Larisa S. Aleksandrova

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Department of Financial Markets and Banks, Financial University under the Government of Russian Federation, Moscow (E-mail:

Intellectual capital as a strategic factor of the commercial bank value


Rationale The following article deals with the role of the bank’s intellectual property in increasing its’ competitiveness.

Objectives The main goal of the conducted research was to show that intellectual capital becomes the main potential of the value of a commercial bank in the modern economy.

Methodology Within the research a systematic approach and such scientific methods of cognition as induction, deduction, analysis, synthesis, analogy have been employed.

Conclusion In modern conditions intellectual capital becomes ever more important factor in increasing the competitiveness of the credit institution. The relative importance of tangible assets is decreasing, while the role of intangible assets, associated with organizational and infrastructural human capital, has significantly increased. Reasonable usage of intangible assets ensures the dominant position of the bank on the market. The value that a company creates depends on how it uses its resources and competitive advantages and how effectively these values are managed. Thus, intellectual capital is not stated in the amount of intangible assets, but in the company’s ability to extract economic benefits from them.

Keywords: intellectual property, intellectual capital, intangible assets, competitiveness, commercial bank.


  1. Kurmanova L.R. Intellectual capital of commercial banks. , [Intellektual’nyj kapital kommercheskih bankov] – / / Living standards of the population of the regions of Russia = Uroven’ zhizni naseleniya regionov Rossii, 2016, № 3, 198 – 205.
  2. Sanchez, P., Chaminade, C., Olea, M. Management of intangibles – An attempt to build a theory. Journal of Intellectual Capital. Vol. 1. Number 4, 2000, pp. 312—327.
  3. Matakaeva S.A., Manuilenko V.V. The essence of the intellectual capital of a commercial bank. [Sushchnost’ intellektual’nogo kapitala kommercheskogo banka] – //Scientific Almanac, [Nauchnyj al’manah] 2016, №5-1, р.155-161.
  4. Edvinsson, L. Some perspectives on intangibles and intellectual capital 2000. Journal of Intellectual Capital. Vol. 1. Number 1, 2000, pp. 12—16.
  5. Aktual’nye napravleniya razvitiya bankovskogo dela = Actual directions of development of the banking industry: monografiya / koll. avtorov; pod red. prof. N.E. Sokolinskoi i dots. I.E. Shaker — M. : RUSAINS, 2016.
  6. Denezhno-kreditnaya i finansovaya sistemy = Monetary and financial system: uchebnik / kollektiv avtorov ; pod red. M.A. Abramovoi, E.V. Markinoi. — M. : KNORUS, 2016.


Olga V. Zakharova

MSc in Economics, Senior Lecturer, Department of the Financial Markets and Banks, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow (E-mail:

Intellectual property as a mean of securing the credit obligations


Rationale The article in concerned with the problems of intellectual property use as a surety bond for credit obligations.

Objectives The main goal of this paper was to study the specifics of the pledge of exclusive rights to the results of intellectual activity and means of individualization enforcement.

Methodology Within the present article both traditional and innovative ways of securing credit obligations are determined and the advantages and disadvantages of using intellectual property as a subject of pledge are investigated based on general scientific methods of analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction.

Results As a result of the legal and economic factors analysis of the pledge of exclusive rights usage, the author identifies the problems of applying this type of pledge and proposes a system of measures aimed at their solution.

Conclusions and Relevance As a result of the research, it was determined that the use of a pledge of exclusive rights in modern Russia provides the lender the opportunity to expand the client base, to diversify the loan portfolio, and to reduce transaction costs. In order to expand the scope of of intellectual property pledge usage, it is necessary to improve legislation, to provide banks with privileges in refinancing and to develop new approaches for assessment of the creditworthiness of borrowers and liquidity of the subject of pledge.

Keywords: Types of pledge, objects of intellectual property, exclusive rights to the results of intellectual activity and means of individualization.


  1. Zakharova (2009). Zakharova O.V. About functions of the credit [O funkciyah kredita] Banking services [Bankovskie uslugi] 2009. #8. S. 2-5 [in Russian]
  2. Current trends of banking [Aktual’nye napravleniya razvitiya bankovskogo dela]: monograph. – /Edited by N.E. Sokolinskiy, I.E. Shaker. – M.: RUSNAYS, 2016 [in Russian]
  3. Zolotarev, Usenko, Rybchinskaya (2015) Zolotarev V. S., Usenko M. N., Rybchinskaya I.V. Modernization of a banking system of the Russian Federation: trends and tools development [Modernizaciya bankovskoj sistemy RF: trendy i instrumenty razvitiya] Monograph. M.: Finance and statistics. 2015.
  4. Antipov (2014) Antipov I.I. Tendencies of development of crediting on the security of intellectual property [Tendencii razvitiya kreditovaniya pod zalog intellektual’noj sobstvennosti] The Human capital and professional education [CHelovecheskij kapital i professional’noe obrazovanie] 2014. # 1(9). S. 59-66 [in Russian]
  5. Klishina I. V. (2013) Klishina I.V. The conclusion of the contract on guarantee of the exclusive right to intellectual property items [Zaklyuchenie dogovora o zaloge isklyuchitel’nogo prava na ob”ekty intellektual’noj sobstvennosti] The Property relations in the Russian Federation [Imushchestvennye otnosheniya v Rossijskoj Federacii] 2013. # 4. P. 94-106 [in Russian]
  6. Maslenkova O. F. Guarantee of the exclusive rights to intellectual property items in Russia: theoretical and legal aspects [Zalog isklyuchitel’nyh prav na ob”ekty intellektual’noj sobstvennosti v Rossii: teoreticheskij i yuridicheskij aspekty] Siberian financial school [Sibirskaya finansovaya shkola] 2016. # 5. Page 90-96 [in Russian]
  7. Maslenkova O. F. Crediting on the security of the exclusive rights to intellectual property items in the Russian commercial banks [Kreditovanie pod zalog isklyuchitel’nyh prav na ob”ekty intellektual’noj sobstvennosti v rossijskih kommercheskih bankah] Siberian financial school [Sibirskaya finansovaya shkola] 2016. # 6. Page 111-117 [in Russian]
  8. Zakharova (2015). Zakharova O.V. The System of Refinancing of Russian Banks Aims to Ensure the Liquidity of the Banking Sector [Razvitie sistemy refinansirovaniya rossijskih bankov kak faktor obespecheniya likvidnosti bankovskogo sektora] Economy. Taxes. Right. [EHkonomika. Nalogi. Pravo], 2015. #1. S. 43 ̶ 52 [in Russian]
  9. Zakharova (2013). Zakharova O.V. Theoretical aspects of a problem of management of liquidity of commercial banks [Teoreticheskie aspekty problemy upravlenija likvidnost’ju kommercheskih bankov] Banking services [Bankovskie uslugi] 2013. #8. S. 19-25 [in Russian]


Alexei Y. Oborskiy

Candidate of Philosophy (PhD), Associate Professor, Deputy Vice-Rector for Strategic Development and Practical-Oriented Education, Associate Professor of the Department of Sociology, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow (E-mail:

Transformation of intellectual property objects to capital


Rationale The article deals with the origins and peculiarities of the transformation of intellectual property objects into capital. The subjects of the research are civilizational and imitational models of the market of intellectual property objects.

Objectives The main goal of the research was to prove why knowledge increasingly becomes a strategic resource of an innovative economy. |

Methodology Such general cognition mehods as analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction have been employed within the conducted research.

Conclusion It is concluded that there is a positive dependence between the object of intellectual property and its implementation into the intellectual capital of the economic entity and the economic turnover. The improvement of both the institutional conditions of market adaptability and the flexibility of the business entity has been defined as priority objectives.

Keywords: intellectual property, intellectual capital

  1. Alekseeva (2015) – Alekseeva D.A. Intellectual Property and Social Development: Problems of Efficiency and Justice // Issues of Philosophy. – 2015. № 3. – P. 63-71.
  2. Valdaitsev. (2014) – Valdaitsev S.V. Management of innovations and intellectual property of the firm: monograph. – Moscow: Prospekt, 2014. – 236 p.
  3. Gaponenko (2014) – Gaponenko, Т.V. Estimation of the value of the intellectual capital of an organization in conditions of uncertainty (theory and methodology): monograph. – Rostov-on-Don: Publishing Center of DSTU, 2014. – 210 p.
  4. Postaljuk (2014) – Intellectual property in economic systems: theory and practice of innovation: monograph / M.P. Postaljuk and others – Kazan: Izd. Center of the University of Management “TISBI”, 2014. – 200 p.
  5. Kupriyanova (2015) – Kupriyanova L.M. Functions of financial statements and their role in business development / Society: politics, economics, law. 2015. № 3. P. 19-25.
  6. Lepina (2015) – Lepina T.G. Criminal law protection of intellectual property: monograph. – Moscow: Yurlitinform, 2015. – 182 p.
  7. Nazarenko (2017) – Nazarenko S.V. Public-private partnership as a social control in the development of financial activity / Transport business in Russia. 2017. № 1. – P. 28 – 30.
  8. Nazarenko (2016) – Nazarenko S.V. Investigation of investment strategies in Russia: problems and prospects // Financial sociology: textbook / ed. Doctor of Sociology. Sciences, prof. A.V. Novikov, Doctor of Economics. Sciences. Prof. A.V. Yarasheva. – Moscow: Financial University. 2016. – P. 205-236.
  9. Novikov, Oborsky (2014) – Novikov AV, Oborsky A.Yu. Social control in modern Russia: essence and specificity / Economics and management in the XXI century: science and practice. 2014. № 1. P. 185-192.
  10. Oborsky (2016) – Oborsky A.Yu. To the question of the institutionalization of modern science / Modern trends in the development of science and technology. 2016. No. 7-4. Pp. 116-122.
  11. Platonova, Orekhov (2016) – Platonova S.I. Orekhov A.M. Intellectual property: sketches of the general theory // Sociological research. 2016. No. 5 (385). Pp. 166-167.
  12. Usmanova, Kupriyanova (2016) – Usmanova T.H., Kupriyanova L.M. Management in the commercialization of intellectual property / Economics. Business. Banks. 2016. T. 1. P. 9-25.
  13. Tsapko, Anisimov (2005) – Tsapko M.S., Anisimov R.I. Intellectual Property in the Human Dimension // Sociological Research. – 2005. № 9. – P. 142-143.


