Economy Business Banks №1(18)




Nadezhda N. Semenova

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, head of the Department of Finance and Credit, National Research Mordovia State University, Saransk (E-mail:

Modernization of credit mechanism of agricultural sector in the conditions of stimulation of import substitution


Subject / Topic Import substitution is an important strategic direction of modern agricultural policy in Russia. The article is devoted to the study of existing credit mechanism in agriculture in the context of stimulation of import substitution.

Goals / Objectives The purpose of the study is to assess the current financial and credit mechanism in agriculture together with the development of proposals for its improvement in the context of stimulation of import substitution.

Methodology In this study a systematic approach and scientific methods of cognition (induction and deduction, analysis and synthesis) were applied.

Conclusions and Relevance  On the basis of the study the conclusion was made, that the solution of the problem of import substitution in agriculture requires the upgrade of existing financial credit mechanism. This upgrade should be realized by strengthening of its stimulating function through the development of preferential crediting and implementation of target investment incentives for the producers of domestic products, compatitive to foreign analogues, purchase and implementation of new technologies, budget support to enterprises, engaged in the processing and sale of products manufactured from domestic raw materials, and improvement of agricultural insurance.

Keywords: financial credit mechanism, import substitution, budget subsidies, loans, taxation, agricultural insurance

JEL: O13, Q18


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Larisa A. Aguzarova

Doctor of economic Sciences, Professor, head of the Department of «Accounting and taxation», North Ossetian State University. K.L.Hetagurova, Vladikavkaz (E-mail:

Marina K. Tsaloeva

Candidate of Science (Economy), Associate Professor, North Ossetian State University .K.L.Hetagurova, Faculty of Economics, Department of « Accounting and taxation», Vladikavkaz (

Innovative development and innovation potential of particular countries


Subject / Topic The subject of the study is the analysis of the innovative development and innovation potential of particalar countries. The authors have examined the innovative development of such countries as the US, Israel, South Korea, Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan, India.

Goals / Objectives To study the innovative potential of various countries in order to identify the factors of economic growth and competitiveness. All countries are completely different and unlike each other, therefore their development is also different.

Methodology The methodology of the study consists of the identification of the characteristics of the countries in the field of innovation activity. Innovation activity is one of the main factors of economic growth, contributing to the improvement and strengthening of competitiveness.

Conclusions and Relevance Innovative development and innovative potential in each country is of great importance. In the US innovative development has begun with the introduction of measures in the sectors of energy, communications, transport, mechanical engineering. In Israel, the innovative development was characterized by the reorientation of the research sphere, the development of innovative products for other countries, the development of research projects and grants. In other countries the economic growth was based on the launch of high-tech products by research centers with the help of significant government support. Among the analyzed countries, the US were recognized as the most advanced in the area of innovation development.

Keywords: innovative development, innovation potential, economic growth.



