Berdyshev A.V.

PhD, Associate Professor, Financial Markets and Banks Department, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow (Е-mail:

Some features of Russian banking system and directions of its development


Importance In the work determined by the characteristics and directions of development of the modern banking system as a necessary condition of ensuring the Russian economy’s investment resources.

Objectives The aim is to identify the peculiarities of the Russian banking system at the present stage and to definition of perspective of its development.

Methods In the paper common scientific methods of analysis and synthesis, inductive and deductive defines the features and prospects of development of the Russian banking system.

Results On the basis of identifying characteristics such as high concentration and centralization of the banking sector, a significant share of the state banks, as well as a small contribution to GDP of the banks, determines directions of development of the Russian banking system to strengthen its investment potential.

Conclusions and Relevance The study determined that more market consolidation should contribute to increased competition in the banking sector, reduce the share of state banks and increasing the investment potential of a group of 20-30 of the largest banks in terms of differentiated approach to the supervision of credit institutions will contribute to the strengthening of the role of the banking system in the development of the Russian economy.

Keywords: banking system, real economy, state-owned banks, systematically important banks, investments.



  1. Lavrushin, Valenceva, Larionova (2016) – Lavrushin O.I., Valenceva N.I., Larionova I.V. Banking system in modern economy : textbook / under the editorship of Professor O.I. Lavrushina. — 2nd ed. erased. — Moscow: KNORUS [Bankovskaya sistema v sovremennoi ekonomike : uchebnoe posobie / pod red. prof. O.I. Lavrushina. — 2-e izd., ster. — Moskva: KNORUS] 2016 Рр. 8 [in Russian]
  2. Berdyshev (2015) – Berdyshev A.V. Regional banks: is there a future? [Regionalnyie banki: est li buduschee?], Modern Humanities research [Sovremennyie gumanitarnyie issledovaniya] 2015 # 5 (75). Рр. 37-38 [in Russian]
  3. Aleksandrova L.S. Features of Russian banking structures [Osobennosti struktury bankovskogo sektora Rossii]. Topical issues of Education and Science: Proceedings on the materials of the International scientific-practical conference = Aktual’nye voprosy obrazovaniya i nauki: sbornik nauchnykh trudov po materialam Mezhdunarodnoi nauchno-prakticheskoi konferentsiyu. Tambov: Ucom, 2014, pp. 13 – 18.


Margeneva A. U.

3rd year student of Risk analysis and economic security department of Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow (Е-mail:

Russian banking system in conditions of instability


Importance The problems which encountered in recent years in the Russian banking sector continues to exist until now, require in-depth analysis and highlight their causes, in order to avoid the recurrence of similar adverse changes in the future. They set up in way insurmountable barriers for individuals and for the corporate sector, worsening general economic situation in the country.

Subject The article highlights the problems of a liquidity crisis; loan defaults, which focuses on mortgage lending, as the subject that has suffered the most damage in view of the crisis changes in the domestic economy; low demand in the economy and in accordance with the selected problematic issues are indicated to improve the prospects of the banking sector in Russia.

Objectives To analyze the existing volume of debt on loans to determine the scope is more suffered damage in the industry, determine the prospects for development and improvement of position of Russian banks.

Methodology There are used statistical analysis of data presented in the official sources; a comparative analysis of the current situation in the industry with the situation of previous years; established causal relationship of adverse changes.

Conclusion In accordance with the topic of the research, it is worth saying that it is necessary to apply a more loyal policy toward small commercial banks, as they will lead to a reduction in the banking sector competition. It is necessary to continue the application of bank rehabilitation procedures in Russia.

Keywords: banking sector, problems, prospects, liquidity, bailouts of banks, mortgage loans, loans receivable.



  1. Current trends of banking [Aktual’nye napravleniya razvitiya bankovskogo dela]: monograph. – /Edited by N.E. Sokolinskiy, I.E. Shaker. – M.: RUSNAYS, 2016.
  2. Macroeconomic analysis of the banking sector [Makroekonomicheskii analiz bankovskoi sfery]: the Textbook. – /Edited by O.N. Afanasevf, S.E. Dubova. – M.: KNORUS, 2016.
  3. Aleksandrova L.S. Lending to the population as the direction of realizing the potential of the banking sector [Kreditovanie naseleniya kak napravlenie realizatsii potentsiala bankovskoi sfery]. Banking services = Bankovskie uslugi, 2015, no. 4, pp. 29.
  4. Aleksandrova L.S. Features of Russian banking structures [Osobennosti struktury bankovskogo sektora Rossii]. Topical issues of Education and Science: Proceedings on the materials of the International scientific-practical conference = Aktual’nye voprosy obrazovaniya i nauki: sbornik nauchnykh trudov po materialam Mezhdunarodnoi nauchno-prakticheskoi konferentsiyu. Tambov: Ucom, 2014, pp. 13 – 18.




Gandilyan G. S.

3 Faculty of student “risk analysis and economic security at Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow (Е-mail:

Problems of stability of modern banking system of Russia as a threat to economic security


Importance As a result of macroeconomic instability the question of the banking system steadiness sharply raises to ensure the economic security of the Russian Federation. In this regard, this article deals with the problems of the banking sector, the factors influencing its state and the measures of government support.

Objectives Determine the current state of the domestic banking system. Consider the indicators of possible external influence during crisis situations estimated by Bank of Russia. Identify the tools of banking regulation and the challenges facing the government.

Methods Key indicators of the domestic banking system are considered through the method of stress testing.

Results The structure of the Russian banking sector is represented. Its defects, internal and external factors of stability, activities to address current problems are revealed.

Conclusions The article revealed that the main obstacles to the development of the Russian banking system are weak capital-monetary institutions, insufficient scale of the economy and the lack of long-term funding, and lagging banking infrastructure. Today the banking sector is able to withstand the impact of negative external and internal factors, it has the potential for further development, but also requires government support in many areas of its activity.

Keywords: Banking system, the central bank, the liquidity deficit, surplus, deposits, banking sector, capitalization, banking infrastructure, economic security.



  1. Gorodov O.A. 2014 – Gorodov O.A. Concept of the Russian banking system and its compo-nents [O ponyatii bankovskoy sistemy Rossii i komponentax]. 2014. № 12. Pp. 24-28 [in Russian].
  2. Kairova F.A. Karsanova Z.K. 2015 – Kairova F.A. Karsanova Z.K. Issues related to the financial soundness of banking system in Russia // Modern problems of science and education [Voprosi obespeceniya finansovoj ustojcivisti bankovskoj sistemi Rossii//Rossiiskoe predprinimatelsto]. 2015. № 1. Pp. 22-26.
  3. Zike R.V., Glavatsky V.B. 2014 – Zike R.V., Glavatsky V.B.  The main factors of development of the Russian banking system // Russian Entrepreneurship [Osnovnie factori razviriya bankovskoj sistemi Rossii//Rossiiskoe predprinimatelstvo]. 2014. № 1. Pp. 64-69.
  4. Lavrushin O.I. 2016 – Lavrushin O.I. The banking system in the modern economy: a tutorial [Bankovskaya sistema v sovremennoj ekonomike: ucebnoe posobie]. 2016. Pp. 80-95.
  5. Spitcin V.V. 2014 – Spitcin V.V. Features of development of the modern banking system in Russia // Young scientist [Osobennosti razvitiya sovremennoj bankovskoj sistemi Rossii]. 2014. № 8. Pp. 614-617.
  6. Suhov M.I. 2013 – Sukhov M.I. The banking sector of Russia: current issues of control// Money and credit. 2013. № 4. Pp. 3-6.
  7. CB: Russian banks have carried out stress tests with oil at $ 25 per barrel and the fall in GDP of 2.4% // Vesti newspaper. 06.06.2016.
  8. Aleksandrova L.S. Lending to the population as the direction of realizing the potential of the banking sector [Kreditovanie naseleniya kak napravlenie realizatsii potentsiala bankovskoi sfery]. Banking services = Bankovskie uslugi, 2015, no. 4, pp. 29-34.


Kabyldieva E. O.

Department of Risk Analysis and Economic security «Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation», Москва (Е-mail:

Show Content


Importance The article is devoted to the peculiarities of the functioning of one of the banking system recovery mechanisms – «bail-in».

Objectives The main objective was to analyse mechanism «bail-in» in the banking systems of other countries, and its task was to consider the possible introduction into the banking system of the Russian Federation.

Methods The methods of scientific research in our work are: statistical analysis, synthesis, induction and deduction, comparison. It served as the theoretical basis of the works of the leading economists in the field.