Igor Silachev

PhD in Technics, Leading Research Fellow, Center for Complex Ecological Research, Institute of Nuclear Physics, Almaty, Kazakhstan, (E-mail:

customs control of exchange of objects of intellectual property between Russia and Kazakhstan


Rationale The paper presents the problems of violation of intellectual property rights. The system of protection of intellectual property rights should be defined as the subject of the study.

Objectives The main goal of the research was to analyze the institution of the Customs Union, providing control over the export and import of national products (goods and services) of Russia and Kazakhstan.

Methodology Such general cognition mehods as analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction have been employed within the conducted research.

Conclusion The integration of state policy of Russia and Kazakhstan in the field of intellectual property management, patent-innovative activity and infrastructure supplying increases the flexibility and adaptability of business entities to changing financial, economic and socio-economic conditions. The improvement of the customs and patent law in the scope of intellectual property objects are defined as the priority tasks.

Keywords: intellectual property, customs control.


  1. Agamagomedova (2014) – Agamagomedova S.A. Protection of intellectual rights by customs authorities in the conditions of the Eurasian Economic Area: monograph. – Moscow: The Eurasian Acad. Adm. Sciences, 2014. – 161 p.
  2. Agamagomedova (2015) – Agamagomedova S.A. Customs control of goods containing objects of intellectual property: monograph. – Moscow: INFRA-M, 2015. – 160 p.
  3. Kupriyanova (2017) – Kupriyanova L.M. Actual problems of commercialization of high technologies / Economics. Business. Banks. 2017. No. 1 (18). Pp. 52-64.
  4. Kupriyanova, Usmanova (2016) – Kupriyanova L.M., Usmanova Т.Х. Features of the economy of intellectual property / Economics. Business. Banks. 2016. № 3 (16). Pp. 81-94.
  5. Nazarenko (2017) – Nazarenko S.V. Educational environment of the society: sociological interpretation of the mechanism of the functioning of social control / Sociology of Education. 2017. № 2. P. 45-57.
  6. Nazarenko (2016) – Nazarenko S.V. Social control of deviation and innovations as sources of social change: theoretical interpretation // Social changes in modern society: collective monograph / otv. Ed. A.Yu. Nagornov. – Ulyanovsk: Zebra, 2016. – P. 108 – 121.
  7. Novikov, Oborsky (2015) – Novikov AV, Oborsky A.Yu. Some methodological approaches to the estimation of fair compensation of “cost of living” in connection with human death in emergency situations / Law and Education. 2015. No. 12. P. 84 – 88.
  8. Oborsky (2016) – Oborsky A.Yu. On the impact of values on the economic growth of the state / In search of lost growth: a collection of scientific articles. – Moscow: Financial University. 2016. – P. 79 – 81.
  9. Orekhov (2015) – Orekhov A.M. Intellectual property: sketches of the general theory: monograph. – Moscow: INFRA-M, 2015. – 159 p.
  10. Tyunin (2014) – Tyunin M.V. Features of the legal regulation of intellectual property in the Customs Union and the Common Economic Space: a monograph. – Moscow: Yurlitinform, 2014. – 139 p.


Sergey V. Nazarenko

PhD in Social Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Sociology, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, (E-mail:

Institute of intellectual property as a social control in the economy of knowledge


Rationale The article deals with the principal provisions of the mechanism of functioning of the intellectual property institute. The subject of the research was the social control of the realization of intellectual capital in a market economy.

Objectives The main goal of the work was to analyze the mutual influence of state regulation and market self-regulation in matters of increasing profitability, competitiveness and innovative activity of market participants.

Methodology Such general cognition mehods as analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction have been employed within the conducted research.

Conclusion It is concluded that social control of activity of interacting market participants is continuously carried out while reproducing intellectual property. Increase of the social responsibility of the state and business in the process of development of requirements for the quality of innovative projects and innovative products as objects of intellectual property has been defined as the priority task.

Keywords: intellectual property, social control, knowledge economy.


  1. Vidyakina (2014) – Vidyakina O.V. The system of personnel training for the innovative economy of Russia: monograph / O.V. Vidyakina, E.M. Dmitrieva. – Moscow: Prospekt, 2014. – 105 p.
  2. Kupriyanova (2015) – Kupriyanova LM Development of the human resources potential of higher education / Economics of education. 2015. № 2 (87). Pp. 70-84.
  3. Matyushenko (2016) – Matyushenko S.V. Philosophy of education: intellectual property as a pedagogical phenomenon: monograph. – Omsk: Publishing house OmGA, 2016. – 263 p.
  4. Nazarenko (2016) – Nazarenko S.V. Credit facilities and personal behavior, social control and motives for its formation, transformation / Scientific journal “Chronos”. 2016. № 3. P. 37-43.
  5. Nazarenko (2016) – Nazarenko S.V. Sociological approach to the organization of social control in the sphere of education and science / Economic and humanitarian studies of the regions. 2015. № 3. P. 78-85.
  6. Novikov, Oborsky (2014) – Novikov AV, Oborsky A.Yu. Features of Conservative Economic Ideology in the Context of Transformation of Modern Russian Society / Economics and Management in the 21st Century: Science and Practice. 2014. No. 1. P. 259-263.
  7. Oborsky (2015) – Oborsky A.Yu. Methodological approaches to the analysis of the quality of life of the population of Russia / Issues of economics and management at the current stage of development Collected scientific articles on the results of the All-Russian Conference / Ed. I.E. Belsky. 2015. P. 56-59.
  8. Platonova, Orekhov (2016) – Platonova S.I. Orekhov A.M. Intellectual property: sketches of the general theory // Sociological research. 2016. No. 5 (385). Pp. 166-167.
  9. Solopova (2014) – Solopova N.S. Problems of Intellectual Property in the Russian Federation: a monograph. – Ekaterinburg: Publishing house AMB, 2014. – 198 with.
  10. Borisova, Isotkina (2013) – Labor activity of employees in conditions of possession of intellectual property: monograph / N.M. Borisova, N.Yu. Isotkina; Under the Society. Ed. V.A. Gaga. – Tomsk: Publishing house of Tomsk state. University of Management Systems. And radio electronics, 2013. – 148 p.
  11. Usmanov, Kupriyanova (2016) – Usmanov T.H., Kupriyanova L.M. Analysis of intellectual property indicators / Economics. Business. Banks. 2016. T. 9. P. 9-23.
  12. Tsapko, Anisimov (2005) – Tsapko M.S., Anisimov R.I. Intellectual Property in the Human Dimension // Sociological Research. – 2005. № 9. – P. 142-143.


Daniil A. Malich

2nd-year undergraduate student, Faculty of International Economic Relations, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow (E-mail: ;

Diana V. Yatsenko

2nd-year undergraduate student, Faculty of International Economic Relations, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow (E-mail: ;

New approaches to the commercialization of intellectual property


Ratioanle The science is the foundation for the development of any society or a nation. A shift towards science-driven production in the second half of 20th century was accompanied by the emergence of new types of information exchange. The economy became dependent on sources, volumes and quality of information (scientific, technical, economic, political etc.) and also on the level of development of means of access to this information, which resulted in development of a fundamentally new economic category – national information resources (the end of the 80s of the 20th century). An intensive development of the economy becomes impossible in short of the effective information support. Information has turned into a strategic resource, the role of knowledge has dramatically increased.

Objectives The main goal of the research was to indicate and study the approaches to the commercialization of intellectual property objects and to deifbe its development. The matter of effective usage and realization of scientific evidences, which hinges on the intellectual property market, seems to be a live issue nowadays.

Methodology Such general cognition mehods as analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction have been employed within the conducted research.

Conclusion and Relevance The problem of improving of mechanism of intellectual property commercialization is topical, being the most important theoretical and practical aspect of the development of the national economy. The level of economic growth and development of any state directly depends on the level of development of high-end technologies. Without the introduction of know-how elements, it would be impossible to develop the productive potential and carry out scientific and technological progress. The tendency to deepen innovation processes and raise the level of information literacy in society could be spotted nowadays. Due to this fact, the importance of introduction of intellectual property objects has significantly increased.

Keywords: Intellectual property, objects of intellectual property, commercialization, high technology, innovation, franchising, leasing, engineering, industrial cooperation, scientific and technical achievements.

JEL: 033, 034


  1. Koval L.S. Mesto intellektualnoy sobstvennosti v kapitalizatsii biznes-protsessov / Kommertsializatsiya ob’ektov intellektualnoy sobstvennosti i povyishenie kapitalizatsii kompanii: Materialyi sektsionnogo zasedaniya Tretego Vserossiyskogo foruma «Intellektualnaya sobstvennost – XXI vek» 20-23 aprelya 2010 g. / Pod red. E.V. Korolevoy. – M.: Rossiyskiy gosudarstvennyiy institut intellektualnoy sobstvennosti (RGIIS), 2010.
  2. Kupriyanova L.M. Aktualnyie problemyi kommertsializatsii naukoemkih tehnologiy // Ekonomika. Biznes. Banki, 2017. – # 1.-S.52-64. — Tolko v elektronnom vide. — Dostup iz lokalnoy seti Finansovogo universiteta (chtenie, pechat, kopirovanie). — .
  3. Kupriyanova (2014) – Kupriyanova L.M. Innovatsionnyie protsessyi v bankovskoy sfere // Mezhdunarodnyiy nauchnyiy zhurnal: Ekonomika. Biznes. Banki. Izdatelstvo «RIM Universitet», M.: 2014. # 1. S. 24-45.
  4. Muhopad V.I. Kommertsializatsiya intellektualnoy sobstvennosti. – M.: Magistr; INFRA-M, 2012.
  5. Sadkov Derengovskiy (2007) – Sadkov V.G., Derengovskiy A.I. Analiz form kommertsializatsii ryinochno uspeshnyih innovatsiy HH veka // Innovatsii. – 2007. – # 10 (108). – S. 46 – 48.
  6. Spiridonova E.A. Strategiya franchayzinga v innovatsionnoy sfere // Vestnik SPbGU. – Ser.5. – 2011. – Vyip. 2.


Ekaterina A. Gushchina

2nd-year undergraduate student, Faculty of International Economic Relations, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow (E-mail:

Alina S. Semenova

2nd-year undergraduate student, Faculty of International Economic Relations, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow (E-mail:

The theory of investment, innovations and optimal management


Rationale Under current market conditions it is difficult for large and transnational companies to take a leading position in the competition, because it requires a lot of money iinvested into innovations. The majorityt of the costs accrue to the commercialization of innovations (i.e. to develop a product and to bring it to the market). Such costs complicate the effective implementation of innovations. The main features of the current innovation period are the changes in competition. Companies nowadays fight not for the market share, but for innovations creation and new markets opening. One of the most striking examples is the investment into intellectual capital.

