The Modern Lawyer №1(14)




Natalia F. Popova

doctor of law, Professor of the Chair of «Administrative and information law», Financial University under the Government оf the Russian Federation, Moscow (E-mail:

Revisiting the authoritative powers of the local self-government bodies


The article deals with the basic requirements for empowerment of local self-government bodies of certain authoritative powers. These requirements include the following: local self-government bodies can be lodged with authoritative powers for perpetual existence only by federal laws or laws of constituent entities of the Russian Federation; these powers are usually delegated to the local authorities of municipal districts and urban districts and should be financially supported only by the subventions from respective (specifically federal and regional) budgets; local governments have the right to use their own resources and financial means for the implementation of the delegated powers; the transferable authoritative powers are enumerated in p. 6 art. 16.3 of Federal Law No. 184-FZ (passed on October 6, 1999) “On general principles of organization of legislative (representative) and executive local self-government bodies of the Russian Federation”; exercise of certain authoritative powers is not a right but a legal power of the local authorities; the legislator has established specific requirements for both the federal laws and laws of a constituent of the Russian Federation endowing the local self-governmental bodies certain authoritative powers; the grounds for the termination of delegated powers are legally enshrined. The author specifies that the key problem of the empowerment of local self-government bodies of certain authoritative powers is the untimed and incomplete financial support of these powers’ exercise using the subventions to the local budgets from the respective budgets. JEL: K 23

Keywords: local authorities, public authority, public authorities, financial security, subvention, the local budget, the budget of the Russian Federation, the federal budget, organs of authoritative powers, termination of powers of government authority.


Afanasiev 2014 – Afanasev A.A. Implementation by local authorities of rural settlements of certain State functions [Osuschestvlenie organami mestnogo upravleniya selskih poseleniy otdelnyih gosudarstvennyih funktsiy], // Science and education: industry and Economics; entrepreneurship; law and governance [Nauka i obrazovanie: hozyaystvo i ekonomika; predprinimatelstvo; pravo i upravlenie] 2014. № 4. P. 34-40 [in Russian].

Byalkina 2015 – Byalkina T.M. About some aspects of Russian municipal government in light of the new municipal reform [O nekotoryih aspektah rossiyskogo gorodskogo samoupravleniya v svete novoy munitsipalnoy reformyi] // Constitutional and municipal law [Konstitutsionnoe i munitsipalnoe pravo] 2015. № 1. P. 62-66 [in Russian].

Dityatkovsky 2013 – Dityatkovskiy M.U. About subjects of reference of bodies of State power and bodies of local self-government [O predmetah vedeniya organov gosudarstvennoy vlasti i organov mestnogo samoupravleniya] //Journal of Russian law [Zhurnal rossiyskogo prava]. 2007. № 11. P. 23-32 [in Russian].

Gulin 2013 – Gulin V.V. Some problems of interaction between bodies of State power and bodies of local self-government [Nekotoryie problemyi vzaimodeystviya organov gosudarstvennoy vlasti i organov mestnogo samoupravleniya] // State power and local self-government [Gosudarstvennaya vlast i mestnoe samoupravlenie]. 2013. № 11. P. 20-23 [in Russian].

Peshin 2015 – Peshin N.L. Some problems of interaction between bodies of State power and bodies of local self-government [Novyie tendentsii munitsipalnoy reformyi: uroven gorodskih okrugov i munitsipalnyih rayonov] // State power and local self-government [Konstitutsionnoe i munitsipalnoe pravo]. 2013. № 11. P. 20-23 [in Russian].

Podlasenko 2014 – Podlasenko O.A. Supervision of observance of the rights of orphans and children left without parental care to housing [Nadzor za soblyudeniem prav detey-sirot i detey, ostavshihsya bez popecheniya roditeley, na zhiloe pomeschenie] // Legitimacy [Zakonnost]. 2014. № 7. P. 33 – 40 [in Russian].

