The Modern Lawyer №4(21)
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Yuri V. StepanenkoDoctor of Law, Professor of the Department of Legal Regulation of Economic Activities at the Finance University under the Government of the Russian Federation; Chief Scientific Officer, Research Institute of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia, Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation, Moscow Elena V. Filatovadegree-seeking of the Department of Administrative Law and Process, University named after O.E. Kutafina (MGUA), Moscow; |
Structure and content of administrative procedures for the state registration of banksAbstract Subject/Topic The issue of improving administrative procedures for the state registration of banks is of great importance and requires close attention for the development of banking activities. The state registration of such legal entities as credit organizations represents a set of administrative procedures carried out by the authorized state bodies and organizations, with special administrative and legal powers. A comparative analysis of the regulatory framework, the regulatory requirements for subjects of banking activities and actions undertaken by the competent authorities and their officials in the legal regulation of the banking industry, serves as the disclosure of the topic and allows to make conclusions regarding the studied phenomena. Goals/Objectives The purpose of this article is to identify the characteristics of the structure and content of administrative procedures of state registration as banks of subjects of economic activity as well as to perform the analysis of existing legislation. Methodology Within the conducted study such general theoretical and special scientific methods of cognition as analysis and synthesis, comparative legal, logical methods were applied. Conclusion and Relevance The results of the study have shown that the process of state registration of banks is a complex administrative procedures, consisting of a certain number of stages and individual proceedings aimed at the achievement of the interim goal inside the stage. The authors have suggested to develop and adopt a single regulatory document describing the ongoing administrative procedures of the Bank of Russia, public authorities and organizations. Keywords: banking activity, administrative procedures, the Bank of Russia, the Federal Tax Service of Russia, regulations, state registration. References:
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Denis A. Mashanovpostgraduate student of the Department of Legal Regulation of Economic activities, Finance University under the Government of Russian Federation, Moscow (Е-mail: |
Place and role of administrative and contractual legal relations in the development of high-tech economyAbstract Subject/Topic This article deals with the public relations in the sphere of public-private partnership, which need administrative and legal regulation to develop a high-tech sector of the economy in Russia. Goals/Objectives The main goal of the scientific work is to determine the place and role of the administrative and legal regulation of innovation activities in the sphere of public-private partnership. Methodology The research methodology includes the use of dialectical and synergetic methods. In addition, such general scientific methods as analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, description, analogy, comparison were used too. Among the private scientific methods, the method of comparative legal analysis and the formal legal method were applied in the article. Conclusions and Relevance The study has shown that the mechanisms of administrative and legal support of innovation in the current legislation of Russian Federation are used to varying degrees in conclusions of different types of contracts in the field of public-private partnership (for example: government contract, concession agreements, public-private partnerships agreement, production-sharing agreements, special investment contract). As a result, measures were proposed to improve and unify Russian legislation in the sphere of public-private partnership in terms of administrative and contractual regulation of innovation. Keywords: administrative and contractual regulation; public-private partnership; innovations; government contract; concession agreements; public-private partnerships agreement; production-sharing agreements; special investment contract. References: Federal law № 115-FZ of 21.07.2005 «On concession agreements» // Sobranie zakonodatelstva RF, 25.07.2005, № 30 (ч. II), cl. 3126. Federal law № 44-FZ of 05.04.2013 «On the contract system in the sphere of procurement of goods, works, services for provision of state and municipal needs» // Sobranie zakonodatelstva RF, 08.04.2013, № 14, cl. 1652. Federal law № 488-FZ of 31.12.2014 «On industrial policy in Russian Federation» // Sobranie zakonodatelstva RF, 05.01.2015, № 1 (часть I), cl. 41. Federal law № 215-FZ of 18.07.2014 «On the introduction of amendments to the Urban Development Code of the Russian Federation and certain legislative acts of Russian Federation» // Sobranie zakonodatelstva RF, 25.07.2011, № 30 (ч. 1), cl. 4563. The rules for concluding special investment contracts approved by the Resolution of the Government