Objectives The main goal of the following paper was to analyze the relations between investment, innovation and optimal management as well as to justify the need for innovation for optimal management with investment attracting.

Methodology Such general cognition mehods as analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction have been employed within the conducted research.

Conclusions The problem of interrelation of investments, innovations and optimal management seems to be a challenging one. Investment into innovations is necessary due to high costs. Optimal management, through which it is possible to achieve maximum revenues, requires the introduction of innovations that cannot be implemented without investments. Competent approach for the use of the three elements affords to compete effectively with other companies in the market or create new markets, where competition have not been established yet, and take the place of a monopolist.

Keywords: innovation, investment activity, optimal management, innovation policy, production efficiency, net present value, project safety reserve, return on investment index, internal rate of return.


  1. Kupriyanova, Basova (2017) – Kupriyanova L.M., Basova A.G. Development of the Eurasian and national markets for intellectual property. [Razvitie evrazijskogo i nacional’nogo rynkov intellektual’noj sobstvennosti.] International scientific journal “Economy. Business. Banks” Publishing house:”RIM University” [Mezhdunarodnyj nauchnyj zhurnal «EHkonomika. Biznes. Banki» Izd-vo: «RIM Universitet»]. 2017. No. 1 (18). Pp. 121-130
  2. Kupriyanova (2017) – Kupriyanova L.M. Actual problems of the commercialization of science-intensive technologies [Aktual’nye problemy kommercializacii naukoemkih tekhnologij]. International scientific journal. Economy. Business. Banks. [Mezhdunarodnyj nauchnyj zhurnal «EHkonomika. Biznes. Banki.» Izd-vo: «RIM Universitet»] 2017. No. 1 (18). Pp. 52-64.
  3. Novruzlu, Kupriyanova (2016) – Novruzlu S.A.O., Kupriyanova L.M. The essence and purpose of the analysis of the commercialization of intellectual property. In the collection: [Sushchnost’ i celi analiza kommercializacii intellektual’noj sobstvennosti]. The project for Russia The collection of articles of participants of the VII/ International Scientific Student Congress: an electronic resource. [V sbornike: Proekt dlya Rossii Sbornik statej uchastnikov VII Mezhdunarodnogo nauchnogo studencheskogo kongressa: ehlektronnyj resurs]. 2016. P. 879-882.
  4. Gasparyan (2016) – Gasparyan M.K. Features of the commercialization of high technology in foreign countries. The article in the collection: The project for Russia. Collection of articles of participants of the VII International Scientific Student Congress: an electronic resource. [Osobennosti kommercializacii naukoemkih tekhnologij v zarubezhnyh stranah. Stat’ya v sbornike: Proekt dlya Rossii. Sbornik statej uchastnikov VII Mezhdunarodnogo nauchnogo studencheskogo kongressa: ehlektronnyj resurs] Responsible Editors: O.V. Karamova, A.P. Buevich. 2016. S. 882-886.
  5. Kupriyanova, Usmanova (2016) – Kupriyanova LM, Usmanova Т.Х. Features of the economy of intellectual property [Osobennosti ehkonomiki intellektual’noj sobstvennosti] International scientific journal “Economy. Business. Banks. Publishing house:”RIM University” [Mezhdunarodnyj nauchnyj zhurnal «EHkonomika. Biznes. Banki.» Izd-vo: «RIM Universitet»] 2016. № 3 (16). Pp. 81-94.
  6. Kupriyanova (2016) – Kupriyanova LM Quality management as a business development strategy. [Menedzhment kachestva kak strategiya razvitiya biznesa] International scientific journal “Economy. Business. Banks. Publishing house:”RIM University” [Mezhdunarodnyj nauchnyj zhurnal «EHkonomika. Biznes. Banki.» Izd-vo: «RIM Universitet»]. 2016. Vol. 1. P. 63-75.
  7. Usmanova, Kupriyanova (2016) – Usmanov T.H., Kupriyanova L.M. Management in the commercialization of intellectual property. [Menedzhment v kommercializacii intellektual’noj sobstvennosti] International scientific journal “Economy. Business. Banks. Publishing house:”RIM University” [Mezhdunarodnyj nauchnyj zhurnal «EHkonomika. Biznes. Banki.» Izd-vo: «RIM Universitet»] 2016. T. 1. S. 9-25.



Anna Mikhno

3rd -year undergraduate student, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow (Email:

Polina S. Kopylova

3rd -year undergraduate student, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow (Email:

Analysis of the impact of the international patenting on system intellectual property rights


More than 3 million various genius creations including art, scientific works, literature, new sorts of plants, microcircuites, databases, trademarks etc. are patented annually. For this reason a careful attention is paid for the matters of legal protection of such inverntions at the present time in many countries all over the world. The international patent law have not been significantly amended since the 1970 Patent Cooperation Treaty had been signed, aggravating the patent law development and causing the necessity of choosing the most comfortable national legislation, providing the patent priority.

Keywords: patent, patent priority, patent law, Patent Cooperation Treaty.


  1. Kupriyanova, Basova (2017) – Kupriyanova L.M., Basova A.G. Development of the Eurasian and national markets for intellectual property. [Razvitie evrazijskogo i nacional’nogo rynkov intellektual’noj sobstvennosti.] International scientific journal “Economy. Business. Banks” Publishing house:”RIM University” [Mezhdunarodnyj nauchnyj zhurnal «EHkonomika. Biznes. Banki» Izd-vo: «RIM Universitet»]. 2017. No. 1 (18). Pp. 121-130
  2. Kupriyanova (2017) – Kupriyanova L.M. Actual problems of the commercialization of science-intensive technologies [Aktual’nye problemy kommercializacii naukoemkih tekhnologij]. International scientific journal. Economy. Business. Banks. [Mezhdunarodnyj nauchnyj zhurnal «EHkonomika. Biznes. Banki.» Izd-vo: «RIM Universitet»] 2017. No. 1 (18). Pp. 52-64.
  3. Novruzlu, Kupriyanova (2016) – Novruzlu S.A.O., Kupriyanova L.M. The essence and purpose of the analysis of the commercialization of intellectual property. In the collection: [Sushchnost’ i celi analiza kommercializacii intellektual’noj sobstvennosti]. The project for Russia The collection of articles of participants of the VII/ International Scientific Student Congress: an electronic resource. [V sbornike: Proekt dlya Rossii Sbornik statej uchastnikov VII Mezhdunarodnogo nauchnogo studencheskogo kongressa: ehlektronnyj resurs]. 2016. P. 879-882.
  4. Gasparyan (2016) – Gasparyan M.K. Features of the commercialization of high technology in foreign countries. The article in the collection: The project for Russia. Collection of articles of participants of the VII International Scientific Student Congress: an electronic resource. [Osobennosti kommercializacii naukoemkih tekhnologij v zarubezhnyh stranah. Stat’ya v sbornike: Proekt dlya Rossii. Sbornik statej uchastnikov VII Mezhdunarodnogo nauchnogo studencheskogo kongressa: ehlektronnyj resurs] Responsible Editors: O.V. Karamova, A.P. Buevich. 2016. S. 882-886.
  5. Kupriyanova, Usmanova (2016) – Kupriyanova LM, Usmanova Т.Х. Features of the economy of intellectual property [Osobennosti ehkonomiki intellektual’noj sobstvennosti] International scientific journal “Economy. Business. Banks. Publishing house:”RIM University” [Mezhdunarodnyj nauchnyj zhurnal «EHkonomika. Biznes. Banki.» Izd-vo: «RIM Universitet»] 2016. № 3 (16). Pp. 81-94.
  6. Kupriyanova (2016) – Kupriyanova LM Quality management as a business development strategy. [Menedzhment kachestva kak strategiya razvitiya biznesa] International scientific journal “Economy. Business. Banks. Publishing house:”RIM University” [Mezhdunarodnyj nauchnyj zhurnal «EHkonomika. Biznes. Banki.» Izd-vo: «RIM Universitet»]. 2016. Vol. 1. P. 63-75.
  7. Usmanova, Kupriyanova (2016) – Usmanov T.H., Kupriyanova L.M. Management in the commercialization of intellectual property. [Menedzhment v kommercializacii intellektual’noj sobstvennosti] International scientific journal “Economy. Business. Banks. Publishing house:”RIM University” [Mezhdunarodnyj nauchnyj zhurnal «EHkonomika. Biznes. Banki.» Izd-vo: «RIM Universitet»] 2016. T. 1. S. 9-25.
  8. Kovalev M.B. International legal protection of intellectual property: Author’s abstract. Diss .: Cand. Jurid. Sciences. Saratov, 2004.
  9. Sergeyev A.P. The right of intellectual property in the Russian Federation. – M., 2000.
  10. Dozortsev V.A. Intellectual rights: The concept. System. Tasks of codification // Collection of articles. Center for Private Law. M. 2003. P. 325.


Bayarmaa Adiya

3rd -year undergraduate student, Faculty of Lending and Economics, Financial University under the Government of Russian Federation, Moscow (E-mail:

The experience of accession of Mongolia to the WTO


Subject This paper examines in detail the process of Mongolia’s accession to the WTO and the implementation of WTO requirements in the framework of the TRIPS agreement and other treaties regulating intellectual property.

Objectives The main goal of this work is to identify the key problems limiting the development of intellectual property rights protection after accession to the WTO on the example of Mongolia.

Methodology Withinh the research conducted the formal legal method (e.g. analysis of official documents of the WTO concerning the issues of Mongolia), as well as comparative legal method (studies of foreign scholars about the state of the Mongolian economy as a result of its accession towards the WTO) have been employed.

Conclusion It is concluded that in the current situation in Mongolia, further improvement of the institute of intellectual property legal protection and promotion of a sound public policy are required in order to maximize the benefits of cooperation with WTO members.

Keywords: TRIPS, WIPO, Mongolia, WTO.