  1. Aguzarova (2012) Aguzarova L.A. Monitoring of the conditions of reproduction of the social and labor potential as a tool for the modernization of the regional economy [Monitoring uslovij vosproizvodstva social’no-trudovogo potenciala kak instrument modernizacii ehkonomiki regiona], Terra Economicus [Terra Economicus] 2012 T. 10. # 3-2. Pp. 133-136 [in Russian]
  2. Aguzarova, Aguzarova (2015) Aguzarova L.A., Aguzarova F.S. Priorities and trends in the industrial policy of the Russian Federation [Prioritety i tendencii promyshlennoj politiki Rossijskoj Federacii], Economy and Entrepreneurship [EHkonomika i predprinimatel’stvo] 2015 # 8-1 (61-1). Pp. 399-402. [in Russian]
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  4. Kallagov, Chshieva, Lolaeva (2014) Kallagov B.R., Chshieva Z.G., Lolaeva B.H. Key theoretical aspects of the implementation of effective investment policy in the industry [Klyuchevye teoreticheskie aspekty realizacii ehffektivnoj investicionnoj politiki v promyshlennosti], Economy and Entrepreneurship [EHkonomika i predprinimatel’stvo] 2014 # 12 (part 3). Pp. 422-426. [in Russian]
  5. Tadtaev (2006) Tadtaeva V.V. Changes in the financing mechanism of the educational system by the criteria of effectiveness and appropriateness [Izmeneniya mekhanizma finansirovaniya sistemy obrazovaniya po kriteriyam ehffektivnosti i celesoobraznosti], Terra Economicus [Terra Economicus] 2006 T. 4. # 4-2. Pp. 278-280. [in Russian]
  6. Tokayeva, Aguzarova (2013) Tokayeva S.K., Aguzarova F.S. Theoretical and methodological approaches to the assessment of tax potential, Terra Economicus [Terra Economicus] 2013 T. 11. # 3-3. Pp. 10-13. [in Russian]
  7. Information-analytical materials “US National Innovation System: the history of formation, political practice, strategy of development,” Yu – Nizhny Novgorod [Informacionno-analiticheskie materialy «Nacional’naya innovacionnaya sistema SSHA: istoriya formirovaniya, politicheskaya praktika, strategiya razvitiya»yu – Nizhnij Novgorod] 2011.
  8. Internet portal Association of “Advanced Technology,” “economic tigers and their miracle-innovations” [Internet-portal Associaciya «Peredovye Tekhnologii» «EHkonomicheskie tigry i ih chudo-innovacii»].
  9. Aguzarova 2014 – Aguzarova L.A. Conceptual approaches to the management of social and labor potential reproduction of the region // La Pensee (Paris). 2014. Т. 76. # 10. С. 2-12. [in Paris]



Pavel V. Trifonov

Ph.D. in economics, Associate Professor, Management Department At Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation (E-mail:

Analysis of industry trends of Russian economy in comparison with the base principles of sustainable development of the OECD


Subject / Topic The article examines the problems of industry development of the Russian economy for the period 2011-2015. The factors affecting the containment of growth of the national economy sectors are analyzed. The imbalance in the industrial development of economy is revealed.

Goals / Objectives To generate the optimum Russian industrial structure according to the standards of the advanced experience of OECD.

Methodology On the basis of statistical information of Russian Statistic Service, the OECD and the World Bank, an industry analysis of the Russian economy and economies of developed countries was performed. Factor analysis of the growth of each of the economies was carried out.

Conclusions and Relevance Current structure of Russian economy is not fully ensures sustainable economic growth, as in the sectors that dominate in production structure, the downward trend in the rates of development is observed.

Keywords: Industry Analysis, manufacturing industry, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, gross value added, industry complex.



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Gennady G. Ivanov

Doctor of science (Economy ), Professor, Head of the Chair of Trade Policy, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow (E-mail:

Elena A. Mayorova

Senior lecturer of the Chair of Trade Policy, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow (E-mail:

Alexander F. Nikishin

Candidate of science, Associate professor of the Chair of Trade Policy, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow (E-mail:

Rating of Russian regions based on the social efficiency indicator of trade



Subject / Topic Due to the high social importance of the trading industry, as well as to its uneven development in the subjects of the Russian Federation, the article deals with the analysis and evaluation of the regional differences in the level of social efficiency of trade.

Goals / Objectives The objective of this article is to build the rating of Russian regions based on the integral indicator of social efficiency of trade.

Methodology Integral indicator used in the construction of a rating, in accordance with the proposed method, is calculated basing on seven indicators, which characterize social efficiency of trade for customers, population engaged in the sector of trade, and the state.

Conclusions and Relevance Results of rating have shown, that currently there are no regions in Russia with high and low levels of social efficiency of trade.  The majority of the subjects (65.1%) are of the average level, 22.9% of subjects are of above the average level, and 12% of subjects are of below the average level. The value of the integral indicator is distributed rather evenly across regions from 0.25 in the Chukotka Autonomous District to 0.75 in Moscow. In general, the highest level of social efficiency of trade is typical for the Central Federal District, the lowest – for the subjects of the Far Eastern Federal District.

Key words: trade, trade enterprise, trade efficiency, social efficiency, region, rating.