Shugrina 2014 – Shugrina E.S. Legislation on local self-government: an analysis of the status and trends of development [Zakonodatelstvo o mestnom samoupravlenii: analiz sostoyaniya i tendentsii razvitiya] // Municipal law [Munitsipalnoe pravo]. 2014. № 4. P. 2-19 [in Russian].




Vladimir M. Shumilov

Doctor of juridical sciences, professor, Head of the Chair оf |International law”, All-Russia Academy for Foreign Trade оf the Ministry for economic development оf Russian Federation, Moscow (E-mail:

Italian doctrine of international law Compared with the Russian doctrine


In the Article the analysis of the Italian doctrine of International Law and the review of the famous universities’ textbooks on International Law reflecting this doctrine are given. Special attention is dedicated to the notion of “International Law” and its’ role in international relations, to sources of the international law (specifically customs and law-making treaties) and its’ basic principles, system of International Law, to particular branches of International Law and to the practice of its’ application, as always as to the structure and content of the textbooks on International Law. The study of the Italian doctrine of International Law is made on the background of the Russian doctrine of International Law and the views and opinion of Russian lawyers and legal theorists. This article is directed to the Russian academic and educational circles to stimulate studying of foreign doctrines of international law from theoretical and practical positions. During the current research philosophical principles of learning, the dialectic approach, structured-system and rather legal analysis, formal-logic methods have been employed among with the case study and theoretical modeling. The civilization view on world community construction has also been employed. The author comes to conclusion, that the Italian doctrine is not enough systemized and even does not quite reflects modern realities. It is also less detailed and proved theoretically and factually in comparison with the Russian doctrine. JEL: К33

Keywords: International Law, Italian doctrine, Russian doctrine, subject of international law (IL), correlation of IL and International Private Law, sources of IL, customs of IL, common principles of Law, the Law of international agreements, the State and IL, a reciprocity principle in IL, the state immunity, extraterritorial jurisdiction, the right of the nations for self-determination, the international offences, the international justice.


Treves T. Diritto internazionale, problemi fondamentali. Milano: Giuffre, 2005.

Conforti B. Diritto internazionale. – Napoli: Esi, 2013.

Cannizzaro V. Diritto internazionale. – Torino, 2012. Vylegzhanin (2009) International law: Textbook [Mezhdunarodnoe pravo: uchebnik] ed. Vilegzhanin A.N. M.: Higher Education, Yurayt [Vysshee obrazovanie, Jurajt-izdat] 2009 P.27-323.

Egorov Mezhdunarodnoe Law: Textbook [Mezhdunarodnoe pravo: uchebnik] Ed. Editor Egorov S.A. 5th edition. M: Statute [Statut] 2014. P. 322-1048/

Biriukov (2013) Biryukov P.N. International law: the textbook [Mezhdunarodnoe pravo: uchebnik] 6th edition. M.: Yurayt [Jurajt] 2013. P.699, 800/

Bekjashev (2009) Public international law: the textbook [Mezhdunarodnoe publichnoe pravo: uchebnik] ed. Bekyashev K.A., 5th edition. – M.: Prospekt [Prospekt] 2009. P. 818, 883

Tuzmukhamedov (2014) Tuzmukhamedov B.R. International law: the textbook [Mezhdunarodnoe pravo: uchebnik] 4th edition. M: Norma [Norma] 2014. P. 486.

Shumilov (2012) Shumilov V.M. International law: the textbook [Mezhdunarodnoe pravo: uchebnik] 2nd edition. M.: International Relations [Mezhdunarodnye otnoshenija].

Chernichenko (2014) – Chernichenko S.V. The contours of international law. General issues. [Kontury mezhdunarodnogo prava. Obshhie voprosy] M.: Science Book [Nauchnaja kniga], 2014, P.325-330.

Velyaminov (2015) – Velyaminov G.M. International law: the experiments. [Mezhdunarodnoe pravo: opyityi]. M.: Statute [Statut], 2015. P.231-233.

