improving legislation and eliminating administrative barriers in the implementation of the measures of the National Technology Initiative. Keywords: administrative barriers, administrative legal barriers, National Technology Initiative. References: Ozhegov, Shvedova (1995) – Ozhegov S.I., Shvedova N.Y. The explanatory dictionary of the Russian language / Russian Academy of Sciences; Russian Culture Foundation. – 3rd ed., Corr. and add. – M .: AZ [Tolkovyiy slovar russkogo yazyika / Rossiyskaya AN; Rossiyskiy fond kulturyi. – 3-e izd., ispr. i dop. – M.: AZЪ], 1995. – 928 p. Agamagomedova (2016) – Agamagomedova S.А. Overcoming administrative barriers during customs clearance of goods containing IPO // IP. Industrial property [Preodolenie administrativnyih barerov pri prohozhdenii tamozhennogo kontrolya tovarov, soderzhaschih OIP // IP. Promyishlennaya sobstvennost.]. 2016. No. 12. P. 51 – 56. Marin (2007) – Marin E.V. Ecological audit as the means of overcoming administrative barriers // Journal of Russian Law [Ekologicheskiy audit kak sredstvo preodoleniya administrativnyih barerov // Zhurnal rossiyskogo prava], 2007, № 12. Soloviev (2013) – Soloviev I.N. On measures of support of entrepreneurship and reduction of administrative barriers for business // Administrative law and process [O merah po podderzhke predprinimatelstva i snizheniyu administrativnyih barerov dlya biznesa // Administrativnoe pravo i protsess], 2013, № 9. Zvezdin (2013) – Zvezdin TM Some problems of legal regulation of small and medium enterprises in the context of Russia’s accession to the WTO // Business, Management and Law [Nekotoryie problemyi pravovogo regulirovaniya malogo i srednego predprinimatelstva v usloviyah vstupleniya Rossii v VTO // Biznes, Menedzhment i Pravo.]. 2013. No. 1. P. 66 – 70. Madalieva (2015) – Madalieva L.M. Excessive administrative barriers in obtaining a license for loading and unloading activities in relation to dangerous goods on local waterway transport, in seaports // Transport Law [Izlishnie administrativnyie bareryi pri oformlenii litsenzii na pogruzo-razgruzochnuyu deyatelnost primenitelno k opasnyim gruzam na vnutrennem vodnom transporte, v morskih portah // Transportnoe pravo], 2015, No. 3. |
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Denis A. Chepurnyhacting Deputy commander of the 10th battalion of traffic police, 1 regiment of traffic police (North), traffic police of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the Moscow region, graduate student of the Department of Legal regulation of economic activity, Finance University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow. E-mail: |
Separate aspects of supervisory activity of the state traffic inspectorateAbstract Subject / Topic Activity of the state traffic Inspectorate in the field of supervision over operation of vehicles by legal entities and individual entrepreneurs. Goals / Objectives Development of proposals and recommendations to improve the efficiency of the state traffic Inspectorate in the field of supervision over operation of vehicles with the help of legal and organizational means. Methodology Analysis, synthesis, modeling, comparison, abstraction, problem statement, hypothesis construction, specification, monitoring, comparative legal and formal-logical methods of scientific knowledge. Conclusion and Relevance Improvement of the legal regulation, developing in the system of relations of the state traffic Inspectorate with legal entities and individual entrepreneurs in the implementation of Supervisory activities will reduce the accident rate in the operation of road transport, ensure the development of interdepartmental relations and optimize law enforcement. In turn, this will lead to compliance with the law and will increase the preventive effect, contribute to improvement of the level of organization of passenger transportation by buses, will have an impact on improving the discipline of the drivers. In our opinion, such measures can stabilize the road transport situation in the sphere of transportation of passengers and goods, as well as improve the regulatory properties of the state management process. Keywords: state traffic inspectorate, traffic police of the Ministry of internal Affairs of Russia, law enforcement, operation of road transport, technical control. References:
Chistokolov (2011) – Chistokolоv I.V. Peculiarities of proceedings on cases of administrative offences in relation to legal persons through the activities of the traffic service and traffic management of traffic police // road Safety: Collection of scientific works. [Osobennosti proizvodstva po delam ob administrativnyih pravonarusheniyah v otnoshenii yuridicheskih lits po linii deyatelnosti sluzhbyi dorozhnoy inspektsii i organizatsii dvizheniya Gosavtoinspektsii // Bezopasnost dorozhnogo dvizheniya: Sbornik nauchnyih trudov]. M.: SIC BJJ Ministry of internal Affairs of Russia, 2011. Issue. 11. Р. 175 – 186. Odintsov, Zaporozhets, Hakiev (2009) – Odintsov L.G., Zaporozhets A.I., Hakiev Z.A. Features of road transportation of dangerous goods // technologies of civil security. [Osobennosti perevozki opasnyih gruzov avtomobilnyim transportom // Tehnologii grazhdanskoy bezopasnosti]. 2009. volume 6. № 1-2 19-20). Р. 97 – 101. Sokolov (2009) – Sokolov Y.I. Safety Issues of transportation of dangerous goods // problems of risk analysis. [Voprosyi bezopasnosti transportirovki opasnyih gruzov // Problemyi analiza riskov]. 2009.volume 6.No. 1. P. 38 – 74. Timofeeva (2010) – Timofeeva N.N. Road transportation of oversized and heavy cargo // Transport of the Russian Federation. [Avtomobilnyie perevozki negabaritnyih i tyazhelyih gruzov // Transport Rossiyskoy Federatsii]. 2010. №. 1 (26). P. 62 – 63. Kapustin, Moryilev, Savin, Storozhev (2011) – Kapustin A.V., Moryilev A.A., Savin B.M., Storozhev A.M. The activities of the state traffic Inspectorate in monitoring the compliance with normative legal acts by legal persons in the sphere of ensuring road traffic safety // road traffic Safety: Collection of scientific works. [Voprosyi deyatelnosti Gosavtoinspektsii pri kontrole za soblyudeniem yuridicheskimi litsami normativnyih pravovyih aktov v oblasti obespecheniya bezopasnosti dorozhnogo dvizheniya // Bezopasnost dorozhnogo dvizheniya: Sbornik nauchnyih trudov]. M.: SIC BJJ Ministry of internal Affairs of Russia, 2011. Issue. 11. P. 205. Mayorov (2018) – Mayorov V.I. Changes in the legal regulation of the Ministry of internal Affairs of Russia as the main subject of road safety // Actual problems of administrative procedure law: Collection of articles on the materials of the annual all-Russian scientific and practical conference (Sorokin readings), March 23, 2018. [Izmenenie v normativno-pravovom regulirovanii deyatelnosti MVD Rossii kak osnovnogo sub’ekta obespecheniya bezopasnosti dorozhnogo dvizheniya // Aktualnyie problemyi administrativnogo i administrativno-protsessualnogo prava: Sbornik statey po materialam ezhegodnoy vserossiyskoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii (Sorokinskie chteniya), 23 marta 2018 goda]. SPb.: St. Petersburg University of the Ministry of internal Affairs of Russia, 2018. Р. 561 – 565. Vitske (2018) – Vitske R.E. Traffic police of the Ministry of internal Affairs of Russia at the present stage // Actual problems of administrative procedure law: Collection of articles on the materials of the annual all-Russian scientific and practical conference (Sorokin readings), March 23, 2018. [GIBDD MVD Rossii na sovremennom etape // Aktualnyie problemyi administrativnogo i administrativno-protsessualnogo prava: Sbornik statey po materialam ezhegodnoy vserossiyskoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii (Sorokinskie chteniya), 23 marta 2018 goda]. SPb.: St. Petersburg University of the Ministry of internal Affairs of Russia, 2018. P. 566 – 573. Kuznetsov (2012) – Kuznetsov A.S. Control and Supervisory functions of traffic police and their implementation: dis. … kand. the faculty of law. sciences’. [Kontrolnyie i nadzornyie funktsii GIBDD i ih realizatsiya: dis. … kand. yurid. nauk]. M., 2012.P. 113. Teslya (2004) – Teslya S.N. Legal and organizational aspects of the internal Affairs bodies ‘ supervision over the technical condition of motor vehicles: dis. … kand. the faculty of law. sciences’. [Pravovoy i organizatsionnyiy aspekty i osuschestvleniya organami vnutrennih del nadzora za tehnicheskim sostoyaniem avtomototransportnyih sredstv: dis. … kand. yurid. nauk]. M., 2004. P. 37 Gaganov (2015) – Gaganov A.A. Legal aspects of counteraction to illegal transportation of passengers and baggage by passenger vehicles. Some issues of legal regulation of passenger taxi transportation // Administrative and municipal law. [Pravovyie aspektyi protivodeystviya nelegalnyim perevozkam passazhirov i bagazha legkovyimi transportnyimi sredstvami. Nekotoryie voprosyi pravovogo regulirovaniya perevozok legkovyim taksi // Administrativnoe i munitsipalnoe pravo]. 2015. №. 3. Р. 256 – 262.