  1. Mongolia’s accession to the WTO (1991-1997) “Badmaeva A.Yu. Bulletin of the Buryat State University. 2010. № 7. “
  2. TPR 2014 (Mongolia) – Review of Mongolia’s trade policy for 2014. Online access:
  3. “Trade policymaking in a resource-rich landlocked country:” The WTO of Mongolia. “K. Sharma, O. Davaakhuu / The World Economy (2015). On-line access: doi: 10.1111 / twec.12271
  4. “Mongolia’s WTO Accession: Expectations and Realities of WTO Membership” D.Tsogtbaatar. Online access:
  5. Kupriyanova, Basova (2017) – Kupriyanova L.M., Basova A.G. Development of the Eurasian and national markets for intellectual property. [Razvitie evrazijskogo i nacional’nogo rynkov intellektual’noj sobstvennosti.] International scientific journal “Economy. Business. Banks” Publishing house:”RIM University” [Mezhdunarodnyj nauchnyj zhurnal «EHkonomika. Biznes. Banki» Izd-vo: «RIM Universitet»]. 2017. No. 1 (18). Pp. 121-130 

Lou Di

3rd -year undergraduate student, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow (E-mail:

Development of the national intellectual property system in the conditions of economic integration of Russia and China


Rationale The article deals with the features of Russian and Chinese national intellectual property systems. The institute of protection of rights to objects of intellectual property could be defined as the subject of the study.

Objectives The main goal of the research was to analyze the increase of the competitiveness of national economies through an innovative type of development based on intellectual capital.

Methodology Such general cognition mehods as analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction have been employed within the conducted research.

Conclusion It is concluded that the national policies of both China and Russian Federation have a coomon trend aimed at the opening of the economy in order to attract foreign investments and technologies as well as at the development of infrastructure and innovative competencies. The usage of common basis for implementing the principles of mutual respect for the rights to objects of intellectual activity and property have been set up as the priority objectives.

Keywords: intellectual property, economic integration, national economy.


  1. Agamagomedova (2013) – Agamagomedova S.A. Fundamentals of the administrative mechanism for the protection of rights to intellectual property: a transboundary aspect: a monograph. – Penza: PGU Publishing House, 2013. – 401 p.
  2. Voinikanis (2016) – Voinikanis E.A. Intellectual rights: the dominant paradigm and the perspectives of legal policy (theoretical and legal research): monograph. – Moscow: Yurlitinform, 2016. – 277 p.
  3. Ignatov, Oborsky (2015) – Ignatov PN, Oborsky A.Yu. Conscious media consumption as a significant factor in successful education in the university / Current trends in the development of science and technology. 2015. № 9-2. Pp. 138 – 141.
  4. Kupriyanova (2014) – Kupriyanova LM Analysis of the problems of innovative development of the Russian economy / The world of a new economy. 2014. № 4. P. 13-21.
  5. Kupriyanova (2014) – Kupriyanova LM Development of professional competencies of university teachers / Economics. Business. Banks. 2014. No. 2 (7). Pp. 101-118.
  6. Nazarenko (2016) – Nazarenko S.V. Investigation of credit relations // Financial sociology: textbook / ed. Doctor of Sociology. Sciences, prof. A.V. Novikov, Doctor of Economics. Sciences. Prof. A.V. Yarasheva. – Moscow: Financial University. 2016. – P. 73-105
  7. Nazarenko (2016) – Nazarenko S.V. Social control of immigration and emigration behavior as a mechanism for ensuring socio-economic and demographic stability in Russian society / New guidelines for the demographic policy of the Russian Federation in the conditions of the economic crisis: Proceedings of the II International Scientific and Practical Conference (December 8, 2016) / Otv. Ed.-Comp. Member of corr. RAS S.V. Ryazantsev and D.S. HER. Written. – Moscow: Publishing house “Econ-Inform”, 2016. – P. 328 – 344.
  8. Nazarenko (2016) – Nazarenko S.V. Social control of the personality’s behavior in the financial and economic sphere of society // Social behavior of the individual: assessments and strategies: collective monograph / otv. Ed. A.Yu. Nagornov. – Ulyanovsk: Zebra, 2016. – P. 181 – 192.
  9. Shastitko, Kurdin (2016) – Features of protection of competition in the sphere of relations concerning intellectual property: monograph / ed. A.E. Shastitko, A.A. Kurdin. – Moscow: Izd. House «Case» RANHiGS, 2016. – 300 p.
  10. Piskulov (2014) – Piskulov Yu.V. Intellectualization of international trade: monograph. – Moscow: FGBOU VPO RGAIS, 2014. – 136 p.



Shang Jianxin

3rd -year undergraduate student, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow (E-mail:

Institutional agreements between Russia and China in the commercialization of intellectual property


Rationale The article deals with the necessity of the legal framework for institutional agreements between Russia and China. The protection and commercialization of the results of intellectual activity through the institutionalization of centers for the support of technology and innovation of small and medium-sized enterprises could be defined as the subject of the following paper.

Objectives The main goal of the research was to analyze the long-term system of mutually beneficial economic interaction at integration points.

Methodology Such general cognition mehods as analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction have been employed within the conducted research.

Conclusion The problems of state regulation of foreign economic relations of the intellectual property matters under the conditions of innovative development of Russia and China suggest the necessity of their prompt resolution. The priority objective is to achieve the effectiveness of commercialization by selecting the optimal forms and types of institutional agreements concluded between the owner and the consumer of the intellectual property object.

Keywords: intellectual property, institutional arrangements, commercialization


  1. Voronina (2014) – Voronina N.I. Intellectual property and profit of the economic entity: accounting and tax aspects: monograph. – Novosibirsk: Type. Siberian University of Consumer Cooperatives. 2014. – 155 p.
  2. Klavsut (2016) – Klavsut I.L. Innovative activity in the aspect of the commercialization of intellectual property: monograph / IL. Klavsutz, G.L. Rusin. – Novosibirsk: Publishing house of NSTU, 2016. – 154 p.
  3. Krutilin, Oborsky (2014) – Krutilin D.S., Oborsky A.Yu. Study of the quality of the educational process and the educational environment: the experience of the leading university in the capital / Law and Education. 2014. № 6. P. 32 – 38.
  4. Kupriyanova (2014) – Kupriyanova LM. Foreign experience in the development of professional competence of teachers of higher education / Economics of Education. 2014. No. 4 (83). Pp. 5-17.
  5. Kupriyanova (2015) – Kupriyanova LM. Product quality: problems and solutions / The world of a new economy. 2015. № 3. P. 75-85.
  6. Nazarenko (2016) – Nazarenko S.V. Social control in the implementation of migration policy: theoretical and methodological basis / / Social factors of migration in the modern world: a collective monograph / otv. Ed. A.Yu. Nagornov. – Ulyanovsk: Zebra, 2016. – P. 17 – 31.
  7. Nazarenko (2016) – Nazarenko S.V. Social control of scientific activities of the researcher: the relationship between peer review and social assessment of the public / Sociology of Education. 2016. № 11. With. 4 – 22.
  8. Nazarenko (2016) – Nazarenko S.V. Social control of households’ behavior in the market of credit services / Economics, sociology and law. 2016. No. 11. P. 74-81.
  9. Oborsky (2015) – Oborsky A.Yu. On the role of spiritual values ​​in the development of modern Russia / Military Academic Journal. 2015. No. 1 (5). Pp. 146 – 147.
  10. Morgunova (2014) – Intellectual property law: current problems: monograph / ed. E.A. Morgunova. – M .: Norma: INFRA-M, 2014. – 175 p.


Zhou Wen

3rd -year undergraduate student, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow (E-mail:

Intellectual property involvement into economic turnover of Russian-Chinese joint ventures


Rationale The article presents the needs for modernization of industrial production. The involvement of intellectual property in economic circulation appears as the subject of the study.

Objectives The main goal of the study was to analyze the commercialization of intellectual property as an economic process of a strategic nature.

Methodology Such general cognition mehods as analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction have been employed within the conducted research.

Conclusion The institutional environment regulates the sustainable nature of contractual obligations and the norms of economic interaction, whereas the market environment determines the dynamic fluctuation of the entrepreneur’s risks. The priority task is the necessity of joint decisions made within the common framework of state policies on the commercialization of intellectual property of both Russian Federation and China.

Keywords: intellectual property, economic turnover, joint venture

  1. Reference:
  2. Didikin (2015) – Didikin A.B. Legal regulation of innovation in Russia: monograph. – Novosibirsk: IFPR SB RAS, 2014. – 186 p.
  3. Doroshkov (2015) – Doroshkov V.V. Management of intellectual property in public academies: monograph. – Moscow: Moscow Psychological and Social University: A new project, 2015 – 300 p.
  4. Zibrova, Oborsky (2014) – Zibrova O.S/, Oborsky A.Yu. Features of small business development in modern Russia / Problems of the development of society in the face of uncertainty: economic, social and managerial aspects: a collection of scientific articles on the results of the International Scientific and Practical Conference / Edited by I.E. Belsky, V.N. Gulyaikhina, A.F. Moscow. 2014. pp. 100 – 103.
  5. Kupriyanova (2015) – Kupriyanova L.M. Global rating of foreign universities / Economics. Business. Banks. 2015. № 4 (13). Pp. 115-123.
  6. Kupriyanova (2015) – Kupriyanova L.M. The system of formation of an effective contract of foreign countries / Modern lawyer. 2015. № 4 (13). Pp. 79-97.
  7. Likhachev (2016) – Likhachev V.A. International trade in intellectual property at the present stage: economics and regulation: monograph. – Moscow: VAVT, 2016. – 166 p.
  8. Nazarenko (2015) – Nazarenko S.V. The mechanism of social control in the implementation of demographic policy / Modeling of demographic development and socio-economic effectiveness of the implementation of Russia’s demographic policy: the materials of an international scientific and practical conference. Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Institute for Socio-Political Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2015. P. 76-89.
  9. Nazarenko (2017) – Nazarenko S.V. The current trend of social control and management: a theoretical interpretation / Scientific Review. Series 2: The humanities. 2017. No. 1. – P. 16-34.
  10. Oborsky, Yakovleva (2016) – Oborsky A.Yu., Yakovleva A.D. Socio-economic inequality in modern Russia in the context of global processes / Current trends in the development of science and technology. 2016. № 4-10. Pp. 62 – 64.
  11. Mikhailov (2017) – Intellectual property law: current problems: monograph / S.М. Mikhailov, E.A. Morgunova, A.A. Ryabov, B.A. Shakhnazarov; Under the Society. Ed. E. A. Morgunova. – 2. ed., Revised. – Moscow: NORM: INFRA-M, 2017. – 191 p.