Shumilov (2002) – Shumilov V.M. International law and global legal system [Mezhdunarodnoe pravo i global’naja pravovaja sistema] Moscow Journal of International Law [Moskovskij zhurnal mezhdunarodnogo prava] 2002, № 4. P. 68-87.

Shumilov (2014) – Shumilov V.M. About periodization of international law in the context of civilized approach: Russia and the West [O periodizacii mezhdunarodnogo prava v kontekste civilizacionnogo podhoda: Rossija i Zapad] Eurasian Law Journal [Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal] 2014. № 10. P.44-50.

Starodubtsev (2015) – Ed. Starodubcev G.S. This International Law: Textbook [Ob jetom: Mezhdunarodnoe pravo: uchebnik] M.: RIOR: INFRA-M [RIOR: INFRA-M] M.: 2015, PP.75-77.

Arechaga (1983) – Aréchaga Je.H. Modern international law. [Sovremennoe mezhdunarodnoe pravo] Trans. Spanish. M.: Progress [Progress] 1983, PP. 20-58.

Tunkin (1970) – Tunkin G.I. The theory of international law [Teorija mezhdunarodnogo prava] M.: International Relations [Mezhdunarodnye otnoshenija] 1970: PP. 129-167.

Danilenko (1988) – Danilenko G.M. The custom in modern international law [Obyichay v sovremennom mezhdunarodnom prave] M., 1988.

Shestakova (2005) ed. Shestakov L.N. International law: the textbook [Mezhdunarodnoe pravo: uchebnik]. M.: Legal Literature [Juridicheskaja literatura] 2005, PP. 51-57. International law: the textbook [Mezhdunarodnoe pravo: uchebnik] ed. pod red. Kuznecova V.I. and. Kuznetsova I.N. M.: Lawyer [Jurist] 2001. P.75. Kuznecova,

Tuzmuhamedova (2007) ed. Kuznetsova I.N. and Tuzmukhamedov B.R. International law: the textbook [Mezhdunarodnoe pravo: uchebnik] 2nd edition. M.: Norma [Norma] 2007, PP. 126-129.

Lukashuk (2004) Lukashuk I.I. The modern law of treaties [Sovremennoe pravo mezhdunarodnyh dogovorov] M., 2004.

Shumilov (2012) Shumilov V.M. International law: the textbook [Mezhdunarodnoe pravo: uchebnik] 2nd edition. – M.: International relations [Mezhdunarodnye otnoshenija] 2012. P. 66. The Federal Law «On jurisdictional immunities of foreign States and the property of a foreign state in the Russian Federation». [Federal’nyj zakon «O jurisdikcionnyh immunitetah inostrannogo gosudarstva i imushhestva inostrannogo gosudarstva v Rossijskoj Federacii»] Russian newspaper [Rossijskaja gazeta] November 6, 2015.




Alexey P. Albov

doctor of legal sciences, professor, Chairman of Chair of “History and Theory of State and Law” Financial University at the Government of the Russian Federation,Moscow (E-mail:

Stanislav V. Nikolyukin

Candidate of juridical sciences, Deputy Head of Chair of “History and Theory Of State and Law” Financial University at the Government of the Russian Federation,Moscow (E-mail:

law and migration: contemporary issues in globalization


The article shows that migrants in another state face the marginal environment as they are negatively affected by lifestyle, a new culture and religion of a foreign country. These emigrants are unconcerned with the foreign culture and the country at large, they need a source of physical existence only. It is proved that such migration is deeply flawed, so when the human rights activists talk about the violation of the rights of migrants and tolerance, they ignore that migration primarily violates the rights of the local population. Processes of globalization leading to unprecedented level of interdependence of cultures, people and civilizations, bring to life the necessity to transit from a hierarchical system of international relations based on the principles of domination, monism and subordination, to the system of international relations based on the principles of democracy and pluralism. JEL: K20

Keywords: law and tolerance, immigration, multiculturalism, state and law, liberalism, totalitarianism, globalization, democracy, with a public-democracy.