Results The study examined the different opinions of leading specialists of the world and Russia about possible introduction of «bail-in».mechanism. On the basis of a detailed analysis of the implementation of the mechanism «bail-in» on the example of Greece, Cyprus and Portugal, marked the basic requirements for the practical application of the above mechanism directly in the Russian Federation

Conclusions and Relevance It is concluded that the mechanism is in no way increases and strengthens the confidence of potential investors in the current or reliability as a particular bank and the entire banking system of the country, their stability. The basis of the problem of the use of this mechanism identified the lack of legislative framework, that is, a set of clear rules, which would constitute a direct control operation «bail-in» the mechanism at all stages.

Keywords bankruptcy, investor, deposit, debt, creditors, liquidation, commitment, guarantee, control, rehabilitation of the bank.

JEL classification G21



  1. Stichele M. van der. Financial regulation in the European union. Mapping EU decision making structures on financial regulation and supervision. SOMO. 2008. Dec. Р. 48 – 50.
  2. Isaev Y.O. 2013 – Isaev Y.O.  80% of bankruptcies is criminal [80% bankrotstv – kriminalnyie] // Vedomosti. 2013. № 3322. P. 25-26. [in Russian]
  3. Financial Stability Board (2015) – Historical Losses and Recapitalisation Needs findings report // 2015 с.16-17.
  4. Ash P., Koch C., Siems T. F. Too Small to Succeed? – Community Banks in a New Regulatory Environment. Financial Insights. Financial Institution Relationship Management. Dallas Fed. Volume 4. Is. 4, December 31, 2015. p.1 – 4.
  5. Hudyakova L. S. The post-crisis financial regulation at the international level [Postkrizisnoe finansovoe regulirovanie na mezhgosudarstvennom urovne] // World Economy and International Relations [Mirovaya ekonomika i mezhdunarodnyie otnosheniya] 2013. № 1. p. 4 – 6. [in Russian]



Surgutanova K.

third-year student of the Faculty Course «Risk analysis and economic security» Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow (Е-mail:

Zubarev T.

third-year student of the Faculty Course «Risk analysis and economic security» Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow (Е-mail:

Optimal number of banks in Russia


Importance Reduction of banks in the Russian Federation is an important step for the optimization of the entire banking system in the country. But, when activated, a significant reduction number of banks is important to note that most reduced the banks that are located in remote districts of Russia, without having the necessary cash.

 Objectives The purpose of this article is answering questions that relate to the optimal numbers of banks for the Russian Federation, the decision of the regional banking sector problems, the causes of the reduction policy banks in the country.

Methods The methods of scientific research in our work are: statistical and theoretical analysis, synthesis, deduction and comparison.

Conclusions and Relevance The work is concluded that the optimal number of banks in the country is 300 units. It is necessary to improve the economic system of the country and to protect the huge number of people from high-risk banks. The authors bring the evidence base on the impossibility to reduce the number of banks to 300 units soon and the ways to solve these problems.

Key words: the banking system, commercial banks, captive bank, the Bank of Russia, industry, banks, high-risk policy.



  1. The modern structure of the banking sector in Russia and the needs of the national economy: Monograph. [Sovremennaya struktura bankovskogo sektora Rossii i potrebnosti nacional’noj ehkonomiki] – / Ed. M.A.Abramovoy. – M .: Tsifrovichek 2011.
  2. Aleksandrova L.S. Features of Russian banking structures. Topical issues of Education and Science [Osobennosti struktury bankovskogo sektora Rossii. Aktual’nye voprosy obrazovanija i nauki]: Proceedings on the materials of the International scientific-practical conference: number 11. – Tambov: Ucom, 2014. p. 13 – 18.
  3. Current development trends of banking [Aktual’nye napravlenija razvitija bankovskogo dela]: Monograph. – / Group of authors under the editorship Sokolinskoy N..E., Shaker I..E. – M.: RUSNAYS 2016.
  4. Money, credit, banks [Den’gi, kredit, banki]: Tutorial and workshop for applied bachelor. – / Ed. M.A.Abramovoy, L.S.Aleksandrovoy. – M .: Yurayt 2015
  5. Golovnin I.V. Optimal number of banks for the Russian banking system [Optimal’noe kolichestvo bankov dlja Rossijskoj bankovskoj sistemy] – // Finance, monetary circulation, credit: fundamental and applied research. – 2016 – Page 136 -. 145




Bukharov A. A.

student of the 3rd course of the faculty of Risks analysis and economic security, Financial university under the government of Russian Federation, Moscow (Е-mail:

Lebedeva V. P.

student of the 3rd course of the faculty of Risks analysis and economic security, Financial university under the government of Russian Federation, Moscow (Е-mail:

Development of regional bank branches on the example of Bashkortostan Republic


Importance Regionality in a modern bank system is an important factor of efficiency of commercial banks of our country, and their further development shall happen taking into account features of the region where they are created (work).

Objective In article consider the place of a regional bank system of the Republic of Bashkortostan in economic development of the country, problems of development and functioning of the banking sector.

Methods. Methods of scientific research in our work are: statistical analysis and theoretical analysis, synthesis, deduction and comparison.

Conclusions and Relevance The analysis of a banking structure in the Republic of Bashkortostan for 2015-2016 is carried out. Dynamics of development of bank infrastructure of the Republic of Bashkortostan showed that security of the republic with bank assets decreased. On the basis of the analysis, the conclusion was drawn that the regional policy of development of banks of the Republic of Bashkortostan shall be the interests of the state directed to implementation on development of a bank system of the region, internal interests of the region and strategic interests of banks which is implemented by means of the methods considering an economic situation.

Keywords: development of the banking sector, banking system, banking services, economic security (ES), monetary resources.



  1. Aleksandrova L.S.Features of Russian banking structures. Topical issues of Education and Science: Proceedings on the materials of the International scientific-practical conference [Osobennosti struktury bankovskogo sektora Rossii. Aktual’nye voprosy obrazovaniya i nauki: sbornik nauchnyh trudov po materialam Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii] №11, s.13-18. -Tambov: Ucom 2014.
  2. Bulatova A.I. (2014) – Bulatova A.I. Ways to improve the competitiveness of the Republic of Bashkortostan of the banking system.[Puti povysheniya konkurentosposobnosti bankovskoy sistemy Respubliki Bashkortostan.] Monograph. [Monografiya], 2014, Pp. 232 [in Russian]
  3. Bulatova A.I. (2011) – Bulatova A.I. The role of the regional banking system in the socio-economic development of the Republic of Bashkortostan. [Rol’ regional’noy bankovskoy sistemy v sotsial’no-ekonomicheskom razvitii Respubliki Bashkortostan.] Actual problems of the regions: Materials of the All-Russian scientific-practical conference / The Kurgan branch of the Ural Institute of Economics, Management and Law. [Aktual’nyye problemy regionov: materialy vserossiyskoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii/ Kurganskiy filial Ural’skogo instituta ekonomiki, upravleniya i prava.] Kurgan, 2011. Pp.251–255 [in Russian]
  4. Macroeconomic analysis of the banking sector: the Textbook. – / Ed. O.N.Afanasevoy, S.E.Dubovoy. [Makroehkonomicheskij analiz bankovskoj sfery: Uchebnik] – M .: KNORUS 2016. [in Russian]
  5. Ikaev Z.G. (2015) – Ikaev Z.G. Regional banks: characteristics and development problems [Regional’nyye banki: osobennosti i problemy razvitiya]// Bulletin of the Adygeya State University.[ Vestnik Adygeyskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta.] series 5: Economy. 2015. no 2. [in Russian]
  6. Tershukova M.B., Tokar A.E (2014) – Tershukova M.B., Tokar A.E Regional banks as a factor in the development of the real sector of economy of the region [Regional’nyye banki kak faktor razvitiya real’nogo sektora ekonomiki regiona]// Regional development [Regional’noye razvitiye]. 2014. no 2. [in Russian]




Vinogradova A. A.

The second-year student of Magistracy International economic faculty Financial university under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow (Е-mail:

The Central Bank of Russia in the conditions of unstable geopolitical situation


Importance In the environment of economic and geopolitical turbulence The Bank of Russia as a financial megaregulator faces the urgency of drastic measures directed to ruble exchange rate stabilization and inflation targeting. Therefore, this article discusses the main CBR’s actions, as well as their effects and consequences for the modern Russian economy.

Objective The main objective is to study the CBR’s opinion on the urgency of key rate hike to 17% in December 2014, as well as installing the floating currency exchange rate. Further, to analyze different positions of economists supporting and criticizing CBR’s actions and to match their forecasts to actual situation using statistical data. Finally, to suggest the efficient steps for CBR based on obtained experience.