Arseny G. Bogdanov

undergraduate student, Faculty of International Economic Relations, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow (E-mail:

revisiting the concept and forms of commercialization of intellectual property


Rationale Intellectual property as an object of commercialization nowadays demands an emphasized altitude and view within defining and estimating of economic activity, resulting in the economic growth of national economies. This category can have a significant impact on the competitiveness of goods, services and new technologies. Today, several forms of commercialization are becoming clearly apparent, which could be taken into account for assessment of the growth of innovation.

Methodology Within the conducted research such methods as theoretical and comparative analysis (e.g. of comparative characteristics of forms of commercialization) and statistic analysis of patent offices data have been employed.

Conclusions The choice of optimal form of commercialization of either intellectual technologies in the innovation field or products in market sphere plays a crucial role in the successful promotion of high technology products within both the development of national competitiveness and the development of an enterprise. Objects of intellectual property mostly prevail in defining efficiency of production process as well as management of resources, involved into the process of new technologies development and implementation. Within the Russian reality we can observe the apparent disproportion in the innovation development, directed towards the increase innovation potential of a country, which effects the patent cycle and results of intellectual activity, involved in business practices. Hence, it is necessary to implement institutional approaches within the regulations of commercialization.

Keywords: objects of intellectual property, commercialization, transfer of property rights, cession of rights, license agreement, franchising, leasing, engineering.

JEL: 03


  1. Kuznetsova (2013) – Kuznetsova G.V. International trade of object of intellectual property // The Russian foreign economic journal [ Mezhdunarodnay torgovlia obiektami intellectualnoy sobstvennosti // Rossiyskiy vneshneeconomicheskiy vestnik], 2013. No 8. С. 35-47.
  2. Postavluk, Nigmatulina (2012) – Postavluk M.P., Nigmatulina L.G., Commercialization of Intellectual Property as a Form and Means of Managing the Entrepreneur Activities of the Enterprise // Journal of economics,law and sociology,2012 [Kommertcializatcia intallektualnoy sobstvennosti kak forma I sposob upravleniya predprinimarelskoy aktivnosti // Vestnik ekonomiki, prava i sotcialogii]. 2012. No 2. С. 60-63.
  3. Izumov, Kondratuk 2013 – Izumov D.B.,Kondratuk E.L.,Commercialization of results of intellectual activity // Innovations and expertise,2013,[ Kommercializatcia rezultatov intellektualnoy deyatelnosti // Innovatika i ekspertiza]. 2013. No 2 (11). С. 33-42.
  4. Korol (2011) – Korol N.G., Innovation leasing as a form of Commercialization of intellectual property // DIjest-finance 9/2009, [innovatcionniy lizing kak forma kommercializatcii intellektualnoy sobstvennosti // Daidgest-finansi]. 2011. No 9. С. 41-47.
  5. Dudkina (2009) – Dudkina M.N., Forms of commercialization of intellectual property within the high technology company // The journal of Voronezh state technical university 1/2009 [Formi kommercializatsii intellectualnoy sobstvennosti naukoyomkich predpriyatiy // Vestnik Voronegskogo gosudarstvennogo technizheskogo universiteta 1/2009]. 2009. Т. 5. No 1. С. 76-78.
  6. Kupriyanova (2017) – Kupriyanova L.M. Actual problems of the commercialization of science-intensive technologies [Aktual’nye problemy kommercializacii naukoemkih tekhnologij]. International scientific journal. Economy. Business. Banks. [Mezhdunarodnyj nauchnyj zhurnal «EHkonomika. Biznes. Banki.» Izd-vo: «RIM Universitet»] 2017. No. 1 (18). Pp. 52-64.
  7. Novruzlu, Kupriyanova (2016) – Novruzlu S.A.O., Kupriyanova L.M. The essence and purpose of the analysis of the commercialization of intellectual property. In the collection: [Sushchnost’ i celi analiza kommercializacii intellektual’noj sobstvennosti]. The project for Russia The collection of articles of participants of the VII/ International Scientific Student Congress: an electronic resource. [V sbornike: Proekt dlya Rossii Sbornik statej uchastnikov VII Mezhdunarodnogo nauchnogo studencheskogo kongressa: ehlektronnyj resurs]. 2016. P. 879-882.
  8. Gasparyan (2016) – Gasparyan M.K. Features of the commercialization of high technology in foreign countries. The article in the collection: The project for Russia. Collection of articles of participants of the VII International Scientific Student Congress: an electronic resource. [Osobennosti kommercializacii naukoemkih tekhnologij v zarubezhnyh stranah. Stat’ya v sbornike: Proekt dlya Rossii. Sbornik statej uchastnikov VII Mezhdunarodnogo nauchnogo studencheskogo kongressa: ehlektronnyj resurs] Responsible Editors: O.V. Karamova, A.P. Buevich. 2016. S. 882-886.
  9. Kupriyanova, Usmanova (2016) – Kupriyanova LM, Usmanova Т.Х. Features of the economy of intellectual property [Osobennosti ehkonomiki intellektual’noj sobstvennosti] International scientific journal “Economy. Business. Banks. Publishing house:”RIM University” [Mezhdunarodnyj nauchnyj zhurnal «EHkonomika. Biznes. Banki.» Izd-vo: «RIM Universitet»] 2016. № 3 (16). Pp. 81-94.
  10. Kupriyanova (2016) – Kupriyanova LM Quality management as a business development strategy. [Menedzhment kachestva kak strategiya razvitiya biznesa] International scientific journal “Economy. Business. Banks. Publishing house:”RIM University” [Mezhdunarodnyj nauchnyj zhurnal «EHkonomika. Biznes. Banki.» Izd-vo: «RIM Universitet»]. 2016. Vol. 1. P. 63-75.
  11. Usmanova, Kupriyanova (2016) – Usmanov T.H., Kupriyanova L.M. Management in the commercialization of intellectual property. [Menedzhment v kommercializacii intellektual’noj sobstvennosti] International scientific journal “Economy. Business. Banks. Publishing house:”RIM University” [Mezhdunarodnyj nauchnyj zhurnal «EHkonomika. Biznes. Banki.» Izd-vo: «RIM Universitet»] 2016. T. 1. S. 9-25.



Elizaveta V. Pechenova

2nd-year undergraduate student, Faculty of International Economic Relations, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow (E-mail:

Improvement of the regulations of intellectual property commercialization


Relevance The level of development of science and technology arrives as one of the most important aspects of sustainable development.

Subject The present paper deals with the conditions for the effectiveness of the commercialization of the intellectual property objects.

Objectives The main goal of the research was to analyze the current mechanism of commercialization of intellectual property objects and suggest methods to improve its effectiveness as well as to develop measures to stimulate and support the development of innovation in the Russian Federation.

Methodology The fulfillment of the assigned tasks is based on the methods of economic analysis, forecasting and expert assessments.

Conclusions The main problems of commercialization of intellectual property in Russia are defined and proposals for regulation improvement are formulated.

Keywords: commercialization of intellectual property, innovation process, intellectual property, brain drain, high-tech products, patent, law.

JEL classification: O32 – Management of Technological Innovation and R&D / Управление технологическими инновациями и разработками


  1. Civil code of the Russian Federation (Part IV) [Grazhdanskiy kodeks Rossiyskoy Federatsii (Ch IV)] 18 dekabrya 2006 #230-FZ (red. 12.03.2014 #35-FZ)
  2. Kupriyanova (2017) – Kupriyanova L.M. Actual problems of the commercialization of science-intensive technologies [Aktual’nye problemy kommercializacii naukoemkih tekhnologij]. International scientific journal. Economy. Business. Banks. [Mezhdunarodnyj nauchnyj zhurnal «EHkonomika. Biznes. Banki.» Izd-vo: «RIM Universitet»] 2017. No. 1 (18). Pp. 52-64.
  3. Novruzlu S.A.O., Kupriyanova L.M. The essence and purpose of the analysis of the commercialization of intellectual property. [Suschnost i tseli analiza kommertsializatsii intellektualnoy sobstvennosti.] In the collection: a Project for Russia, the Collection of articles of participants of the VII International scientific student Congress: Internet resource. [V sbornike: Proekt dlya Rossii Sbornik statey uchastnikov VII Mezhdunarodnogo nauchnogo studencheskogo kongressa: elektronnyiy resurs.] Supervisor: V. I. Barilenko, Responsible editors: O. V. Karamova, A. P. Buevich 2016. S. 879-882.
  4. Nigmatullina L.G. Problems of efficiency of commercialization of intellectual property in Russia [Problemyi effektivnosti kommertsializatsii intellektualnoy sobstvennosti v Rossii]// Modern trends in customs policy of the Eurasian economic Union [Sovremennyie tendentsii tamozhennoy politiki evraziyskogo ekonomicheskogo soyuza] / Under the editorship of I. T. Nasretdinova. – M.: «Rusayns», 2016. – S. 34-45.
  5. Education index [Indeks urovnya obrazovaniya v stranah mira] URL: (accessed: 26.03.2017).
  6. The global innovation index [Globalnyiy indeks innovatsiy] URL: (date accessed: 26.03.2017).
  7. Exchange Forum 2017 [Birzhevoy Forum 2017] URL: (accessed: 05.04.2017).
  8. Kupriyanova, Basova (2017) – Kupriyanova L.M., Basova A.G. Development of the Eurasian and national markets for intellectual property. [Razvitie evrazijskogo i nacional’nogo rynkov intellektual’noj sobstvennosti.] International scientific journal “Economy. Business. Banks” Publishing house:”RIM University” [Mezhdunarodnyj nauchnyj zhurnal «EHkonomika. Biznes. Banki» Izd-vo: «RIM Universitet»]. 2017. No. 1 (18). Pp. 121-130
  9. Kupriyanova, Usmanova (2016) – Kupriyanova LM, Usmanova Т.Х. Features of the economy of intellectual property [Osobennosti ehkonomiki intellektual’noj sobstvennosti] International scientific journal “Economy. Business. Banks. Publishing house:”RIM University” [Mezhdunarodnyj nauchnyj zhurnal «EHkonomika. Biznes. Banki.» Izd-vo: «RIM Universitet»] 2016. № 3 (16). Pp. 81-94.



Nadezhda S. Shaker

postgraduate student, Department of Monetary and Credit Relations and Monetary Policy, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow (E-mail:

Innovations in regulation of risks of the microfinance market in Russia


Subject The author analyzes foreign experience of housing microfinance and gives suggestions on the introduction of this financial product in Russia.

Objectives The main goal of the work is to introduce a new type of microlending as an opportunity for the development of microfinance institutions in Russia.

Methodology The article presents an innovative approach to the study of housing microcredit on the basis of foreign experience.

