Economy Business Banks №4(21)
Nikolay E. Simonovichdoctor of psychology, professor, professor of the Department of social and legal psychology, Russian State Humanitarian University, academician of the Russian academy of natural sciences, Moscow Irina A. Kiselеvаdoctor of economics, professor, professor of the Department of mathematical methods in economics, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow Lyudmila M.Kupriyanovacandidate of economics, associate professor, deputy head of the chair “Economics of intellectual property”, associate professor of the Department of accounting, analysis and audit at Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow |
Problems of ensuring economic safety of the organizationAbstract Subject Currently, much attention is paid to the economic security of the state, but the issues of economic security of the organization are not sufficiently considered. The article examines important issues of economic security of enterprises as a component of the country’s socio-economic system and the types of organization’s risks. The fundamental aspect in the activity of an active participant in the financial market is the decision-making under conditions of risk and uncertainty. To create an economic security strategy, factors that can affect the organization’s position in the market are investigated. The analysis of models for determining the economic security of an enterprise is carried out. The most important aspect of the company’s economic security problem is the selection of criteria for assessing its level, as well as eliminating threats and reducing risk factors. Goals Study of different types and criteria for assessing the economic security of an organization. Methodology Methods of cognition, retrospective and documentary analysis, economic and mathematical modeling, as well as synthesis, generalization, systematization were used as methods of performing the work. Conclusion There are different approaches to determining the economic security of an enterprise. The conclusion is made that in order to ensure the economic security of the organization, its stable functioning and stable position in the market, it is necessary to manage risks in order to minimize them, as well as to carry out mandatory measures to reduce the consequences and losses from risks. Keywords: risks, risk management, economic security, organization, threats, models for determining economic security References: 1. Al’gin A.P.- Algin A.P. The border of economic risk. [Grani ekonomicheskogo riska], M .: Knowledge [ M.: Znanie], 1991. 187 p. 2. Bezuglaya N.S.- Bezuglaya NS. 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Kiseleva IA, NE Simonovic. – Kiseleva I.A., Simonovich N.E. Making decisions at risk: psychological aspects [Prinyatie reshenii v usloviyakh riska: psikhologicheskie aspekty] Financial analytics: problems and solutions [Finansovaya analitika: problemy i resheniya] 2014. # 18. P. 23-29. 10. Kiseleva IA, NE Simonovic. – Kiseleva I.A., Simonovich N.E. Security issues and the risk of a psychologist and economist positions [Problemyi bezopasnosti i riska s pozitsii psihologa i ekonomista]- Moscow, New Reality, [M., Novaya realnost] . 2016. 148 p. 11. Kiseleva IA, NE Simonovic. – Kiseleva I.A., Simonovich N.E. Economic and socio-psychological security of the enterprise [Ekonomicheskaya i sotsial’no-psikhologicheskaya bezopasnost’ predpriyatiya] National interests: priorities and security. [Natsionalnyie interesyi: prioritetyi i bezopasnost] 2014. # 5. р. 30-34. 12. Koresin A.S. – Korezin A.S. Enterprise security management and control. 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Alexey V. KomarovCandidate of Sciences (Pedagogics), Associate professor of the Economic Theory Department, Finance University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow (E-mail: Ksenia V. TunikCredit-economic faculty, Finance University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow (E-mail: |
Comparative analysis of modern mortgage market abroad and in RussiaAbstract Subject/Topic This article covers сurrent state of the Russian mortgage industry. Goals/Objectives The purpose of the study is to formulate a program to overcome the problematic situation in the Russian mortgage market basing on foreign practice. To achieve this purpose the following tasks have been set: to highlight the reasons for the availability of mortgage loan abroad; to find the reasons preventing wide distribution of using mortgage loans in Russia; to make a comparative analysis of the mortgage industry based on the ratio of macroeconomic indicators from the Czech Republic example; to identify advantages, disadvantages and problems of modern mortgage market in Russia in comparison with global market; to make the conclusion about the current state of the industry and try to suggest methods for its structural change. Methodology The methodological basis are the works of domestic and foreign economists in the field of mortgage lending in Russia and abroad, the materials of periodic literature and websites. Conclusions and Relevance The work contains the conclusions about the reasons that prevent the development of mortgage market in Russia, and factors that affect the current situation in the mortgage industry. Keywords: mortgage, mortgage loans, inflation, the rate of refinancing,, construction, loan References: Website of the information agency “” [Sayt informatsionnogo agentstva «»] – [Electronic resource] – Access URL: (reference date – 07.03.2017) Novakova (2009) – Novakova S.U. Modern foreign models of mortgage housing loans and their application in Russia. [Sovremennie zarubejnie modeli ipotechnogo jzilishnogo kreditovania I ih primenenie v Rossii] // Uchenye zapiski Orel State University. [Uchenie zapiski Orlovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta]. – 2009. – No.3. p. 5-14. Website containing economic articles and materials [Sayt, soderzhashchiy stat’i i materialy po ekonomike] – [Electronic resource] – Access URL: (reference date – 25.02.2017) Agarwal S., Ben-David I., Yao V., Robinson J. M. Systematic Mistakes in the Mortgage Market and Lack of Financial Sophistication. // Journal of Financial Economics (JFE), Forthcoming Charles A. Dice Working Paper. – 2016. No. 2016-09. Fisher College of Business Working Paper. – 2016. – No.2016-03-9. Korosteleva (2013) – Korosteleva T.S. Comparative analysis of mortgage lending systems in Russia, Europe and the USA. [Sravnitelnui analiz sistem ipotechnogo zilishnogo kreditovania Rossii, Evropui, Ssha] // Finance and credit. [Financui I credit]- 2013. No. 16 (544). p. 46-56. Website of the news agency of the newspaper ”Vedomosti” [Sayt informatsionnogo agentstva gazety «Vedomosti»] – [Electronic resource] – Access URL: (reference date – 24.02. 2017) Website of the periodical publication of the Institute of Demography of the HSE [Sayt periodicheskogo izdaniya instituta demografii NIU VSHE] – [Electronic resource] – Access URL: (reference date – 01.03.2017) Website of the information agency “Proipoteka” [Sayt informatsionnogo agentstva «Proipoteka»] – [Electronic resource] – Access URL: (reference date – 03.03.2017.) Yaziukov, Kamyshev, Tsyganov (2014) – Yaziukov A.D., Kamyshev A.V., Tsyganov A.A. Mortgage insurance as a tool to reduce credit risks. [Ipotechnoe kreditovanie kak metod snijenia kreditnogo riska] // Money and credit. [Den’gi i kredit]- 2014. – No.3. – p. 35-41 Filippova, Ushmarova (2016) – Filippova I.A., Ushmarova E.N. Problems of mortgage development in Russia.[Problemui razvitiya ipoteki v Rossii] // Scientific almanac. [Nauchnuii almanah] – 2016. – No. 5-1 (19). – p. 311-314. Dwight J., Stanto R., Wallace N. Energy Efficiency and Commercial Mortgage Valuation. // Fisher Center for Real Estate and Urban Economics. – 2012. Website – information portal about the Czech Republic [Sayt – informatsionnyy portal o Chekhii] – [Electronic resource] – Access URL: (reference date – 09.02.2016) Website -Internet-magazine IPOTEKA.RU [Sayt-internet-zhurnal IPOTEKA.RU] – [Electronic resource] – Access URL: (reference date – 05.03.2017) Website of the newspaper “Komsomolskaya Pravda” [Sayt gazety «Komsomol’skaya pravda»] – [Electronic resource] – Access URL:; (reference date – 02.03.2017) Belfield C., Chandler D., Joyce R. Housing: Trends in Prices, Costs and Tenure. // IFS Briefing Note BN161 IFS. – 2012. Gumba (2017) – Gumba H.M. Economics of construction. [Ekonomika stroitel’stva.] – M.: Grif, 2017. – 449 p. Website of the Czech real estate agency “Ripid” [Sayt cheshskogo agentstvo nedvizhimosti «Ripid»] – [Electronic resource] – Access URL: (reference date – 28.02. 