of Russian Federation № 708 of 16.07.2015 // Sobranie zakonodatelstva RF, 27.07.2015, № 30, cl. 4587. Typical form of a special investment contract for certain industries (machine building, machine tool, metallurgical, chemical, pharmaceutical, biotechnological, medical, light, forestry, pulp and paper and woodworking, electronic, aviation, shipbuilding, communications, radio electronics) approved by the Resolution of the Government of Russian Federation № 708 of 16.07.2015 // Sobranie zakonodatelstva RF, 27.07.2015, № 30, cl. 4587. The Ordinance of the Government of Russian Federation № 875-r of 22.05.2014 «On concluding a concession agreement with respect to the motor road «The Central Ring Road of the Moscow Region. Starting complex (construction phase)» // The order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russian Federation № 847 of 13.11.2015 «On amendments to the Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russian Federation № 155 of 25.03.2014 «On the conditions for admission of goods originating from foreign countries for the purposes of procuring goods, works, services to ensure state and municipal needs» // Bulleten normativnyh aktov federalnyh organov ispolnitelnoy vlasti, № 6, 08.02.2016. The concept of long-term social and economic development of Russian Federation for the period 2020 // Sobranie zakonodatelstva RF, 24.11.2008, № 47, cl. 5489. The message of the President of Russian Federation to the Federal Assembly of 01.12.2016 « The message of the President of Russian Federation to the Federal Assembly» // Parlamentskaya gazeta, № 45, 02-08.12.2016. The strategy of scientific and technological development of Russian Federation approved by the Decree of the President of Russian Federation № 642 of 01.12.2016 // Sobranie zakonodatelstva RF, 05.12.2016, № 49, cl. 6887. The letter of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russian Federation № D28i-653 of 10.03.2015 «On the content of the tender documentation in cases where a complaint about the results of evaluating an application for participation in a tender is not considered» // Decree of the Arbitration Court of the Volga Region № F06-1450/2015 of 13.10.2015 in the case № А12-7236/2015 // Guseinov R.M., Semenihina V.A. Economic history. History of economic doctrines: a textbook. – 5th edition of the Degree. – M. Omega-L. – 384 p. |
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Aleksey P. AlbovCandidate of Philosophy, Doctor of Law, Professor, Professor “Humanities” of the Moscow Conservatory, Moscow Anastasia A. Khlyupinastudent of the Moscow Conservatory Department of Musicology, Moscow |
State legal regulation of cultural policy in the Russian republic: 1917-20.Subject State and legal support for the functioning of culture in the first years of the Russian Republic.
Objectives To study law enforcement practice and implementation of legal policy in the field of culture in 1917-20. To determine the main directions of implementation of state cultural policy at the present stage. Methodology The history of state and law as a scientific discipline studies the evolution of structures, institutions and mechanisms of state power, the development of the system as a whole, and particular industries, institutions and norms of the law. The historical method allows us to consider the developing and changing in time phenomena. This method reveals the main elements of the studied subject and the ongoing changes in it with the aim of revealing their content and relationships. Conclusion Despite the fairly consistent and systematic measures taken to preserve cultural heritage in the first years of the Soviet regime, the radicalism that took place in culture in the 1920s forces us to speak not only of transformations but of a real “cultural revolution”, a radical revolution in the life of society and the state, which influenced both the culture in general and the legal culture in particular. Key words: cultural policy of the state, legal culture, legal consciousness, state form, Russian republic, history of law and state. References: Baljazin, Zhukov (1990) – Baljazin, V.N., Zhukov, Ju.N. Formation and activities of the Soviet bodies protecting the monuments of history and culture [Stanovlenie i dejatel’nost’ sovetskih organov ohrany pamjatnikov istorii i kul’tury].1917-1920gg. // Istorija SSSR. – 1990. – # 6. – S. 152-154 [in Russian] Bogoljubova (1998) – Bogoljubova A.S. 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Anatoliy V. LoginovPostgraduate Student, chair of Theory, of State and Law. History, Abkhazian State University, Republic Of Abkhazia, Sukhum (Е-mail: |
History of establishment of the constitutional court of the Republic of AbkhaziaSubject/Topic After gaining de facto independence, the Republic of Abkhazia faced the task of building a legal state based on the concept of separation of powers. The Constitutional Court has central importance for gaining independence and equality of branches of state power in Abkhazia. In addition to the direct responsibility to implement the function of separation of powers, which will be implemented by checking the adopted laws on the conformity of the RA Constitution, as well as the correctness of their enforcement, the Constitutional Court is also charged with the duty to protect human rights.