Methods The main research methods used are the analysis and matching of different sources of information. The main financial and economic analysis technics used are horizontal and vertical analysis, trend analysis, factor analysis and comparative analysis based on data of 2014-2017.

Conclusion and Relevance The conducted research and gathered economists’ opinions made clear the main factors on which the CBR’s decisions relating to key rate and floating exchange rate had been built, as well as efficiency of the measures thereafter. Unfortunately, the significant part of CBR’s expectations had not been met, and the base scenario came on the opposite direction. Ruble exchange rate had been stabilized only by returning to previous policy to remove panics among Russians, supported by stabilization of external factors affecting Russian currency’s exchange rate.

Keywords: the megaregulator of national financial market; The Bank of Russia; key interest rate; floating ruble exchange rate; inflation; sanctions; geopolitical situation; exchange rates; prices growth.



  1. Sokolinskaya, Shaker (2016) – Sokolinskaya N.E., Shaker I.E. Actual directions of banking sector development [Aktual’niye napravleniya razvitiya bankovskogo dela], M: Rusnays, 2016
  2. Abramova, Goncharenko, Markina (2015) – Abramova M.A., Goncharenko L.I., Markina E.V. Financial, monetary and credit methods of economics regulation [Finansoviye I denezhno-kreditniye metody regulirovaniya ekonomiki], M: Urayt, 2015
  3. Abramova, Aleksandrova (2016) – Abramova M.A., Aleksandrova L.S. Money, credit, banks [Den’gi, kredit, banki], M: Urayt, 2016
  4. Vinogradova, Aleksandrova (2014) – Vinogradova A.A., Aleksandrova L.S. Megaregulation as a form of organization of financial market controlling [Megaregulirovaniye kak forma organizacii kontrolya finaisovogo rynka], Economics and management development in today world [Razvitiye economiki I menedzhmenta v sovremennom mire], 2014, p.158-160


Kipnis E. A.

2-year student of magistracy, International Economic Relations Faculty, The Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow (Е-mail:

Vnesheconombank: problems and need for reform


Importance The bank of development institution is crucial in Russia, especially at the period of beginning of macroeconomic recovery. Vnesheconombank, acting as a bank of development in Russia, currently faces financial and management crisis, and its model needs to be improved.

Objective The main objective is to find out the main problems and suggest the strategic solution for VEB through analysis of bank’s financial performance and impacting factors.

Methods The main research method used in the article is analysis, implying the object’s breakdown into different parts.

Conclusions and Relevance The main trigger behind all the problems of VEB is excessive government involvement into bank’s lending and other activities.

Keywords: Vnesheconombank; the bank of development; non-core activities; loss-making projects; non-performing assets; reserves; management changes; capital addition; government involvement



  1. The banks of development role in realization of state’s strategic interests [Rol’ bankov razvitiya v realizatsii strategicheskikh interesov gosudarstva], Analytical reports and developments [Seriya “Analiticheskiye otchety i razrabotki]; The Center of Economic and Finance Research and Development [Centr economicheskikh i finansovykh issledovaniy i razrabotok], 2014, #40, p. 11-12
  2. Andrianov (2012) – Andrianov V.D. Strategic management in foreign development institutions [Strategicheskoye upravleniye v zarubezhnykh institutakh razvitiya], M: Consultbankir, 2012
  3. Zvonova (2013) – Zvonova E.A. International currency and credit relations [Mezhdunarodnyye valyutno-kreditnyye otnosheniya], M: Urayt, 2013




Kunz N. S.

3nd year undergraduate student, the Faculty of Risk Analysis and Economic Security at Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow (Е-mail:

Silanov N. D.

3nd year undergraduate student, the Faculty of Risk Analysis and Economic Security at Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow (Е-mail:

The activities of collection agencies in Russia: problems and prospects


Importance The activities of collection agencies in Russia

Objective To consider the problems and prospects of collection agencies in Russia and the legal space of collection agencies to offer ways based on foreign practices to regulate the activities of collectors and collection agencies

Conclusions and Relevance It’s necessary enter the financial advisory services from the Russian collection agencies, as this will allow to solve a number of key challenges: to increase the number of outstanding debts repaid, improve the level of confidence in data organizations to get rid of illegal physical methods of influence on debtors to improve the level of financial literacy in the country

Keywords: collection agencies, arrears, consumer lending, concession deal, anticollection agencies


1. Gurvich (2005) – Gurvich V. Debt desinspection [Dolgovaya dezinspektsiya], Russian Business newspaper [Rossijskaya Biznes-gazeta] 2005 # 512. p. 0. [in Russian]
5. Alesandrova (2015) – Alexandrova L.S. Development of collection activity in Russia [Razvitie kollektorskoj deyatel’nosti v Rossii], Economy. Business. Banks. [Ekonomika. Biznes. Banki.] 2015 # 4. p. 47-55. [in Russian]
2. Data on loans granted to individuals-residents [Svedeniya o kreditakh, predostavlennykh fizicheskim litsam-rezidentam], the Central Bank of the Russian Federation [TSentral’nyj Bank RF] [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: [in Russian] (date of access: 03.11.2016)
3. In September the arrears of Russian enterprises grew on 1.7% – Rosstat [Za sentyabr’ prosrochennaya zadolzhennost’ predpriyatij RF vyrosla na 1,7% – Rosstat], Online magazine Finmarket [Onlajn-zhurnal Finmarket] [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: [in Russian] (date of access: 08.11.2016)
4. Real disposable income in the Russian Federation [Real’nye raspolagaemye denezhnye dokhody po Rossijskoj Federatsii], Federal state statistics service [Real’nye raspolagaemye denezhnye dokhody po Rossijskoj Federatsii] [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: [in Russian] (date of access: 06.11.2016)
6. Federal law of 03.07.2016 N 230-FZ “About protection of rights and legitimate interests of individuals with the implementation of overdue debts and on amendments to the Federal law “About microfinance performance and microfinance organizations” [Federal’nyj zakon ot 03.07.2016 N 230-FZ “O zashhite prav i zakonnykh interesov fizicheskikh lits pri osushhestvlenii deyatel’nosti po vozvratu prosrochennoj zadolzhennosti i o vnesenii izmenenij v Federal’nyj zakon “O mikrofinansovoj deyatel’nosti i mikrofinansovykh organizatsiyakh”], Official site of company “ConsultantPlus” [Ofitsial’nyj sajt kompanii “Konsul’tantPlyus”] [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: [in Russian] (date of access:  12.11.2016)
7. Kulikov V. The number of collection agencies in Russia sharply reduced [Chislo kollektorskikh agentstv v Rossii rezko sokratitsya], Russian newspaper [Rossijskaya Gazeta] [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: [in Russian] (date of access:  13.11.2016)


Trifonova A. K.

University under the Government of Russian Federation, Moscow, Russian Federation (E -mail:

Beskrovny R. D.

Financial University under the Government of Russian Federation, Moscow, Russian Federation (E -mail:

Cyberattacks on banking sector: new risks and solutions


Importance In conditions of the permanent technological development the most topical problem today is information security of banking sector from the risks of cyber fraud. In this regard, this article deals with the problem of implementation network actions counter the threat of hacker attacks to the banking sector in the Russian Federation.

Objectives To determine the current status of cyber security of the domestic banking system. To identify the instruments of banking regulation and the challenges facing the Central Bank to counter cybercrimes in the banking sector.

Methods Based on the method of stress testing is considered the main indicators of the domestic banking system.

Results Identified the main threats to the Russia’s banking sector and the main priorities for counteraction to possible attacks on the banking system of Russia.

Conclusions and Relevance The article reveals that the main threat to the promotion and performance of the domestic banking system is elaborated new technologies of cyber fraud, resulting in the conclusion of necessary launch in the Central Bank methods of monitoring the status of information environment of commercial banks in the Russian Federation.

Keywords: banking system, computer attacks, cyber security, banking infrastructure, economic security



  1. FSB has helped Russian banks to neutralize cyberattacks in the November of 2016 year. [FSB pomogla rossijskim bankam nejtralizovat’ kiberataki v nojabre 2016 goda]. 27th January 2017. URL:
  2. Security of financial (banking) procedures. [Bezopasnost’ finansovyh (bankovskih) operacij] Information protection of financial institutions – project. [Zashhita informacii finansovyh organizacij – proekt]. URL:
  3. Bozhko М., Sychev А. (2017) – Bozhko М., Sychev А. RBC: Strong regional banks are exposed to cyberattacks. [RBC: Kiberatakam podvergajutsja krepkie regional’nye banki], 14th February 2017. URL:
  4. Abramova, Konakbaev (2012) – Abramova M.A., Konakbaev A.G. The role of the state in the development and modernization of the banking sector in the post-crisis period. [Rol’ gosudarstva v razvitii i modernizacii bankovskogo sektora v postkrizisnyj period] Monograph. M.: 2012.
  5. Zolotarev, Usenko, Rybchinskaya (2015) – Zolotarev V.S., Usenko M. N., Rybchinskaya I.V. Modernization of a banking system of the Russian Federation: trends and tools development [Modernizaciya bankovskoj sistemy RF: trendy i instrumenty razvitiya] Monograph. M.: Finance and statistics. 2015.
  6. Current trends of banking [Aktual’nye napravleniya razvitiya bankovskogo dela]: monograph. – /Edited by N.E. Sokolinskiy, I.E. Shaker. – M.: RUSNAYS, 2016.