2017) Website of the network encyclopedia Wikipedia [Sayt setevoy entsiklopedii Wikipedia] – [Electronic resource] – Access URL: Construction_Saving_Cash; (reference date – 07.03.2017) Website containing statistical data on the countries of the world [Sayt, soderzhashchiy statisticheskikh dannykh po stranam mira] – [Electronic resource] – Access URL:; (reference date – 02.03.2017) Polyak G.B. Taxes and taxation. [Nalogi i nalogooblozheniye.] – M.: Grif, 2017. – 474 p. The site of the Czech real estate agency ”Binio” [Sayt cheshskogo agentstva nedvizhimosti «Binio»] – [Electronic resource] – Access URL: -s (reference date – 29.02.2017) Lykova, Bukina (2016) – Lykova L.N., Bukina I.S. Tax systems of foreign countries. [Nalogovyye sistemy zarubezhnykh stran.] – M.: Grif, 2016. – 309 p Directory of personnel agencies in Russia “” [Sayt-spravochnik o kadrovykh agentstvakh Rossii «»] – [Electronic resource] – Access URL:; (reference date – 02.03.2017) Website of ”Vesti FM” [Sayt ”Vesti FM”] – [Electronic resource] – Access URL: (reference date – 05.02.2017) Lobanova (2017) – Lobanova T.N. Motivation and stimulation of work. [Motivatsiya i stimulirovaniye trudovoy deyatel’nosti.] – M.: Grief, 2017. – 482 p. Website – information portal about the Czech Republic [Sayt – informatsionnyy portal o Chekhii] – [Electronic resource] – Access URL: (reference date – 01.03.2017) Komarov, Fedorov (2016) – Komarov A.V., Fedorov V.G. Impact of sanctions policy on the banking system of the Russian Federation 2014-2016. [Vliyanie sanktsionnoy politiki na bankovskuyu sistemu Rossiyskoy Federatsii 2014-2016] // Economy. Business. Banks. [Ekonomika. Biznes. Banki.] 2016. №8. P. 127-137. ROSSTAT website – [Electronic resource] – Access URL: (reference date – 02.03.2017) |
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Olga V. AstafievaPhD., Associate Professor, Management Department, Finance University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow Evgeniy V. AstafyevPhD., Associate professor of the Department of Economy and management at the enterprises of oil and gas industry, Ufa State Petroleum Technological University, Ufa |
Issues of ensuring food security for the maintenance of sustainable development of the countryAbstract Subject/Topic Analysis of the impact of measures provided by the state on the level of development of agriculture for the purposes of maintaining food security and providing food to the population primarily through the development of domestic high-tech enterprises. Goals/Objectives Research of trends and changes in agriculture arising as a result of the deterioration of interaction with foreign countries and implementing internal policy to ensure food security of the country; identification of problems in the agricultural sector and suggesting recommendations for the development of business environment in the industry. Hypothesis Sustainable development of agriculture should not only depend on the governmental support, but also be ensured by the effectiveness of regional policies on agricultural development. Methodology On the basis of state statistics, food products export and import indicators over the past few years were considered, a comparison analysis of the rate of renewal and disposal of agricultural fixed assets with other fixed assets, as well as indicators of labour productivity by kinds of economic activities was performed. The significant deviations of activity indicators of agricultural organizations from the avarage figures over the country were revealed, the problems, which will require additional attention both from the state and from the industry participants were formulated. Conclusion and Relevance The approach to the development of mechanism of ensuring sustainable development of agriculture by creating conditions for the development of greater initiative and self-organization of the system at meso and micro levels was proposed. Formulated provisions can be used for imlementaton of policy aimed at further support of food security and development of rural areas. Keywords: food security, agriculture, exports and imports, labor productivity, fixed assets, mutual funds. References: The state program of development of agriculture and regulation of markets of agricultural products, raw materials and food for 2013-2020. Approved by the government order of July 14, 2012 №717. [Gosudarstvennaya programma razvitiya sel’skogo hozyajstva i regulirovaniya rynkov sel’skohozyajstvennoj produkcii, syr’ya i prodovol’stviya na 2013–2020 gody. Utverzhdena rasporyazheniem Pravitel’stva ot 14 iyulya 2012 goda №717]. Electronic access: The food security doctrine of the Russian Federation (UTV. A presidential decree of January 30, 2010 N 120) [Doktrina prodovol’stvennoj bezopasnosti Rossijskoj Federacii (utv. Ukazom Prezidenta RF ot 30 yanvarya 2010 g. N 120)]. Electronic access: System GARANT: Official site of Federal state statistics service [Ofitsialnyiy sayt Federalnoy sluzhbyi gosudarstvennoy statistiki]. Electronic access: [in Russian] Analytical Bulletin “Ensuring food security of the Russian Federation” (joint meeting of the Presidium of the Scientific expert Council under the Chairman of the Federation Council and the Council for agriculture and natural resources at the Federation Council on 4 October 2016). [Analiticheskij vestnik «Obespechenie prodovol’stvennoj bezopasnosti Rossijskoj Federacii» (k sovmestnomu zasedaniyu Prezidiuma Nauchno-ehkspertnogo soveta pri Predsedatele Soveta Federacii i Soveta po voprosam agropromyshlennogo kompleksa i prirodopol’zovaniya pri Sovete Federacii 4 oktyabrya 2016 goda)] No. 34 (633). [in Russian] Astafeva O.V., Judina O.V. Approaches to the sustainable development of economic systems with industrial direction [Podhody k obespecheniju ustojchivogo razvitija jekonomicheskih sistem s otraslevoj napravlennost’ju ] // Economy Buisness Banks [Jekonomika. Biznes. Banki]. 2016. part 10. pp. 9-18. [in Russian] |
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Irina V. OsipovaPhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Accounting, Analysis and Audit, Federal Financial Institution of Higher Professional Education at Finance University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow Elena I. KupermanAccounting and audit faculty at Federal Financial Institution of Higher Professional Education at Finance University under the Government of the Russian Federation Moscow |
Accounting for equity: problems and regulatory legislationAbstract Subject/topic Accounting regulations serve as the main regulator of the uniformity of accounting system and formation of financial statements on the state of property and liabilities of economic entities. It allows the investors to assess the status of company’s property and its competitiveness. Currently, one can observe the shortcomings in the equity accounting regulations. In the Russian financial statements and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), as well as in domestic accounting regulations, there are no unified concepts and definitions of equity, as well as unified approaches to its accounting. Goals/Objectives To reveal similarities and differences in the current normative regulation of the formation and accounting for equity, as well as the respective problems that economic subjects face with. Methodology The analysis of current Russian legislative regulation for the equity of commercial organizations, the methods of calculation of the net assets of organization and certain examples of the reduction in authorized capital, the character of formation of equity components (additional and reserve capital,, retained earnings (uncovered loss), other reserves). Conclusion and Relevance The absence of general provision for the accounting of equity covering its organization and performing, reduces the uniformity of accounting and creates problems in accounting and reporting for economic entities of different forms of ownership. Keywords: organization’s equity, authorized capital, reserve capital, additional capital, retained earnings (uncovered loss), regulatory legislation References: Federal Law of 26.12.1995 (as amended on 03.07.2016) “On Joint Stock Companies”. Federal Law of 08.02.1998 N 14-FZ (as amended on 03.07.2016) “On Limited Liability Companies.” The Regulations on Accounting and Financial Statments in Russian Federation approved by Order No. 34n of the Ministry of Finance of Russian Federation in July 29, 1998 (as amended on December 24, 2010). The chart of accounts of the organizations’ financial and economic activities and the Instruction for its application approved by Order No. 94n of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of October 31, 2000 (as amended on November 8, 2010). [in Russian] Zavyalova (2014) Zavyalova E.S. Analysis of the financial condition of the enterprise and the diagnosis of bankruptcy risk [Analiz finansovogo sostoyaniya predpriyatiya i diagnostika riska bankrotstva] International Scientific and Research Journal. – 2014[in Russian] Lubushkin (2015) Lubushkin N.P. Economic Analysis [Ekonomicheskiy analiz] – 2015[in Russian] Osipova, Chernetskaya (2011) Osipova I.V., Chernetskaya G.F. Accounting of eqiuty. Comments, correspondence of accounts. [Uchet sobstvennogo kapitala. Kommentarii, korrespondentsiya buhgalterskih schetov. (uchebnoe posobie)], Institute of Professional Accountants and Auditors of Russia, Moscow [Institut professionalnyih buhgalterov i auditorov Rossii, Moskva] 2011 [in Russian] Rogulenko (2012) Rogulenko T.M. Accounting for the capital of the organization [Uchet kapitala organizacii]Accounting in construction. -2012. [in Russian] |