Goals/Objectives The task of this study is a brief overview of the process of formation of a specialized body of constitutional control – the Constitutional Court on the territory of the Republic of Abkhazia. Methodology The methodological basis of this study is the analysis of legislation and practical activities of the highest state authorities. The study was constructed in the first run on the historical legal and comparative legal methods of scientific knowledge. Conclusions and Relevance As a result, the study revealed that the process of forming the Constitutional Court in the Republic of Abkhazia is of a continuing nature since it actually began in 2005 and by the end of 2017 has not yet been fully completed. The attention was drawn to the fact that the date of establishment of the Constitutional Court has already been postponed from the end of 2016 to the end of 2017. It is stated that it is logical to consolidate the functions of constitutional control fully before the establishment of the Constitutional Court for the Supreme Court. This will require not only to consolidate the function of constitutional control (as it was before), but also to give it the corresponding legal capacity. Keywords: Republic of Abkhazia, the separation of powers, the judicial reform, the Constitutional Court, the Supreme Court, the Code of the Republic of Abkhazia «On the Constitutional Jurisdiction», Constitutional law of the Republic of Abkhazia «On Judiciary», constitutional control. References: The authorities gave a comment to the demands of the opposition, sounded at a rally in Sukhum. // APSNY PRESS [Electronic resource]. (reference date: 11.10.2017). Interview with N.G. Aqaba, First Deputy Chairman of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Abkhazia. Sukhum. The Supreme Court of the Republic of Abkhazia. 2015. Kamkia (2014) – Kamkia B.A. On the problem of constitutional and legal reform in the Republic of Abkhazia [O probleme konstitutsionno-pravovoy reforme v Respublike Abkhaziya], Bulletin of the Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, Series of Jurisprudence [Vestnik RUDN, Seriya yuridicheskie nauki.] 2014. No. 2. p. 202 [in Russian] Kvitsinia (2007) – Kvitsinia N.V., The right of Abkhazia to self-determination and the restoration of statehood [Pravo Abkhazii na samoopredelenie i vosstanovlenie gosudarstvennosti]: Extended abstract of PhD dissertation (Jurisprudence), Volgograd 2007. p. 31 [in Russian] Kvitsinia (2007) – Kvitsinia F.A. Guarantees of the independence of judges [Garantii nezavisimosti sudey]: PhD dissertation. Rostov-on-Don 2007 pp. 8, 24 [in Russian] The Commission for Constitutional Reform proposes the creation of a separate constitutional court. / / APSNY PRESS. № 8, January 11, 2007. Comments on some of the requirements voiced at the rally on March 11, 2013 // Republic of Abkhazia. 03/29/2013 [Electronic resource]. (reference date: 11.10.2017). Loginov (2015) – Loginov A.V. The Abkhazians’ traditional law: legal proceedings in peoples courts during pre-legal period [Obychnoe pravo abkhaztsev: sudoproizvodstvo v narodnykh sudakh v dopravovoy period] // Historical, philosophical, political and legal sciences, cultural studies and art history. Questions of theory and practice. [Istoricheskie, filosofskie, politicheskie i yuridicheskie nauki, kulturologiya i iskusstvovedenie. Voprosy teorii i praktiki.] #3-3 (53) 2015 p. 118 [in Russian] Loginov (2015) – Loginov A.V. The problem of correlation of Institutes of customary law in the middle ages and modern Abkhazian society [Problema sootnosheniya deystviya institutov obychnogo prava v srednie veka i v sovremennom abkhazskom obshchestve] // Bulletin of the Vladikavkaz Scientific Center. [Vestnik Vladikavkazskogo Nauchnogo Tsentra] #1 (15). 2015. pp. 32-33 [in Russian] Loginov (2015) – Loginov A.V. Current state of the judiciary in the Russian Federation and Republic of Abkhazia in view of the recent judicial and constitutional reform [Sovremennoe sostoyanie sudebnykh sistem Rossiyskoy Federatsii i Respubliki Abkhaziya v svete poslednikh sudebnykh i konstitutsionnykh reform] // Eurasian Law Journal. [Yevraziyskiy yuridicheskiy zhurnal] #2 (81) 2015 p. 90 [in Russian] Loginov (2014) – Loginov A.V. Comparative legal analysis of the judicial system of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Abkhazia at the present stage. [Sravnitelno-pravovoy analiz sudebnoy sistemy Rossiyskoy Federatsii i Respubliki Abkhaziya na sovremennom etape] / In the collection: Law enforcement and human rights activities in Russia and abroad at the present stage. Collection of materials of the III annual International Scientific and Practical Conference // Edited by V.V. Grebennikova [V sbornike: Pravookhranitelnaya i pravozashchitnaya deyatelnost v Rossii i za rubezhom na sovremennom etape Sbornik materialov III ezhegodnoy Mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii // Pod redaktsiey V.V. Grebennikova.] 