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Lyudmila M. Kupriyanova

PhD in Economic Sciences, Associate professor, Deputy Head of the Department of Economics of Intellectual Property, Associate professor of the Department of Accounting, Analysis and Audit, Fi-nancial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow (E-mail:

Actual problems of commercialization of high technology


Subject/ Topic The growth and stability of the country’s leading enterprises depend on the efficiency of their use of advanced technology and resources. The majority of implemented new scientific inventions are the objects of intellectual property (IP). Commercialization of high technologies is the process of movement of innovative products from the creators to the consumers.

Goals / Objectives Investigation of the ways of transformation of intellectual property object into a commodity and its implementation in the production process in order to obtain commercial results; systems of monitoring and evaluation of introduced results of intellectual activity (RIA) in industrial environment  of innovation activity as an obligatory commercial use of high technology.

Methodology Analysis of practice of high technologies commercialization and active implementation of technological capital of enterprise, as a component of intellectual capital; method of commercialization of products of innovation activity as its use, bringing the company maximum profit and sustainable position in the market.

Conclusion and Relevance The main problems of management and commercialization of RIA and methods of effective management of intellectual property transfer were defined. Innovatively active companies focus not only on the achievements in the sphere of production, but also on icreasing of innovative capital. Increase of efficiency of domestic companies activity under the current market conditions directly depends on the company’s strategy of the development through the implementation of innovative reforms, constant updating of the range of products and services, the introduction of new technological processes. A perspective direction is the creation and active promotion of high technologies to the market.

Keywords: commercialization, high technologies, transfer, innovation, investment, intellectual property, intellectual capital, profit, profitability, franchising, leasing, engineering, industrial cooperation, expertise

JEL: 033, 034


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Aleksey V. Komarov

Candidate of Sciences (Pedagogics), associate professor of the Economic Theory Department, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow (e-mail:

Anna A. Pereverzeva

Student of magistracy Credit-economic faculty, Program: «Financial economics and monetary regulation», Faculty of Lending and Economics at Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow (e-mail:

Banking system of modern Russia: challenges and realities


Subject  / Topic  This article focuses on the сurrent status of the Russian banking sector.

Goals / Objectives The purpose of the study is to determine the characteristics of functioning of the Russian banking system in the context of the “new reality.”To achieve this purpose the following tasks have been set: to determine the content of problems of functioning of the Russian banking system in the modern world; to consider the definition of the current situation in the banking sector as a crisis; to research the statistics on the Russian credit institutions and to identify trends, especially monetary policy in Russia; to analyze the impact of sanctions on the banking sector in Russia in 2014-2016;to make a conclusion on the effectiveness of the banking system during the crisis, to suggest solutions.

Methodology The methodological basis are the statistical bulletins issued by the Bank of Russia.

Conclusions and Relevance The work has studied the most significant banking crises, which are differentiated by years and countries; it has  compiled and analyzed in detail the statistics on Russian banking sector (the dynamics of change in the number of commercial banks, the volume of of individuals’ deposits attracted by credit organizations, the key financial indicators of the banking sector in the implementation of various development scenarios); considered the effect of sanctions on the Russian banking sector. As a conclusion of this research, the prospects of development of Russian banking system and the ability to overcome sanctions and exit from the crisis were defined.

Keywords: banking, banking crises, commercial banks, deposits, penalties.



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Elena A. Tarkhanova

PhD in economic sciences, Associated Professor, Associate Professor of Department of the “Finance, monetary circulation and credit” of the University of Tyumen, Tyumen (E-mail:

Dmitry M. Kovelin

Graduate student of 2 course, master’s program “Banks and banking activity” of the University of Tyumen, Tyumen (

The development of banking market of consumer credits in Russia: assessment, challenges and prospects


Subject / Topic Due to the negative situation recently taking place in the Russian economy, the problem of development of the market of bank consumer crediting  is very actual as one of the most important factors of ensuring the effective demand of the population.

Goals / Objectives The purpose of this article is to define the vector of the current development and perspectives of the banking consumer credit market, based on the analysis of the dynamics of the main indicators of its operation, as well as on the identification of the main factors determining the specifics of this stage of transformation of credit market conditions.