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Irina V. OsipovaPh.D., Associate Professor Professor of Accounting, Analysis and Audit Department at Finance University the Russian Federation Government, Moscow Diana K. Zakaevastudent of the Faculty of Public Administration and financial control at Finance University the Russian Federation Government, Moscow |
Inventory - the method of providing security of assets and liabilitiesAbstract Subject / Topic Inventory plays an important role in ensuring the integrity and safety of economic resources, their economic and rational use, prevention of non-productive raw materials costs and fuel costs and other costs of tangible assets, both connected and not related to production. In addition, the inventory allows to generate more complete and reliable information about assets and liabilities in the financial statements. Inventory is often perceived as a very laborious and time-consuming procedure, so many specialists, including auditors, treat it as a formal procedure without any economic value. However, a competent inventory and its results allow to ensure the completeness and reliability of accounting of assets and liabilities, minimize tax risks, and clarify accounting records of commercial organization. Goals/Objectives To study current legislative regulations of the inventory process and the importance of its different types for control and accounting of assets and liabilities. Methodology Since the inventory is of great importance, both from the organizational and financial points, it should be carried out in accordance with modern requirements of Russian legislation. Conclusion and Relevance The lack of objective and reliable information about the objects of accounting negatively affects the financial condition of the commercial organization, therefore, to ensure reliable data of financial statements, all organizations must perform inventories. All types of inventory contribute to the implementation of the control function of accounting, ensuring the integrity and safety of assets and monitoring the status and movement of liabilities. However, it is necessary to improve legislative regulation on the issue of inventory and practical compliance with the procedure of its implementation. Keywords: legislative regulation of the inventory process, types of inventory, their essence and significance. References: Alieva (2014) – Alieva N.M. Features of stock inventory and the reflection of results in the accounting of public institutions [Osobennosti provedeniya inventarizacii materialnyh zapasov i otrazhenie rezultatov v uchete kazennyh uchrezhdenij], Actual issues of modern economy [Aktualnye voprosy sovremennoj ehkonomiki] 2014. P.68-72 [in Russian] Babaev (2015) – Babaev U.A. Financial accounting: a textbook [Buhgalterskij finansovyj uchet uchebnik ] 2015. P.463 [in Russian] Golubeva (2013) – Golubeva S.G. The organization of internal control at the enterprise [Organizaciya vnutrennego kontrolya na predpriyatii], Ledentsovskie reading. Business. The science. Education: materials of the III International Scientific and Practical Conference: in 2 parts. Vologda Institute of Business; Edited by Doctor of Economic Sciences, prof. A. A. Dmitrieva [Ledencovskie chteniya Biznes Nauka Obrazovanie materialy III mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii v 2 chastyah Vologodskij institut biznesa pod redakciej d eh n prof YU A Dmitrieva] 2013. P.391-398 [in Russian] Kasyanova (2015) – Kasyanova G.U. Inventory. Accounting and taxation [Inventarizaciya Buhgalterskaya i nalogovaya ] 2015. P.272 [in Russian] Petruhina (2016) – Petruhina T. Conduction of annual inventory [Provodim godovuyu inventarizaciyu], Entrepreneurship and Law. Informational and analytical portal [Predprinimatelstvo i pravo Informacionno-analiticheskij portal] 2016. [Internet] [in Russian] Osipova, Kartoziya (2016) – Osipova I.V., Kartoziya S.P. Accounting for cash transactions of an economic entity: offenses and legislative regulation [Uchet kassovyh operacij ehkonomicheskogo subekta pravonarusheniya i normativno-zakonodatelnoe regulirovanie], International Scientific and Practical Journal Economics Business Banks – Innovation Center for Applied Scientific Research “Rome University”, No. 3 (16) July-September [Mezhdunarodnyj nauchno-prakticheskij zhurnal EHkonomika Biznes Banki – Innovacionnyj Centr prikladnyh nauchnyh issledovanij Rim Universitet 3 16 iyul-sentyabr ] 2016 #3(16). P.95-106 [in Russian] |
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Nina I. GolyshevaCandidate of economic sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Accounting, Analysis and Audit, Finance University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow (E-mail: Nataly D. Dosaeva3nd year Bachelor Degree Program, student, Faculty of Accounting and Audit, Finance University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow (E-mail: |
Patents for selection achievements - problems of accountingAbstract Subect/Topic The article covers the problems of legislative regulation and accounting for selection achievements as a category of intangible assets in accordance with the Russian accounting standards. Goals/Objectives The main objective of this research is to study the features of accounting for the process of scientific research in the field of selective achievements and features of accounting for patents for selection achievements as a category of intangible assets in accordance with Russian legislation. Methodology The main research method used in this study is the analysis of legislative framework, relating to selection achievements, as well as Russian accounting standards, considered in the context of acting Accounting Regulation 17/02 «Accounting for research, development and technological work» and Accounting Regulations 14/07 «Accounting for intangible assets». Conclusion and Relevance Currently the Russian legislation has a number of problems and contradictions in accounting for selection achievements. In order to improve the process of accounting for selection achievements, it is recommended to pay attention to the promising project of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation on the development of the Accounting Regulations «Accounting for biological assets and agricultural products». Keywords: intangible assets, selection achievements, accounting References: Russian Federation. Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation. The state program of development of agriculture and regulation of the markets of agricultural production, raw materials and food for the period 2013 – 2020. № 717 of July 14, 2012. Subprogram No. 9 “Support of breeding business, selection and seed farming”. Russian Federation. Ministry of Finance. On the adoption of the Accounting regulation “Accounting for Intangible Assets” (PBU 14/2007). No. 153n from 27.12.2007 (with amendments and supplements). Russian Federation. Ministry of Finance. On the adoption of the Accounting regulation «Accounting for research, development and technological work» (PBU 17/2002). No. 115n from 19.11.2002 (with amendments and supplements). Russian Federation. Federal law. “On seed farming”. No. 149-FZ of December 17, 1997. Russian Federation. Information of the Ministry of Finance. About formation in accounting and disclosures to accounting reports of the organization of information on innovations and upgrade of production. No. PZ-8/2011O. Russian Federation. Laws. Civil code. Chapter 73. Article 1413. Conditions for protectability of selection achievements. Russian Federation. Ministry of Agriculture. The project of Regulation on Accounting «Accounting for Biological Assets and Agricultural Products». Kupriyanova, Golysheva (2016) – Kupriyanova L.M., Golysheva N.I. Risk analysis according to the financial accounting. Economics. Business. Banks. 2016. T. 10. P. 40-55. Golysheva (2015) – Golysheva N.I. The problems of accounting for VAT by tax agents. Economy. Business. Banks. 2015. No. 4 (13). Pp. 108-115. |