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Alla P. AdamenkoAssociate Professor, Civil law Department of the Russian State University of justice, Candidate of legal sciences, Moscow E-mail: Yana A.Noskovalawyer, Moscow E-mail: |
Obligations under the supply agreement with a foreign personAbstract Subject/Topic Cross-border supply contract is widely applied at all levels of economy to ensure trade. This article identifies the main problems in cross-border supply contracts. Goals/Objectives. To analyze the significant, in the opinion of the authors, judicial acts specifying the regulations for the obligations of cross-border supply, to give recommendations on the implementation of the principle of freedom of contract in practical activities, including the wording of the terms of the contract. Methodology The methodological basis of the study consists of General methods of cognition; General scientific methods of research, including the system and logical method, as well as analysis, synthesis and analogy; private scientific and other methods. Conclusion and Relevance One of the main principles of contractual relations is the freedom of contract, which allows the parties to state the conditions as precisely as possible, taking into account not only legal acts, but also judicial practice, aimed at the long-term and fruitful cooperation. Keywords: supply contract, contract with a foreign person, cross-border contract, applied law, principle of freedom of the contract. References: Rosenberg (2007) – Rosenberg M.G. International sales contract. Modern practice of conclusion. Dispute Resolution [Kontrakt mezhdunarodnoj kupli-prodazhi. Sovremennaya praktika zaklyucheniya. Razreshenie sporov.]. M.: International Center for Financial and Economic Development [Mezhdunarodnyj centr finansovo-ehkonomicheskogo razvitiya], 2007. – 656 p. Katyshev (2017) – Katyshev I. Supply contract with a foreign person. Correcting errors before signing [Dogovor postavki s inostrannym licom. Ispravlyaem oshibki do podpisaniya] // Lawyer of the company [Yurist kompanii]. 2017. №. 3. P. 22-25. Ryzhenkov (2013) – Ryzhenkov A. Y. Differentiation of application of the principles of civil law in judicial practice [Differencirovanie primeneniya principov grazhdanskogo prava v sudebnoj praktike] // Actual problems of economics and law [Aktual’nye problemy ehkonomiki i prava]. №. 4 (28). 2013. pp. 210–216. Rassolova (2012) – Rassolova T.M. Civil law: textbook [Grazhdanskoe pravo: uchebnik]. – M.: UNITY-DANA [YUNITI-DANA], 2012. 847 p. Adamenko (2018) – Adamenko A.P. The responsibility of guaranteeing supplier for non-fulfillment of obligations under an energy supply agreement [Otvetstvennost’ garantiruyushchego postavshchika za neispolnenie obyazatel’stv po dogovoru ehnergosnabzheniya] / Modern lawyer [Sovremennyj yurist.]. 2018. № 3. P.84-93
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Stanislav V.NikolyukinAssociate Professor, Civil law Department, Russian state University of justice, Candidate of legal sciences, Associate Professor, Moscow (e-mail: |
Civil liability of the owners of rental housesAbstract Subject/Topic The subject of the research is housing relations, the object of which is a hired house, which is owned by one person, living quarters in which, depending on the purpose of use, may be provided under the contracts for renting residential premises of social housing as well as under the contracts for renting residential premises. Goals/Objectives To identify the features of civil liability of the persons to whom rental houses with special status belong by the right of ownership. Methodology The basis of the research consists of general, general scientific, private-science (formal-legal and comparative-legal) methods of cognition. Conclusion and Relevance The application of systemic and axiological approaches in their combination have made it possible to take a fresh look at the peculiarities of civil liability of the owners of «rental houses». Keywords: rental house, residential premises, owner of the rental house; civil liability; grounds for civil liability; terms of civil liability; civil liability measures. References: Nikolyukin (2017)- Nikolyukin S.V. On the issue of the mechanism of legal regulation of rental houses [K voprosu o mekhanizme pravovogo regulirovaniya naemnyh domov] // Education and Law [Obrazovanie i pravo]. 2017. №. 7. P. 66. Ozhegov (1970)- Ozhegov S.I. Dictionary of the Russian language [Slovar’ russkogo yazyka]. M .: Soviet Encyclopedia [Sovetskaya ehnciklopediya], 1970. Р. 168, 173, 367. The explanatory dictionary of the Russian language [Tolkovyj slovar’ russkogo yazyka]: 4 tons. T. 1 / Ed. D.N. Ushakov. M .: Russian dictionaries [Russkie slovari], 1994. Р. 350, 759, 790. Bulletin of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation [Byulleten’ Verhovnogo Suda RF]. 2011. № 8. Nikolyukin (2018) – Nikolyukin S.V. On the question of the relationship of the concepts of «residential house», «individual residential house», «apartment house», «residential building», «residential construction» [K voprosu o sootnoshenii ponyatij «zhiloj dom», «individual’nyj zhiloj dom», «mnogokvartirnyj dom», «zhiloe zdanie», «zhiloe stroenie»]// Family and housing law [Semejnoe i zhilishchnoe pravo]. 2018. № 2. Р. 41-45. Alekseev (2010)- Alekseev S.S. Legal liability. Collected Works [Yuridicheskaya otvetstvennost’. Sobranie sochinenij]. В 10 т. Т. 3. Problems of the theory of law: course of lectures [Problemy teorii prava: kurs lekcij]. M .: Statute, 2010. Р. 366-371. Grishin (2005) – Grishin D.A. Penalty: theory, practice, legislation [Neustojka: teoriya, praktika, zakonodatel’stvo]. M.: Statute [Statut], 2005. Р. 49. Tikhomirova, Tikhomirov (2006) – Tikhomirova L.V. Tikhomirov M.Y. Legal Encyclopedia [Yuridicheskaya ehnciklopediya]. Edition 5th supplemented. рrocessing. M., 2006. Р. 213. Civil law. Part one. Textbook [Grazhdanskoe pravo. Chast’ pervaya. Uchebnik ]/ Under ed. A.G. Kalpina, A.I. Maslyaev. M.: Yurist. P. 441. Garamita (2008) – Garamita V.V. Guilt as the basis of civil liability: Author’s abstract. dis. … cand. legal sciences [Vina kak osnovanie grazhdansko-pravovoj otvetstvennosti: Avtoref. dis.…kand. yurid. Nauk]. M., 2008. Р. 10. Puginsky (2007) – Puginsky B.I. Commercial law of Russia. Textbook [Kommercheskoe pravo Rossii. Uchebnik]. 2nd ed. M .: Zertsalo Publishers [Izdatel’stvo «Zercalo»], 2007. Р. 294. Civil law. Textbook [Grazhdanskoe pravo. Uchebnik ]/ Ed. ed. E.A. Sukhanov. T.1. 2nd ed. M .: BEK, 2000. Р. 431. Business (economic) law. Textbook. [Predprinimatel’skoe (hozyajstvennoe) pravo. Uchebnik ]/ Under scientific. ed. S.A. Zinchenko, G.I. Kolesnika. 2nd ed., Pererab. and add. M .: Dashkov and Co. Publishing and Trading Corporation; Growth he / D: Academic Center, 2008. Р. 379-380. Ioffe (1975) – Ioffe O.S. Law of Obligations [Obyazatel’stvennoe pravo]. M.: Yuridich. lit., 1975. Р. 97. Civil law: Textbook [Grazhdanskoe pravo: Uchebnik]. T.1. Under. ed. A.P. Sergeeva, Yu.K. Tolstoy. M .: TK Velbi, Prospect Publishing House [TK Velbi, Izd-vo Prospekt], 2005. P. 647. Civil law [Grazhdanskoe pravo]. Volume I. General part: Textbook / Ed. ed. E.A. Sukhanov. M.: Volters Kluver, 2004. Р. 590. Actual problems of civil law: textbook [Aktual’nye problemy grazhdanskogo prava: uchebnik]. ed. R.V. Shagieva. M.: JUSTICE, 2019. Р. 134.