Sudbina Y. G.

3rd year student faculty Risk analysis and economic security Financial University under the Government or the Russian Federation Moscow ((Е-mail:

Credit institution using intellectual property as a security for cerdit: relevance for Russia


Importance Nowadays lending is the main method of borrowing funds, and there is the possibility of using intellectual property as collateral for development and expansion of both institutions in Russia, this statement forms the relevance of studying the aspects of lending associated with intellectual property.

Objective Analysis of the situation on the credit market for the current period, researching Russian and foreign experience of using loans secured by intellectual property, making recommendations for improvement in this area.

Methods Methods of the research in this work are statistical analysis and theoretical analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction and comparison.

Conclusions and Relevance Lending in modern Russia was analyzed, foreign experience in using intellectual property as collateral was also studied. It is the mechanism of lending with intellectual property as collateral that will develop high quality technologies and products, help to introduce it into production, and will be a new level of the credit’s development.

Keywords: lending, intellectual property, collateral, patent, debt, borrower, collateral agreement


  1. Struchkov I. Dynamics of overdue Bank loans in June 2016 [Dinamika prosrochennyih kreditov bankov v iyune 2016]. Financial director [Finansovyiy director], 2016 # 32, p. 7-10 [in Russian]
  2. Aleksandrova L.S. Lending to the population as a direction to realizing the potential of the banking sector [Kreditovanie naseleniya kak napravlenie realizatsii potentsiala bankovskoy sferyi]. Banking services [Bankovskie uslugi], 2015 # 4, p. 28-31 [in Russian]
  3. Voronina Y. Brains are in price [Mozgi v tsene]. Russian Business newspaper – Business and government [Rossiyskaya Biznes-gazeta – Biznes i vlast], 2015 # 1017 (38), p. 11-13 [in Russian]
  4. Biyanova.N, The Russians have too much credits [Rossiyane perebrali kreditov]. Statements [Vedomosti], 2015 # 3816, p. 56-57 [in Russian]
  5. Vries, de D. Leveraging Patents Financially. A Company Perspective, Gabler Verlag, Wiesbaden, 2011, p. 22 [in English]


Dobrynina, A. K.

“Risk analysis and economic security” Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Москва (Е-mail:

Structured products as a tool to attract long-term funds


Importance In today’s economic conditions there is a trend of decline in investment activity, which negatively affects the state of the banking sector and force banks to look for effective instruments to raise long-term funds, like a structured product.

Objective To analyze the structured products as an instrument for long-term funds attraction. To determine the current state of the banking market and to identify trends in its development. To identify the main types of structured products and to mark the main advantages and disadvantages of using them.

Methods It is used the statistics, methods of comparing, analysis and synthesis.

Conclusions and Relevance Structured products are both effective instruments of long-term funds attraction and attractive products for investors because of their unique profitable conditions.

Keywords: structured product, deposit, bank, investment, securities, financial instruments

JEL classification: G21, G23 


  1. Rakitina I.S., Guskov A.A., Gorshkova N.S. (2014) – Rakitina I.S., Guskov A.A., Gorshkova N.S. Structured product as an alternative for banking deposit [Strukturnyiy produkt kak alternativa bankovskomu depozitu], Modern problems of science and education [Sovremennyie problemyi nauki i obrazovaniya] 2014. # 3. p. 347-352 [in Russian]
  2. Vereschagina E.Yu., Patova T.A. (2014) – Vereschagina E.Yu., Patova T.A Structured products of banks [Strukturnyie produktyi bankov], Vestnik of the Tver State University. Series: Economics and Management [Vestnik tverskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Seriya: ekonomika i upravleniya] 2014. # 4-2. p. 57-67 [in Russian]


Kulbit E. V.

3-year student, Department “Risk Analysis and Economic Security”, Faculty “Risk Analysis and Economic Security » at Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow (Е-mail:

Analysis of electronic banking system as a component of the system of remote banking services


The topic In the current economic conditions of remote banking services in the Russian Federation is the most convenient and least expensive way of providing banking services to customers, thereby causing the relevance of studying the issue of the problems and prospects of using electronic banking system in Russia.

Goals  Researching of electronic banking system, as a component of e-banking system, analysis of the use of this system in the Russian banks, identification of problems and definition of solutions.
Methodology  The methods of scientific research in our work are: statistical analysis and theoretical analysis, synthesis, induction and deduction.


The analysis of the use of e-banking system in Russian banks. Revealed imperfection of the system. It was considered the main directions for solving the problems identified in the e-banking system.

Conclusions  The investigation of e-banking system and analyzed the existing problems. Information security in e-banking – is imperfect. Nowadays, banks are required to follow the trends of fraud, particularly in the field of information related to remote banking services, as well as to think and to ensure the full protection of the personal data of its customers.

Keywords remote banking system (RBS), Internet-banking, e-banking, cyber security.


  1. Money, credit, banks. Money and credit markets: Tutorial and Workshop. [Dengi, kredit, banki. Denezhnyiy i kreditnyiy ryinki: Uchebnik i praktikum] – / Ed. M.A.Abramovoy, L.S.Aleksandrovoy. – M .: Yurayt, 2015. Series 60. Bachelor.
  2. Samochetova N.V. Remote banking services in Russia and risks in the way of its development [Distantsionnoye bankovskoye obsluzhivaniye v Rossii i riski na puti ego razvitiya] / N.V. Samochetova, N.N. Martynenko // Modern science: actual problems of theory and practice; Ser .: Knowledge = Sovremennaya nauka: aktualnyye problemy teorii i praktiki 2016. – № 5-6. – P.49.
  3. Frolov, D.B. Cybersecurity in the conditions of use of e-banking / D.B. Frolov, P.V. Revenkov Kiberbezopasnost v usloviyakh primeneniya sistem elektronnogo bankinga // Money and Credit = Dengi i Kredit – 2016. – № 6. – S. 9.
  4. Kurnykina O.V. Organization of the internal control system in terms of the development of electronic banking technologies and RB [Organizatsiya sistemy vnutrennego kontrolya v usloviyakh razvitiya elektronnykh bankovskikh tekhnologiy i DBO] O.V. Kurnykina, N.E. Kurnykin // Banking = Bankovskoye delo. 2013. № 5. S. 78.
  5. Revenkov, P.V. The main directions of cybersecurity in a RB / P.V. Revenkov, A.A. Berdyugin // Banking = Bankovskoye delo – 2015. – № 7. – S. 67.


Komissarova, D. A.

3rd year student of the faculty of risk analysis and economic security in the “Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation”, Moscow (Е-mail:

Risk Management of the Bank cards processing


Importance. In terms of macroeconomic instability for the sustainable development of the banking system and the positive impact on the economy sharply raises questions of bank risk management, which arise from the use of bank cards. In this article we consider the classification of banking risks and problems associated with their management

Objective. Consider the main types of bank card handling risks. Identify the tools of regulation and bank card risk management

Methods. On the basis of the dynamic analysis methods are investigated trends in risk management, handling credit cards. Using dialectical and statistical methods, the analysis of bank cards issued for the period of 2008-2015 years.

Conclusions and Relevance. The article revealed that the risks of bank payment cards associated with different stages of their use. To avoid the risks discussed in the article on payment cards, the bank should take certain steps to minimize them. The burden of risk minimization does not lie entirely on the banking organization; card holders also have to take certain measures to minimize these risks/

Keywords: bank card, risk, minimization of risks, measures, risk management, fraud, issue


  1. Aliev B.H., Sultanov G.S., Salmanov S.I. Bank risks: causes of origin and methods of management [Bankovskie riski: prichinyi vozniknoveniya i metodyi upravleniya imi]// Successes contemporary science [Uspehi sovremennogo estestvoznaniya] – № 1-5 / 2015
  2. Kovalenko O.G., Medvedev O.E. Bank risks: essence, classification [Bankovskie riski: suschnost, klassifikatsiya] // Vector of Science of Togliatti State University [Vektor nauki Tolyattinskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta] – № 3 (25) / 2013.