Al’bov, Nikoljukin-2016. Albov A.P. Nikolyukin S.V. Housing law. [Zhilishhnoe pravo]. M.: Justice, 2016. p. 17-25.

Popova-2013. Popova A.V. The neo-liberal type of law in Russia (second half XIX- beginning of XX century) [Neoliberal’nyj tip pravoponimanija v Rossii (vtoraja polovina XIX- nachalo XX v.)] Journal of Russian law. 2013. № 1. pp 103-108.

Al’bov-2012. Albov A.P. Grounds for the development of civil society and the rule of law [Osnovanija razvitija grazhdanskogo obshhestva i pravovogo gosudarstva]. Public and private law. 2012. № 3. p. 21-29.

Shalin, Al’bov – 2005. Shalin V.V., Albov A.P. Right and tolerance: the liberal tradition in the era of globalization [Pravo i tolerantnost’: liberal’nye tradicii v jepohu globalizacii]. Krasnodar, Krasnodar Academy of the Russian Interior Ministry, 2005.

Nikoljukin-2014. Nikolyukin S.V. Overcoming legal collisions and conflicts through the use of judicial procedures (for example, arbitration courts of the Russian Federation) [Preodolenie juridicheskih kollizij i konfliktov posredstvom primenenija sudebnyh procedur (na primere arbitrazhnyh sudov Rossijskoj Federacii)]. 2014. № 5. p. 23-29.

Shalin,Al’bov-2005 Shalin V.V., Albov A.P. Right and tolerance: the liberal tradition in the era of globalization [Pravo i tolerantnost’: liberal’nye tradicii v jepohu globalizacii]. Krasnodar, Krasnodar Academy of the Russian Interior Ministry, 2005.

Shalin,Al’bov-2005 Shalin V.V., Albov A.P. Right and tolerance: the liberal tradition in the era of globalization [Pravo i tolerantnost’: liberal’nye tradicii v jepohu globalizacii]. Krasnodar, Krasnodar Academy of the Russian Interior Ministry, 2005.

Al’bov-2013. Albov A.P. Cultural norms as the source and form of law [Normy kul’tury kak istochnik i forma prava] The modern lawyer. Number 2013. 4 (5). pp. 54-65.

The history of Russian state and law [Istorija otechestvennogo gosudarstva i prava]. Ed. A.P. Al’bova, S.V. Nikolyukin. M .: Yurayt 2016.


Armen L. Oganesyan

Candidate of Juridical Sciences,Deputy Head of Department – Head of Judicial Protection Department of Judical Support Administration of Federal Migration Service, Moscow (E-mail:

Alibek S. Gukov

Candidate of Juridical Sciences, Assistant Professor, Associate Professor of Chair of “Theory and History of State and Law”, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation Moscow (E-mail:

Formation of principal of free movement of labour force in the Eurasian economic union


The article deals with the formation of the principle of free movement of labor force in the Eurasian Economic Union. By analysis of the international legal acts which were adopted in the period from 1993 till 2015 the authors had pointed out three time periods and came to the conclusion that the formation of the principle of free movement of labor force is inextricably connected with stages of establishment and functioning of common economic union between the CIS countries, the Customs Union and the Eurasian Economic Union within Eurasian Economic integration. During steps of the studies of each stage it becomes apparent that the subject of free movement of labor force in the Eurasian Economic Union has repeatedly changed in recent years. However for the time being it suits most accurately the needs of both EEU member states and their working people which nevertheless does not deny the necessity of the further development. JEL: K33

Keywords: EEU, Eurasian Economic Union, free movement, labor force, labor activity, worker, Migrant Worker.