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Irina A. Pantsevich graduate student of the Department of Civil law, Russian State University of Justice, Moscow. E-mail: |
Problems of law enforcement in the resolution of disputes related to the implementation of the rights to privileges for ensuring the housing for settlers from the zones with the right to resettlementAbstract Subject/Topic The subject of the research can be defined as social relations affecting the implementation of the rights to housing benefits of socially needy categories of citizens, established by the provisions of the Law on Social Protection of Citizens Exposed to Radiation Following the Chernobyl Disaster. Goals/Objectives To identify and disclose the problems of law enforcement in the resolution of disputes arising in connection with ensuring the rights to benefits for the provision of housing to persons who have voluntarily relocated from the zones with the right to resettlement. Methodology The methodological basis of the study consists of universal methods of cognition, general scientific research methods, including system and logical methods, as well as analysis, synthesis, and particular scientific methods. Conclusion and Relevance Taking into account, that the categories of citizens stipulated by the Law on Social Protection of Citizens Exposed to Radiation Due to the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant Disaster are considered to be persons entitled to improve their living conditions at the expense of the federal budget, it is advisable to establish unified procedure for recognizing them as needing the improvement of housing conditions in the relevant decree of the Government of the Russian Federation in order to implement the provisions of the above law. Keywords: housing; housing relations; housing stock; Living premises; social support measures, citizens exposed to radiation as a result of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. References: The law of the Russian Federation from 15.05.1991 № 1244-1 «On social protection of citizens exposed to radiation as a result of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant» [Zakon RF ot 15.05.1991 № 1244-1 «O social’noj zashchite grazhdan, podvergshihsya vozdejstviyu radiacii vsledstvie katastrofy na CHernobyl’skoj AEHS»] // Consultant plus [Electronic resource]. Date of application: 12.11.2018. Collection of the legislation of the Russian Federation [Sobranie zakonodatel’stva RF].18.12.2017. № 51. article 7915. Collection of the legislation of the Russian Federation [Sobranie zakonodatel’stva RF]. 31.01.2011. № 5. article 739. Collection of the legislation of the Russian Federation [Sobranie zakonodatel’stva RF]. 25.11.2013. № 47. article 6117. Daily News. Moscow region [Ezhednevnye Novosti. Podmoskov’e]. № 240. 17.12.2005.
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Daria O. TeplovaCandidate of legal sciences, Deputy Head of the Department of State Legal Disciplines, East-Siberian Branch of the Russian State University of Justice, Irkutsk. E-mail: |
Problems of constitutional law: trends and prospectsAbstract Subject/ Topic This article tries to outline in brief some problems of the current state of constitutional law in the Russian Federation. Currently, the Constitution and sectoral legislation is in the process of rapid development. However, this trend is not so clear. Along with some progress in the development of constitutional law institutions (property rights, right to life, right to a decent existence, etc.), significant contradictions in the development of the Constitution have been highlighted. Goals/ Objectives The author gives some examples from legislation and practice of its application with regard to the implementation of certain norms of the Constitution. The interpretation and regulation of state relations is not always unequivocal. This situation, in the author’s opinion, seems to be unacceptable, because the implementation of the concept of legal reform in connection with the adoption of the 1993 Constitution requires the approval of the original legal institutions in the sectoral and constitutional legislation. Methodology The methodological basis of the study consists of General methods of cognition; General scientific methods of research, including the system and logical method, as well as analysis, synthesis and analogy; private scientific methods, such as formal legal, statistical method, etc. Conclusion and Relevance Currently the general state of constitutional law and its separate institutions is a matter of concern due to the difficulties in applying the fundamental principles of the constitutional system: the rule of law, the priority of human rights and freedoms, a fair and independent judiciary, social state, local self-government, freedom of private property, etc. Keywords: Constitution, law, constitutionalism, current legislation, constitutional Court of Russia, constitutional control. References: Avakyan (2014)- Avakyan S. A. The constitutional right of Russia [Konstitucionnoe pravo Rossii]: Textbook. course. In 2 v, Infra-M, Norm. 2014. Vol.1. 864 C, Vol. 2. 912 p. Baglay (2013)- Baglay M. V. Constitutional law of the Russian Federation [Konstitucionnoe pravo Rossijskoj Federacii]. M.: Norma, Infra-M, RIOR. 2013. 776 p. Belikov, Gnitsevich (2004)- Belikov K. A. Gnitsevich K. V. The Constitution of the Russian Federation of 1993 in the context of modern Russian public consciousness (anthropological analysis) [Konstituciya Rossijskoj Federacii 1993 g. v kontekste sovremennogo rossijskogo obshchestvennogo soznaniya (antropologicheskij analiz)] //10 years of the Constitution of the Russian Federation (historical and theoretical analysis): Proceedings of the interuniversity scientific and practical conference on January 28, 2004-St. Petersburg.: Ivesep, Scientia, 2004. P. 48-65. Vitruk (2010)- Vitruk N. V. Constitutional law of the Russian Federation [Konstitucionnoe pravo Rossijskoj Federacii]: Textbook. M.: Norma: INFRA, 2010. 656 p. Dmitriev, Mukhachev (2012) – Dmitriev J. A., Mukhachev I. V. Constitutional law of Russia [Konstitucionnoe pravo Rossii]: Textbook. In 2 v. Stavropol, 2012. 478 p. Zorkin (2018)- Zorkin V. D. The letter and spirit of the Constitution. [Bukva i duh Konstitucii] / Russian newspaper № 7689 from 09.10.2018 g. Zorkin (2008)- Zorkin V. D. Russia and Constitution in XXI century [Rossiya i Konstituciya v XXI veke]. 2-e Izd. M.: Norma, 2008. 592 p. Kozlova, Kutafin (2015) – Kozlova E. I., Kutafin O. E. Constitutional law of Russia [Konstitucionnoe pravo Rossii]: Textbook. M.: Spe, 2015, 592 p. Constitutional law of Russia [Konstitucionnoe pravo Rossii]: Textbook / ed. M.: Spe-Moscow, 2007, 784 p. Concepts of development of Russian legislation [Koncepcii razvitiya rossijskogo zakonodatel’stva] / ed. by T. Y. Khabrieva, Y. A. Tikhomirov. M.: Gorodets, 2010. 848 p. Maltsev (2013)- Maltsev G. V. Cultural traditions of law [Kul’turnye tradicii prava]: monograph / Maltsev G.V.-M.: Norma, Infra-M, 2013. – 608 p. Nudnenko (2014)- Nudnenko L. A. Constitutional law of Russia [Konstitucionnoe pravo Rossii]: Textbook. 3rd ed., EGO DOP. – M.: Yurayt, 2014, 581 p. Rashevsky (2016)- Rashevsky A.A. Actual problems of constitutional law in the Russian Federation [Aktual’nye problemy konstitucionnogo prava v RF ] / Sklovsky (2002)- Sklovsky K. I. Property in civil law [Sobstvennost’ v grazhdanskom prave]: studies.- 3rd ed. M.: Casu, 2002. 893 p.