2014. p. 219 [in Russian] Loginov (2017) – Loginov A.V. To certain problems of juridical reform in the Republic of Abkhazia: in the context of development of own juridical system in the relations to Russian juridical reform [K nekotorym problemam sudebnoy reformy v Respublike Abkhaziya, v kontekste postroeniya sobstvennoy sudebnoy sistemy v svete rossiyskoy sudebnoy reformy] // Bulletin of the Vladikavkaz Scientific Center [Vestnik Vladikavkazskogo nauchnogo tsentra] 2017. #1 (2017) [Electronic resource]: (reference date: September 25, 2017) [in Russian] Loginov (2016) – Loginov A.V. On the question of the legal status of Abkhazia in the light of the human and civil rights protection in the international judicial bodies (on the example of the ECtHR) [K voprosu o pravovom statuse Abkhazii v svete zashchity prav cheloveka i grazhdanina v organakh mezhdunarodnogo pravosudiya (na primere YeSPCh)] // Power [Vlast] 2016 #7 [Electronic resource]: (reference date: June 20, 2017) [in Russian] Loginov (2015) – Loginov A.V. Evolution of constitutional justice in the Russian Federation and the Republic of Abkhazia. [Evolyutsiya konstitutsionnoy yustitsii v Rossiyskoy Federatsii i Respublike Abkhaziya] // Historical, philosophical, political and legal sciences, cultural studies and art history. Questions of theory and practice. [Istoricheskie, filosofskie, politicheskie i yuridicheskie nauki, kulturologiya i iskusstvovedenie. Voprosy teorii i praktiki] 2015. No 4-2 (54). [Electronic resource] (reference date: 11.10.2017) [in Russian] Sharia V.D. Ankvab replied with a comment. // Echo of the Caucasus. [Electronic resource (reference date: July 11, 2017). |
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Artem S. GenkinDoctor of Economic sciences, Professor, President of , ANO “Centre of Protection of Bank Clients and Investors”, Moscow Aleksey A. MikheyevDoctor of Economic sciences, Associate Professor, MGIMO University, Moscow |
Cryptotechnology regulations – anti money laundering aspectAbstract Subject/Topic The use of cryptotechnologies as a subject to anti money laundering regulation. Goals/Objectives To study the system of measures and approaches applied in various legal systems to the cryptotechnologies implementation in anti money laundering aspect. Methodology Modelling, formalization, analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction. In article the perspective of legal regulation of transactions with cryptocurrencies and cryptotechnologies from the positions of prevention of money laundering acquired in the illegal way with use of cryptotechnologies is investigated. The blockchain and bitcoin provide technical anonymity and irreversibility of payments. It can cause charges of users of money laundering and other crimes. In many countries the authorities have already adopted legislative rules for decreasing risks in the sphere of transactions with cryptocurrencies. Authors analyze approach to this problem adopted by national regulators (British government, monetary authorities of Switzerland, reference to experience of Germany and Spain), as well as the supranational and international organizations (The European Commission, Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering — FATF). In Russia, as authors note, there is a practice of application of remote verification of client data when carrying out the simplified identification of person. At the same time the technology itself contains methods and instruments of monitoring. They can be successfully applied at the development of effective organizational and legal models of cooperation of the state and subjects of this market in general. Conclusions and Relevance The counter money-laundering measures efficiency is affected not only by underestimation, but also by overestimation of risk. Excessively tough procedures can establish an insuperable threshold of market entrance for a number of consumers. As a result, the excessive severity limits the availability of financial services, which consequently can lead to the growth of risks. Keywords: blockchain, bitcoin, cryptotechnologies, anonymity, money laundering, currency, payment, transactions. References: Genkin A. S. Cryptotechnologies and criminal risks: is there a reason for alarm?//Insurance Business. 2017. No. 5. See, also: Genkin A. S. Blockchain sceptics: are threats and risks real? // INVEST-FORESIGHT. 2017. May 03. Levi D.A. The prospects of recognition and development of cryptocurrencies in the European Union and the countries of Europe //Administrative consultation. 2016. No. 9. Belyanchikova T.V., Beletsky V.A. Risks of integration of cryptocurrencies into the monetary system of the Russian Federation // Genkin A. S., Sidorenko E.L., Semykina O.I. (Eds). Electronic currency in the light of modern legal and economic calls // Collection of materials of the International scientific and practical conference. – M.: Yurlitinform, 2016 (further – the COLLECTION). About advantages of new technologies see, e.g.: Genkin A. S., Mikheyev A.A. ICO – new economical and legal forms of securitization on the basis of blockchain technology // Modern Lawyer. 2017. No. 3; Genkin A. S., Mavrina L.A. Blokchain plus “smart” contracts: advantages of application and the arising problems // Economy. Business. Banks. 2017. No. 2, etc. Kuznetsov V.A., Yakubov A.V. About approaches in the international regulation of cryptocurrencies (bitcoin) in some foreign jurisdictions // Money and the Credit. 