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Fatima S. AguzarovaCandidate of Economic Sciences, Professor, Assistant professor of the Department of Accounting and taxation, North Ossetian State University named after K.L. Khetagurov, Vladikavkaz |
Resort fee: a return to the pastAbstract Subject /Topic This article discusses the topical issue of the revival of resort fee. It is noted that the proposed fee is not the new concept for the Russian economy, it was implemented on the territory of the Russian Federation in the period 1991-2004. During its existence the gainings from the payments of this fee were very insignificant, so it was abolished. Goals/Objectives The aim of the study was to determine the necessity of resort fee implementation in tax practice. The work describes the reasons for introduction of a resort fee – to increase investment attractiveness of Russian resorts, to maintain and improve the infrastructure of Russian resorts, to improve the quality of service,to reconstruct tourist facilities. Methodology The research methodology is the claim that introduction of resort fees could adversely affect the development of sanatorium-resort and tourist sector of the economy, as the cost of these services for citizens will grow. The cost of implementation of resort fee system will be many times higher than the resulting profit. Conclusions and Relevance The conducted study has allowed the author to make conclusions. It is proved that the introduction of resort fee contradicts the basic directions of tax policy. The researcher does not exclude the repeat of failure of this project, demonstrated by the previous experience. In the case of its introduction, it is proposed to perform it as an experiment in one region, and on the basis of the results of this practical experience, to introduce it in the Russian tax system. Also attracts attention the payment of the resort fee by non-residents. Keywords: resort fee, elements of fee, tax revenues of the subject, resort areas, tourists. References: Law of the RSFSR of 12.12.1991 N 2018-1 «On the resort collection from physical persons» [in Russian] The draft Federal law «On conducting experiment on the development of a resort infrastructure in the Republic of Crimea, Altai region, Krasnodar region and Stavropol region» [in Russian] Aguzarova, Tsaloeva (2017) – Aguzarova L.A., Tsaloeva M.K. Innovative development and innovation capacity of some countries [Innovatsionnoe razvitie i innovatsionnyiy potentsial otdelnyih stran], Ekonomika. Business. Banks [Ekonomika. Biznes. Banki] 2017 # 1 (18). Pp. 19-27 [in Russian] Aguzarova (2016) – Aguzarova F.S. The strengthening of sub-federal budgets of the Russian Federation on the basis of value added tax [Ukreplenie byudzhetov subfederalnogo urovnya Rossiyskoy Federatsii na osnove naloga na dobavlennuyu stoimost], Economy. Business. Banks [Ekonomika. Biznes. Banki] 2016 # 4 (17). Pp. 165-173 [in Russian] Berlin, Simonyan (2017) – Berlin S.I., Simonyan G.A. About the expediency of introduction of resort fees in the Russian Federation [O tselesoobraznosti vvedeniya kurortnogo sbora v Rossiyskoy Federatsii], Modern scientific thought [Sovremennaya nauchnaya myisl] 2017 # 1. Pp. 126-131 [in Russian] Zaikin (2017) – Zaikin V.V. To the question of major changes in the tax legislation in 2017 [K voprosu ob osnovnyih izmeneniyah v nalogovom zakonodatelstve v 2017 godu], Bulletin of the Institute of world civilizations [Vestnik Instituta mirovyih tsivilizatsiy] 2017 # 14. Pp. 74-79 [in Russian] Kudryashov (2017) – Kudryashov A.M. Consequences of introduction of resort fees in Russia [Posledstviya vvedeniya kurortnogo sbora na territorii Rossii], Problems of modern science and education [Problemyi sovremennoy nauki i obrazovaniya] 2017 # 8 (90). Pp. 67-70 [in Russian] Cailey Rizzo. Hotels’ ‘deceptive’ resort fees are getting more attention from the government. Mode of access: [in United States of America] Dietrichson J., Ellegаrd L.M. Institutions improving fiscal performance: evidence from swedish municipalities // International tax and public finance. 2015. № 5. Tom 22. Рр. 861-886 [in United States of America] Gary Leff. Federal Government Says Hotel Resort Fees Are A-OK. They’re Not // BoardingArea. 2015. July 7 Mode of access: [in United States of America] Richard W. England. Tax Incidence and Rental Housing: A Survey and Critique of Research // National Tax Journal. 2016. № 2. Tom 69. Рp. 435-460 [in United States of America] Shermans Travel. Resort fees explained: how to identify (and avoid) them on your next trip. Mode of access: [in United States of America] |
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Islam Kuchmezovpost-graduate student 2 years of study Faculty of Economics, Department of Finance and Credit at Moscow State University |
Prospects of development of the russian retail payments areaAbstract Current stage of Russian banking system development can be described by the intense influence of globalization processes and increased attention of large credit organizations toward innovative retail payment instruments creation. The development of integration processes in the economy of the Russian Federation has led to an increase in the volume of non-cash payments, which are very popular in developed countries. Moreover, the relevance of the article is supported by the cashless society creation concept, which is rapidly gaining popularity both in monetary theory and practice of emerging and progressive economies. The goal of this publication is to identify core issues, violating the proper functioning of retail payments system in Russia. The article examined the main trends in the development of the payment sector in the Russian economy, the structure of payment instruments that are used by clients of credit institutions. The author also analyzed the level of institutional and technological provision of payment services. As a result of the research, the author identified a number of reasons that slow down the development of the payments market, and proposed a set of measures for their elimination. Keywords: non-cash payments, payment instruments, payment infrastructure, payment cards. References: Main indicators of development of the national payment system. The Central Bank of the Russian Federation [Osnovnye pokazateli razvitija nacional’noj platezhnoj sistemy. Central’nyj bank Rossijskoj Federacii] [Electronic resource]: (data obrashhenija 22.06.2017). [in Russian] National accounts. Federal state statistics service [Nacional’nye scheta. Federal’naja sluzhba gosudarstvennoj statistiki] [Electronic resource] 3 (data obrashhenija 24.06.2017). [in Russian] Financial statistics of the Eurasian economic Union [Finansovaja statistika Evrazijskogo jekonomicheskogo sojuza]. Operational data for the year 2016: stat. collection. The Eurasian economic Commission [Evrazijskaja jekonomicheskaja komissija]. – Moskva: 2017. – 122 s. [in Russian] Sedyh (2017) – Sedyh I. A. The market of international money transfers [Rynok mezhdunarodnyh denezhnyh perevodov] / I.A. Sedyh [Electronic resource]: %A0%D1%8B%D0%.pdf (data obrashhenija 21.06.2017). [in Russian] Mckinsey. Global payments 2015: Healthy industry confronts disruption – 2015. [Electronic resource]: our-insights/global-payments-2015-a-healthy-industry-confronts-disruption (data obrashhenija 21.06.2017). Usoskin (2014) – Usoskin V.M. The regulation of liquidity as a factor in the development of payment systems [Regulirovanie likvidnosti kak faktor razvitija platezhnyh system] / V.M. Usoskin, V.Ju. Belousova, A.G. Krivoharchenko // Money and credit [Den’gi i kredit]. – 2014. – № 3. – S. 17 – 21. [in Russian] Access to and Use of Financial Services. International Monetary Fund. [Electronic resource]: (data obrashhenija 20.06.2017). 