Results Based on a study of foreign experience, the author proposes to introduce a new financial product – housing microfinance, which will give a competitive advantage to microfinance organizations in the conditions of post-crisis credit policy aimed at investment growth. This is the novelty of scientific research.

Conclusions As a result of the study, it was determined that microfinance for improving housing conditions is necessary for people with low incomes throughout the world, and the housing microlending is the only product that will help to reduce costs as well as to improve housing conditions and energy efficiency of houses.

Keywords: the program of housing microfinance, micro-entrepreneurial loan, micro-mortgage loan, consumer credit, housing loan.


  1. Galina Kan, Dmitry Plotnikov. Russian microfinance market – it’s time to grow up, M:MCG,2015.
  2. Merrill Sally. Microfinance for housing: Assisting the “Bottom Billion” and the “Missing Middle”. IDG working paper, 2009. Pages 2-3.



Evgenia I. Kulaeva

3rd -year undergraduate student, Faculty of Lending and Economics, Financial University under the Government of Russian Federation, Moscow (E-mail:

Kristina А. Madunts

3rd -year undergraduate student, Faculty of Lending and Economics, Financial University under the Government of Russian Federation, Moscow (E-mail:

Elena V. Poddubnaya

3rd -year undergraduate student, Faculty of Lending and Economics, Financial University under the Government of Russian Federation, Moscow (E-mail:

Change of the transmission mechanism under the conditions of a new model of economics


Rationale One of the key directions of the successful development of an effective monetary policy is the activation of the transmission mechanism of monetary policy, which is actively used by the central banks of the leading countries of the world. The states have introduced an inflation targeting regime in order to ensure price stability. The transmission mechanism of monetary policy could be defined as the process enabling the transfer of the decision of the central bank in the field of monetary policy to the financial sector and the economy as a whole affecting mainly the basic macroeconomic indicators, price dynamics, money market conditions and economic growth.

Objectives The main goal of the study was to study the changes in the transmission mechanism, to analyze the experience of the United States and Russia, to examine the theoretical foundations of the transmission mechanism, to provide the comparative description of the transmission mechanism of Russia and the United States.

Methodology Such scientific methods as statistical analysis and theoretical analysis, synthesis, induction and deduction, comparison have been employed.

Results Nowadays the transmission mechanism of monetary policy in Russia is not working efficiently, which is proved by the weak relations between the monetary measures of the central bank and the dynamics of market development and the real sector.

Conclusions The transmission mechanism channels have different significance in each time segment, depending on the stage of the economy development. In normal conditions, as a rule, the main role is played by the credit, interest and currency channels, whereas during the crisis they are replaced by separate sub-channels, such as the price of assets, information, inflation etc. The study of the mechanism becomes more amd more topical for Russia. Maintaining the pace of economic growth, a stable balance of payments and the exchange rate remain the important tasks for Bank of Russia. During the comparison of foregn and Russan experinece, it can be stated that such mechanism is not sufficiently developed in Russia, which makes one look more closely at how monetary policy touches upon the economy.

Keywords: transmission mechanism, banks, channel, quantitative easing, financial market, USA, Russia, monetary policy, central bank.

JEL: E52, E12


  1. Semiturkin O. Izmenenie transmissionnogo mekhanizma v usloviyakh novoi modeli ekonomiki // Avtonomnaya nekommercheskaya organizatsiya “Redaktsiya zhurnala “Ekonomicheskaya politika”. – 2013. – №2. – S. 97-108
  2. Monetarnyi transmissionnyi mekhanizm[elektronnyi resurs] – Rezhim dostupa:
  3. Transmissionnye mekhanizmy politiki kolichestvennogo smyagcheniya v otkrytoi ekonomike [elektronnyi resurs] – Rezhim dostupa:
  4. Petrenko A. Ob ekonomicheskom roste i ego monetarnom «Tormoze» // Aktual’nye problemy ekonomiki. – 2014. – №10. – S. 357-372
  5. Mekhdiev Kh. O. Transmissionnyi mekhanizm denezhno-kreditnoi politiki: kanal prinyatiya riska // Statistika i ekonomika. – 2011. – №6. – S.67-70.
  6. Transmissionnyi mekhanizm denezhno-kreditnoi politiki tsentral’nykh bankov v usloviyakh global’nogo finansovogo krizisa[elektronnyi resurs] – Rezhim dostupa:
  7. Moiseev S.R. Transmissionnyi mekhanizm denezhno-kreditnoi politiki//Finansy i kredit. -2002. -№ 18, S. 38-51.
  8. Golovnin M.Yu. Teoreticheskie osnovy denezhno-kreditnoi politiki v usloviyakh globalizatsii. -M.: Institut ekonomiki RAN, 2008.
  9.  Elektronnoe uchebno-metodicheskoe izdanie po osnovnym razdelam distsipliny «Monetarnaya politika i bankovskii nadzor». Portal Rezhim dostupa -
  10. Osobennosti funktsionirovaniya valyutnogo kanala mekhanizma denezhnoi transmissii v Rossii. Utuchenkova M.V.-stat’ya na portale Rezhim dostupa -


Nonna R. Gainullina

2nd-year undergraduate student, Faculty of International Economic Relations, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow (E-mail:

Innovative business-model: intellectual property of SIBUR


Rationale This article presents the innovative business- model of “Sibur” enterprise, which could be defined as its main intellectual property providing the successful minimization of oil risks in the Russian Federation.

Objective The main goal of the research was to analyze the business model and reasons of its headway, to present own classification of business models, to review the wide range of company’s products and uniqueness of “Sibur” company in that sphere as well as to contemplate the basic tools for risks hedging.

Methodology Within the conducted such research methods as analysis, synthesis, method of classification, method of forecasting, a comparative method have been employed.

Conclusions The success of “Sibur” company is dreiven by its innovative and modern business model, which is based on well-structured business process with diversifed product line being an important instrument in risks hedging connected with oil prices volatility.

Keywords: intellectual property, SIBUR, business model, petrochemical industry, diversification, profit.


  1. Barilenko, Berdnikov, Gavel’, Kerimova (2015) – Barilenko V.I., Berdnikov V.V., Gavel’ O.Yu., Kerimova Ch.V. Analytical tools study and monitor the effectiveness of business-models: textbook. [Analiticheskoe obosnovanie konkurentosposobnyh biznes-modelej: uch. hosobie] ed., Barilenko, M.-Ed.”Rusyns” [pod. red. Barilenko .V.I. M.-Izd. «Rusajns»], 2015, 315 P. [in Russian]
  2. SIBUR. Godovoy obzor 2015. [Elektronnyy resurs] // Sibur statistics. Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashcheniya: 16.04.2017) [in Russian]
  3. Statisticheskiy portal Statista. [Elektronnyy resurs] // Statista. Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashcheniya: 16.04.2017)
  4. Struktura eksporta RF 2016. [Elektronnyy resurs] // Tamozhennaya sluzhba RF. Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashcheniya: 15.04.2017) [in Russian]
  5. Finansovaya otchetnost SIBUR 2016. [Elektronnyy resurs] // Sibur statistics. Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashcheniya: 17.04.2017) [in Russian]
  6. Operational and financial results Sibur 2016. [Elektronnyy resurs]. // Sibur statistics. Rezhim dostupa:


Alexander D. Zhirnov

3-rd year undergraduate student, Faculty of Management, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow (E-mail:

Prospects for machine learning and bigdata usage in the economy of intellectual property


Rationale The consideration of Bigdata and machine learning usage from a perspective that applies to intellectual property, its economic and general trend in general.

Objectives The main goal of this research was to analyze the possibilities of using these technologies in the main areas of intellectual property and their actual application through the example of individual companies.

Methodology The research methods applied in this work include inductive and deductive analysis, practical comparison of various objects and prognostic activity of the main trends.

Conclusion The conclusion of this work can serve as a basis for further use of new methods in the economy.

Keywords: BigData, BlockChain, neural net, Machine learning intellectual property, Start-up, business, company, development


  1. Gavel O. Yu. (2017) Gavel’ O. Yu. Prospects of using controlling system in the strategic management [Perspektivy ispol’zovaniya kontrollingovyh sistem v strategicheskom upravlenii] Financial Analytics: problems and solutions [Finansovaya analitika: problemy i resheniya]. 2017. T. 10. no 1 (331). P. 4-19 [in Russian]
  2. Lam, C., & McKercher, B. (2013). The tourism data gap: The utility of official tourism information for the hospitality and tourism industry. Tourism Management Perspectives, 6, 82-94.
  3. Liebowitz, J. (Ed.). (2013). Big data and business analytics. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.
  4. Mariani, M. M., Di Felice, M., & Mura, M. (2016). Facebook as a destination marketing tool: Evidence from Italian regional Destination Management Organizations. Tourism Management, 54, 321-343.
  5. Marine-Roig, E., & Clavé, S. A. (2015). Tourism analytics with massive user-generated content: A case study of Barcelona. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, 4(3), 162-172.
  6. Mayer-Schönberger, V., & Cukier, K. (2013). Big data: A revolution that will transform how we live,work, and think. New York: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.
  7. McAfee, A., Brynjolfsson, E., Davenport, T. H., Patil, D. J., & Barton, D. (2012). Big Data. The management revolution. Harvard Business Review, 90(10), 61-67.
  8. Wang, X. L., Yoonjoung Heo, C., Schwartz, Z., Legohérel, P., & Specklin, F. (2015). Revenue management: progress, challenges, and research prospects. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 32(7), 797-811.



Alisa E. Kushcheva

2nd-year undergraduate student, Faculty of International Economic Relations, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow (E-mail:

Ekaterina R. Sudina

2nd-year undergraduate student, Faculty of International Economic Relations, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow (E-mail:

Protection of intellectual property in the conditions of modern economics


Rationale There are many new inventions in Russia and in the world and many people use them as authors. Consequently, the protection is so important in the modern world.

Objective The main goal of the research was to analyze the main stages of the development of intellectual property protection in Russia and abroad as well as to consider the possibility of protecting intellectual property within the framework of various regional economic associations.

Methods Such general cognition mehods as analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction have been employed within the conducted research.

Conclusions The protection of intellectual property is developing: new agreements and conventions influence the development of intellectual property and reduce the number of cases of illegal use of intellectual property.

Keywords: intellectual property, intellectual property protection, the Federal Agency for intellectual property, ASEAN, Mercosur, NAFTA, conventions on the protection of intellectual property, the global innovation index.