Methodology In the process of writing of this work such methods of economic research as a systematic approach to the study of the object of research, as well as a graphical method allowing to illustrate the processes taking place in the consumer crediting market were used. On the basis of the scientific approach, an actual information on the topic of the study was analysed, using comparison methods, compilation, method of economic and statistical processing of information. Current problems affecting the functioning of the market of bank crediting of population were also analysed, and the hypothesis about the future prospects of its development were presented.

Conclusions and Relevance As the result of the study, the conclusion was made about the recovery of market of bank crediting of population in the first half of 2016. However, the vector of the main statistical indicators of this market can not be explicitly determined, since it depends on many factors, including factors of foreign policy, which have a significant impact on the economy of the country.

Keywords: commercial banks, rating, credit markets, market of bank crediting of the population, arrears.



  1. Tarkhanova (2016) – Tarkhanova E.A. Banking [Bankovskoe delo], Tyumen: TSU Publishing. [Tyumen: Izdatelstvo TyumGU] 2015. 304 p. [in Russian]
  2. Sobchenko, Skrebtsova (2015) – Sobchenko N.V., Skrebtsova T.V. An analysis of the dynamics of lending and arrears of the leading Russian banks [Analiz dinamiki kreditnyih operatsiy i prosrochennoy zadolzhennosti veduschih rossiyskih bankov], Economy. Business. Banks. [Ekonomika. Biznes. Banki] 2015#2.p.59-64 [in Russian]
  3. Lavrushin (2012) – Lavrushin O.I. The role of credit and modernization of banks in lending [Rol kredita i modernizatsiya deyatelnosti bankov v sfere kreditovaniya], Moscow: KNORUS [Moskva: KNORUS] 2012.272 p. [in Russian]
  4. Tarkhanova, Sitnic (2014) – Tarhanova E.A., Sitnic M.M. The modern market of bank crediting of the population of Russia: problems and prospects [Sovremennyiy ryinok bankovskogo kreditovaniya naseleniya RF: problemyi i perspektivyi] WIRTSCHHAFT UND MANAGEMENT: THEORIE UND PRAXIS Der wissenschaftliche Redakteur S.I. Drobjasko [WIRTSCHHAFT UND MANAGEMENT: THEORIE UND PRAXIS Der wissenschaftliche Redakteur S.I. Drobjasko] 2014.p.111-114 [in Deutschland]
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Igor E. Shveykin

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Senior Lecturer, Department of Banking, Money and Credit, Saratov Social and Economic Institute (branch) REU them. G.V. Plekhanov, Saratov

Galina G. Korobova

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Department of Banking, Money and Credit, Saratov Social and Economic Institute (branch) REU them. G.V. Plekhanov, Saratov

Features of income and risks in investment activities of commercial banks


Subjec / Topic The work studies the economic essence of the concept of “banking investment and consulting service”, allocates income and risks in the investment activity of commercial banks.

Goals / Objectives The goal of this work is a detailed examination of the structure of income and risks in the investment activity of commercial banks. For this purpose, different types of bank investment services were isolated and described, for one of which the author’s interpretation was provided.

Methodology In the work the methods of analysis and synthesis, comparison method, system analysis, a sample survey were used.

Conclusions and Relevance The features of income and risks in the investment activity of commercial banks were studied. The structure of earnings in investment activity of commercial banks was distinguished, consisting of credit profits (land loans and mortgage credits, investment long-term credits, project financing, construction credits, productive credits, trade (bill of exchange) credits, credit on acquisition of securities); trust profits (property management by proxy etc.); profits from consultative services (consultations on markets and investments, and also recommendations on investing, presentation of analyst reports, service of experts, estimation of profitableness of investments etc.); profits from securities issuing (operations on issuing of securities, operations on a purchase and sale of securities, crediting against the pledge of purchased securities). A new concept is introduced: bank investment-consultative service. Direct connection between profits and risks in investment activity of commercial banks is determined.

Keywords: investments, commercial bank, income, risks, investment activity, bank service, bank investment-consultative service.