Alimov (2015) – Alimov E.V., Grigoriev A.V. The social and legal status of migrant workers in the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union [Sotsialno-pravovoe polozhenie trudovyih migrantov v stranah Evraziyskogo ekonomicheskogo soyuza] Magazine of Russian law [Zhurnal rossiyskogo prava] 2015 № 10. ConsultantPlus [SPS KonsultantPlyus] [in Russian]

Oganesyan (2011) – Oganesyan A.L. Legal personality of migrant workers under the Russian legislation [Pravosubektnost trudyashchihsya migrantov po rossijskomu zakonodatelstvu], Bulletin of the Russian Interior Ministry [Vestnik MVD Rossii] 2011 № 1. P. 23-28 [in Russian]

Gukov (2012) – Gukov A.S. Some ethnic aspects of legal consciousness [O nekotoryh ehtnicheskih aspektah pravovogo soznaniya] Modern Lawer [Sovremennyj Yurist] 2012 № 1. P. 49-52 [in Russian]

Neshataeva (2014) – Neshataeva T.N. On the question of the creation of the Eurasian Union: Integration and internationalism [K voprosu o sozdanii Evraziyskogo soyuza: integratsiya I nadnatsionalizm] International justice [Mezhdunarodnoe pravosudie] 2014 № 2. P. 57-70 [in Russian]


Svetlana S. Gorokhova

candidate of juridical sciences, associate Professor, associate Professor of the department of History and Theory of State and Law Financial university at the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow (E-mail:


The legislative innovations on the admission and departure from the Russian Federation


The article is devoted to topical issues of legal regulation of admission, stay and departure from the Russian Federation of foreign citizens in the modern geopolitical conditions based on the recent changes in legislation imposed by the Federal laws in 2012-2015, in particular, the Federal law from 30.12.2012 № 303-FZ «On amendments to articles 25 and 25.6 of the Federal law «On the procedure for departure from the Russian Federation and admission into the Russian Federation», the Federal law from 20.04.2014 № 71-FZ «On amendments to the Federal law «On citizenship of the Russian Federation” and certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation», Federal law from 23.05.2015 № 129-FZ «On amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation» and other acts. JEL: K20


foreign nationals, the entry, temporary stay, check, visa, migration, migration policy, migration card, invitation letter, purpose of travel, the undesirability of stay, a Russian speaker.


Shelomentsev, V. N. The formation of legislation and the evolution of views of Russian scientists on the problems of correlation of state and civil society in the first quarter of the XX century [Formirovanie zakonodatel’stva i jevoljucija vzgljadov rossijskih uchenyh po problemam sootnoshenija gosudarstva i grazhdanskogo obshhestva v pervojchetverti XX veka] Politics and society [Politikaiobshhestvo] 2012. №. 3. P. 49-58. [in Russian]

Shelomentsev, V. N., Gorokhova S. S., the confiscation of property used or intended to Finance extremist activity [Voprosy konfiskacii imushhestva, ispol’zuemogo ili prednaznachennogo dlja finansirovanija jekstremistskoj dejatel’nosti] Lawyer [Advokat]. 2015. № 7. P. 5 – 9. [in Russian]

Gorokhova S. S. problems of theory of state building and national security [Aktual’nye problem teorii gosudarstvennogo stroitel’stva i nacional’noj bezopasnosti] the Russian legislation: trends and prospects: monograph [Rossijskoe zakonodatel’stvo: tendencii i perspektivy: monografija] Under General scientific editorship: Frolova N. A. – Moscow: Orbita-M[Orbita-M], 2013. P. 121-126 [in Russian]

Yumashev Y. M. Migration policy of the European Union and third-country nationals [Migracionnaja politika Evropejskogo Sojuza i grazhdane tret’ih stran] Journal of Higher school of Economics [Pravo. Zhurnal Vysshej shkolyj ekonomiki] 2011. Vol. 1. P. 100-111. [in Russian]


Albina M.Fathutdinova

Candidate of law sciences, Associate professor of Chair «Theory and history of the state and right», Financial University under the Government, Moscow (E-mail:

Regulatory aspects of international migration


In the conditions of economic activities’ globalization and the internationalization of social life, the international migration obtains the key importance in the global socioeconomic development. The author marks both positive and negative aspects of international migration, which have their own particular qualities in different states. National institutions and legal regulatory basis are considered here as well. The author of the article considers that bailout from this situation is intimately connected with the establishment of the system of the global governance in the field of migration. JEL: J 61, F22, F55

Keywords: migration, the global process, refugees, democracy, urbanization, migration flows, state.