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Dmitry M. NikitaevExpert of the Institute of freedom of conscience, Moscow, Russia Moscow (E-mail:
To the question of current definition and content of the term “Freedom of conscience”Abstract Subject / Topic Provisions on freedom of conscience formulated in the scientific literature. Goals / Objectives Research of approaches to the concept and content of the term “freedom of conscience” in the scientific literature, identification of the relationship between the concepts of “freedom of conscience” and “secularism of the state”, formulation of the author’s definition of the “freedom of conscience”. Methodology General scientific methods (analysis, synthesis, observation, comparison, deductive and inductive methods), private scientific methods (historical and legal, comparative legal, formal legal methods). Conclusion and Relevance Modern approaches to the concept of “freedom of conscience” are investigated. The positions of the authors of scientific literature on the content of secularism of the state are considered. It is revealed that the approaches to the concept of freedom of conscience were formulated historically. On the basis of the study of international universal documents (Universal Declaration of human rights of 1948, international Covenant on civil and political rights of 1966, International Covenant on economic, social and cultural rights of 199, etc.) it is concluded that it is necessary to improve them. On the basis of the provisions expressed in the scientific literature, the author’s definition is formulated. The study of existing approaches to the concept of the ‘freedom of conscience’ determines the relevance of the research topic. The interrelation of the right to freedom of conscience and the principle of secularism of the state is revealed. The latter is the most important guarantee of the right to freedom of conscience. The problem of theoretical character is revealed: substitution of a broader concept of the freedom of conscience with the freedom of religion. This substitution is found in many normative acts and gives rise to violations of the right to freedom of conscience and other human rights. In order to resolve this situation, it is possible to make appropriate changes in the rules of international and domestic law. Keywords: freedom of conscience; secularism of the state; international law; constitutional law; human rights.} References 1. Avakyan 2005 – Avakyan S. A. The constitutional law of Russia: training course. In 2 volumes. V. I. [Konstitucionnoe pravo Rossii: uchebnyj kurs. V 2 tomah. T. I.].M.: lawyer , 2005. [In Russian] 2. Aleynikova, Buryanov 2015 – Aleinikova S. M., Buryanov, S. A. Secular state in questions and answers: short, accessible and relevant [Svetskoe gosudarstvo v voprosah i otvetah: kratko, dostupno i aktual’no] М., 2012. [In Russian] 3. Bolshakova 2015 – Bolshakova V. M. The right to freedom of conscience and freedom of religion: peculiarities of realization in modern Russia [Pravo na svobodu sovesti i svobodu veroispovedaniya: osobennosti realizatsii v sovremennoy Rossii] // Authority [Vlast’] 2015. p. 129. [In Russian] 4. Buryanov 2017 – Buryanov S. A. Freedom of conscience in a secular state and “latex religious studies” [Svoboda sovesti v svetskom gosudarstve i «lateksnoe religiovedenie»] // Science and religion in a secular state [Nauka i religiya v svetskom gosudarstve] 2017. p. 53-58. [In Russian] 5. Buryanov 2018 – Buryanov S. A. Violations of the right to freedom of conscience, religion [Narusheniya prava na svobodu sovesti, veroispovedaniya] // Human rights in the Russian Federation: coll. of reports on the events of 2017 [Prava cheloveka v Rossijskoj Federacii: sb. dokl. o sobytiyah 2017]-M: Mosk. Hel’sink. Gruppa, 2018.- 218 p. 6.Buryanov, Nikitaev 2018 – Buryanov S. A., Nikitaev D. M. 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[In Russian] 14 Minchenko 2011 -Minchenko T. P. The problem of ideological identity and the principle of freedom of conscience in the post-secular world [Problema mirovozzrencheskoy identichnosti i printsip svobodyi sovesti v postsekulyarnom mire ]// Vestn. Thom. state UN-TA. P. 47-51. [In Russian] 15. Minchenko 2012 – Minchenko T. P. Religion, freedom of conscience and new technologies in post-secular world [Religiya, svoboda sovesti i novyie tehnologii v postsekulyarnom mire]// News of TPU [Izvestiya TPU]. 2012. No. 6. P. 147-151. [In Russian] 16. Mordovtseva 2012 -Mordovtseva T. V. Legal regime of freedom of conscience in modern Russia: theoretical foundations [Pravovoy rezhim svobodyi sovesti v sovremennoy Rossii: teoreticheskie osnovyi] // Philosophy of the law [Filosofiya prava]. 2012. No. 3 (52). P. 11 – 15. [In Russian] 17. Nikitaev 2018 – Nikitaev D.M. 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Aleksey P. AlbovPhD in Philosophy, Doctor of Law, Professor, Professor of the Department of Theory and History of State and Law, Moscow. E-mail: Alla I. KairovaPhD in Law, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Theory and History of State and Law, Moscow. E-mail: |
Legal discourse of rational prerequisites for universal transnational civil societyAbstract Subject/Topic The subject of the research is defined as social relations and modern sociocultural prerequisites for the formation of a new legal discourse of rational prerequisites for «universal transnational civil society». Goals/Objectives The goal which was set in the article is to explore the prerequisites for the emergence of new legal discourses that characterize global political changes in connection with the growing number of transnational organizations. Methodology This study was conducted by the comparative legal method, using the functional and axiological method in the study of issues of national sovereignty. Conclusions and Relevance As a result of the analysis of various factors influencing the legal system of national state, it was concluded that national states and their legal institutions and civil society find themselves in a situation where transnational organizations become more influential than national ideas and legal principles, that puts at risk the sovereignty of the state itself. Keywords: civil society, state sovereignty, transnational corporations, legal system, international law, legal principles, philosophy of law. References: Kant I. (1966) – Kant I. Basics of the metaphysics of morality [Osnovy` metafizikinravstvennosti // Sochineniya v shestitomax] // Works in six volumes. – M .: “Thought”. – T. 4. Part I. – P. 211-310. Kant I. (1995) – Kant I. Criticism of practical reason [Kritikaprakticheskogorazuma / Per. s nem. – SPb.: Nauka, (1995) – 528 s.] / Per. with him. – SPb .: Science, 1995. – 528 p.). Kant I. (1996) – Kant I. 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Globalization and the Erosion of Democracy // European Journal of Political Research. – 1999. – Vol. 36, No. 1. Krasner St. Abiding Sovereignty // International Political Science Review.2001. Vol. 22, No. 3.). Rourke J. (2000) – Taking Sides. Clashing Views on Controversial Issues in World Politics. Guilford, 2000. P. 78; Kuznetsov A. Global Expansion of the Russian Multinationals after the Crisis: Results of 2011. Report dated April 16, 2013 (; data on VimpelCom – World Investment Report 2013 ( / Khabibullina G.R., Mazo M.A. (2008) – KhabibullinaG.R., Mazo M.A. The principle of free movement of funds as the basis of the constitutional system of the Russian Federation [Principsvobodnogoperemeshheniyafinansovy`xsredstvkakosnovakonstitucionnogostroyaRossijskojFederacii.// Ucheny`ezapiskiKazanskogogosudarstvennogouniversiteta.]. // Scientific notes of Kazan State University.Volume 150, Vol. 5, The Humanities 2008. C. 67. Linklater A. (2001) – Linklater A. Citizenship, Humanity, and Cosmopolitan Harm Conventions // International Political Science Review. 2001. Vol. 22, No. 3. P. 48; Critical Theory and World Politics: Sovereignty, Citizenship and Humanity, Routledge, Abingdon 2007. Habermas, Y. (2002) – Habermas, Y. European national state: its achievements and limits. On the past and future of sovereignty and citizenship // Nations and nationalism [Evropejskoenacional`noegosudarstvo: ego dostizheniyaipredely`. O proshlomibudushhemsuverenitetaigrazhdanstva]/ B. Andersen, O. Bauer, M. Hrokh, et al. M., 2002. C. 104. Beck U. (2001) – Beck U. What is globalization? The mistakes of globalism are the answers to globalization. M., 2001. C. 35. Kymlicka W. (2001)– Kymlicka W. Politics in the Vernacular. Nationalism, Multiculturalism, and Citizenship.Oxford, 2001. P. 319. Harcourt W. (2001). – Harcourt W. Civil Society Responds // PoliticaInternazionale. Bimonthly Journal of IPALMO.2001. № 1/2.pp. 45-46. Motherland E.N., Syusina N.M. 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[Electronic resource] URL: no mySept2016.pdf |