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  2. Kopchenko, Ilyina (2016) – Kopchenko Y.E., Ilina L.V. Bank lending Infrastructure [Infrastruktura bankovskogo kreditovaniay], Almanac of world science [Almanah mirovoy nauki] 2016 #3-3(6). p. 29-32 [in Russian]
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Albina N. Rasskazova

Ph.D., Associate Professor, , Department of Finance, National Research University “Higher School of Economics”, Russia, St. Petersburg (E-mail:

Evaluation of the effectiveness of corporate training in the Bank


Subject / Topic  All works on corporate training contain the description of evaluation methods of learning efficiency of the personnel. Together with this, the lack of a formalistic approach to reflection of cost-efficiency of corporate training in productivity of the bank as a whole causes a subject of this work.

Goals / Objectives The purpose of this article is to offer methodology of creation of ROI model for formalization of process of assessment of profitability of investments into corporate training of personnel. The main priority in the development of corporate training, which consists of accounting of interrelation of bank shareholder value with personal efficiency of the employee, is for this purpose determined. The purposes of corporate training relating to development of capabilities, strengthening the skills of heads and increase of loyalty of bank personnel are analyzed. The ROI model is developed.

Methodology The methodology of creation of ROI model includes five stages and assumes calculation of absolute and relative (ROI) value of aggregate economic effect of training of one employee. For the purpose of confirmation of adequacy of work of ROI model, the numerical example is considered and analyzed.

Conclusions and Relevance By results of numerical research of ROI model, its use as a gage of efficiency of corporate training, which provides coordination between personal efficiency of the employee and efficiency of divisions of bank, for the purpose of forming of bank shareholder value is offered.

Keywords: shareholder value, personal effectiveness, valuation methods, numerical study, contribution to value creation, ROI model, training purposes



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Alexey A. Tarasov

Ph.D. in Economics, Management Department, Institute of Business and Administration, Russian Academy of National Econo-my and Public Administration, Moscow (E-mail:

The syndications process in the loan market


Subject / Topic This work is dedicated to an overview of the syndications process in the loan market. The loan capital market is one of the main financing sources for Russian corporations. One of the key instruments of the loan market is the syndicated loan. During the arrangement of the syndicated loan funds are raised via a syndication process from a wide investor base.

Goals / Objectives The major steps of the syndications process are described and analyzed, including: preparation, informing investors about the deal, forming the syndicate, signing of the legal documents, disbursement of the funds.

Methodology The main stages of forming the syndicate of investors are considered, as well as the functions and roles of banks during the syndications process, marketing and legal documents. The functions of the participants and the timeline of the syndications process are summarized.

Conclusions and Relevance The key criteria of a successful deal is the achievement of the planned aims of syndication in the envisaged timeline.

Keywords: Syndicated loans, syndication process, investors, corporate finance, loan market.



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Lyudmila M.Kupriyanova

PhD in Economic Sciences, Associate professor, Deputy Head of the Department of Economics of Intellectual Property, Associate professor of the Department of Accounting, Analysis and Audit at Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow (E-mail:

Anastasia G. Basova

faculty of International Economic Relations at Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow (E-mail:

The development of the Eurasian and national markets of intellectual property


Subject / Topic An innovative way of development today is a guarantee for sustainable economic growth of the country. If the state is going to implement modern technologies in the economy, to create the production with high added value, it will increase its competitiveness among the national and global economies, goods and services will move to the foreign markets.

Methodology Statistic analyzis. The globalization of markets, development of the “knowledge economy” creates favorable conditions for the transformation of the innovation sector in the key factor in the development of market economies. The major tasks of the EEA is the modernization of national economies and the intensification of integrative cooperation.

Conclusions and Relevance The emergence of a new field – relationships of intellectual property, will allow to effect production and exchange knowledge on an international level. As a result of this cooperation, it will be possible to observe the long-term economic development of not only those countries, which have innovative potential, but also those countries, which can effectively adopt and use  innovations. NIS and long-term strategy are the main components of the control mechanism and the development of innovative potential of the country.

Conclusions and Relevance For the purpose of effective implementation of innovation strategy the following mechanisms are required: the development of human capital in the fields of science, education and technology; the improvement of adaptability of population to innovative technologies; Russia’s integration in the global markets and global processes of creation of innovative products; the establishment of effective and attractive incentives for the influx of skilled workers.