Rubanik (2015) Rubanik V.E. History of state and law of foreign countries [Istorija gosudarstva i prava zarubezhnyh stran. Uchebnik dlja vysshih uchebnyh zavedenij v ramkah napravlenija podgotovki «Jurisprudencija»] Moscow: KnoRus [KnoRus], 2015 [in Russian]

Gontmakher (2013) Gontmakher E. World Migration Processes: The Need of Global Regulation [Mirovye migracionnye processy: neobhodimost’ global’nogo regulirovanija] Voprosy Economiki [Voprosy jekonomiki].2013, № 10 [in Russian]

Gulina (2015) Gulina O.R. Migration in the European Union [Migracija v Evropejskom sojuze]// Migration [Migracija XXI vek].2015, № 4(31) [in Russian]

Russia 2014. Statistical directory [Rossija 2014. Statisticheskij spravochnik].-Moscow: Rosstat [Rosstat], 2014.




Tatiana B. Gvozdeva

Candidate of historical sciences, Associate professor Departments are «Theory and history of the state and right» Financial University under the Government, Moscow (E-mail:

Inna A. Gvozdeva

Candidate of historical sciences, Associate professor Departments of history of The ancient world of historical faculty of Moscow state University, Moscow (E-mail:

The veteran assignations in the roman land law


The veteran assignations become one of the most successful solutions of the most important economic problem of the Ancient Rome – assignation of land plots for citizens. Assignatio i.e. transfer of land plots into the private property is an ancient institution of the Roman land law, which allowed plebeians to get land plots as opposed to occupatio (squatting on the public land – ager publicus), possessed only by patricians. Assignatio was developed and formed into the land law slowly due to imperfect land surveying. However, at the end of the Republic period Roman law conceded two important technical methods of land surveying: limitatio (division of land with direct divisors – limites) and centuriatio (division of land with a square unit of area – centuria). Using these technical methods, the emperor Augustus created the Roman land cadaster, applying the territory of a Roman veteran colony as its’ scheme. As a result, assignatio demonstrated an exact calculation of land plots for colonists and full legal guarantees of private property. JEL: К 33

Keywords: limitation, centuriation, ownership (possessio), property (dominium), assignation.


Gvozdeva-1999. Gvozdeva I.A. «Finis» and «rigor» in an agrarian right for ancient Rome [«Finis» i «rigor» v agrarnom prave drevnego Rima] Ancient East and ancient world [Drevnij Vostok i antichnyj mir]. M. Vyp. 2. M., 1999, p. 75. [in Russian]

Hinrichs F.T. Die geschichte der gromatischen Institutionen. Wiesbaden, 1974. S. 33-46.

Gvozdeva, Gvozdeva-2015. Gvozdeva T.B., Gvozdeva I.A. Strigatio-scamnatio – stage of development of the roman landed law [Strigatio-scamnatio – jetap razvitija rimskogo zemel’nogo prava] The Modern Lawyer [Sovremennyj jurist]. М., 2015. № 4 (13). October-december, pp. 100-101, 104. [in Russian]

Gvozdeva-2014. Gvozdeva I.A. Land law in the proceedings of the cadastre of Emperor Augustus [Zemel’noe pravo v sudoproizvodstve kadastra imperatora Avgusta] Historical journal: research [Istoricheskij zhurnal: nauchnye issledovanija]. M., 2014. № 3 (21), p. 333. [in Russian]