Levakova D. A.

3rd year student Faculty of Risk analyses and economic security Financial university under the Government of the Russian Federation Moscow (Е-mail:

Chuprina T. S.

3rd year student Faculty of Risk analyses and economic security Financial university under the Government of the Russian Federation Moscow (Е-mail:

Information technologies in Russian banks and security of data


Importance In today’s economic situation information technology plays an important role in operation of banks in Russia.

Objectives The research of information technologies that are in use nowadays, analyses of threats and risks on information security and kinds of occurring data leakages and their proportions.

Methods Methods of scientific research used in this work were statistic analysis, theoretical analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction and comparison.

Results The article shows specifics of data which is held by a bank and the main threats, that it is under. It analyzes the risk of data leakage according to different kinds of information and likely consequences of such events. Also it is marked, that information security is an essential element of ensuring economic security.

Conclusions and relevance Complex influence on information security is necessary in every bank for ensuring its economic security. Top-management has to realize that every member of the staff can become delinquent. Frauds in a bank often search for confidential information, information on services for VIP-clients, data on developing of new products, financial data and information on agents, partners and terms of service.

Keywords: information security (IS) data leakage, information technologies, bank, cyber risk, Russia, economic security (ES).


  1. Gamza V.A. Security of banking [Bezopasnost’ bankovskoj dejatel’nosti] / V.A. Gamza, I.B. Tkachuk, I.M.Zhilkin – M.: Jurajt, 2014.
  2. Cvetkov V.Ja. Information management [Informacionnoe upravlenie] LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing GmbH & Co. KG, Saarbrucken. Germany, 2012, pp.201
  3. Cvetkov V.Ja. Information Asymmetry as a Risk Factor [Informacionnaja asimmetrija kak faktor riska]. European Researcher = Evropejskij issledovatel’ 2014, no. 11-1 (86), pp. 1937-1943.
  4. Aleksandrov A.V. Information technologies in management of banking business [Informacionnye tehnologii v upravlenii bankovskoj dejatel’nost’ju]. Educational resources and technologies = Obrazovatel’nye resursy i tehnologii, 2015, no. 3(11), pp.89-95.



L. M. Kadieva

3rd year student Faculty “Risk Analysis and Economic Security” Federal Financial Institution of Higher Professional Education “Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation” Moscow (

Krivchenkova E. V.

3-year student of the faculty “Risk Analysis and Economic Security” FGIBU VO “Financial University Under the Government of the Russian Federation ” Moscow (

Cyber crime in the banking sector: key issues and challenges


Subject/theme Increasing computerization leads to increased use of the Internet to solve banking issues, but also the number of unscrupulous people who commit crimes increases, which cause serious damage of the target audience of the banks. In practice, imprecise language in the law leads to the fact that the punishment cyberhawks almost impossible. In this regard, the paper discusses the main fraud schemes in the banking sector and the countermeasures.

Goals/objectives In the conditions of market economy the Bank is a diversified organization performing functions of accumulation of free money resources and carrying out activities for the production of cash payments by legal entities and individuals. Therefore, the aim of the study is the principal fraudulent schemes cyberhawks and main directions of activities of banks and other stakeholders in improving the safety of payments through the introduction of organizational and technological measures.

Methodology On the basis of methods of dynamic analysis was investigated schemes of cyberhawks  and their functioning in the banking system. Using the dialectical method, the analysis of the Commission of cybercrime was carried out over the period 2015 – 2016.

Results The analysis allowed to identify the main standard and non-standard tools to identify fraud in the banking sector. Fraud have a remedy or analysis of the final devices from which is formed a banking transaction. Such solutions may include a data collection system about the device create a trusted environment. The anti-fraud systems gain a popularity in Russia.

Conclusions/significance The article revealed that the improving the efficiency of fraud prevention in the banking sector can be achieved solely by control in this area and changes to the legislative framework. This will prevent in addition to the huge financial losses and non-pecuniary damage, which, somehow, caused.

Keywords fraud, banking, skimming, phishing, fraud.

JEL classification: G21



  1. Kovalenko O. G., M. N. Zubova. Legal risks connected with plastic cards. [Pravovye riski, svjazannye s plastikovymi kartami ] Vector science of Togliatti state University = Vektor nauki Tol’yattinskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta,  2013, no. 1 (12) pp. 56-58
  2. Izotov D. S., Bykova N. N. Types of fraud with Bank cards. [Vidy moshennichestva s bankovskimi kartami]  the Bulletin of NGIEI = Vestnik NGIEHI, 2015, no. 3 (46)pp.81-83
  3. Glebov O. A. Current methods of fraud prevention. [Aktual’nye metody protivodejstvija moshennichestvu]  Banking = Bankovskoe delo, no. 9: 2014 pp.74-76
  4. Macroeconomic analysis banking: tutorial. [Makrojekonomicheskij analiz bankovskoj sfery] /Under the editorship of O. N. Afanasyeva, S. E. Oak. -M.: KNORUS, 2016



Tsihotsky M. A.

student of 1 course Credit-economic faculty of the at Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow (Е-mail:

Problems of mortgage lending in Russia


Object. In Russia today, mortgage lending is the primary source of funding for the acquisition of property and the most important factor to solve the housing problem. The article is devoted to the study of General regularities of development of the mortgage market, analysing its current status, identifying existing problems and identify future prospects.

Goal  Research and analysis of the current state of mortgage lending in Russia, studying its features, problems in mortgage lending faced by the citizens of Russia. Forecasting the future development of the mortgage market.

Methodology Methods of scientific research in the present work are:

Statistical and theoretical analysis, construction and study of charts and graphs based on statistical data, synthesis, comparison, deduction and induction.

Results  A study of problems of the market of mortgage lending. It is shown that many of the current problems lie outside the economic sphere of society and have social, political and other character.

Conclusions/significance The analysis of the current state of the market of mortgage housing crediting in the Russian Federation, revealed its features, defined prospects of development. A study of problems preventing the mutual benefit of a mortgage for citizens and banks.

Keywords: mortgage loan, weighted average interest rate, debt, mortgage, credit institution, mortgage lending

JEL classification: G10, G18


  1. Macroeconomic analysis of the banking sector: the Textbook. – / Ed. O.N.Afanasevoy, S.E.Dubovoy. [Makroehkonomicheskij analiz bankovskoj sfery: Uchebnik] – M .: KNORUS 2016.
  2. Aleksandrova L.S. Lending for people as the direction of development of banking sphere [Kreditovanie naseleniya kak napravlenie realizatsii potentsiala bankovskoy sferyi], Banking services [Bankovskie uslugi] #4, 2015 P.29 [in Russian]
  3. Runova E.G. Features of modern Russian mortgage system [Osobennosti sovremennoy rossiyskoy ipotechnoy sistemyi], Economics and entrepreneurship [Ekonomika i predprinimatelstvo] #7, 2016 Pp. 1059-1065 [in Russian]





Gorobets, T. A.

student Faculty of Risk Analysis and Economic Security at Financial University under the Government Russian Federation, Moscow (E-mail:

Ivashkina V. A.

student Faculty of Risk Analysis and Economic Security at Financial University under the Government Russian Federation, Moscow (E-mail:

Problem of affordable mortgage in Russia, analysis of the current state of mortgage market and prospects of its development


Subject In the conditions of a crisis situation of the Russian economy development of the human capital becomes one of factors of transition to innovative economy and overcoming economic contraction. Development of the human capital is directly connected with improvement of quality of life of people, and first of all – providing with affordable and comfortable accommodation. In the conditions of the low current income of the population the mortgage remains almost only way of the solution of a housing problem. In this regard, in article current state, the main problems and the prospects of market of mortgage lending are considered.

Objectives To analyze dynamics of change of the market of mortgage lending in Russia, the size of average value of interest rates on mortgage lending in rubles and foreign currency, overdue debt size by both types of mortgage lending, and also policy of the state in this area.

Methods On the basis of the dynamic analysis tendencies of functioning of a banking system in the field of provision of services of mortgage lending to individuals were determined. Using a dialectic method, market research of mortgage lending in Russia for the periods of 2008-2009 and 2014-2016 for the purpose of assessment of the current situation and the prospects of its development is carried out.

Results The research showed that as a result of the methods of subsidizing accepted by the Government of the Russian Federation in 2016, despite considerable fall of real incomes of the population, in the first half of the year growth of sizes of the market of mortgage lending was observed, and the policy pursued by the Government of the Russian Federation allowed to mitigate consequences of crisis and to avoid fall in the market of mortgage lending, similar during an economic crisis of 2008-2009 It was found out that in 2016 the overdue debt size on mortgage lending in rubles and especially in foreign currency, contrary to the program for debt restructuring of special national groups also grew.