Keywords: Innovation, intellectual property, competitiveness, the agreement on the Eurasian Economic Union, international cooperation, intellectual property market.

JEL: О34



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Natalia E. Sokolinskaya

Candidate of economic Sciences, Professor, Professor of Department of Financial markets and banks at Financial University under the Government of Russian Federation, Moscow (E-mail:

Problems and solutions in implementation of practice-oriented tasks during the study of special subjects


Subject / Topic The article discusses the problem of the use of practice-oriented tasks and forming of the subject competency of students within the course”Banking”.

Goals / Objectives To demonstrate experience of the development, implementation and evaluation of practice-based assignment on the topic:”Analysis of loan portfolio”.

Methodology As the methodological tools were used: General scientific methods of cognition, analysis, synthesis, comparison, economic methods of groups, classifications, methods of system analysis, in particular, comparative analysis, classification, grouping, graphical method, methods of financial analysis, economic and statistical methods of processing of digital data, mathematical formulas for calculation of financial indicators of loan portfolio quality, the mathematical methods, used in the assessment of credit risks at crediting, methods of data processing by means of electronic tables in Microsoft Excel 2013.

Conclusions and Relevance Implementation of practice-oriented tasks creates conditions for working out of students’ competence, ensurimg the success of their future professional activity, develops the skills of organization and implementation of analytical and research work, which will enable them to participate in student research activities, and consequently may be useful in professional activity. It also allows to monitor the comprehension of the course and the knowledge of the relevant regulations of the Central Bank of Russia.

Key words: practice-oriented tasks, subject competence, analysis of the loan portfolio, evaluation of competence.



1. Report on the development of the banking sector and banking supervision in 2015 [Otchet o razvitii bankovskogo sektora i bankovskogo nadzora v 2015g]

2. Rozina, Zuev (2014) – Rosina N.M., Zuev V.M. The quality of education of higher education graduates: theoretical and methodological aspects [Kachestvo podgotovki vyipusknikov vuzov: teoretiko-metodologicheskie aspektyi] Humanitarian sciences. The Bulletin of the Financial University, [Gumanitarnyie nauki: Vestnik Finansovogo universiteta]. 2014, N 6, pp. 5-24

3. Actual program of the course, subject “Banking” [Rabochaya programma bakalavriata «Bankovskoe delo»] Financial University [Finuniversitet], 2015g.

4. Banking: a Textbook for students, program “Economics” [Bankovskoe delo: Uchebnik dlya stud., obuchayuschihsya po programme «Ekonomika»] Financial University [Finuniversitet], under the editorship of O.I. Lavrushin [pod red.O.I. Lavrushina] – M: KnoRus. [Knorus], 2015, s.300.

5. The Central Bank of the Russian Federation, March 26, 2004 N 254-P “Regulations on the procedure of formation of reserves for possible losses on loans, loan and similar debt by credit organizations “.

6. Sokolinskaya (2016) – Sokolinskaya N. Uh. Topical issues of special subjects teaching. [Aktualnyie voprosyi prepodavaniya spetsialnyih distsiplin.  Mezhdunarodnyiy nauchnyiy zhurnal] Economy. Business. Banks. [Ekonomika. Biznes. Banki] 2016. N 3 p. 127-135

7. The instruction of Bank of Russia from 03.12.2012 N. 139-I (ed. by 29.06.2016)”On required normatives of banks”(Registered in Ministry of justice of Russia 13.12.2012 No. 26104) [Instruktsiya Banka Rossii] ot 03.12.2012 N 139-I (red. ot 29.06.2016)[“Ob obyazatelnyih normativah bankov]” (Zaregistrirovano v Minyuste Rossii 13.12.2012 N 26104)

8. The Regulation of the Bank of Russia dated 30.04.2008 N 2005-U (ed. by 09.03.2016) “On assessment of economic status of banks” (Registered in Ministry of justice of Russia 26.05.2008 N 11755) [Ukazanie Banka Rossii] ot 30.04.2008 N 2005-U (red. ot 09.03.2016) [“Ob otsenke ekonomicheskogo polozheniya bankov”] (Zaregistrirovano v Minyuste Rossii 26.05.2008 N 11755)



Larisa S.Aleksandrova

Candidate of economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Financial markets and banks at Financial University Under the Government of Russian Federation, Moscow (E-mail:

Role of lectures in modern educational prosess


Subject / Topic The article discusses modern approach to the work of the teacher in the student auditorium, features of modern student audience, interactive methods in the learning process.