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Gvozdeva, Gvozdeva-2014. Gvozdeva I.A., Gvozdeva T.B. Terminus-the guardian of Roman borders [Terminus – ohranitel’ rimskih granic] Antiquitas aeterna. Volga antikovedčeskij magazine [Antiquitas aeterna. Povolzhskij antikovedcheskij zhurnal]. Vyp. 4. N. Novgorod, 2014, p. 250-251. [in Russian]

Gvozdeva, Gvozdeva-2014. Gvozdeva I.A., Gvozdeva T.B. Terminus-the guardian of Roman borders [Terminus – ohranitel’ rimskih granic] Antiquitas aeterna. Volga antikovedčeskij magazine [Antiquitas aeterna. Povolzhskij antikovedcheskij zhurnal]. Vyp. 4. N. Novgorod, 2014, p. 258. [in Russian]

Moatti Cl. Archives et partage de la terre dans le monde romain (II siècle avant – I siècle après J.C.). Paris, 1993, p. 83.

Gvozdeva-2014. Gvozdeva I.A. Land law in the proceedings of the cadastre of Emperor Augustus [Zemel’noe pravo v sudoproizvodstve kadastra imperatora Avgusta] Historical journal: research [Istoricheskij zhurnal: nauchnye issledovanija]. M., 2014. № 3 (21), p. 340. [in Russian]




Stanislav V. Nikolyukin

candidate of juridical sciences, Deputy Head of Chair of “History and Theory of State and Law”, Financial university at the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow (E-mail:

Usage of electronic signatures as a form of law implementation in the economy-oriented information society


At the present time practically each expert in the field of information knows what an electronic signature is. However, unfortunately, very few people can understand that the usage of this technology creates in itself the conditions for the organization of legally significant electronic document flow as surely as the technology of paper or a ballpoint pen production is just an opportunity to organize a well-established paper document. What is necessary to undertake to exchange electronic documents with the use of electronic signature has become as well accustomed as paper-based documents? Electronic signature is an element of the electronic document, intended for protection of electronic document from forgery and resulting from the cryptographic transformation of information using a private key digital signature. Electronic signature allows to identify the owner of the signature key certificate as well as to establish the absence of distortion of information in an electronic document. Electronic signature in electronic documents has the same force and effect as a manual signature on a paper document. JEL: K20

Keywords: Information, Internet, electronic document, electronic signature, legal means, the implementation of law, the use of rights, the signature, manual signature.


From the speech of V.V. Putin, the first Russian forum «Internet Economy» [Iz vystuplenija V.V. Putina na pervom rossijskom forume «Internet Jekonomika»]

An electronic file, a named set of complete binary information, a set of data used by the software or created by the user. The file is a basic element of storage in a computer, the organization of information allows the computer to distinguish one set of data from another. Manishin-2001. Manisin S.V. Civil-law regulation the use of digital signatures in electronic data interchange [Grazhdansko-pravovoe regulirovanie primenenija JELektronno-cifrovoj podpisi v sfere JELektronnogo obmena dannymi]. Author. diss … cand. jurid sciences [Avtoref. diss…kand. jurid nauk]. M., 2001, pp. 14-15.

Matuzov, Mal’ko- 2011. Matuzov N.I., Malko A.V. Theory of Government and Rights [Teorija gosudarstva i prava.]. M.: Publishing House «Delo», 2011. p. 492.

Legal Encyclopedic Dictionary / Under total. Ed. V.E. Krutskikh. 3rd ed., Rev. and add. [Juridicheskij jenciklopedicheskij slovar’ / Pod obshh. red. V.E. Krutskih. 3-e izd., pererab. i dop]. M.: INFRA-M, 2003. p.287.

Ozhegov-1970. Ozhegov S.I. Russian dictionary [Slovar’ russkogo jazyka]. M.: Publishing house «Soviet Encyclopedia», 1970. p.531.