Conclusions In article the problems existing in the market of mortgage lending such as high interest rates on mortgage lending, growth of an overdue debt, unavailability of mortgage lending to a general population etc are revealed. The solution of a housing problem requires intervention from the state, first of all, of enhancement of the legislation in the field of mortgage lending, and also increase in financial literacy of the population of the country. Besides, in article the prospects of development of mortgage lending in Russia, first of all, connected with provision of the small credits available to the most part of the population were determined.

Keywords: a mortgage, a mortgage loan, mortgage lending, the market of mortgage lending, rates on mortgage lending to individuals, subsidizing of rates on mortgage lending, restructuring of mortgage lending.


  1. Boldyrev V.N., Varguzina M.S.  Mortgage loan: prospects of development in Russia [Ipotechnyj kredit: perspektivy razvitiya v RF], Territory of science [Territoriya nauki] #1, 2016 P.173 [in Russian]
  2. Logvinova I.V., Chuprina V.Y. Features of mortgage crediting in modern conditions [Osobennosti ipotechnogo kreditovaniya v sovremennyh usloviyah], Science Time [Science Time] #5, 2015 P.500 [in Russian]
  3. Batyrova D.S., Sazonov S.P. The current state of the market of mortgage housing crediting in Russia [Sovremennoe sostoyanie rynka ipotechnogo zhilishchnogo kreditovaniya v Rossii], Current issues of economic Sciences [Aktual’nye voprosy ehkonomicheskih nauk] #53, 2016 P. 110 [in Russian]
  4. Tereshev M.A., BzhedugovaI.H. Modern problems of formation of the market of credit resources [Sovremennye problemy formirovaniya rynka kreditnyh resursov], The success of modern science [Uspekhi sovremennoj nauki]#5, 2015 P. 66 [in Russian]
  5. Kovalev D.A., Krivenda E.A. Actual problems of mortgage lending in Russia [Aktual’nye problemy ipotechnogo kreditovaniya v Rossii], Territory of science [Territoriya nauki] #5, 2014 P.117 [in Russian]
  6. Korosteleva T.S. Problems and prospects of development of system of mortgage housing crediting in Russia [Problemy i perspektivy razvitiya sistemy ipotechnogo zhilishchnogo kreditovaniya v Rossii], Financial Analytics: problems and solutions [Finansovaya analitika: problemy i resheniya] #11, 2013P.33[I Russian]
  7. Aleksandrova L.S. Lending for people as the direction of development of banking sphere [Kreditovanie naseleniya kak napravlenie realizatsii potentsiala bankovskoy sferyi], Banking services [Bankovskie uslugi] #4, 2015 P.29 [in Russian]


Safonov O. I.

Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow (Е-mail:

The issue of mortgage efficiency


Importance It is well-known that the mortgage loan involves a considerable overpayment for its use, but if we estimate the credit from the point of view of the concept of Time Value of Money (TVM), then results turn out more optimistical, however, usage this approach is insufficient and assessment of efficiency of a mortgage demands more extensive research, as it is presented in this scientific article.

Objective The purpose of the work is drawing practical conclusions on “the true cost” of a mortgage, and to provide recommendations about the most optimal ways of use of the loan capital in comparison with other sources of the capital. Research tasks: carrying out the comprehensive analysis and an assessment of a mortgage loan with different parameters and conditions, mortgage market research.

Methods Economic-mathematical, statistical methods, and also a method of the comparative analysis were used.

Conclusion and relevance. Efficiency of a mortgage depends on different factors, but mostly on its term, so on the size of monthly payments. The true cost of a mortgage is 3-4 times lower than its actual cost therefore in certain cases use of a short-term mortgage loan is justified, but generally the mortgage is rather inefficient, and expense.

Keywords: mortgage, discounted cash flows (DCF), housing market, efficiency of use of a credit.



  1. The official site of the Agency for housing mortgage lending. Date views 19.03.2017 https://дом.рф
  2. The official site of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. Date views 19.03.2017
  3. The information portal  Date views 19.03.2017
  4. The official site of the Federal State Statistics Servive. Date views 19.03.2017
  5. Volkova Elena, Gisin Vladimir  (2014) – A possibilistic approach to calculating the internal rate of return for investment projects with fuzzy cash flows [Mery vozmozhnosti i vnutrennyaya norma dokhodnosti investitsionnykh proektov s nechetko opredelennymi platezhami], Bulletin of Financial university [Vestnik Finansovogo Universiteta] 2014 #3 Date views 19.03.2017: [in Russian]
  6. Zolotarev, Usenko, Rybchinskaya (2015) Zolotarev V. S., Usenko M. N., Rybchinskaya I.V. Modernization of a banking system of the Russian Federation: trends and tools development [Modernizaciya bankovskoj sistemy RF: trendy i instrumenty razvitiya] Monograph. M.: Finance and statistics. 2015.




Myasishcheva E. R.

3rd year student «Risks’ analysis and economic security» faculticy Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow (Е-mail:

Nasimova, S. V.

3rd year student «Risks’ analysis and economic security» faculticy Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow (Е-mail:

The financial literacy of population as a part of economic security


Importance In the modern world, the population is increasingly exposed to attacks of fraud in the course of their daily activities. In severe cases, the number of individuals who fraudulently gain someone else’s property during the crisis period increases, and the harm caused to victims becomes more significant. All these cases create negative sentiments in society. The degree of trust shown by citizens to the scammers is directly affected by the level of financial literacy. Financial literacy is a set of knowledge and skills for understanding financial institutions in the country. By studying the specific functioning of all financial institutions, the citizen reduces the possibility of being cheated by scammers and increases the chance of protecting their property.

Objective The article considers such categories as the level of financial literacy of the Russian population, the degree of citizens’ trust in financial institutions, the impact of these indicators on the level of personal and national economic security. The objective of the article is analysis of the degree of influence of financial literacy on the degree of interaction of the population with financial institutions and on the level of economic security of the country.

Methods We used the methods of analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, method of comparison, system analysis, sample surveys, statistics.

Conclusions and Relevance The low level of financial literacy of the population leads to increased levels of distrust of financial institutions, especially in the crisis period. Russia’s population begins to consume fewer financial services, which negatively affects the banking sector, and reduces the level of economic security of the country.

Keywords: financial literacy, a tool of fraud prevention, economic security (ES), finance, funds, banking services.



  1. Abramova M.A., Alexandrova L.S., Zaharova O.V. The development of credit and insurance brokerage in Russia: features, risks, regulation: Monograph [Razvitie kreditnogo i strahovogo brokeridzha v Rossii: osobennosti, riski, regulirovanie: Monografiya] – Moscow: RIM University [RIM Universitet], 2013 [in Russia]
  2. Volkova O. The Russians lost in the financial literacy of Mongolia and Zimbabwe [Rossiyane ustupili v finansovoy gramotnosti Mongolii i Zimbabve] 18.11.2015 URL:
  3. Abramova M.A., Markina E.V. Finance, money, credit: Studentbook [Finansyi, dengi, kredit: Uchebnik] – Moscow: Knorus [Knorus], 2016 [in Russia]
  4. Matovnikov M.Y. Savings activity of the Russian population. [Sberegatelnaya aktivnost naseleniya Rossii.] – // Money and credit = Dengi i kredit, 2015, #9 p. 34-39 [in Russia]



Zakharova O. V.

Master of Economics, senior lecturer of the Department of the financial markets and banks at Financial University Under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russian Federation, Moscow (Е-mail:

Modern problems of organization and conducting of seminars in financial and credit disciplins


Importance The problems of conducting seminars on disciplines of financial and credit profile are determined in the work.

Objectives The aim of the work is to identify the problems that arise in the conduct of seminars and the directions for their solution.

Methods In the article on the basis of general scientific methods of analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, traditional and innovative methods of conducting seminars are determined, and their merits and shortcomings are investigated.

Results Based on the study of problems and methods of conducting seminars, the author proposes a system of measures aimed at their solution.

Conclusions and Relevance As a result of the research, it was determined that an interesting presentation of material with the provision of examples from practice, the use of active teaching methods establishing a good contact with the audience and constant monitoring of students’ knowledge will help to strengthen the role of seminars in the formation of competences necessary for future professional activity.

Keywords: Seminars, active teaching methods, analytical assignments.