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Natalia N. Bocharovasenior lecturer, Department of financial law, Federal state autonomous educational institution «Southern Federal University», Rostov-on-Don, Russia, E-mail: |
Improvement of mechanisms of control over the efficiency of budgetary funds expenditureAbstract Subject/Topic The subject of the study is defined as public relations connected with the issues of state regulation of the use of budgetary funds, as well as the improvement of the efficiency of their spending: by optimizing planning, implementation of the electronic budget and contract system improving. Goals/Objectives The purpose of the study is a comprehensive analysis of certain provisions of the budget legislation governing the planning of budget expenditures, strengthening control over the expenditure of budgetary funds through the electronic budget, as well as identifying the place of the contract procurement system to optimize budget expenditures. Methodology General methods of cognition; General scientific methods, including the system and logical method, as well as analysis, synthesis and analogy; private scientific methods, such as formal legal method. Conclusion and Relevance The issue of efficiency of budget spending in the current socio-economic conditions is of particular importance and relevance. The ability to influence budget expenditures exists both through optimal planning-that is, at the stage of drafting the budget, and through strengthening control over the expenditure of budgetary funds through the electronic budget, as well as the development and improvement of the public procurement system to select the best contractors with effective and economical payment terms while guaranteeing quality. Keywords: budget, expenses, efficiency, economy, planning, e-budget, procurement, contract system, cost optimization References: Federal law No. 41-FZ of 05.04.2013 (as amended on 07.02.2017)” On the accounts chamber of the Russian Federation ” (as amended. and EXT., joined. in force from 28.06.2017) / / Rossiyskaya Gazeta, № 77, 10.04.2013 [Federalnyiy zakon ot 05.04.2013 № 41-FZ (red. ot 07.02.2017) «O Schetnoy palate Rossiyskoy Federatsii» (s izm. i dop., vstup. v silu s 28.06.2017) // Rossiyskaya gazeta, № 77, 10.04.2013]. Budget code of the Russian Federation from 31.07.1998 № 145-FZ (ed. from 03.08.2018, with izm. from 11.10.2018) / / Rossiyskaya Gazeta, № 153-154, 12.08.1998. [Byudzhetnyiy kodeks Rossiyskoy Federatsii ot 31.07.1998 № 145-FZ (red. ot 03.08.2018, s izm. ot 11.10.2018) // Rossiyskaya gazeta, № 153-154, 12.08.1998]. The decree of the President of the Russian Federation from 27.03.2006 № 261 “About recognition as become invalid for separate provisions of the decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 9 March 2004 No. 314 “About system and structure of Federal Executive authorities” // Collection of legislation of the Russian Federation, 03.04.2006, № 14, article 1509. [Ukaz Prezidenta Rossiyskoy Federatsii ot 27.03.2006 № 261 «O priznanii utrativshimi silu otdelnyih polozheniy Ukaza Prezidenta Rossiyskoy Federatsii ot 9 marta 2004 g. № 314 «O sisteme i strukture federalnyih organov ispolnitelnoy vlasti» // Sobranie zakonodatelstva RF, 03.04.2006, № 14, st. 1509]. Federal law No. 498-FZ of 31.12.2014 (as amended on 29.12.2017) “On amendments to the Federal law “On the contract system in the procurement of goods, works and services for state and municipal needs ” / / Rossiyskaya Gazeta, No. 1, 12.01.2015 [Federalnyiy zakon ot 31.12.2014 № 498-FZ (red. ot 29.12.2017) «O vnesenii izmeneniy v Federalnyiy zakon «O kontraktnoy sisteme v sfere zakupok tovarov, rabot, uslug dlya obespecheniya gosudarstvennyih i munitsipalnyih nuzhd» // Rossiyskaya gazeta, № 1, 12.01.2015]. Decree of the government of the Russian Federation of 30.12.2016 № 1551 (ed.from 06.09.2017) “On measures for the implementation of the Federal law “On the Federal budget for 2017 and the planning period of 2018 and 2019” // Assembly of legislation of the Russian Federation, 09.01.2017, № 2 (Part I), article 379. [Postanovlenie Pravitelstva RF ot 30.12.2016 № 1551 (red. ot 06.09.2017) «O merah po realizatsii Federalnogo zakona «O federalnom byudzhete na 2017 god i na planovyiy period 2018 i 2019 godov» // Sobranie zakonodatelstva RF, 09.01.2017, № 2 (Chast I), p. 379]. Federal law No. 44-FZ of 05.04.2013 (as amended on 30.10.2018) “On the contract system for the procurement of goods, works and services for state and municipal needs ” / / Rossiyskaya Gazeta, No. 80, 12.04.2013. [Federalnyiy zakon ot 05.04.2013 № 44-FZ (red. ot 30.10.2018) «O kontraktnoy sisteme v sfere zakupok tovarov, rabot, uslug dlya obespecheniya gosudarstvennyih i munitsipalnyih nuzhd» // Rossiyskaya gazeta, № 80, 12.04.2013]. Letter No. 02-02-08/23319 of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of 23 April 2015 “On peculiarities of state (municipal) contracts” // The text of the letter has not been officially published. [Pismo Minfina Rossii ot 23 aprelya 2015 g. № 02-02-08/23319 «Ob osobennostyah zaklyucheniya gosudarstvennyih (munitsipalnyih) kontraktov» // Tekst pisma ofitsialno opublikovan ne byil]. Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of 12.12.2015 № 1367 “On the procedure of control of the procurement of goods, works and services for state and municipal needs” // Assembly of legislation of the Russian Federation, 28.12.2015, № 52 (part I), article 7602. [Postanovlenie Pravitelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii ot 12.12.2015 № 1367 «O poryadke osuschestvleniya kontrolya, v sfere zakupok tovarov, rabot, uslug dlya obespecheniya gosudarstvennyih i munitsipalnyih nuzhd» // Sobranie zakonodatelstva RF, 28.12.2015, № 52 (chast I), st. 7602]. Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of 20.07.2017 № 1275-p ” Concept of creation and development of the state integrated information system of public Finance management “Electronic budget”. [Rasporyazhenie Pravitelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii ot 20.07.2017g. № 1275-r «Kontseptsiya sozdaniya i razvitiya gosudarstvennoy integrirovannoy informatsionnoy sistemyi upravleniya obschestvennyimi finansami «Elektronnyiy byudzhet»»]. |
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Aimee Murphie Lubeshi TshibolaPhD student, Department of Legal Regulation of Economic Activities. E-mail: |