8. Statistics of the national payment system [Statistika nacional’noj platezhnoj sistemy] [Electronic resource]: (data obrashhenija 24.06.2017). [in Russian] Trachuk (2013) –Trachuk A. V. Analysis of factors affecting the spread of cashless payments in the retail market [Analiz faktorov, vlijajushhih na rasprostranenie beznalichnyh platezhej na roznichnom rynke]/ A. V. Trachuk, G.V. Kornilov // The Bulletin of the Financial University [Vestnik Finansovogo universiteta]. – 2013. – № 4. – S. 6-20. [in Russian] Development strategy of Sberbank for the period 2014-2018. Official site of the savings Bank [Strategija razvitija Sberbanka na period] 2014-2018. Oficial’nyj sajt Sberbanka [Electronic resource]: strategy_2018 (data obrashhenija 17.06.2017). [in Russian] Olejnikova (2017) – Olejnikova I.N. The analysis of the practices and problems of development of payment turnover in Russia [Analiz praktiki organizacii i problem razvitija raschetno-platezhnogo oborota v Rossii ]/ I.N. Olejnikova // [Electronic resource]: (data obrashhenija 23.06.2017). [in Russian] Korotaeva (2012)- Korotaeva N.V. Problems and prospects of development in Russia of non-cash retail payments [Problemy i perspektivy razvitija v Rossii beznalichnyh roznichnyh platezhej] / N.V. Korotaeva // Socio-economic phenomena and processes [Social’no-jekonomicheskie javlenija i process]. – 2012. – №12. – S. 166 – 173. [in Russian] Eremina (2017) – Eremina A. The Central Bank will create a platform for payments and transfers of citizens [CB sozdast platformu dlja platezhej i perevodov grazhdan]/ A. Eremina // [Electronic resource]: 2017/04/21/686726-tsb-platezhei-grazhdan (data obrashhenija 23.06.2017). [in Russian] Review of developments in the national payment system. The national payments Council. [Obzor sobytij v nacional’noj platezhnoj sisteme. Nacional’nyj platezhnyj sovet]. // [Electronic resource]: news/index.php?id=3508 (data obrashhenija 20.06.2017). [in Russian] Eremina (2017) – Eremina A. The Russians were more likely to pay for goods and services in stores cards [Rossijane stali chashhe oplachivat’ tovary i uslugi v magazinah kartami] [Electronic resource]/ A. Eremina// Vedomosti.-2017.- 13 marta- M.: Biznes N’jus Media, 2017-Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija 24. 06. 2017) [in Russian] Aleksandrova (2014) – Aleksandrova L.S. Circulation of cash: Russia and the international experience [Obrashchenie nalichnyh deneg: Rossiya i mezhdunarodnyj opyt], Banking services [Bankovskie uslugi], 2014# 7. Pp. 31-38. [in Russian] Abramova (2015) – Abramova M.A. Situation, Trends and Prospects of Development of cash circulation in Russia. Monograph. [Sostoyanie, tendencii i perspektivy razvitiya nalichnogo denezhnogo obrashcheniya v Rossii. Monografiya] – M .: RUSNAYS 2015. [in Russian] |
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Anna V. PatrushevaAccountant, LLC “Voskhod”, Omsk (E-mail: |
Show ContentAbstract Subject/Topic The competitiveness of this or that player of the market is largely determined by its financial state. Therefore, at present, the issue of developing tools to ensure the financial sustainability of catering establishments is particularly relevant. As such a tool, franchising,has a great advantage since its application involves creating for the player of the market conditions for obtaining a stable long-term cash flow and increasing the business value. Goals/Objectives To show the mechanism of franchising as a tool for creating value in public catering The main tasks that were set in writing this article: – to analyze the market of public catering in Russia in the context of franchise cafes; – to identify the franchise value factors for the franchisee and for the franchisor; – to consider the process of creating a business value by franchise “Cheerful Day”. Methodology The article shows that franchising can act as a tool to ensure the financial sustainability of catering establishments. The process of acquiring the franchise of the coffee network “Cheerful Day” is considered, the factors of value that are created for the franchise by the franchise “Cheerful Day” are examined. The value that each side of the franchise agreement receives from cooperation is revealed. Conclusions and Relevance There were made conclusions about the transformation of the franchisor’s and franchisee’s assets into franchise network assets, about the advantages that the franchisor derives from creating a franchise network and attracting franchisees, about the advantages that franchisees receive when entering a franchise network, the effectiveness of franchising as a tool for ensuring the financial sustainability of catering establishments and improving business value. Keywords: franchising, value factors, franchise value, business value References: Ahmadeeva Idrisova (2016) – Ahmadeeva O.A., Idrisova A.I. Trends of development of public catering market inRussia [Tendentsii razvitiya ryinka obschestvennogo pitaniya v Rossii], Young scientist [Molodoy uchenyiy] 2016 # 8. p. 483-486. [in Russian] Baharev (2014) – Baharev V. V. Tools for forming of client loyalty in the field of public catering [Instrumentariy formirovaniya klientskoy loyalnosti v sfere obschestvennogo pitaniya], Scientific journal of the National Research University, Information technologies, mechanics and optics [Nauchnyiy zhurnal NIU ITMO. Seriya: Ekonomika i ekologicheskiy menedzhment] 2014 # 3. p. 70-76. [in Russian] Baharev (2013) – Baharev V.V. Franchising as an instrument for the development of small business [Franchayzing kak instrument razvitiya malogo predprinimatelstva], Modern science: actual problems of theory and practice. Series: Economics and Law [Sovremennaya nauka: aktualnyie problemyi teorii i praktiki. Seriya: Ekonomika i pravo] 2013 # 12. p. 49-52. [in Russian] Baharev Ikramov (2015) – Baharev V. V., Ikramov R. A. Influence of the current economic situation in Russia on the sphere of trade and public catering [Vliyanie sovremennoy ekonomicheskoy situatsii v Rossii na sferu torgovli i obschestvennogo pitaniya], In the world of scientific discoveries [V mire nauchnyih otkryitiy] 2015 # 5. p. 7-18. [in Russian] Davyidovich (2011) – Davyidovich A.R. Comparative Analysis of the Organizational Structure of Public Catering in Russia [Sravnitelnyiy analiz organizatsionnogo ustroystva obschestvennogo pitaniya v Rossii], Problems of Modern Economics [Problemyi sovremennoy ekonomiki] 2011 # 1. p. 338-342. [in Russian] Kapustina Kotlyarov (2013) – Kapustina I.V., Kotlyarov I.D. International expansion of Russian restaurant chains [Mezhdunarodnaya ekspansiya rossiyskih restorannyih setey], Problems of Economics and Management in Trade and Industry [Problemyi ekonomiki i upravleniya v torgovle i promyishlennosti] 2013 # 2. p. 20-24. [in Russian] Kotlyarov (2012) – Kotlyarov I.D. Internal and external environment of the company: clarification of concepts [Vnutrennyaya i vneshnyaya sreda firmyi: utochnenie ponyatiy], News of higher educational institutions. Series: Economics, Finance and Production Management [Izvestiya vyisshih uchebnyih zavedeniy. Seriya: Ekonomika, finansyi i upravlenie proizvodstvom] 2012 # 1. p. 56-61. [in Russian] Kotlyarov (2014) – Kotlyarov I.D. Description of financial relations of the franchisor and franchisee [Opisanie finansovyih otnosheniy franchayzera i franchayzi], Culturological approach in the economic and legal development of the region: Proceedings of the International scientific and practical conference XIV Makarkinskiye scientific readings [Electronic resource] / otv. Ed. L.A. Kohanets; Mordovian Humanities Institute Saransk [Kulturologicheskiy podhod v ekonomiko-pravovom razvitii regiona: Materialyi Mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii XIV Makarkinskie nauchnyie chteniya [Elektronnyiy resurs] / otv. red. L.A. Kohanets; Mordov gumanitar. in-t. Saransk] 2014. p. 516-523. [in Russian] Kotlyarov (2007) – Kotlyarov I.D. Experience in the formal description of franchising [Opyit formalnogo opisaniya franchayzinga], Bulletin of the St. Petersburg Economic University. Series: The Economy [Vestnik INZhEKONa. Seriya: Ekonomika] 2007 # 5. p. 129-133. [in Russian] Kotlyarov (2011) – Kotlyarov I.D. Financial component of franchising relations: the problem of calculating the royalty rate [Finansovaya sostavlyayuschaya otnosheniy franchayzinga: problema rascheta stavki royalty], Corporate Finance [Korporativnyie finansyi] 2011 # 1. p. 32-39. [in Russian] Kupriyanova (2014) – Kupriyanova L.M. Ananlysis of the present state and prospects of development of franchising [Analiz sovremennogo sostoyaniya i perspektiv razvitiya franchayzinga], Economics. Business. Banks [Ekonomika. Biznes. Banki] 2014 # 3. p. 84-101. [In Russian] Narkevich (2012) – Narkevich E.G. Franchising as a form of cooperation: an attempt of analysis [Franchayzing kak forma kooperatsii: popyitka analiza], Modern science: actual problems of theory and practice. Series: Economics and Law [Sovremennaya nauka: aktualnyie problemyi teorii i praktiki. Seriya: Ekonomika i pravo] 2012 # 4. p. 22-25. [in Russian] Patrusheva (2016) – Patrusheva A.V. The organizational and economic nature of franchising [Organizatsionno-ekonomicheskaya priroda franchayzinga], Competence [Kompetentnost] 2016 # 3. p. 42-46. [in Russian] Patrusheva (2016) – Patrusheva A.V. Management of the cost of the franchisor’s business based on the assessment of the franchise premium [Upravlenie stoimostyu biznesa franchayzera na osnove otsenki franchayzingovoy premii], Economics and Management Systems Management [Ekonomika i menedzhment sistem upravleniya] 2016 T. 21. # 3.2. p. 238-243 [in Russian] URL: http://www. Timofeeva (2015) – Timofeeva E. G. Economic and organizational content of franchising [Ekonomicheskoe i organizatsionnoe soderzhanie franchayzinga], Petersburg economic journal [Peterburgskiy ekonomicheskiy zhurnal] 2015 # 4. p. 145-153. [in Russian] Blair Lafontaine 2005 – Blair Roger D., Lafontaine Francine. The Economics of Franchising. N. Y.: Cambridge University Press, 2005. 338 p. |