  1. Shubina (2015) – Shubina I.V. Smart and the development of modern education [Smart i razvitie sovremennogo obrazovaniya] // Economics, Statistics and Informatics [EHkonomika, Statistika i Informatika]. 2015. № 3.
  2. Russian Pedagogical Encyclopedia [Rossijskaya pedagogicheskaya ehnciklopediya] / Ed. V.V. Davydov. T.1. – M., 1993.
  3. Zakharova (2014) – Zakharova O.V. Use of the results of scientific research in the organization of independent work of students [Ispol’zovanie rezul’tatov nauchnyh issledovanij  v organizacii samostoyatel’noj raboty studentov] Science and education: problems and development prospects: a collection of scientific papers on the materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference on August 30, 2014 [Nauka i obrazovanie: problemy i perspektivy razvitiya: sbornik nauchnyh trudov po materialam Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii 30 avgusta 2014 g.]: in 5 parts. Part 3. Tambov. 2014.



Irina E. Shaker

PhD, docent Monetary and credit relations and monetary policy Department, Associate Professor of Finance University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow (Е-mail:

Tific research as process of origin of new knowledge through a problem situation


Subject/theme. In work problems of carrying out of scientific research through a hypothesis and the contradictions arising in research as process of origin of new knowledge are determined.

The purposes/problems. The work purpose is statement of a scientific task, an urgency of scientific research and novelty determination.

Methods. In article on the basis of general scientific methods of the analysis and synthesis, an induction and deduction the innovative approach to research of a problem situation is determined

Results. On the basis of research methodology, the author develops system of the methods directed on revealing of novelty of scientific research.

Conclusions/importance. As a result of research it is specified that correct statement of a hypothesis and determination of a scientific task about use of methods of scientific research will lead the scientist of actualisation of scientific work.

Keywords: a problem situation, contradictions, a hypothesis, methodology of scientific research, a scientific task.



1.   Gegel. A logic science (Wissenschaft der Logik, 1812-1816, the processed edition 1831; «the Big logic»

2.   Kohanovsky Problem situations in a science. Date of circulatuion 20. 02. 2017




Zuev D. V.

student «Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation”, Moscow (Е-mail:

Savostyanov I. V.

student «Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation”, Moscow (Е-mail:

Trends of development of non-cash payments


 Subject/subject An object of research is the safety level which is provided by modern cashless payments and their options of development in the information world.

Purposes/tasks The purpose of article is studying of the latest trends in the sphere of cashless payments and detection of correlation of their development with development of technologies, and subsequent their implementation in everyday life of society.

Methodology business analysis, PESTLE analysis and method of the industry analysis.

Conclusion / Practical importance High-quality and quantitative development of cashless payments in retail trade is closely connected with technological jumps of the world community and general mobilization of technological means. The practical importance is determined that article shows the main world directions of development of cashless payments, so and new economic spheres which at the moment are only engaged and have good potential.

Keywords: cashless payments, World tendencies, safety, mobile means of payments, tokenization.


  1. Money, credit, banks. Cash and credit markets: textbook and practical work. / Under the editorship of M. A. Abramova, L. S. Alexandrova. M.: YuRAYT, 2015
  2. Abramova (2015). Abramova M.A.Status, trends and prospects of development of cash circulation in Russia: Monograph [Sostoyanie, tendencii i perspektivy razvitiya nalichnogo denezhnogo obrashcheniya v Rossii: Monografia / MA Abramova. – M.: “Rusayns” Publishing House, 2015. – 168 p. [in Russian]
  3. Aleksandrova (2014) – Aleksandrova L.S.  Circulation of cash: Russia and the international experience  [Obrashchenie nalichnyh deneg: Rossiya i mezhdunarodnyj opyt], Banking services [Bankovskie uslugi], 2014# 7. Pp. 31-38. [in Russian]



Alexandrova A. S.

Candidate of economic Sciences, Associate Professor, of Department of Financial markets and banks at Financial University under the Government of Russian Federation, Moscow (Е-mail:

The role of cash in monetary circulation


Subject/topic Cash money circulation and the tasks of the Bank of Russia in its regulation.

Goals/objectives Prospects for the development of cash circulation, the reasons for maintaining a high share of cash in retail turnover. Determining the role of central banks in regulating cash circulation, ensuring stability and improving the efficiency of cash circulation.

Methodology Analysis of trends in the development of cash circulation on the basis of statistical data for 2004 – 2016. Comparative analysis of cash circulation and non-cash turnover, their advantages and disadvantages. We used methods of analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, comparison method, system analysis, a sample survey, statistical data.

Conclusion and Relevance The main trend in the development of modern cash circulation is the globalization of the processes of money circulation, increasing volumes and turnover of cash. Rationale for the need to regulate cash circulation, improve the efficiency of processing banknotes, reduce the cost of maintaining cash reserves, and implement measures to minimize risks in the sphere of cash circulation. The need to develop infrastructure for non-cash payments in the regions of Russia.

Keywords: cash circulation, non-cash payments, cash, cash management, nominal number, nominal number of banknotes.



  1. Luntovsky  (2016) – Luntovsky G.I. Strategic goals and priority directions for the development of cash circulation. [Strategicheskie celi i prioritetnye napravleniya razvitiya nalichnogo denezhnogo obrashcheniya] – // Money and credit [Den’gi i kredit], 2016, No. 12, p. 3 – 7. . [in Russian]
  2. Aleksandrova (2014) – Aleksandrova L.S.  Circulation of cash: Russia and the international experience  [Obrashchenie nalichnyh deneg: Rossiya i mezhdunarodnyj opyt], Banking services [Bankovskie uslugi], 2014# 7. Pp. 31-38. [in Russian]
  3. Abramova (2014) –  Abramova M.A. Improvement of the legal and economic basis of money. Monograph. [Sovershenstvovanie pravovyh i ehkonomicheskih osnov deneg. Monografiya].- , M .: Rim University, 2014. [in Russian]
  4. Abramova (2015) –  Abramova M.A. Situation, Trends and Prospects of Development of cash circulation in Russia. Monograph. [Sostoyanie, tendencii i perspektivy razvitiya nalichnogo denezhnogo obrashcheniya v Rossii. Monografiya] – M .: RUSNAYS 2015.



Bogdanova M. V.

a student, Faculty of Risk Analysis and Economic Analysis Security of the FSBU VO “Financial University Under the Government of the Russian Federation”, Moscow (Е-mail:

Potekhina V. V.

student, Faculty of Risk Analysis and Economic Analysis Security of the FSBU VO “Financial University Under the Government of the Russian Federation” Moscow (Е-mail:

Interconnection of cash flow and the corruption of economy


The article focuses on the issues related to the reduction in the share of cash circulation in our country and the implementing to non-cash payments. Operations carried out by bank transfer, will help solve a few important issues: the fight against corruption in Russia, reducing the cost of printing cash. Due to the transition to non-cash payment, transfers of large sums of money will be clearer, will reduce the share of bribes, and the volume of the informal sector will be reduced.

Subject The article investigates the ratio share of cash and non-cash payments, as well as their impact on the economy of corruption.

Objectives examine the ratio of the percentage of cash and non-cash settlements in Russia, to establish a connection to analyze the correlation with the corruption situation in the country, to identify corrupt sphere in the Russian economy, as well as offer a way to solve the current problems.

Methods We used methods of analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, comparison method, system analysis, a sample survey, statistical data.

Conclusions Reduction in the share of cash in money circulation will lead to Russia’s economic stability, growth, reduce corruption, and consequently, to a decrease in the share of shadow economy in the country.

Keywords: cashless payments, the share of cash, corruption, the dynamics of the informal sector, transparency of operations.



  1. Karmanov (2013) – Karmanov M.V. Statistics and corruption in modern Russia. – M.: Questions Statistics №2. [Statistika i korrupcija v sovremennoj Rossii. – M:. Voprosy statistiki №2] 2013 Pp. 46-51 [in Russian]
  2. Aleksandrova (2014) – Aleksandrova L.S. Circulation of cash: Russia and the international experience [Obrashchenie nalichnyh deneg: Rossiya i mezhdunarodnyj opyt], Banking services [Bankovskie uslugi], 2014# 7. Pp. 31-38. [in Russian]
  3. Abramova (2015) – Abramova M.A. Status, trends and prospects of development of cash circulation in Russia: Monograph [Sostoyanie, tendencii i perspektivy razvitiya nalichnogo denezhnogo obrashcheniya v Rossii: Monografia / MA Abramova, LS Aleksandrova. – M.: “Rusayns” Publishing House, 2015. – 168 p. [in Russian]


Berdyshev A. V.