Real estate tax in Russia and France: comparison-legal analysisAbstract Subject/Topic Real estate tax in Russia and France, its development and reform. Comparative analysis of real estate tax in Russia and France Goals/Objectives Analysis of the reform of real estate tax in France and its comparison with Russia. Tasks To define the main aspects of real estate tax reform in France and to compare it with real estate tax in Russia. Methodology The work is based on a logical, systemic-functional and situational analysis, methods of grouping and monographic surveys. Conclusions and Relevance It can be observed that at present, the tax system of France, as well as most foreign countries, was formed by the middle of the twentieth century, but some of their constituent parts are still transforming. The tax system of modern Russia has its origins after the collapse of the USSR and the process of its formation continues to this day. In 2018, the reform of the ISF wealth tax came into force, promised by President Emmanuel Macron during his election campaign. The motive of new taxation is to attract entrepreneurs to invest in French companies and to return tax expatriates, strongly taxed by the previous tax ISF. Keywords: taxation, real estate tax, registration fees, residence tax, taxable base, real estate tax, inheritance tax, capital gains tax, lease income tax. References: Pankratov (2017) – Pankratov P.N. Personal Income Tax in France [Nalog na dochody fizicheskich lic v Francii] / PN Pankratov // Kvolit Finance. – 2017. – No. 5. – P. 4-5. Golubev (2017) – Golubev MV About Income Tax in France [Pro podochodniy nalogvo Francii] / MV Golubev // BlogJornal.- 2017. No. 7. – P. 8-10. Pankratov (2017) – Pankratov P.N. Personal Income Tax in France [Nalog na dochody fizicheskich lic vo Francii] / PN Pankratov // KvolitiFinance. – 2017. – No. 5. – P. 4-5. Tarasova (2017) – Tarasova N.G. Tax system of France [Nalogovaya sistema vo Francii] / N.G. Tarasova // Political Journal “BISSINESTIME”. – 2017. – No. 10. – P. 23-25. Aliyev, Aliev (2012) – Aliyev B. K., Aliev H. B. Taxation of property in Russia and abroad [Nalogooblozheniye imuschestva v Rossii I za rubezhom] // Bulletin of Dagestan University. 2012. No. 5. P. 56. Apresova (2014) – Apresova, N.G. On the question of the legal definition of real estate as a subject of taxation Text. [K voprosy o zakonodatelnom opredelenii nedwizhimosti kak objekta nalogooblozheniya] // State and law. 2014. №6. P.92-95. Volovich (2014) – Volovich N.V. Transfer to the taxation of capital construction objects by their cadastral value. [Perechod k nalogooblozeniju objectov kapitalnogo stroitelstva po ich kadastrovoj stoimosti] // Property relations in the Russian Federation. 2014. No. 6. P. 71-89. Grigoriev (2013) – Grigoriev, VV Estimation of real estate objects: Theoretical and practical aspects. [Ocenka objektov nedvizimosti. Teoreticheskie i practicheskie aspectu] Ed. VV Grigorieva M., INFRA-M, 2013. S. 314-325. Semenova (2014) – Semenova O.V. Taxation of Natural Resources in Developed Countries [Nalogooblozhenie prirdnich resursov v razvitich stranach] // Tax Bulletin. 2014. No. 4. 109. Fedorova (2014) – Fedorova A. Y. Formation of the tax component of the revenues of the regional budget [Formirovanije nalogovoj sostavlyauschej dochoda oblastnogo budjeta] // Socio-economic phenomena and processes. Tambov, 2014. No. 3-4. P. 290-294. Fedotova (2014) – Fedotova MA Work of Rosimuschestvo: results and plans [Robota Rossimyschestva^ rezultati I plany] // Community of valuation companies “SMO”. 2014. # 3. 6 – 10 77 Chernyshova (2014) Chernyshova O. N. Basic approaches to improving taxation in Russia [Osnovnije podchodi k sovershenstvjvaniu nalogooblozeniya v Rossii] // Socio-economic phenomena and processes. 2014. No. 1. P. 235-239. Shuvalova (2014) – Shuvalova E. B. Tax systems of foreign countries [Nalogovije sistemy zarubezhnuch stran] M., 2014. P. 107. Taxing Working Families. [Electronnij resurs]. OECD Tax Policy Studies. Rezhim dostupa: Taxation trends in the European. Eurostat. 2015. IMF. Word Economic Outlook Database. Russia. 2015 (англ.). Economic Report of the President. – Washington, 2012. – P. 416. Emerging from the shadow (ACCA) [Electronic resource] // URL:
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Lyudmila A. BukalerovaDoctor of Law, Professor, Head of the Department of Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure and Criminalistics, Moscow, Russia. E-mail: Maria A. SimonovaDoctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Director of Educational and Scientific Institute of Comparative Educational Policy, Moscow, Russia. E-mail: Alexander V. OstroushkoPhD in Law, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Legal Regulation of Economic Activity, Moscow, Russia. E-mail: |
Criminal responsibility for offenses to the sexual integrity of minors in the Czech RepublicAbstract Subject / Topic The system of acts of the Czech Republic governing the prevention of encroachments on the sexual integrity of minors. Goals / Objectives Analysis of the legislation of the Czech Republic aimed at preventing infringements of the sexual integrity of minors. Methodology The study is based on the methods of analysis, synthesis, specification, legal modeling, systems and other methods of scientific research. Conclusion and Relevance Czech legislation aimed at preventing infringements of the sexual integrity of minors is quite extensive and deserves attention of the domestic legislator to implement the norms of the Council of Europe Convention on the Protection of Children from Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse, October 25, 2007 (Lanzarot) in Russian law. Keywords: minors, sexual integrity, protection, the Czech Republic, implementation. References: Council of Europe Convention on the Protection of Children against Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse CETS № 201 URL: Ústava Českérepubliky URL : The Resolution of the Government of the Czech Republic of 4 January 2012 on the Procedure for Implementation in Implementing the Updated Policy for the Integration of Foreign Nationals URL: Criminal Code of the Czech Republic URL: On the Criminal Liability of Legal Entities and their Prosecution : Law of the Czech Republic URL: Act of the Czech Republic Оn family. URL: Code of Criminal Procedure of the Czech Republic URL: Sex trafficking of children in the Czech Republic. URL: |
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Marina A. Davidenkograduate student, Moscow Institute of Modern Academic Education, Moscow E-mail: |
Definition of deterministic complex of terrorist activity in the modern Russian societyAbstract Subject/Topic Terrorism at all times of social development was viewed as an extremely negative form of manifestation of social and political struggle aimed at representatives of legitimate government and population of the state. Even in the case of pursuit of socially useful goals in the commission of terrorist act, the latter under no circumstances can be justified and left unpunished. Goals/Objectives Analysis of the prevention and prophilactic of terrorist activities, the degree of effectiveness of which directly depends on the accuracy and comprehensiveness of determination of criminogenic factors provoking terrorist activity or having a stimulating effect on it. Methodology The methodological basis of the study consists of General methods of cognition; General scientific methods of research, including the system and logical method, as well as analysis, synthesis, analogy, etc. Conclusion and Relevance In order to ensure adequate protection against terrorism, the state of certain areas of social and political life, which are considered in this work, should be continuously monitored. Keywords: terrorism, terrorist activity, crime determinants, criminogenic factors, countering the commission of terrorist crimes.