Goals / Objectives To show an increasing role of lecture as a form of work with students

Methodology As the methodological tools were used methods of general scientific knowledge, analysis, synthesis, comparison, economic-statistical methods of digital material processing.

Results The analysis of the current state of student environment was performed. The impact of the new technologies on the students’ attitude to the educational process was shown. The main directions of development of the lecture as the main form of teacher’s work with the students were defined. Interactive teaching methods in the study of discipline “Money, credit, banks” were proposed.

Conclusions and Relevance Historical and cultural changes of the recent years have shown an increase of intensity of information flows and creation of a specific communication environment. Acceleration of the temp of society development, and the need to prepare people for life in a rapidly changing social environment require the development of forms and methods of training in modern high school. Currently, large volumes of information, the development of communication techniques affect a person’s ability to concentrate, significantly reducing it. To attract or shift attention, stimulate thinking process of students in classes, interactive elements should be used during lectures. Interactive lecture is a kind of learning activity, in which elements of traditional lectures are combined with elements of interaction between students and lecturers or students among themselves.

Key words:  lecture, interactive teaching methods, practice-oriented tasks, reasoning, logic.


  1. Lavrushin (2016) – Lavrushin O.I. Money, credit, banks: the textbook  [Den’gi, kredit, banki: uchebnik] – M.: KNORUS, 2016.  (Undergraduate). [in Russian]
  2. Abramova, Markina (2016) – Abramova M.A., Markina E.V. Monetary and Financial System: the textbook [Denezhno-kreditnaya i finansovaya sistemy: uchebnik] – M.: KNORUS 2016. [in Russian]
  3.  Abramova, Aleksandrova (2015) – Abramova M.A., Aleksandrova L.S. Money, credit, banks. Monetary market: tutorial and workshop. [Den’gi, kredit, banki. Denezhno-kreditnyj rynok: uchebnik i praktikum] – M.: Yrait, 2015.   [in Russian]
  4. Abramova (2014) –  Abramova M.A. Improvement of the legal and economic basis of money. Monograph. [Sovershenstvovanie pravovyh i ehkonomicheskih osnov deneg. Monografiya] – M.: Rim University, 2014. [in Russian]
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  7. Burakov (2016) – Burakov D. Oil prices, exchange rate and prices for agricultural commodities empyreal evidence from Russia/ – Agris on-line papers in economics and informatics. 2016, №2, 33-47. [ in Czech Republic]
  8. Tolstobrova, Yakimova – Tolstobrova N.A. Yakimova M.O. The geopolitical factors in the stage of Russian money circulation. [Vliyanie geopoliticheskih faktorov na stadii rossijskogo denezhnogo oborota]- // Actual problems of modern science. [Aktual’nye voprosy sovremennoj nauki] 2015, №2.7. [in Russian]
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Victor N. Sokolov

Postgraduate Student of Department for Economic Theory, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow

The institutional essence of the personal factor of production as an economic category of manufactering method


Subject / Topic The concept of human capital has emerged in 1970s of XX century, however, the personal factor of production always existed in economics as an alternative to this concept; it was elaborated by the followers of classical political economics. When the concept of human capital appeared, it met all claims of scientific knowledge of that time. Nowadays there are many statements of this theory, which do not correspond to reality.

Goals / Objectives This work sets the goal to underline distinct features of personal factor of production in the modern economic theory.

Methodoloy This research reveals results of retrospective analysis of economic terms “capital” and “labour” and brings them into proper correlation. The analysis includes period of time from classical economic school to neoclassical and also representors of Marxism.

Conclusions and Relevance It is impossible to make equality between the capital and labour due to the fact, the labour is connected with a person, and the capital characterizes the inanimate world. The results of work can not be fully transferred to someone instead of the capital.

Keywords: Marxism, human capital, work, personal factor of production, economic diversification.

JEL: J24


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