PhD, Associate Professor, Financial Markets and Banks Department, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow (Е-mail:

Shadrin A. D.

student of the 2nd course, Faculty of law, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow (Е-mail:

The question of the development of SWIFT system and its analogues


Importance In connection with the development of blockchain technology as a potential competitor of SWIFT, as well as the increasing number of hacker attacks on the system data Bank and other organizations the problem of development of SWIFT as a secure, competitive and modern system of data transfer is very important. The article discusses the features of functioning of SWIFT system in Russia: goals, objectives and prospects of its development, peculiarities of changes in the structure of the system users. The authors also consider an alternative system of interbank system of information transfer and give a comparison of the functioning of the SWIFT system and its Chinese equivalent – CIPS.

Objectives The study of the functioning of interbank transfer systems information and payment in modern conditions taking into account the present economic situation in Russia.

Methods Using the methods of analysis, synthesis, abstraction in the present work we investigated different aspects of the functioning of the interbank system of information transfer and make payments, reviewed the specifics of the functioning of SWIFT and CIPS. We also conducted a comparative analysis of the peculiarities of the considered information systems.

Results We have analyzed the functioning of the system of information transfer and Commission of payments of SWIFT, tendencies of development of the system, describes the goals and tasks set by the system operator. Comparative analysis of CIPS and SWIFT.

Conclusion and Relevance Having considered the peculiarities of various interbank transfer information and payment systems on the example SWIFT and CIPS, the author comes to the conclusion that the development of banking system affects the stability of the national currencies of the countries-users of the system and on the vector of development of world and national banking systems.

Keywords: SWIFT, CIPS, ROSSWIFT, the interbank system of information transfer, the banking system, the NDB of the BRICS.



  1. Gouskina (2016) – Gouskina D.D. SWIFT: system features, analysis of trends of use in the world practice [SWIFT: osobennosti sistemy, analiz tendencij ispolzovaniya v mirovoj praktike], Science of the XXI century: problems, searches, decisions [Nauka XXI veka: problemy, poiski, resheniya] 2016 Pp. 80-87 [in Russian]
  2. Motorina (2016) – Motorina A.A. SWIFT and analogues in the Russian legal space [SWIFT i analogi v rossijskom pravovom prostranstve], Scientific notes of young researchers [Nauchnye zapiski molodyx issledovatelej] 2016 # 1. Pp. 69-73 [in Russian]



D. F. Shakurova

a student of Monetary Credit Relation and Monetary Policy Department, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russian Federation,

Risks of payment systems: fraudulent schemes in the world of Bank cards


Against the background of growth of popularity of use of cash cards the fraud cases connected to theft of money from customer accounts became frequent. Methods of deception of people and theft of money from their cash cards are various – from banal peeping because of a shoulder at usage time by the client of the ATM and the subsequent plunder of its card before the hacker attacks to the software. At the same time malefactors permanently invent new methods of plunder of money as old cease to work. The task of this article is the report to readers of the significance of the brought-up question, consisting in increase in financial literacy of the population, in development of advanced security arrangements of storage and movement of cash.

Further the small review of fraud methods most widespread today with cash cards is provided. Having analyzed these methods of plunder of money, I divided them into two groups and offered a certain methodology according to the solution of problems for each of groups according to origin of a problem. Results of this review are of interest to everyone who at least once used cash cards for making of transactions. Therefore, the scope of the received results isn’t restricted, to be exact – is borderless as the received outputs and recommendations take place for all subjects of economy.

The considered subject especially urgent now, during technological breakthroughs and formation of information society. Payment cards appeared and entered a turn not so long ago therefore and the arisen problem has short history … Our task – not to allow this history to gain development. I hope that knowledge of these receptions will allow owners of cash cards to avoid troubles in case of their use.

Keywords Payment cards, plunder of money, financial literacy, development of IT technologies.

JEL classification: G01, G20, G21, G23



  1. Komarov (2011) – Komarov A.A. Formation and development of the market of intellectual-creative (creative) services in Russia (monograph), [Kriminologicheskie aspekty moshennichestva v global”noi seti internet], 2011
  2. Gorn (2013) – Gorn A.P. Qualitative comparative analysis of banking risks and risks in payment systems [Formirovanie i razvitie rynka intellektual”no-kreativnykh (tvorcheskikh) uslug v Rossii (monografiya)], 2013
  3. Masino (2015) – Masino M.N., Larionov A.V. Qualitative comparative analysis of banking risks and risks in payment systems [Kachestvennyi sravnitel”nyi analiz bankovskikh riskov i riskov v platezhnykh sistemakh],2015
  4. Shustova (2015) – Shustova E.P. Economic security and quality of banking services: development problems [Ekonomicheskaya bezopasnost” i kachestvo bankovskikh uslug: problemy razvitiya], 2015
  5. Chernysheva (2016) – Chernysheva M.V. Risk management in payment systems [Upravlenie riskami v platezhnykh sistemakh], 2016
  6. Mochalova (2015) – Mochalova L.A., Borisova I.V. Development of the national system of bank cards as a factor in ensuring the reliability of the Russian economy [Razvitie natsional”noi sistemy bankovskikh kart kak faktor obespecheniya nadezhnosti ekonomiki Rossii], 2015
  7. Kuzin (2012) – Kuzin M.V. The problem of assessing the risks associated with fraud in the payment system of bank cards [Problema otsenki riskov, svyazannykh s moshennichestvom, v platezhnoi sisteme bankovskikh kart], 2012
  8. Abramova (2015) – Abramova M.A. State, tendencies and prospects of development of cash circulation in Russia [Sostoyanie, tendencii i perspektivy razvitiya nalichnogo denezhnogo obrashcheniya v Rossii] Monograph: M.: Rusayns publishing house, 2015. — S. 168 [in Russian]



Litsevanov P. I.

Financial University under the Government Of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russian Federation (Е-mail:

Risks of bitcoin using


In the last decade, the world economy faced the phenomenon of cryptocurrencies. The article describes in detail the risks associated with the use of this financial instrument. It briefly explains the mechanism of their functioning on the example of the biggest capitalization cryptocurrency bitcoin. The subject of this work is to identify the degree of hazard of the studied risks and methods of their reduction and complete elimination. As methods of work were elected rate analysis of cryptocurrencies, a study of the data and their mathematical application, the study of stages of development, comparison of performance. The result is an explanation of the nature of existing risks, their extent of impacts on individual economic subjects, the assumption about the future legal regulation of the industry. The scope of the results obtained is applicable to both individuals and legal entities.

Keywords: cryptocurrencies, blockchain, «attack 51», rate, legal regulation

JEL classification: E21, E22, D14, D19


  1. Bitcoin block explorer [Obozrevatel’ blokov bitkoin] URL: (date of access: 26.03.2017)
  2. Forklog: bitcoin magazine [Novostnoj portal: Bitkoin, blokchejn, kriptovalyuty, fintekh] URL: (date of access: 26.03.2017)
  3. AntPool – Bitcoin mining pool [AntPool – Bitcoin majning pul] URL: (date of access: 26.03.2017)
  4. Bitcoin block explorer [Obozrevatel’ blokov bitkoin] URL: (date of access: 26.03.2017)
  5. Bitfinex – Bitcoin, Litecoin and Ethereum exchange and margin trading platform [Bitfinex – Platforma dlya obmena bitkoinov, lajtkoinov ili ehfirov i dlya marzhinal’noj torgovli] URL: (date of access: 26.03.2017)
  6. Coinfox – News on bitcoin and other virtual and cryptocurrencies [Coinfox – novostnoj portal o kriptovalyute Bitkoin] URL: (date of access: 26.03.2017)
  7. CoinGecko: 360 degree overview of cryptocurrencies chart [CoinGecko: krugovaya diagramma obzora kriptovalyut] URL: (date of access: 26.03.2017)


Komasheva J. S.

a student of Faculty of Accounting and Audit ,Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation

International liquidity, its structure and Russian market of gold


Importance. As a result of the globalization of the economy, regulation of international liquidity is actual today. So, the article describes the relationship between international liquidity and international reserves.

Objectives. To explore a nature of international liquidity and its structure and to describe the importance of Russian gold market.

Method. Russian international liquidity for 19 years was described by calculation of the  international liquidity index. According to the dynamic data the Russian gold market was analyzed.

Results. Russian gold reserves, gold prices and gold production were evaluated. The relationship between gold reserves and annual import of goods were considered.

Conclusions. The article showed that Russian gold reserves are growing now. Moreover, the importance of the gold as an element of Russian Central Bank gold reserves is increasing. Major barriers of Russian  gold market  development are:  undeveloped legislation and infrastructure, closing of exploration, development of the main fields, low domestic demand and VAT for bars.

Keywords: international currency liquidity, gold production, international reserves, gold reserves, the SDR currency basket.

JEL classification: F33, G00, G15, Y10


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