JEL classification: K14 References: Murtazin (2018)- Murtazin A.I. On the issue of the causes of the spread of terrorism and extremism in the conditions of modern Russia [K voprosu o prichinah rasprostraneniya terrorizma i ehkstremizma v usloviyah sovremennoj Rossii ]// Actual problems of the state and society in the field of ensuring the rights and freedoms of man and citizen [Aktual’nye problemy gosudarstva i obshchestva v oblasti obespecheniya prav i svobod cheloveka i grazhdanina]. 2018. №3-3. P. 191. Dikayev (2006)- Dikayev S.U. Terror, terrorism and crimes of terrorist nature (criminological and criminal law research): Monograph [Terror, terrorizm i prestupleniya terroristicheskogo haraktera (kriminologicheskoe i ugolovno-pravovoe issledovanie): Monografiya]. M., 2006. p. 212; Margiani A.L. The concept of terrorism: a historical analysis [Ponyatie terrorizma: istoricheskij analiz ]// NovaUm.Ru. 2018. № 11. P. 53. International terrorism: the struggle for geopolitical dominance [Mezhdunarodnyj terrorizm: bor’ba za geopoliticheskoe gospodstvo]. M., 2005. Р. 19-20. Antonyan, Smirnov (2000) – Antonyan Y.M., Smirnov V.V. Terrorism today [Terrorizm segodnya]. M., 2000. p. 44; Criminology: textbook for high schools [Kriminologiya: uchebnik dlya vuzov ]/ Under total. ed. A.I. Debt M., 2005. Р. 613-614. Vishnyakov, Bondarenko, Vasin, Gratsiansky (2006) – Vishnyakov Y.D., Bondarenko G.A., Vasin S.G., Gratsiansky E.V. Basics of countering terrorism [Osnovy protivodejstviya terrorizmu.]. M., 2006. p. 38-41; Criminological characteristics of modern terrorism [Kriminologicheskaya harakteristika sovremennogo terrorizma // Prestupnost’ i obshchestvo.]// Crime and society
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Marius I. MurkshtisPhD in Law, Associate Professor Department of Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure and Criminalistics, Moscow, Russia. E-mail:
The main ways of international cooperation in combating illicit arms traffickingAbstract Subject / Topic The system of legislation regulating international cooperation in countering illicit arms trafficking. Goals / Objectives To consider the main areas of international cooperation of the Russian Federation in the sphere of fight against illicit arms trafficking. Methodology In the study were used the methods of analysis, synthesis, specification, legal modeling, comparative, systemic and other methods of scientific research. Conclusion and Relevance International cooperation in the field of countering illicit arms trafficking will be most effective only with the concerted efforts of different countries. The forms of interaction between the competent state bodies and international organizations in this field are: exchange of information; development and implementation of practical action plans; conducting joint operational-search and preventive measures to ensure the international legal order; carrying out large-scale targeted special operations; holding international conferences and meetings. The viewpoint on the creation of unified computer database to monitor the circulation of weapons is supported. Keywords: illicit arms trafficking, crimes, international cooperation, interaction, information, special operations. References: Zimin (1994) – Zimin V.P. Universal and pan-European norms relating to human rights in the field of law enforcement [Universal’nye i obshcheevropejskie normy, kasayushchiesya prav cheloveka v sfere ohrany pravoporyadka]// Problems of ensuring human rights in the activities of a body of internal affairs [Problemy obespecheniya prav cheloveka v deyatel’nosti organa vnutrennih del.]. M, 1994. Nikitina (2002) – Nikitina O.A. International legal cooperation in the fight against illicit arms trafficking. Dis. … cand. legal sciences [Mezhdunarodno-pravovoe sotrudnichestvo v bor’be s nezakonnym oborotom oruzhiya. Dis. …kand. yurid. nauk]. M., 2002. UN Newsletter № 5/2010 [Informacionnyj byulleten’ OON] // URL: http: // UN Economic and Economic Council resolution 2002/13 of July 24, 2002 «Measures to promote effective crime prevention»[«Mery po sodejstviyu ehffektivnomu preduprezhdeniyu prestupnosti»]. Pankratova (2013) – Pankratova I.V. International aspects of countering illicit arms trafficking [Mezhdunarodnye aspekty protivodejstviya nezakonnomu oborotu oruzhiya]// TSU Bulletin [Vestnik TGU]. 2013. № 6. Theoretical foundations of crime prevention at the present stage of development of Russian society: a monograph [Teoreticheskie osnovy preduprezhdeniya prestupnosti na sovremennom ehtape razvitiya rossijskogo obshchestva: monografiya] / Ed. ed. R.V. Zhubrina. M., 2016. UN document A / CONF.192 / L.5 / Rev.1 URL: http: Newsletter of the Inter-Parliamentary Assembly of the CIS Member States [Informacionnyj byulleten’ Mezhparlamentskoj assamblei gosudarstv – uchastnikov SNG]. 1996. № 10. Zadoyan, Matskevich, Chuchaev (2017) – Zadoyan A.A., Matskevich I.M., Chuchaev A.I. Problems of criminological prevention of illicit arms trafficking: monograph [Problemy kriminologicheskogo preduprezhdeniya nezakonnogo oborota oruzhiya: monografiya]. M., 2017. Kokov (2007) – Kokov Y.A. Countering threats requires the pooling of efforts by states, an integrated and systematic approach [Protivodejstvie ugrozam trebuet ob”edinenie usilij gosudarstv, kompleksnogo i sistemnogo podhoda] // National Interests: Priorities and Security [Nacional’nye interesy: prioritety i bezopasnost’]. 2007. № 11. P. 74-75. Nazarshoev (2015) – Nazarshoev F.Y. Criminal legal analysis of the current state of crime in the field of illicit trafficking in firearms and ammunition in the Republic of Tajikistan [Ugolovno-pravovoj analiz sovremennogo sostoyaniya prestupnosti v sfere nezakonnogo oborota ognestrel’nogo oruzhiya i boepripasov v Respublike Tadzhikistan ] // Bulletin of Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia [Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta MVD Rossii]. 2015. № 10. Russian newspaper [Rossijskaya gazeta]. 2016. 6 dec.