2016. No 3. In the report the materials (received from more than 120 participants of the industry), containing responses to different topical issues on subject of digital currencies and also a judgement of the British government concerning possible approaches to regulation of this sphere are generalized. Great Britain seriously undertook regulation of bitcoin//[An electronic resource]. / URL:// (date of the address: 20.09.2017). Shchebarova N.N., Rasheva N.Y., Sokolenko V.E. Foreign experience of economical and legal approaches to an entity of electronic currency as directions of enhancement of the legislation of the Russian Federation // COLLECTION. Similarly, on October 3, 2017, the CEO of the world’s largest (assets under control – 5,7 trillion USD) BlackRock management company Lawrence Fink said in an interview to Bloomberg TV channel that he, despite high potential, considers the current use of cryptocurrencies as “platforms for money laundering”. See: Head of BlackRock: cryptocurrencies is a money laundering // [An electronic resource]. / URL:// October 05. (date of the address: 15.10.2017). The European Commission toughens rules of a turn of bitcoins // [An electronic resource]. / URL:// On July 06 (date of the address: 20.09.2017). HM Treasury – Home office. UK national risk assessment of money laundering and terrorist financing // [Electronic resource]. / URL:// 468210/UK_NRA_October_2015_final_web.pdf//2015. October Guidance to a Risk-Based Approach to Virtual Currencies. – FATF/OECD. 2015. [Electronic resource]. / URL: // (date of the address: 9/20/2017). Ponamorenko V.E. Electronic money and virtual currencies in the light of POD/FT // COLLECTION. The Report “Virtual currencies – key definitions and potential risks in the sphere of POD/FT” (June, 2014) Dostov V.L., Shust P.M. Modern conceptual approaches to identification of clients in the market of financial services: international experience and conclusions for Russia // [An electronic resource]. / URL:// // 2016. November 18 (date of the address: 9/20/2017). FATF Guidance. Anti-Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Measures and Financial Inclusion. – FATF/OECD. 2013.//[Electronic resource]. / URL:// (date of the address: 9/20/2017). The federal law No. 115-FZ from 8/7/2001 “About counteraction against legalization (laundering) of income gained in the criminal way and to terrorism financing” Rundschreiben 2016/7 Video-und Online-Identifizierung // Die Eidgenössische Finanzmarktaufsicht FINMA. 2016. Mar. 03. Polaino M.L., Castilla L.T. de, Autorización de identificación de clientes mediante videoconferencia // [Electronic resource]. / URL: // Apr. 04 (date of the address: 9/20/2017). Muetter G. Legal uncertainty of cryptocurrency // EZh-Yurist. 2016. No. 16. Pankratova M.E., Rasheva N.Y. Comparative and legal analysis of regulation of electronic currency // COLLECTION Stetsenko S. Bitcoin in Russia: Internet shopping, terrorism and role of the state // [Electronic resource]. // URL:// On December 16 (date of the address: 9/20/2017). |
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Lyudmila M.KupriyanovaPhD in Economic Sciences, Associate professor, Deputy Head of the Department of Economics of Intellectual Property, Associate professor of the Department of Accounting, Analysis and Audit, Finance University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow (Е-mail: |
Technology of blockchain and cryptocurrencyAbstract Subject /Topic Blockchain technology is a fundamentally new technology. It can cover all spheres of economic activity. Advantage of the blockchain is in the absence of intermediaries, the central body of management and control. Goals / Objectives Research of the Russian and foreign experience in the conditions of possible application of blokchain technology, without the control of banks and government agencies, without auditors, inspectors, insurance companies, specifying the necessity of national security when using virtual currency. Methodology Comparative analysis and evaluation of electronic payment system based on cryptographic evidence; the possibility of using blockchain technology in the illegal activities. Conclusion and Relevance The need for introducing restrictions and regulating turnover of crypto currency; regulation of the turnover of crypto currency should ensure responsibility for the use of crypto currency; the need for studying this specific system, and identifying possible threats and risks of financial sustainability. Blockchain algorithm should be connected with banking services, public services and state guarantees of security. Keywords: blockchain, Bitcoin, innovation, cryptocurrency, blockchain technology, virtual currency, transaction, smart contracts, hash function, digital signature, Mining, blockchain projects, state guarantee of security, the digital path, the digital economy. Reference: Genkin, Mavrina (2017) – Genkin AS, Mavrina LA Blockchain plus “smart” contracts: application benefits and emerging issues [Blokchejn plyus «umnye» kontrakty: preimushchestva primeneniya i voznikayushchie problemy]. International Scientific Journal of Economics. Business. Banks [Mezhdunarodnyj nauchnyj zhurnal Ehkonomika. Biznes. Banki] M.: No. 2 (19) 2017. P. 136-149 [in Russian] Andreas (2014) – Andreas M. Antonopoulos. Mastering Bitcoin: Unlocking Digital Cryptocurrencies. 