  1. The Civil Code of the Russian Federation [Grazhdanskij kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii (GK RF)]. [in Russian]
  2. Likhachev V.A. (2014) Likhachev V.A. The issue of intellectual property in the activities of regional economic associations [Voprosy intellektualnoj sobstvennosti v deyatelnosti regionalnyh ehkonomicheskih obedinenij] The Russian External Economic Bulletin [Rossijskij vneshneehkonomicheskij vestnik] 2014. no 1. [in Russian].$file/94-103.pdf
  3. Gavel O. Yu. (2017) Gavel’ O. Yu. Prospects of using controlling system in the strategic management [Perspektivy ispol’zovaniya kontrollingovyh sistem v strategicheskom upravlenii] Financial Analytics: problems and solutions [Finansovaya analitika: problemy i resheniya]. 2017. T. 10. no 1 (331). P. 4-19 [in Russian]
  4. The Global Innovation Index 2016. Winning with Global Innovation.


Andrei A. Okhtin

2nd-year undergraduate student, V.K.Senchagov Faculty of Risk Analysis and Economic Security, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow (E-mail:

Comparative analysis of advantages and disadvantages of various intellectual property protection mechanisms


Rationale The advantages and disadvantages of intellectual property protection mechanisms are determined.

Objectives The main goal of the work is to identify the disadvantages and advantages of intellectual property protection mechanisms and to determine the prospects for their development.

Methods Within the conducted research such general scientific methods as analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, as well as statistical methods, have been employed for studying the peculiarities of intellectual property protection mechanisms.

Results Based on the comparison of disadvantages and advantages of intellectual property protection mechanisms, ways and prospects for their improvement have been determined based on the level of development of the legal system of the state.

Conclusions As a result of the research it was determined that the shortcomings of the mechanisms are mainly related to the imperfection of the legal system, special attention should be paid to the preventive measure of protection of intellectual property through the development of economic security at enterprises. The protection of intellectual property is affected by the economy status, the effectiveness of the judicial system and government bodies, and the ability of law enforcement agencies to investigate cases of violations of intellectual property rights.

Keywords: Intellectual property, intellectual property protection mechanism, legal system, economic security.


  1. Ablyozgova O. V. Commercial use of intellectual property in Russia and foreign countries[Kommercheskoe ispol’zovanie intellektual’noj sobstvennosti v Rossii i zarubezhnyh stranah] – M.: Dashkov and Ko, 2005.
  2. Sudarikov S.A., Greek N.G., Bakhrenkova of K. A. Ekonomik and intellectual property [Ekonomika i intellektual’naja sobstvennost’] – M.: Publishing house of business and scientific literature [Izdatel’stvo delovoj i nauchnoj literatury]-2005.
  3. Evstafyev V., Nuts D., Hitrova L. problem of management of the rights of the Russian Federation to results of intellectual activity [problemy upravlenija pravami Rossijskoj Federacii na rezul’taty intellektual’noj dejatel’nosti]-//2017, No. 1, page 17-22.
  4. Lapteva A. Institute of unfair property: Russia and Republic of South Africa[Institut nedobrosovestnoj sobstvennosti: Rossija i JuAR]-//Intellectual property. Industrial property [Intellektual’naja sobstvennost’. Promyshlennaja sobstvennost’], 2017, No. 3, page 63-70.
  5. Soldatenko D. Influence of globalization of development of technologies on economy of trademarks [Vlijanie globalizacii razvitija tehnologij na jekonomiku tovarnyh znakov]-//2016, No. 2, page 61-66.


Anastasia S. Kolesnikova

undergraduate student, V.K.Senchagov Faculty of Risk Analysis and Economic Security, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow (E-mail:

Modern aspects of intellectual property protection from existing threats


Rationale The article is devoted to the analysis of the current state of affairs in Russia in this field and the study of modern aspects of protecting intellectual property from existing threats.

Objectives The main goal of the research is to study and analyze the current state of affairs in Russia in the field of intellectual property protection, examine its features, problems and development prospects.

Methodology Features and prospects of the development of the intellectual property market in Russia are determined in the article on the basis of such scientific methods as statistical and theoretical analysis, comparison, general scientific methods of analysis and synthesis.

Results The article reveals that various measures to suppress illegal activities in relation to intellectual property rights are legislatively fixed in Russia, however, their application in practice is often difficult. The observance of the “supranational” trend is a major asset for the future.

Conclusions The distinctive features and prospects for the development of the intellectual property market have been determined as a result of the research,.

Keywords: Intellectual property, protection of rights, counterfeit products, patenting


  1. Meggs, Sergeev (2010) – Meggs P.B., Sergeev A.P. Intellectual property [Intellektual’naya sobstvennost’], M.: Lawyer,2010.
  2. Bliznets, Leontiev (2011) – Bliznets I.A., Leontiev K.B. Copyright and Related Rights [Avtorskoe pravo i smezhnye prava], M.: Prospekt, 2011.
  3. Ruzakova(2009)- Ruzakova O.A. Intellectual property rights [Pravo intellektual’noi sobstvennosti], Moscow Financial and Industrial Academy, 2009.
  4. Gorodov (2011) – Gorodov O.A., The right of industrial property [Pravo promyshlennoi sobstvennosti], M.: Statute, 2011.
  5. Gulbin(2007) – Gulbin Yu.T. Exclusive rights to means of individualization of goods – trademarks, service marks, appellations of origin of goods: civil-law aspect [Isklyuchitel’nye prava na sredstva individualizatsii tovarov – tovarnye znaki, znaki obsluzhivaniya, naimenovaniya mest proiskhozhdeniya tovarov: grazhdansko-pravovoi aspekt], M.: Statute, 2007



Elza U. Mansurova

2nd –year undergraduate student, Faculty of Law, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow (E-mail:

The role of creativity and its reflection in creating objects of exclusive rights


Rationale The rationale of the present paper lies in the necessity of both determination of the relations of law with such a philological and philosophical category as “creativity” and need for filling the terminology base.

Objectives The main goal of the research is to identify the relations between creativity and copyright. The main objective is to search for the corresponding term, signs of creativity, corresponding to the requirements of copyright law.

Methodology Withinh the research conduction normative legal acts, scientific articles have been used based on the methods of system analysis and generalization.

Conclusions Taking into account the increasing popularity of copyright, it is necessary to consider all aspects of this institution, including the role of creativity in it.

Keywords: exclusive right, creativity, signs of creativity, objects of intellectual rights.


  1. The Civil Code of the Russian Federation (Part Four) of December 18, 2006 No. 230 // Meeting of the Legislation of the Russian Federation. No. 52 (1). Art. 5496. [Grazhdanskiy kodeks Rossiyskoy Federatsii (chast chetvertaya) ot 18.12.2006 # 230 // Sobranie zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii. # 52 (1.). St. 5496. (red. o 03.07. 2016)].
  2. Federal Law “On Science and State Scientific and Technical Policy” of 23.08.1996 No. 127 // Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation. 08/26/1996 No. 35. Art. 4137. [Federalnyiy zakon “O nauke i gosudarstvennoy nauchno-tehnicheskoy politike” ot 23.08.1996 # 127 // Sobranie zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii. 26.08.1996 g. # 35. St. 4137. (red. 23.05.2016)].
  3. Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation “On some issues that arose in connection with the enactment of part four of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation” of March 26, 2009 No. 5 // Rossiyskaya Gazeta. 04/22/2009 No.70. [Postanovlenie Plenuma Verhovnogo Suda RF “O nekotoryih voprosah, voznikshih v svyazi s vvedeniem v deystvie chasti chetvertoy Grazhdanskogo kodeksa Rossiyskoy Federatsii” ot 26.03.2009 # 5 // Rossiyskaya gazeta. 22.04.2009 g. # 70].
  4. Bolshakov, AV The problem of defining creativity / / Analytics of cultural studies. 2007. № 8. [Bolshakov A. V. Problema opredeleniya tvorchestva // Analitika kulturologii. 2007. #8].
  5. The creative nature of the work as a sign of the object of copyright law // YurKlub URL: (date of circulation: 19.04.2017). [Tvorcheskiy harakter proizvedeniya kak priznak ob’ekta avtorskogo prava // YurKlub URL: (data obrascheniya: 19.04.2017)].


Alina Hoang

2nd –year undergraduate student, Faculty of Law, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow (E-mail:

Problems of patenting and implementation of innovations in the Russian Federation


Rationale The topicality of the present paper is determined by the fact that at the present time in the century of active development of technologies there is an urgent need for effective legal protection of patent inventors’ rights.

Objectives The main goal of this work is to study the patent law and the introduction of innovations in Russia as well as to consider the issues of the legal regulation of intellectual property. The main objectives are to identify the main problems of patent law and ways to solve them in practice and to consider the role of patenting and the introduction of innovations at the current stage of the state development.

Methodology During the research conduction the existing normative legal acts and judicial practice were studied. The methodological basis of the research includes the use of general scientific methods of research, a comprehensive method of cognition, a comparative legal method, logical and formal legal methods.

Conclusions In modern conditions of innovative technologies, the institute of patent law becomes more and more actual, therefore, it also requires special attention to the development of the existing legal framework and the improvement of the mechanisms for resolving litigation.

Keywords: patent law, introduction of innovations, exclusive right, intellectual property, invention, patent owner, legal regulation, protection of rights.