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Larisa D. ZubkovaPh. D., Associate Professor of the Department of Finance, money circulation and credit, Tyumen state University, Tyumen Sergey M. Dyachkovundergraduate, Tyumen state University, Tyumen |
New driver of growth in Russian telecommunications industryAbstract Subject/Topic Search for sources of economic development is an integral part of the investment process. So, industries in the development stage or in the stage of steady growth, are by definition the sources of economic development, while, industries that are in the stage of mature growth or stagnation, can get a “second wind” only through innovative approaches to the use of their resource base. Goals/Objectives Intensive development of information and communication technologies in recent decades has become a global trend of world progress and implies a high relevance of research in the field of search for the new driver of growth in the telecommunications industry. Methodology The article reveals peculiarities of functioning of telecommunications industry, reflecting the presence of structural changes. This fact is explained from the point of view of changes in the level of engineering and technology and is assessed as significant in terms of assessment and investment decision-making. Conclusions and Relevance The article assesses the potential of the industry, describes the scenarios of its development based on the current level of engineering and technology. The basic principles of the blockchain technology, foreign and Russian experience and the prospects of this technology for companies of telecommunications industry are described. Keywords: investment industry analysis, the industry of telecommunications, the driver of growth, blockchain, the economic development of the company References: The Ministry of communications and mass media of the Russian Federation. Statistics: The Ministry Of Communications Of Russia. [Electronic resource] – Access: The Federal law of April 6, 2011 N 63-FZ “On electronic signature”adopted by the State Duma on March 25, 2011, approved by the Federation Council on March 30, 2011 Order of Federal tax service dated April 20, 2012 N MMV-7-6/253@”On approval of Temporary regulations on a network of trusted operators of electronic document management and Temporary regulations on the procedure for joining a network of trusted operators of electronic document flow” Order of Federal tax service dated 4 March 2015 N IIM-7-6/93@”On approval of the formats of VAT-invoices, journals of received and issued VAT-invoices, purchase book and sales book, additional sheets of purchase book and sales book in electronic form” The order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia from November 10, 2015 174н “On approval of the Procedure for issuing and receiving invoices in electronic form via telecommunication channels with the use of a reinforced qualified electronic signature” Federal state statistics service. 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Larisa S. AleksandrovaPhD in economics, associate professor, Department of Financial markets and banks at Finance University Under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow (E-mail: |
Factors of investment activityAbstract Subject/Topic The subject of the study is the development of investment demand and its impact on economic growth. In the article the promotion of individual investment accounts with the purpose of involving citizens in investment activity is considered. Goals/Objectives To investigate the development of new investment products against the background of increased financial literacy of the population. Methodology The methods of analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, comparison method, system analysis, selective observation were used in the work. The methodological basis consists of the works of domestic and foreign economists in the field of investigation of the problems of investment development in Russia and abroad, materials of periodical literature, websites. Conclusions and Relevance Problems of the credit system state, recommendations for improving its efficiency are aimed at addressing the challenges of forming domestic investment demand, taking into account the increased financial literacy of the population. In this regard, the development of new investment products can enhance the ability of citizens to increase incomes, on the one hand, and, on the other hand, to attract resources to the real sector of the economy. Keywords: investment, individual investment account, bank lending, liquidity, risks, financial literacy. References: Abramova (2016) – Abramova M.A. Formation quality infrastructure of the microfinance market and credit cooperatives. Monograph. [Formirovanie kachestvennoj infrastruktury rynka mikrofinansirovaniya i kreditnoj kooperacii. Monografiya] – M .: RUSNAYS 2016. [in Russian] Alexandrova LS, Zakharova OV, Shaker (2012) – Alexandrova LS, Zakharova OV, Shaker IE Development of microcredit in Russia. [Razvitie mikrokreditovaniya v Rossii]- //Economy. Business. Banks. 2012. # 4. P. 4-19. [in Russian] Rol’ gosudarstva v razvitii i modernizacii bankovskogo sektora v postkrizisnyj period. [The role of the state in the development and modernization of the banking sector in the post-crisis period.]- /Abramova M.A., Konakbaev A.G., Aleksandrova L.S., Iskakova Z.D. – Moskva, 2012. [in Russian] Actual directions of development of the banking industry: monografiya [Aktual’nye napravleniya razvitiya bankovskogo dela]. / koll. avtorov; pod red. prof. N.E. Sokolinskoi i dots. I.E. Shaker — M. : RUSAINS, 2016. [in Russian] Belomyttseva (2014) – Belomyttseva O.S The system of individual investment accounts in the Russian Federation: the first results and prospects // Business. Education. Law. Bulletin of Volgograd Business Institute. 2016. # 1 (34). P.89–94. Krivosheyeva (2014) – Krivosheyeva I. IMAs: what is the practical value of foreign countries experience for Russia // Securities Market. 2014. # 9. P. 38–40. Lakhno (2015) – Lakhno Yu. V. Perspectives and constraints of the mechanism of investing through the individual investment account // Taxes and Finances. 2015. #. 2. P. 7–13. Levin (2015) – Levin P.K. Individual investment accounts in the Russian Federation: development trends and prospects in the context of financial instability // Economy and entrepreneurship. 2015. #. 6, P. 383-386. Lapin (2014) – Lapin V. V. Individual investment accounts as the basis for long-term liabilities for the stock market // Postgraduate Stu-dent. 2014. #. 4. P. 138 Macroeconomic analysis of the banking sector: the Textbook. – / Ed. O.N.Afanasevoy, S.E.Dubovoy. [Makroehkonomicheskij analiz bankovskoj sfery: Uchebnik] – M .: KNORUS 2016. [in Russian] Aleksandrova (2015) – Aleksandrova L.S. Lending for people as the direction of development of banking sphere [Kreditovanie naseleniya kak napravlenie realizatsii potentsiala bankovskoy sferyi], Banking services [Bankovskie uslugi] #4, 2015 P.29 [in Russian] Abramova M.A., Aleksandrova L.S. Zakharova (2013) – Abramova M.A., Aleksandrova L.S. Zakharova O.V. Development of credit and insurance brokerage in Russia: features, risks, regulation [Razvitie kreditnogo i strahovogo brokeridzha v Rossii: osobennosti, riski, regulirovanie][in Russian] |
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Igor I. SavelyevCandidate of Sciences (Economics),Associate Professor of Public Law Disciplines, Vladimir Law Institute of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia Elena S. NikishinaCandidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor of the Department of Management, Vladimir state University named after the Alexander Grigorievich Stoletov and Nikolai Grigorievich Stoletov Pavel S.SeleznevDoctor of Sciences (Politics), Associate Professor of the Department of Political Sciences, Deputy HR Head, Finance University under the Government of the Russian Federation |