2014. p.298 [] Vigna, Casey (2015) – Paul Vigna, Michael J. Casey. The Age of Cryptocurrency: How Bitcoin and the Blockchain Are Challenging the Global Economic Order – St. Martin’s Press, 2015. 368 pages. Antonopoulos (2014) – Andreas Antonopoulos. Mastering Bitcoin – O’Reilly Media, 2014 Swan (2014) – Melanie Swan. Block: the scheme of the new economy – M.: Olimp-Business, 2016 Basnukaev, Esin, Madunts (2016) – Basnukaev AI, Esin NO, Madunts K.A. Crypto currency in modern national monetary systems [Kriptovalyuty v sovremennyh nacional’nyh denezhnyh sistemah]. Economy. Business. Banks [Mezhdunarodnyj nauchnyj zhurnal Ehkonomika. Biznes. Banki] 2016. S. 5. P. 123-129. [in Russian] Popova EM, Popov (2016) – Popova EM, Popov N.V. Blockchain as the driver of changes in the banking sector [Blokchejn kak drajver izmenenij v bankovskom sektore]. Banking services [Bankovskie uslugi]. 2016. No. 12. P. 9-14. [in Russian] Sereda (2017) – Sereda A.V. Legal regulation of the crypto currency:: analysis of foreign experience [Pravovoe regulirovanie kriptovalyuty: analiz zarubezhnogo opyta]. A modern lawyer [Sovremennyj yurist]. 2017. No. 1 (18). Pp. 46-53. [in Russian] Sereda (2017) – Sereda A.V. Effecting payments by means of virtual currencies in the Russian Federation: the analysis of the first regulation experience. [Osushchestvlenie raschetov pri pomoshchi virtual’nyh valyut v RF: analiz pervogo pravoprimenitel’nogo opyta]. A modern lawyer. [Sovremennyj yurist]. 2017. No. 2 (19). Pp. 57-64. [in Russian] Parfenova (2017) –Parfenova M. Prospects for the development and application of blockchain technology [Perspektivy razvitiya i primeneniya tekhnologii blokchejn]. In the collection: Ecological and nature protection problems of modern society and ways of their solution Materials of the XIII international scientific conference. In 2 parts. [V sbornike: Ehkologicheskie i prirodoohrannye problemy sovremennogo obshchestva i puti ih resheniya Materialy XIII mezhdunarodnoj nauchnoj konferencii. V 2-h chastyah. Edited by A.V. Semenova, N.G. Malysheva, Yu.S. Rudenko. [Pod redakciej Semenova A.V., Malysheva N.G., Rudenko YU.S.]. 2017. P. 429-438. [in Russian] Voevodin (2017) – Voevodin E.Y. Investigation of the use of blockchain technology in the educational process [Issledovanie primeneniya tekhnologii blokchejn v obrazovatel’nom processe]. E-learning in continuing education [Ehlektronnoe obuchenie v nepreryvnom obrazovanii]. 2017. No. 1 (4). Pp. 65-69. [in Russian] Kudryavtseva (2017) – Kudryavtseva Yu.V. Introduction of blockchain technology into the economy [Vnedrenie tekhnologii blokchejn v ehkonomiku]. In the collection: Science in the modern information society materials of the XI International Scientific and Practical Conference [V sbornike: Nauka v sovremennom informacionnom obshchestve materialy XI Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii] 2017. P. 216-219. [in Russian] Saveliev (2017) – Savelyev A.I. Some legal aspects of the use of smart contract and blockchain-technologies under Russian legislation [Nekotorye pravovye aspekty ispol’zovaniya smart-kontraktovi blokchejn-tekhnologij po rossijskomu pravu]. Law [Zakon.]. 2017. № 5. P. 94-117. [in Russian] Arefyeva, Gogokhiya (2017) – Arefieva AS, Gogokhiya G.G. Prospects for the introduction of blockchain technology [Perspektivy vnedreniya tekhnologii blokchejn]. The young scientist [Molodoj uchenyj]. 2017. No. 15 (149). Pp. 326-330. |
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Albina M.FathutdinovaCandidate of law sciences, Associate professor, Department of Legal regulation of Economic activities at Finance University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow (Е-mail: |
Features of arbitrationAbstract Subject/Topic The subject of research in the framework of this article is the development of arbitration in Russia. Goals/Objectives To consider the principles of arbitration, the role of the arbitration court in the system of non-state mechanisms of regulation of the conflicts and also to reveal the problems connected with arbitration development. Methodology General-theoretical and special methods of scientific knowledge that are used: analysis and synthesis, logical, comparative and legal, sociological and statistical methods. The author studied and analyzed the current legislation of the Russian Federation regulating arbitration legal proceedings. Conclusion and Relevance The conclusion is based on the fact that at the present stage it is necessary to improve and create new laws which would allow to develop the system of extrajudicial settlement of disputes. Advantage of the trial of disputes by the arbitration courts over other vessels is also proved. It is noted that the system of arbitration courts is the institute of solving civil disputes based on the mutual arbitration agreement. Keywords: arbitration, arbitration court, arbitration trials, judicial proceedings, jurisdictional body, judgment, problems of arbitration legal proceedings, advantage of the arbitration court, protection of the rights. References: The Constitution of the Russian Federation [Konstitutsiya Rossijskoj Federacii] The Civil Code of the Russian Federation [Grazhdanskij kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii]. The Commercial Procedure Code of the Russian Federation [Arbitrazhnyiy protsessualnyiy kodeks Rossiyskoy Federatsii