Decree of March 3, 2003 № 65-item «Adoption and Implementation of the State Standard of the Russian Federation». Gosudarstvennogo Committee of the Russian Federation for Standardization and Metrology [Postanovlenie ot 03 marta 2003 goda №65-st «O prinjatii i vvedenii v dejstvie gosudarstvennogo standarta Rossijskoj Federacii».Gosudarstvennogo komiteta Rossijskoj Federacii po standartizacii i metrologii] PCA «Consultant».

Under the information in the context of Information Act refers to information (messages, data) regardless of the form of delivery [Pod informaciej v kontekste Zakona ob informacii ponimajutsja svedenija (soobshhenija, dannye) nezavisimo ot formy ih predostavlenija].

Resolution of the Federal Organ on 03/09/2013 №A35-10589/12 [Postanovlenie FAS CO ot 03.09.2013 №A35-10589/12]. URL: Resolution of the Federal Organ on 05.03.2012 №A23-2637/2011 [Postanovlenie FAS CO ot 05.03.2012 №A23-2637/2011]. URL:

The conclusion of the FAS Russia’s number CHP / 223 FZ-19/2014 from 11.12.2014 [Zakljuchenie FAS Rossii № RNP/223FZ-19/2014 ot 12.11.2014 g.]. URL:

Resolution of the Federal BBO from 11.08.2010 № A43-5226/2010 [Postanovlenie FAS VVO ot 11.08.2010 g. № A43-5226/2010]. URL:




Anna A. Firsova

1st year Master’s degree student of MAG15-01D Institute of a magistracy of FSEBIHE “The Moscow state legal University of O. E. Kutafin (MGYuA)”, Moscow (Email:

Problems and prospects of development of the mediation institute in Russia


The initiation of a legal action at the present time is the main remedy in Russia. However under the conditions of civil society brisk growth, mediation institute, when participants of disputable legal relationship become interested in independent settlement of disputes, arising between them, obtains the key importance. Nevertheless there are still very important differences between the interagency in a particular dispute and mediation. The first option of reconciliation is connected with self-restrictions and voluntary refusals while procedure of mediation has to lead to the decision which is not restraining but a satisfying the requirements of both parties (in other words, to the so-called «win-win» decision). Due to the legislative consolidation of mediation institute in the Russian Federation, it is required to define its’ main problems and methods of their resolution for simplification of practical introduction of this procedure for the purpose of development of adeqaute alternative of the state justice. JEL: K23, K41

Keywords: Mediation, mediator, mediating agreement, settlement agreement, mediation procedure, mediator courses, self-regulating organizations of mediators, mediation procedure.


1. Jandt F. Win-win negotiating: turning conflict into agreement. New York, 1985. P. 2.

2. The Federal Law of 27.07.2010 № 193-FZ «On alternative procedure of settlement of disputes with participation of the intermediary (mediation procedure) ». The Russian newspaper, № 168, 30.07.2010.

3. Sattarova A.A. Formation of institute of mediation in modern Russia: problems and prospects. Legal world. 2011. № 1. P. 47 – 51. [in Russian]

4. The Law of the Russian Federation of 26.06.1992 № 3132-1 «About the status of judges in the Russian Federation»./ The Russian justice, № 11, 1995.

5. Maximova E.Yu. Mediation in the conditions of modern Russia: problems and prospects. Legal world. 2011. № 6. P. 56 – 59.

6. The arbitration procedural code of the Russian Federation of 24.07.2002 № 95-FZ. The parliamentary newspaper, № 140-141, 27.07.2002.

7. Code of civil procedure of the Russian Federation of 14.11.2002 № 138-FZ./”The Russian newspaper”, № 220, 20.11.2002.

8. The Federal law of 27.07.2010 № 193-FZ «On alternative procedure of settlement of disputes with participation of the intermediary (mediation procedure)». Collection of the legislation of the Russian Federation, 02.08.2010, № 31, Art. 4162.