Investment activity in the framework of public-private partnershipAbstract Subject/Topic The article reveals topical issues of investment activity in the framework of public-private partnership. Goals/Objectives In the conditions of unstable market economy, the interaction between the state and private entrepreneurs is in demand and every day gets its relevance and prospects of commercialization. The purpose of this article is to analyze the investment activity in the framework of public-private partnerships. Methodology Clarification of the conceptual apparatus, analysis of the formation and development of public-private partnership, analysis of the efficiency of public-private partnership. Conclusion and Relevance As a result of this research, practical recommendations concerning management of public-private partnership were given. Keywords: public-private partnership, the legal framework of public-private partnership, efficiency References: 1. Federal law “On public-private partnership, municipal-private partnership in the Russian Federation and amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation” from 13.07.2015 No. 224-FZ 2. Sivakova.S.Y. Public-private partnership as a form of realization of investment activity in the region // Internet-journal “science of SCIENCE” Vol. 7, No. 2 (2015) (free access). Tit. screen. rus., eng. DOI: 10.15862/122EVN215 3. Public-private partnership in Russia. – Moscow, Center of development of public-private partnership, 2013. 4. Kalina A. V. Analysis of the existing problems of development of public-private partnership in Russia and development of recommendations for their solution // Modern problems of science and education. – 2014. – No. 6. URL: (date of access: 18.07.2017). 5. Federal information portal “Infrastructure and public-private partnership in Russia” [Electronic resource] – |
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Victoria B. FrolovaCandidate of economic Sciences, Professor, Department of Corporate Finance and Corporate Management, Finance University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow (E-mail: |
The study of criteria of financial instabilityAbstract Subject/Topic The subject of the research is a domestic and foreign practice of determining the criteria of financial insolvency of organizations. Goals/Objectives The purpose of the study is to reveal the dependence of changes in the financial condition of the organization on the influence of changes of qualitative and quantitative factors of internal and external environment, helping to identify criteria of financial instability. To achieve these goals the following tasks were set and solved: the analysis of Rosstat data on the financial situation of large enterprises was performed, the comparative analysis of criteria of insolvency in domestic and foreign practice was fulfiled, problematic features of evaluation models of bankruptcy were identified, the criteria of financial instability,of organizations were defined.. Methodology The following methods were used in the study: dialectical, systemic, comparative analysis, economic and statistical methods. Conclusion and Relevance Financial decisions should be based not only on the criteria of insolvency, which are static by their nature, but also on the criteria of financial instability in the dynamics and in the perspective. Key words: financial insolvency, financial instability, financial ratios, bankruptcy models, financial results, indicators, multiplicative indicators, environmental factors, criteria, quality indicators. Reference: The RF Government decree of June 25, 2003 №367 “On approval of Rules of arbitration Manager of financial analysis” [Postanovlenie Pravitelstva RF ot 25 iyunya 2003 g. #367 «Ob utverzhdenii Pravil provedeniya arbitrazhnyim upravlyayuschim finansovogo analiza»] – [in Russian] Adzhemyan, Murakova, Frolova (2016) – Adzhemyan A.A., Murakova K.K., Frolova V.B. Detection of dynamic changes in the market value of oil companies [Vyiyavlenie dinamicheskih izmeneniy ryinochnoy stoimosti neftyanyih kompaniy], Modern scientific researches and innovations [Sovremennyie nauchnyie issledovaniya i innovatsii]. 2016. # 11 (67). p. 352-360. [in Russian] Gladkov (2015) – Gladkov I.V. Formation and development of the support system of financial stability of enterprises: author’s abstract [Formirovanie i razvitie obespecheniya sistemyi finansovoy ustoychivosti predpriyatiya: avtoref…kand. ekon. nauk.] – Moskva, 2015 – 27 s. [in Russian] Kolyishkin (2003) – Kolyishkin A.V. Forecasting of bankruptcy in modern Russia: author’s abstract [Prognozirovanie razvitiya bankrotstva v sovremennoy Rossii: avtoref… kand. ekon. nauk.] – Sankt-Peterburg, 2003. – 27 p. [in Russian] Koltsova I. How to define specifications for the key financial ratios [Kak opredelit normativyi dlya klyuchevyih finansovyih koeffitsientov] – [in Russian] Konikova, Frlova (2016) – Konikova E.D., Frolova V.B. Diagnostics of organizations’ crises in the process of forecasting of financial stability [Diagnostika krizisov organizatsiy v protsesse prognozirovaniya finansovoy ustoychivosti], Economy and society [Ekonomika i sotsium]. 2016. # 3 (22). S. 596-598. [in Russian] Pakleeva, Frolova (2016) – Pakleeva E.D., Frolova V.B. Assessment of the creditworthiness of the Russian airline against the changing external business environment [Otsenka kreditosposobnosti rossiyskih avikompaniy na fone izmenyayuscheysya vneshney sredyi biznesa], Modern scientific researches and innovations [Sovremennyie nauchnyie issledovaniya i innovatsii]. 2016. # 2 (58). p. 388-390. [in Russian] Frolova (2016) – Frolova V.B. Criteria concept of financial stability [Kriterialnyie ponyatiya finansovoy ustoychivosti], Journal of economic research [Zhurnal ekonomicheskih issledovaniy]. 2016. T. 2. # 11. P. 13. [in Russian] Frolova, Pankova (2015) – Frolova V.B., Pankova O.N. The financial potential of Russia: the negative consequences [Finansovyiy potentsial Rossii: negativnyie posledstviya], Economy. Taxes. Law. [Ekonomika. Nalogi. Pravo.] 2015. # 1. p. 66-71. [in Russian] Official site of Federal state statistics service [Ofitsialnyiy sayt Federalnoy sluzhbyi gosudarstvennoy statistiki] – [in Russian] All about bankruptcy [Vse pro bankrotstvo] – [in Russian] |
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Georgiy V. BukowskiyPost-graduate student, Department of economics, Higher School of Economics, St. Petersburg branch |
Customer relations management as a factor of growth of e-commerce project: econometric modelAbstract Subject/Topic Factros of growth in e-commerce project Goals/Objectives Theoretic modeling of a new type relationships between the company and the customer Objectives Creating a comparative system for the largest e-commerce projects. Analysis of factors having the greatest influence on the growth of companies and matching them with their actual activities. Econometric modeling Methodology: modeling, induction, abstraction and formalization Conclusions and Relevance The article mathematically demonstrates that the new deeper type of relationships between companies and customers, implementing integration of clients into the company’s structure, which is possible by accumulating customer’s data, is the most effective factor of the company’s growth. This is the only possible positive way of development for the large Internet companies. This conclusion has a high practical importance and gives companies a possibility to correctly set up priorities for their middle term and long term development Keywords: innovations management, loyalty, customer service, internet-marketing References: Bugorskiy V.N. (2012) – Automation customer services in e-commerece project: creating the best model. [Avtomatizatsiya obsluzhivaniya klientov internet-magazina: vyibor optimalnoy modeli], Internet-marketing [Internet-marketing] # 4, p. 246-250 [in Russian] Gasanov T. E. (2011). Customer’s loyalty as a type of intellectual equity of the company [Potrebitelskaya loyalnost kak vid intellektualnogo kapitala organizatsii] // Newspaper of NGUEU [Vestnik NGUEU], # 2, p. 260-267. [in Russian] Geriya I.A. (2015). Efficiency of loyalty programs [Programmyi loyalnosti i otsenka ih effektivnosti] // Management and economy in XXI century [Upravlenie i ekonomika v XXI veke], #1, s. 47-52 [in