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Elmira S. Shimshilovastudent, RUDN University, Moscow, Russia. E-mail: |
Corruption crimes in commercial organizations: qualified typesAbstract Subject / topic.The system of acts regulating the issues of sentencing for crimes of corruption, committed in commercial organizations and related structures. Goals / Objectives. Consider the problems of qualifying crimes, corruption oriented in commercial organizations. Methodology. The study used the methods of analysis, synthesis, specification, legal modeling, systems and other methods of scientific research. Conclusion. The study revealed that at the present time there is no uniformity in the understanding by law enforcement agencies of qualifying characteristics for this type of crime. The author believes that in order to solve the problem, the Supreme Court should give appropriate explanations and formulate proposals for their content. Keywords: corruption, crimes, commercial organizations, qualifications, official, related structures. References: Omarov (2002) – Omarov A. L. Criminally-legal and criminological problems of commercial bribery: dis. … Cand. legal sciences [Ugolovno-pravovye i kriminologicheskie problemy kommercheskogo podkupa: dis. …kand. yurid. nauk]. Makhachkala, 2002. P.176. Sarnitsky (2004) – Sarnitsky S. N. Criminal liability for abuse of authority in a commercial organization: dis. … Cand. legal sciences [Ugolovnaya otvetstvennost’ za zloupotrebleniya polnomochiyami v kommercheskoj organizacii: dis. …kand. yurid. nauk]. Krasnodar, 2004. P.158. Radnaev (2007) – Radnaev V.S., Problems of qualification of abuse of authority in commercial and other organizations: Diss. … Cand. legal sciences [Problemy kvalifikacii zloupotrebleniya polnomochiyami v kommercheskih i inyh organizaciyah: diss. …kand. yurid. nauk]. M., 2007. 204 p. |
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Irina N. Markinapostgraduate student, Law Institute of RUDN University Moscow, Russia. E-mail: |
Subject of unlawful abortion: theoretical and practical problems of determiningAbstract
Subject / topic The article examines the controversial points of understanding the signs of the subject of the crime under Art. 123 of the Criminal Code. Goals / Objectives Analysis of the subject of the crime under Art. 123 of the Criminal Code, in order to justify the circle of persons who can commit the crime. Methodology The study used the methods of analysis, synthesis, specification, legal modeling, systems and other methods of scientific research. Conclusion Bringing women to justice as an instigator, as well as an accomplice or organizer of the unlawful conduct of an artificial termination of pregnancy, does not correspond to the legal essence of criminal law. Keywords: abortion, artificial interruption of pregnancy, the subject of a crime, a person who does not have a higher medical education of the relevant profile, incitement (organization) of the unlawful conduct of an abortion References: Gaukhman (2010) – Gaukhman L.D. Qualification of crimes: law, theory, practice [Kvalifikaciya prestuplenij: zakon, teoriya, praktika]. 4th ed., Pererab. and add. – M .: JSC Center JurInfoR [«Centr YUrInfoR»], 2010. P. 121. Website “Medical Lectures Portal”[ Internet-sajt «Portal medicinskih lekcij».]. [Electronic resource]. URL. (the date of circulation: 12/13/2018). Kozaev (2014) – Kozaev N.Sh. Questions of criminal legal protection of life in the light of modern achievements of scientific and technological progress [Voprosy ugolovno-pravovoj ohrany zhizni v svete sovremennyh dostizhenij nauchno-tekhnicheskogo progressa] // Medical Law [Medicinskoe pravo]. 2014. № 2. P. 49 – 52. The Criminal Code of the RSFSR [Ugolovnyj kodeks RSFSR] 1926 // SU RSFSR. 1926. № 80. Art. 600 The Criminal Code of the RSFSR [Ugolovnyj kodeks RSFSR ] 1960 // Vedomosti Supreme Council of the RSFSR. 1960. №. 40. Art. 591. Zagorodnikov (1969) – Zagorodnikov N.I. Crimes against health [Prestupleniya protiv zdorov’ya]. – M .: Legal literature [YUridicheskaya literature], 1969. P. 133. Kibalnik, Starostina (2018) – Kibalnik A.G., Starostina Ya.V. Actual problems of criminal responsibility of medical workers [Aktual’nye problemy ugolovnoj otvetstvennosti medicinskih rabotnikov.]. – Moscow: Ileksa, 2006. [Electronic resource]. URL. (circulation date: 11/12/2018). Ognerubov (2014) – Ognerubov N.A. Professional crimes of medical workers [Professional’nye prestupleniya medicinskih rabotnikov]: dis. … Cand. Juridical Sciences: 12.00.08. Moscow, 2014. P.56, 57. Kiseleva, Bezrukov (2015) – Kiseleva I.A., Bezrukov E.N. Illegal artificial termination of pregnancy [Nezakonnoe iskusstvennoe preryvanie beremennosti] (article 123 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation): problem aspects // Volga Scientific Journal [Privolzhskij nauchnyj vestnik]. 2015. №. 12-2 (52). P. 71. Vlasenko (2015)- Vlasenko V.V. Actual problems of criminal liability for the unlawful conduct of an artificial termination of pregnancy [Aktual’nye problemy ugolovnoj otvetstvennosti za nezakonnoe provedenie iskusstvennogo preryvaniya beremennosti ] (Art. 123 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) // Medical law [Medicinskoe pravo]. 2015. №. 6. P. 43 – 47. Naumov (2010) – Naumov A.V. Russian criminal law. Course of lectures [Rossijskoe ugolovnoe pravo. Kurs lekcij]: in 3 tons. T. 2. The special part (chapters I-X) / A.V. Naumov. – 4th ed., Pererab. and add. – M .: Volters Kluver, 2010. P. 134. Borzenkov (2006) – Borzenkov G.N. Qualification of crimes against life and health: Educational and practical manual [Kvalifikaciya prestuplenij protiv zhizni i zdorov’ya: Uchebno-prakticheskoe posobie]. – M .: IKD “Zertsalo-M”, 2006. P. 121. Lozanovich (2004) – Lozanovich L.A. Illegal abortion: criminal law and criminological aspects [Nezakonnoe proizvodstvo aborta: ugolovno-pravovoj i kriminologicheskij aspekty]: dis. … Cand. Juridical Sciences: 12.00.08. Stavropol, 2004. P.113. Gorelik (1973) – Gorelik I.I. Qualification of crimes dangerous to life and health [Kvalifikaciya prestuplenij, opasnyh dlya zhizni i zdorov’ya] – Minsk: Higher School [Vyshehjshaya shkola], 1973. P. 167. Tkachenko (1981) – Tkachenko V.I. Crimes against the person. Textbook [Prestupleniya protiv lichnosti. Uchebnoe posobie ] / Tkachenko V.I .; Ed.: Zdravomyslov B.V. – M .: RIO VYUZI, 1981. Р. 7. |
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