ot 24 iyulya 2002 g. N 95-FZ (APK RF) (s izmeneniyami i dopolneniyami)]. The civil procedural code of the Russian Federation [Grazhdanskiy protsessualnyiy kodeks Rossiyskoy Federatsii ot 14 noyabrya 2002 g. N 138-FZ (GPK RF) (s izmeneniyami i dopolneniyami)]. Federal Law No. 382-FZ of December 29, 2015 (last version) “On Arbitration (Arbitration Proceedings) in the Russian Federation [Federalnyiy zakon ot 29.12.2015 N 382-FZ (poslednyaya redaktsiya) «Ob arbitrazhe (treteyskom razbiratelstve) v Rossiyskoy Federatsii»] Albov, Nikolyukin (2016) – The arbitration courts as bodies of law enforcement in the system of alternative ways of settlement of the conflicts: collection of scientific works [Treteyskie sudyi kak organyi pravoprimeneniya v sisteme alternativnyih sposobov uregulirovaniya konfliktov: sbornik nauchnyih trudov] / edited by A.P. Albov, S.V. Nikolyukin, [pod red.] — M: Justice [Yustitsiya], 2016. Fathutdinova (2016) Fathutdinova A.M. Problems of development of arbitration trial.//the Arbitration courts as bodies of law enforcement in the system of alternative ways of settlement of the conflicts: collection of scientific works [Problemyi razvitiya treteyskogo razbiratelstva. «Treteyskie sudyi kak organyi pravoprimeneniya v sisteme alternativnyih sposobov uregulirovaniya konfliktov: sbornik nauchnyih trudov»] / edited by A.P. Albov, S.V. Nikolyukin, [pod red.] — M: Justice [Yustitsiya], 2016. P.111-115. |
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Svetlana S. GorokhovaCandidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor, the Department of Legal regulation of Economic activities at Finance University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow (Е-mail: |
Challenges and threats to the economic security of modern RussiaAbstract Subject/Topic Public relations related to the issues of state strategic planning in the sphere of ensuring economic security of the Russian Federation, including in terms of identifying challenges and threats to the national security in the process of government’s implementation of its own functions. Goals/Objectives The aim of the study is a comprehensive analysis of certain provisions of the “Strategy of economic security of the Russian Federation for the period till 2030”, approved by presidential decree of May 13, 2017 No. 208, which replaced the “State strategy of economic security of the Russian Federation (Main provisions)” of 1996. Methodology The methodological basis of the research is: universal methods of research; scientific methods, including systematic and logical method and also analysis, synthesis and analogy; methods such as the method of comparative law and formal legal method. Conclusion and Relevance The new Strategy of economic security of the Russian Federation is fundamentally different from previously existing strategic plan of our state in this area, not only by the shift in priorities in terms of socio-economic security in the direction of the state-economic, or even military-economic security of the Russian Federation, but also revealing a fundamentally new list of challenges and threats to the Russian economy, given the current geopolitical situation and domestic economic and other problems of the Russian Federation. In addition, the Strategy of economic security of the Russian Federation in 2017, has a distinct innovative character, at least in respect of terminology. Key words: security, national security challenges, threats, economic security, economic sovereignty, economic security, sovereign debt. speculative capital. References: Gorokhova (2016) – Gorokhova S.S. On some legal approaches to determining the criteria for the state of economic security of Russia [O nekotoryh pravovyh podhodah k opredeleniju kriteriev sostojanija jekonomicheskoj bezopasnosti v Rossii] In the collection: Russia in the XXI century: factors and mechanisms of sustainable development, a collection of articles of the International Scientific and Practical Conference [V sbornike: Rossija v XXI veke: faktory i mehanizmy ustojchivogo razvitija sbornik statej Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii]. 2016. рр. 87-91. Pastuhova (2014) – Pastuhova N.B. Sovereignty in the paradigm of modernity [Suverenitet v paradigme sovremennosti] Public service [Gosudarstvennaja sluzhba]. 2014. No. 6. рр. 41-43. Gorokhova (2016) – Gorokhova S.S. Security as a legal category [Bezopasnost’ kak pravovaja kategorija] International scientific-practical journal The Modern Lawyer [sovremennyj ûrist]. 2016 No. 4 (17). рр. 8-14. Zelenjuk (2009) – Zelenjuk A.N. Speculative capital in the world economy [Spekuljativnyj kapital v mirovoj jekonomike] Russian economic bulletin [Rossijskij jekonomicheskij vestnik]. No. 9 (September).2009. рр.3-18 |
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Roman B. Logvinfirst year master student at the University Named after О.Е. Kutafin (MSAL), Moscow |
On some problems of administrative responsibility for illicit entrepreneurial activitiesSubject/Topic Social relations in the field of the search for the most optimal ways, forms and methods for modernizing the administrative and delictual legislation of the Russian Federation, that establishes administrative liability for violations in the sphere of entrepreneurial activity.