Russian] Karpova S.V., Klimova P.A. (2017). Building of success brands by neuromarketing and informational design [Postroenie uspeshnogo brenda na osnove printsipov neyromarketinga i informaionnogo dizayna] // Economy, business, banks [Ekonomika, biznes, banki], s. 9-17 [in Russian] Kotlyarov I. D. (2010). Loyalty and recurring purchases [Loyalnost i povtoryayuschiesya pokupki] // Marketing and marketing researchers [Marketing i marketingovyie issledovaniya] # 6, S. 480-486. [in Russian] Kotlyarov I. D. (2011a) – Models of clients behavior: a new approach [Modeli povedeniya potrebiteley: novyiy podhod] // Modern economy: problems and solutions [Sovremennaya ekonomika: problemyi i resheniya], # 4, S. 71-82. [in Russian] Kotlyarov I. D. (2011b) – Types of business in virtual space: new classification. [Formyi vedeniya predprinimatelskoy deyatelnosti v virtualnom prostranstve: popyitka klassifikatsii] // Economic science in modern Russia [Ekonomicheskaya nauka sovremennoy Rossii], # 2, S. 89-100. [in Russian] Kotlyarov I. D. (2013a). Ecosystem; new types of company’s relations with employees, clients and society [Ekosistema: novyie sposobyi vzaimodeystviya kompanii s rabotnikami, klientami i shirokoy publikoy] // Newspaper of NGUEU [Vestnik NGUEU], # 4, S. 54-68. [in Russian] Kotlyarov I. D. (2013b). Servise or manipulation: relationships between e-commerce companies and clients [Usluga ili manipulirovanie: vzaimodeystvie internet-magazinov s potrebitelyami] // Internet-marketing [Internet-marketing], # 6, S. 358-364. [in Russian] Lee JungKook, Xinran Lehto (2010) – E-personalization and online privacy features: the case with travel websites // Journal of Management and Marketing Research, V. 4. Lisafeva D. V., Nizhegorodtsev R. M., Sekerin V. D. (2012). Difference between loyalty, satisfaction and partisanship [Otlichie loyalnosti potrebiteley ot udovletvorennosti i priverzhennosti] // Newspaper of Caucasian nations friendship University. Theory of economy and management in national economy. [Vestnik Instituta druzhbyi narodov Kavkaza. Teoriya ekonomiki i upravleniya narodnyim hozyaystvom], # 22, S. 41-46. [in Russian] National standart of ergonomic in office job with videodisplay terminals: instruction from 25.11.2010 [Natsionalnyiy standart RF GOST R ISO 9241-11-2010 “Ergonomicheskie trebovaniya k provedeniyu ofisnyih rabot s ispolzovaniem videodispleynyih terminalov (VDT). Chast 11. Rukovodstvo po obespecheniyu prigodnosti ispolzovaniya” (utv. prikazom Federalnogo agentstva po tehnicheskomu regulirovaniyu i metrologii ot 25 noyabrya 2010 g. N 525-st)] // Garant system [Sistema GARANT] 04.07.2017 [in Russian] Nunes P.F., Kambil A (2001) – Personalization? No Thanks // Harvard Business Review, V. 79, Issue 4, P. 32-34. TOP-100 e-commerce projects in Russia in 2015 [Reyting TOP-100 internet magazinov Rossii za 2015 god] // Ruward system [Ruward] 04.07.2017 [in Russian] TOP-100 e-commerce projects in Russia in 2013 [TOP-100 krupneyshih prodavtsov Runeta za 2013 god] // Kommersant ID [Kommesant] 04.07.2017 [in Russian] Vasin, Lavrentev, Samsonov (2007) – Vasin Y.V., Lavrentev L.G., Samsonov A.V. How companies can find and keep clients: effective loyalty programs [Effektivnyie programmyi loyalnosti. Kak privlech i uderzhat klientov], Moscow, Alpina Publisher [in Russian] Oliver E. Williamson (1996) – The economic institutes of capitalism. [Ekonomicheskie institutyi kapitalizma: Firmyi, ryinki, «otnoshencheskaya» kontraktatsiya]// SPb.: Lenizdat; CEV Press, 702s. [in Russian] |
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Sofia P. KartoziaPostgraduate of the Department of Accounting, Analysis and Audit, Finance University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow (Email: |
Methodological basis for implementation of obligations audit check in media holdingsAbstract. Subject/Topic The reasons for the necessity of obligations audit check in media holdings Goals/Objectives The purpose and tasks of audit of obligations is to confirm the validity of accounts receivable and payable indicators, the timeliness of its repayment, the correctness of registration of contractual relations, document circulation, organization of accounting of settlements with external and internal counterparties, including related parties, the reasonableness of creating bad debt reserves. The specifics of organization of external inquiries for the verification of obligations of media companies is the fact, that interaction with end-customers is carried out through the conclusion of agency contracts. Methodology The methodological basis of this article are the scientific works of domestic and foreign experts in audit. In the process of research, the following methods were used: modeling, abstraction, systematization techniques, generalization of theoretical aspects and practical recommendations for the development of audit checks. Conclusions and Relevance Auditing of obligations in media holdings is an independent type of economic control. The significance of the revealed methodological aspects and methodological recommendations for the development of audit in media holdings were defined. The procedures should be aimed at ensuring the correctness of the data (prerequisites) for the preparation of financial statements with respect to audit-relevant sections of the financial statements with the risk of material error. Keywords: audit, audit of liabilities in media holdings, audit of financial statements References: Alborov R.A., Kontsevaya S.M., Kozmenkova S.V. (2016)- Alborov R.A., Kontsevaya S.M., Kozmenkova S.V. Problems of development of, method and methodology of audit [Problemyi razvitiya metodologii, metoda i metodiki audita]// Informational and analytical portal, (Electronic resource) “Entrepreneurship and Law” publication [Informatsionno – analiticheskiy portal, (Elektronnyiy resurs) «Predprinimatelstvo i Pravo»] date 09.03.2016. Bulyga R.P. (2015)- Bulyga R.P. Audit: a textbook for students of higher professional education. // Ed. R.P. Bulyga; Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation. [Audit: uchebnik dlya studentov vyisshego professionalnogo obrazovaniya.] M .: UNITY-DANA, M.: [YuNITI-DANA],2015. – 431 p. Bychkov M.F., Kontsevaya S.M. (2014)-Bychkov M.F., Kontsevaya S.M. Methodological bases for the maintenance of quality of the accounting information [Metodologicheskie osnovyi obespecheniya kachestva uchetnoy informatsii] Herald of professional accountants. [Vestnik professionalnyih buhgalterov] 2014. N 3. P. 40 – 42. Kotlyachkov O.V. (2013) -Kotlyachkov O.V. Criteria and assessment indicators in the audit of effectiveness of investment funds [Kriterii i otsenochnyie pokazateli v audite effektivnosti ispolzovaniya investitsionnyih sredstv] Herald of professional accountants [Vestnik professionalnyih buhgalterov] 2013. N 4. P. 39 – 48. Kozmenkova S.V. (2012) -Kozmenkova S.V. Specification of audit planning taking into account the features of audit objects [Konkretizatsiya planirovaniya proverki s uchetom osobennostey ob’ektov audita] International accounting. [Mezhdunarodnyiy buhgalterskiy uchet]2012. N 45. P. 42 – 48. Pospelkov I.S. (2011) –Pospelkov I.S. Basics of Audit: Textbook [Osnovyi audita: Uchebnoe posobie] Tyumen. Pub.TyumSU [Tyumen. Izd.TyumGu], 2011-292p. Parushina, N.V. (2013) -Parushina, N.V. Audit: the basis of audit, technology and methodology for auditing: Textbook. allowance for students of faculty “Accounting, Analysis and Audit”, “Finance and Credit”, “Taxes and Taxation” [Audit: osnovyi audita, tehnologiya i metodika provedeniya auditorskih proverok] / NV Parushina, EA Kyshtymova. – 2 nd ed., Pererab. and additional. – Moscow: Forum: INFRA-M, [M.: Forum: INFRA-M] 2013. – 560 p. Sannikova, M.O. (2015) Sannikova, M.O. Basics of audit: tutorial for students of higher educational institutions [Osnovyi audita: uchebnik dlya studentov vyisshih uchebnyih zavedeniy], / MO Sannikova. – Saratov, Letter: [Saratov, Bukva ]2015. – 301 p. Savin AA, Savin DA Savin IA (2015) Savin A.A.Savin D.A. Savin IA Audit for masters. The theory of audit. [Audit dlya magistrov. Teoriya audita ]Textbook-M .: University textbook: INFRA-M, [M.: Vuzovskiy uchebnik], INFRA-M,2015. – 272 p. American Institute of Certified Public Accountants: Codification of Statements on Auditing Standards. N 1-64. American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, 1991. Audit activity [Aud itorskaya deyatelnost ]// The official site of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation. URL: [Ofitsialnyiy sayt Minfina Rossiyskoy Federatsii] (circulation date 01.09.2017). |
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