  1. Dolzhenkova O.V., Gorshenina M.V., Kovaleva A.M. (2012) – Dolzhenkova O.V., Gorshenina M.V., Kovaleva A.M. Problems of introduction of innovations in Russia. Ways to solve them [Problemy vnedreniya innovacij v rossii. Puti ih resheniya ].Young scientist [Molodoj uchenyj]. 2012. – #12. – p. 208-210. [in Russian]
  2. Problems of formation of innovative development of the Russian economy [Problemy formirovaniya innovacionnogo razvitiya ehkonomiki Rossii], Center for Innovations [centr innovacij nekommercheskoe partnerstvo]. Non-commercial partnership. Http:// (reference date is April 10, 2017).
  3. Program for the development of the nanoindustry in the Russian Federation until 2015: approved by the request of the Government of the Russian Federation on May 4, 2008 № ВЗ-П7-2702. [programma razvitiya nanoindustrii v Rossijskoj Federacii do 2015 g odobrena porucheniem pravitelstva rossijskoj federacii ot 4 maya 2008 #vz-p7-2702]
  4. The project “Innovative Russia (Strategy of Innovative Development of the Russian Federation for the Period to 2020.”. [Proekt innovacionnaya Rossiya strategiya innovacionnogo razvitiya rossijskoj Federacii na period do 2020 goda], Ministry of Economic Development of Russia, Moscow, 2010 [minehkonomrazvitiya rossii moskva 2010]. URL: ( Date of circulation on 04/10/2017).
  5. Kupriyanova, Basova (2017) – Kupriyanova L.M., Basova A.G. Development of the Eurasian and national markets for intellectual property. [Razvitie evrazijskogo i nacional’nogo rynkov intellektual’noj sobstvennosti.] International scientific journal “Economy. Business. Banks” Publishing house:”RIM University” [Mezhdunarodnyj nauchnyj zhurnal «EHkonomika. Biznes. Banki» Izd-vo: «RIM Universitet»]. 2017. No. 1 (18). Pp. 121-130
  6. Kupriyanova L.M. Actual problems of commercialization of high technology [Aktualnyie problemyi kommertsializatsii naukoemkih tehnologiy], Economy. Business. Banks [Ekonomika. Biznes. Banki] 2017. # 1 (18). S. 52-64.
  7. Novruzlu, Kupriyanova (2016) – Novruzlu S.A.O., Kupriyanova L.M. The essence and purpose of the analysis of the commercialization of intellectual property. In the collection: [Sushchnost’ i celi analiza kommercializacii intellektual’noj sobstvennosti]. The project for Russia The collection of articles of participants of the VII/ International Scientific Student Congress: an electronic resource. [V sbornike: Proekt dlya Rossii Sbornik statej uchastnikov VII Mezhdunarodnogo nauchnogo studencheskogo kongressa: ehlektronnyj resurs]. 2016. P. 879-882.



Vladimir S. Kabanov

3rd-year undergraduate student, V.K.Senchagov Faculty of Risk Analysis and Economic Security, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow (E-mail:

Compliance and corporate culture as a dimension of intelligent capital of the organization


Rationale The paper presents the compliance control and corporate culture as an effective intellectual property management organization.

Objectives The main goal of this work is to develop a management system intellectual property organization.

Methodology The conducted study has been performed on the basis of scientific methods of analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, and simulation of a system of compliance monitoring for an organization.

Results On the basis of the analyzed data and studied goals of intellectual property management four stages of compliance control system for organizations have been distinguished.

Conclusions and Relevance The studied model is of practical importance for organizations that have significant share of the intellectual property among their assets.

Keywords: intellectual property, corporate compliance control, corporate culture and ethics.


  1. The Federal service for intellectual property (Rospatent) [Electronic resource] URL: (date accessed: 20.03.2017)
  2. The world intellectual property organization WIPO [Electronic resource] URL: (date accessed: 20.03.2017)
  3. Zalesov (2005) – Zalesov A. V. Intellectual property Rights and banks [Prava intellektual’noi sobstvennosti i banki], Property relations in the Russian Federation [Imushchestvennye otnosheniya v Rossiiskoi Federatsii], 2005, №11, p. 83
  4. Klevtsova, Kulikova (2016) – Klevtsova M. M, Kulikova G. A. Compliance control in the system of internal control of credit institutions [Komplaens-kontrol’ v sisteme vnutrennego kontrolya kreditnykh organizatsii] Socio-economic development of the Union state in the conditions of globalization [Sotsial’no-ekonomicheskoe razvitie soyuznogo gosudarstva v usloviyakh globalizatsionnykh protsessov], 2016, p. 165-169
  5. Atabaev, Petrov (2017) – Atabaev M. A., Petrov A. N. Compliance control as a tool of ensuring economic security of organizations [Komplaens-kontrol’ kak instrument obespecheniya ekonomicheskoi bezopasnosti organizatsii] Accounting and analytical support – information base of economic security of economic subjects [Uchetno-analiticheskoe obespechenie – informatsionnaya osnova ekonomicheskoi bezopasnosti khozyaistvuyushchikh sub”ektov], 2017, p. 25-30
  6. Bulyga, Kupriyanova (2015) – Bulyga R.P., Kupriyanova L.M. Assessment of compliance risks. International scientific journal “Economics. Business. Banks”. Publishing house “RIM University”, M.: 2015. No 3 (12). Pp. 16-32.



Ekaterina S.Bursakova

3rd-year undergraduate student, Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, Institute of space technology (ICT), Faculty of Management

The influence of the national brand to strengthen the economic positions of Russia in the world community


Rationale The article deals with studying the influence of the national brand on strengthening Russia’s economic position in the world community.

Objectives The main goal of the research is to analyze and to systemize the views on various assessment ratings of the national economies competitiveness as well as to justify the influence of the national brand on the attractiveness of the image of the country for investment, cooperation, tourism and living.

Methodology The study is based on the principles of systemic and comprehensive approaches. The research methods employed include analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, the techniques of logical and semantic analysis.

Conclusions The article discusses the ratings of the countries, the impact of a country’s brand on the ratio of its attractiveness for tourism, accommodation, cooperation and investments in various domestic industries. It is argued that rebranding the national brand and competent management of a country brand can have a significant impact on the strengthening of economic positions of Russia in the world community that is relevant at the moment. The necessity of conduction of an in-depth study of the subject to develop a complex of measures on increase of appeal of Russia has been proved.

Keywords: National brand, rebranding, Russia, world community, rocket and space industry, competitiveness, investment appeal


  1. Kerimova (2015) Kerimova Ch.V. Analytical procedures estimation of brand value as a tool for the formation of business value. Collection of scientific articles on the results of the International Conference., Edited by prof. V.I. Barilenko. [Analiticheskie protseduryi otsenki stoimosti brenda kak instrumenta formirovaniya stoimosti biznesa. Sbornik nauchnyih statey po rezultatam Mezhdunarodnoy konferentsii. pod redaktsiey prof. V.I. Barilenko.] M.: Publisher “Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation.” [M.: Izdatelstvo “Finansovyiy universitet pri Pravitelstve RF”] 2015. P.95-100 [in Russian]
  2. Berdnikov V.V., Gavel O.Yu. (2014) Berdnikov V.V., Gavel O.Yu. Prospects for a strategic analysis of the data in terms of realization of adaptive model of business management [Perspektivy primeneniya strategicheskogo analiza dannyh v usloviyah realizacii modeli adaptivnogo upravleniya biznesom] Audit and financial analysis [Audit i finansovyj analiz] 2014, no. 6, pp. 239–251. [in Russian]
  4. Kozlova N.A. National branding of Russia and the image of the NCFD: features of formation and mutual influence. Actual issues of social sciences: sociology, political science, philosophy, history: coll. Art. By mater. XXXVI Intern. Scientific-practical. Conf. [Natsionalnyiy brending Rossii i imidzh SKFO: osobennosti formirovaniya i vzaimovliyaniya. Aktualnyie voprosyi obschestvennyih nauk: sotsiologiya, politologiya, filosofiya, istoriya: sb. st. po mater. XXXVI mezhdunar. nauch.-prakt. konf.] Novosibirsk: SibAK, 2014. [Novosibirsk: SibAK] 2014, № 4(36). [in Russian]
  5. The Global Innovation Index 2016. Winning with Global Innovation Space News, February, 2000 г.
  6. Zobov A.M., Vasilieva O.A. Rebranding Russian cosmonautics in the context of the evolution of the national branding of Russia. Collection of materials of the first All-Russian scientific and practical conference “Problems and prospects of economic development of the rocket and space industry for the period until 2030 and its resource support”, (PFUR, November 21-23, 2013 ). [Rebrending rossiyskoy kosmonavtiki v kontekste evolyutsii natsionalnogo brendinga Rossii. Sbornik materialov pervoy Vserossiyskoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii «Problemyi i perspektivyi ekonomicheskogo razvitiya raketno-kosmicheskoy otrasli promyishlennosti na period do 2030 goda i ee resursnoe obespechenie», (RUDN, 21-23 noyabrya 2013 goda)] M.: Publishing house “MKAD” [M.: Izdatelstvo “MKAD”] 2014. 200p .: ill Т.2. [in Russian].


Mikhail M. Popovsky

Student, International Law Institute, Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL), Moscow (E-mail:

Prospects of developing legislation in the field of copyright and related rights in the Russian Federation


The paper deals with the number of problems challenging for copyright law and related rights, such as discrete nature of rules contained in legal acts, cyberspace legal regulation, artificial intelligence and robotisation in this field. A number of measures aimed at improving copyright legislation are discussed with a view to ensuring its compliance with the current IT development.

Keywords: artificial intelligence, copyright and related rights, intellectual piracy, intellectual property law, robotisation, systematisation of legislation.


  1. Entin V.L. (2017) – Entin V.L. Copyright in virtual reality (new opportunities and challenges of the digital era) [Avtorskoe pravo v virtualnoy realnosti (novyie vozmozhnosti i vyizovyi tsifrovoy epohi)]; Statute [Statut]. – 2017. Source: (circulation date: March 24, 2017) [In Russian]
  2. The Criminal Code of the Russian Federation of June 13, 1996, No. 63-FZ (as amended on April 17, 2017) [Ugolovnyiy kodeks Rossiyskoy Federatsii ot 13.06.1996 # 63-FZ (red. ot 17.04.2017)] // Collection of the legislation of the Russian Federation. – 1996. – No. 25. – Art. 2954. [Sobranie zakonodatelstva RF. – 1996. – # 25. – St. 2954.] [In Russian]
  3. Nazaykin (2017) – Nazaykin IA Protection of copyrights in the Russian legislation [Zaschita avtorskih prav v rossiyskom zakonodatelstve]; Young scientist [Molodoy uchenyiy]; – 2016. – №5. – P. 506-508: -https: // (circulation date: March 24, 2017) [In Russian]
  4. Constitution of the Russian Federation (adopted by popular vote on 12.12.1993) [Konstitutsiya Rossiyskoy Federatsii (prinyata vsenarodnyim golosovaniem 12.12.1993)]
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Vsevolod V. Makhrov

Student, International Law Institute, Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL), Moscow (

Legal protection and defence of trademark rights


A number of concepts such as tamga, stamps, trademarks etc are considered in the paper presented. The historical aspect of the appearance of trademarks, the preceding signs and the reasons for their appearance has been studied. The comprehensive definition of the concept of a trademark is given using the legal doctrine and consideration of the arbitration practices of protecting the rights to trademarks.

Keywords: copyright, defence of rights, trademarks, individualization, exclusive licence, rivalry, arbitrary symbol



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