Goals/Objectives The purpose of the study is to analyze the current administrative and delictual legislation that establishes administrative liability for violations in the sphere of entrepreneurial activity, to identify shortcomings in the provisions contained in the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, and to suggest the most optimal ways to improve legislation. Methodology The methodological basis of the study is the universal dialectical method of scientific research. In addition, general scientific methods were used, such as: analysis, synthesis, description, comparison, analogy as well as a formal legal method. Conclusions and Relevance The provisions of the current legislation do not correspond to the functional purpose of administrative responsibility for violations in the sphere of entrepreneurial activity. In this connection, it is necessary to introduce new constituent elements of an administrative offense, as well as to toughen the sanction envisaged for violating Part 1 of Article 14.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses. Keywords: the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, administrative liability for offenses in the field of entrepreneurial activity, CAO RF References: Cherkesov (2012) – Cherkesov AD State registration in the activities of federal executive bodies at the present stage of the administrative reform: the author’s abstract. dis .cand. jurid. sciences. [Gosudarstvennaya registraciya v deyatel’nosti federal’nyh organov ispolnitel’noj vlasti na sovremennom ehtape administrativnoj reformy: avtoref. dis… kand. yurid. Nauk]. M. 2012. Zorina (2015) – Zorina E.A. State registration of legal entities in the Russian Federation: dis.cand. jurid. sciences [Gosudarstvennaya registraciya yuridicheskih lic v Rossijskoj Federacii: dis. … kand. yurid. nauk]. M., 2015. |
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Dmitry M.Matyushnikovgraduate student at University of O.E. Kutafina (MSWU), Moscow (Е-mail: |
Legal and organizational problems of voluntary national teams and further development of this institution in the Russian FederationSubject/Topic The article examines the complex of problems related to the activity of voluntary national teams in the Russian Federation, analyzes the future of voluntary national teams, deals with the problems of state-public associations as the types of public law enforcement associations.
Goals/objectives The objective of this article is to identify the legal and organizational problems in the activities of voluntary national teams, the possibility of reforming the system of voluntary national teams by changing their legal form. Methodology In the study were used general scientific and specific scientific methods of cognition of phenomena and processes. During the study were used such methods of scientific research, as formal – logical, analytical, comparative and others. Conclusion and Relevance We have considered a number of issues related to the activity of voluntary national teams. They all stem from the initially incorrectly chosen legal form- “public associations of law enforcement focus,” that contradicts the provisions of the Federal law of 19 May 1995 No. 82-FZ “On public associations” which do not permit state intervention in the activities of voluntary associations. The specifics of law enforcement is such that it cannot be implemented without state involvement, and therefore a mechanism of control over the activity of voluntary national teams is needed. The change of the legal form for the “state-public enterprise” will help to introduce this mechanism and increase the efficiency of the voluntary national teams. Keywords: administrative law, law enforcement, voluntary national teams, public associations of law enforcement, the police, the militia, public enterprises, state-public enterprises, the rule of law. References: Stepanenko Y. V. Law enforcement: the evolution of the theoretical views // Modern lawyer. 2013. № 3 P. 60-87. Pimenova M. A. Legal status of public associations : the constitutional-legal study : dis. kand. legal. Sciences. Tyumen, 2007. – 231 p.: Il. THE RSL OD, 61:07-12/2421 Materials of International youth scientific forum “LOMONOSOV-2017” / Ed. edited by I. A. Aleshkovsky, A.V. Andriyanov, E. A. Antipov. [Electronic resource] — M.: MAKS Press, 2017. Matushenko D. M. Problems and prospects of development of voluntary national teams in the Russian Federation “Cybertwin to fight porn on the Internet will appear in Transbaikalia”: [Electronic resource]. URL: accessed: 21.10.17). Novikov D. A. The use of physical force by non-state subjects of public order protection//Socio-economic and humanitarian magazine remittance Issue No. 4 / 2016 p. 164-172 |
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